Magisterium: RHW
I'm in like Flynn.
My name is Random, and I'm an alt-aholic.
Main / Badger: Flamesprite - Fire/Fire Blaster - Triumph
Global: @Dynamite Monkey
Way too many alts on Triumph, Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted.
You may count me among your honored number, good sir.

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
Unfortunately, I have regular RL commitments every Sunday from 6:30-7:30pm ET. I'm not so self-absorbed to think that everyone else's schedule should be changed to accomodate me. Still, I would heartily join an attempt that fit my availability, or one that was in-progress as soon as I got home. Otherwise, good luck to everyone (including those who were running it tonight), and here's to hoping that Triumph can finally earn this last pesky little badge.
Blondeshell (1381 badges) - My other badge hunters
VidiotMaps Master Cartographer
MArc #87989 - Enter, The Conglomerate
Invention Salvage Distribution Charts
I'll be there, barring unforeseen circumstances.
Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.

I will be there unless work keeps me till six. Thanks for doing this.
I'll be there for this. Earlier this time.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
2. If you are going to craft from scratch specifically for this badge attempt, get the Seers - two damage-dealers.
3. Not sure which is better, but you definitely want Hybrid with one of these.
Other useful slots: Interface - If you're crafting specifically for this badge attempt, you want either the psi or toxic damage. (Cognitive or Degenerative)
4. You want two Ultimates per run AT A MINIMUM. Yes, more is better. (Of course, they last 3 minutes and don't stack, so there's a limit to how many you can use per run.) You can buy these from Astral Christy in Ouroboros or on the market. If using the market, put your bids in NOW. You can get them for 10-11 million each if you plan ahead. If you wait until Sunday, you'll pay 30 million or more. Also keep in mind that, while Astrals can not be traded between toons, the inspirations you buy can be traded (and emailed).
Other useful inspirations: Immortal Recovery. Time spent running back from the hospital is time you are not hitting Tyrant. The Immortal Recovery (tier 4 rez) inspiration brings you back with 100% hit points and no disorientation.
General comments (which may be old hat to you):
You want at least 4 kins. You also want some people with Ageless in their Destiny slot. Once you engage Cole, you want the entire league at or near both the recharge cap and the damage cap (someone needs to monitor these).
You want corrupters up the wazoo. On Infinity, we aim for 16 of them in the league. The lower you get Cole's hit points, the faster he regens. But the lower his hit points go, the more you'll be Scourging for extra damage.
You need to herd your 24 cats to scatter right before the lightning drops. Ideally, if everyone gets clear, there will be a clear area around him and you can charge right back in and continue the beatdown. This makes a huge difference. And no one is reading the chat window. If you can get most of the league on Skype, that also makes a huge difference. Yeah, it's annoying you need to resort to voice chat to maximize your odds of success, but that's how it is.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I've a Dark Corrupter that I would like to bring, schedule permitting.
Was anyone going to be doing any work up to this? I still have a Stalker that I'd like to get through all the iTrials on Triumph. He's about half way through Destiny and Lore on BAF's and Lambda's.
Toon Name: Kaide Wilson
Archetype: Scrapper
Hybrid Slot Ability: Assault Core Embodiment
Interface Slot Ability: Reactive Core Flawless
Alpha Slot Ability: Musculature Core Paragon
Additional Notes: Toon was poorly designed in terms of IOs. Wound up mainly going for hp and regen. Still, have 25% universal boost to damage, not counting Alpha Slot.
Would Love to come; as this is important, will not be natterring. Have been in many unsuccesful runs, and have always followed orders.
I should be available at that time with Aurora's /Rad debuffs and all the inspirations I can carry.
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
If you can get most of the league on Skype, that also makes a huge difference. Yeah, it's annoying you need to resort to voice chat to maximize your odds of success, but that's how it is.
Gotten the badge 3 times without any of that stuff.
All it takes is people who are willing to do what it takes to get the badge.
i.e. Team inspirations, paying very close attention, practically playing on the edge of their seats. Amplifiers certainly won't hurt. Avoiding defeat so you can maintain DPS is likely the most critical factor.
I've done this on leagues with as few as 2 corruptors. They are definitely a plus, but not a necessity.
I can't commit to this yet - I will be available, but I'm not sure I have a transfer token to do this. I'll need to wait and see. (not logged in atm.)
If I do, will be happy to help - but I have a lot of toons that would be helpful, it would be a question of which to bring.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
I'll be on leave and can bring my dk/dk corr.
@Klaw (sorry)
If you can use a well equipped blaster count me in.
@Black Leather Angel
Ill join the fray!
Frostyfrozen lvl 50 Pure Ice Blaster @Les Femmes Mystique
Meltalika lvl 50 - Snowdriftta lvl 50 - Icesong lvl 50 -Frostyblue lvl 50
Have Fun & Stay Safe
I should be around to help with this. I eagerly look forward to putting a cap on my badge count... maybe forever... but maybe not!
The Grim Saint - Virtueverse [1323 Badges]
That's 16 spaces spoken for. 8 remain for yall to join in on.
If you've been reading the helpful tips people have been leaving, I am sure you've noticed the recommendations for massive kinetic/Corruptor presence. I think that would be nice, and would definitely make @Vanden happy. He's been saying that we need to organize a special league build since Day 1. He still brings his tank to a RHW league with 3 other tanks though .XD
I agree more with Ukaserex, that a team does not need all these special bells and whistles.
I've been on Triumph for 7 years now. There aren't always a lot of people here who are both willing and able to join in on Master Trials there. I've always made it a point to not turn anyone away, if they have the courage to try. Sometimes, it takes a few weeks for us to get the hang of a trial. Keyes was prolly the hardest in fact; something about staying out of green patches of light was hard to understand for some players.
We have always emerged Triumphant in the long run though. We have never failed to get every badge in an issue before the next issue was released. Without swapping servers. Without some uberbuilt team. We've done it through determination, practice, and a conviction that any team of players in the game can face any challenge in the game and come out victorious if they know their toons well enough.
Triumph, you've never disappointed me. Ever.
That's why I am only stating that players that lead to an uberteam build are more than welcomed. I will never demand that we force a team build on Triumph. I leave that to others.
I understand what you are saying but This badge requires you to be kinda a jackass when it comes to team builds. more than 2 tanks is a waste of a potential damage dealer/debuffer/buffer. Some of those tanks might be badgers, but we have to make sacrifices. On Freedom I did 3 runs just so everyone could switch out and get the badges on their main toons.
I'll try to bring my fire/kin or my Ill/Time. Both +3 T4's everything. Also have a THug/Dark MM< btu he's kinda worthless on this with all the smashing/lethal Tyrant does. Also have a Warshade that is very versatile.
@Yat Man
I'll be there @Abstract Destruction
An heads up: I will not get off work till 4:30pm on Sunday and will get home around 5:30. I will trying to log on as soon as I can.
Update: 9/23/12. Work is not going well alright this early in the day. I m going to be a maybe. Sorry.
As mentioned in the other thread, I will be there with my fire/rad corrupter.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
As usual, I'm late to the party. I'll show up in case one of the others doesn't.
Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.
▲Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition▲
Originally Posted by Yat Man
I understand what you are saying but This badge requires you to be kinda a jackass when it comes to team builds.
If you've been reading the helpful tips people have been leaving, I am sure you've noticed the recommendations for massive kinetic/Corruptor presence. I think that would be nice, and would definitely make @Vanden happy. He's been saying that we need to organize a special league build since Day 1. He still brings his tank to a RHW league with 3 other tanks though .XD
That's why I am only stating that players that lead to an uberteam build are more than welcomed. I will never demand that we force a team build on Triumph. I leave that to others. |
Overall, I would say the following things are most important to a successful run:
- League co-ordination. Forget all the fancy stuff for a moment, but if you can't dodge the lightning patches and maintain DPS effectively, it doesn't matter what your league is made of. People need to be comfortable with the mechanics of the fight.
- Ultimate Inspirations. These are necessary. It is extremely important that people bring them, use them, and have enough for the entire fight. Each lasts 3 minutes, so 7 total should cover you for the entire fight assuming that you a) use them at the start and b) don't die. Different leagues use them at different points though. I've watched people forget to use them during runs and it hurts damage output immensely. I would also highly recommend team inspirations.
- Resistance debuffs. Everyone gets really wrapped up talking about Kins, but let's not forget that even though -regen debuffs are not helpful, -resistance debuffs are extremely helpful. They are also available from several different sets across a few ATs, which gives you some flexibility.
I'm interested in transferring over to help but there's a good chance I won't be available at that time. Best of luck to Triumph!

