84 -
Ha we had a adventure!
But that not mean our friendship needs to stop yet! -
Hello Ms. Lady of the Triumph server and the Les Femmes Super Group.
She was a good friend, a dedicated player and was a Vietnam Vet that passed away 2009.
Thankyou for doing this your very thoughful. -
Ha all I know its kinda been forgotten but I would really love to use those big old Tp'ers for Cathedral of Pain Trial.
Anyone else up for the task?? -
Ill be there too. . Just one question what we doing?!
Batz your comment had me remmebering this in the old JL cartoon.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iieN9sxPJLs -
Ohh thankyou for this thread its very helpful.
Hello Freinds
The Triumph community has rallied and returned at the news. And its wonderful to see those old friends back with thier capes on.
Though for some the ability and choice is behind them for they left CoH and this Earth plane.
To live on in the heavens above and brighten our hearts.
So below is a list for friends . . that are not forgotten and would want to be here in the last days with thier friends.
May all our capes be remembered. -
Wikipiedia has the news already added to the CoH page. They also say i24 is N/A to the Live Servers so we get i23 till unplug.
the punches to the gut are just not stopping.
Hi DrGemini
Been some time but today seems a good day to say "Hello" to a old friend and thankyou for the memory's. I hopeing we can turn this around but if not enjoy the remainder and we had us some great times.
May you're cape always fly.
Frostyfrozen triumph server -
Hello all
Like you I'm in shock and disbelief at the news and I will say out right pissed!!
8 yrs played with 276 days of played time on Frostyfrozen alone! And I have other 50's and other toons.
What has this all achieved one can ask I'll tell you what it has its helped me grow socially and personally. When Frostyfrozen first arrived she was not as self assured as today hosting Hami raids and making up self make events for strangers and new friends did that for her for me. and in doing so Triumph has become a community of friends from all corners of the globe and all walks of life. I remember Xhia logging in to tell of their wife giving birth to a new daughter. I remember Ultrabatz talking of his football injure and how he had trouble getting around after surgery for a time.
All these memory's will be lost like tears in the rain!
I not for one want this to happen your my friends and my escape.
So lets find a way to push back this night and bring a new dawn! -
. . Oh no. not again I'm deeply hurt to hear this news my heart go out to those who knew and loved him.
He was fun and good soul I teamed with him here and there on a few TF's.
Rest well as you'll not be forgotten! -
Hami to be attacked im so there!!
and bring warburg NUKES!!
We not need NO stinking Nukes!!
Sorry could not stop my self lol. -
cools your now VIP and just before i23 so youll be all setup . . Nice.
As for Super Groups there is many to choose from I could help you find one and Ill even suggest some that are not mine. lol
My info is at the bottom and remember Have Fun -
Happy 8th all and thank-you for the fun times looking forward to meany more.
You'll find Triumph has a few robo SG's how active they are is the question. There is a SG with room for you though & welcome to Triumph!! -
. . . How tragic and wrong . . My heart goes out to all his Family and Friends. . I'll treasure the times we got to share Jake.
I'am but its now to soon before work to bother tonight Ill see you all tomorrow
What is this Unknown Map my toons are spread out over many maps now they all on a Unknown Map and cant be loaded. Anyone know whats up?
Sorry all Due to a Fish tank Malfunction im busy offline lost 10 galons of water. But the carpet found it.
Wow surprised I'm the first to post on this.
Sunday March 11th 2:30pm pst
-Indy Port-
I'll be hosting a event inseen in Paragon City before.
Team Frisbee tossing.
Teams of up to 4 can enter and be judged on a few catagories.
-enviroment intraction
-npc intraction
-danger :O
The rewards for the winning team is still being debaited.
So give me a shout here or in game for questions or suggestions.