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
Hello Triumph,
On 23 September, 2012, I will be running the 4th week of Really Hard Way badge attempts for Triumph server in a row. I will start the trial at 4pm Pacific/6pm Central, although I would appreciate it if all participants would please arrive 30 minutes early for invites and pre-run instructions.
Fair warning, this may be my last organized run for this, as the new college term starts the following Monday for me. I do not yet know what kind of freedom I have on my time following this date.
I am looking for Volunteers for this now, asking that you sign up for a space in the run early if possible. Cross server participants are more than welcome. Extra damage, corruptors, and kinetics will be definitely welcomed. Please keep in mind, that even if you do not care about this badge for yourself, major damage or -resistance abilities are still useful to those who do care about gaining it and a filled team will have a better chance of victory.
The requirements for the badge are as follows:
Defeat Tyrant in the last phase/fight of Magisterium without defeating any of the Lights of the Well.
The lights of the Well can only be defeated by using the temp power: Quills of Jocas. They are one shot by this power, so I must be VERY clear to not use this power in your attack chain.
In order to win this trial, I am seeking several small things from my players. As I am very lenient, do not expect me to enforce all of them, but I do expect you to make an attempt to be ready. Remember, if for some reason, you cannot manage the recommend Incarnate Slots on time, having something is still better than having nothing.
- Be a +3 lvl incarnate
- Have a t4 Core branch Lore pet
- Have either Assault or Support Hybrid
- Have Ultimate Inspirations ready to use. The more the better.
- Be prepared to listen and follow procedures outlined before and during the trial. I will be checking.
- Expect the Tyrant fight to take the whole 20 minutes. Do not get nervous and jump the gun.
Any further suggestions here are welcome. The plan of attack will be decided prior to the actual run though. Please share input, guides, suggestions, etc prior to the trial itself in the forum or to me personally in game on @Sayaki.If you wish to Volunteer for this trial, now is the time. As said above, I plan to attempt this run at 4pm Pacific/6pm Central time on Sunday, September 23rd. Remember that space is limited, so it is on a first come, first served basis.
Thank you all for your time
Team 1
- @Sayaki
- @Taryn
- @Dynamite Monkey
- @Justaris
- @Vanden
- @Fallenz
- @Snow Globe
- @B Samson
Team 2- @Kederren
- @Froggerman
- @Arcanaville
- Ukaserex(possible)
- _Klaw_
- @Black Leather Angel
- @FrostyFrozen
- The Grim Saint
Team 3- @Abstract Destruction
- Ullikummis
- Stupid_Fanboy
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-Michael: Ill/Storm Troller <><><><><><> Slide-Show Base-Tour: Its a London Thing