No "More"




Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
Don Quixote will be? :O
I wanted to make a D.Q. joke, but really, I'm just happy to be on forums where I have to be worried as to whether all the good showtune references are taken.



Just thought of a couple of big ones I'd like to see..

- Weather and seasons with buffs and debuffs to powers. If it's raining, a buff to electricity outside and a debuff to fire, etc.

- A Japanese garden with perpetual sakura falling.



What I'd add: (if I could)

The ability for the game to handle moving surfaces:

This could be used for vehicles, moving missions, moving platforms inside missions, and so on. Nothing in this game that moves can be interacted with in a model-to model way, which is part of why, in my book, things seem a bit dull, zones wise. Because so little is moving. The ports are full of cranes in the same spots they've been for 5 years. The big freighters don't move. Many cars don't come and go. The streets don't get crowded with traffic. Nothing moves but NPC characters and a few intangible/slick cars that drive through each other.


If my hero has destroyed a million council, the council I come up against will fear him. They've heard of him. If he's spent tons of times in Kings Row, cleaning up crime, civilians there will look up to him as a local hero. My villain who's slain a million longbow will get the same reaction as the hero to the council. If he's pulled off a thousand heists, and wrecked tons of foes, he will be widely feared. If he took down Lord Recluse, his patron, and the Freedom Phalanx, he'd get respect.


The ability for my villain to make a plot, and go through with it. As he does so, either enemy NPC's or player nemeses interfere to thwart said plots. The ability for my hero what task to do, and consequences for said decisions to come about. (Save city hall from a mad bomber, or thwart a chemical robbery?)

Greater interactivity with the city:

A.k.a. zone 'event' missions: help cops, rob an armored car passing through, halt a gang war, kidnap a rich mob boss, so on. Besides that, for hero missions to be given, not asked for: (i.e., you log in, police chief asks for help with a robbery, contact calls about a new council tip, positron asks about a Vahzilok problem when you have a large team assembled in his range) Villains can 'Find' missions in zones. Sneak past guards to find valuable tech plans, break down a longbow ship to seize all of its armaments, etc.

More than just 'combat' missions.

Espionage, saving people from a disaster, multi-objective missions involving diversions, avoiding, puzzles, investigations, bosses that must be fought through more than just 'hitting them harder.' (For the last, where they'd have specific protections/traps set that would need to be deactivated/destroyed to make them vulnerable.)

That's all.



The major problem for spy missions would be the fact that the majority of heores are superpowered, and can super speed, super jump, fly and teleport their way around, and unleash huges amounts of damage from their powers - have to sneak around and avoid enemies is kinda going against the way the gameplay is designed.

But there was one idea I had when GR was first announced, and that old NCSoft marketing survey with the Spy AT was brought up again, and that is to infiltrate a special Praetorian facility that suppressed all your powers, except Sprint and Brawl.
It would be some kind of top secret place Tyrant had shielded in some way from superpowers, to protect whatever was being stored there or going on inside - the staff would be normal NPCs, including security guards, as well as Clockwork.
You'd get a pistol temp power for the mission, but the enemies would have more firepower than you, so you'd have to avoid them to get to the heart of the facility and discover/take whatever the mission goal was, and then escape.

The power suppression tech is already in the game with the quiet studio in the AE buildings, and so are temp stealth and weapon powers, so rather than making anything new, it's just using existing stuff in a new way.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Since PVP was introduced, I'd love to see a zone that played out like;

Smear the guy with the football. I PC'ed the name of course.

Build a fairly flat zone that contains a randomly placed item of power, every 30 minutes the item appears in a new area in the zone. The item itself is protected by a forcefield and the last person to hit the forcefield becomes it.

It being he/she "Gains" incredible power to health and stamina, but also to all attacks. The goal for the person that is it of course is to hold on the the item of power as long as possible, every 3 minutes his/her power increases again if not defeated.

For a rough example, a lvl 50 becomes and instant lvl 60, 3 minutes regains health and stamina and becomes lvl 70, 3 more minutes lvl 80, then 90, and finally lvl 100. Think, "I am Hami type strength"

The person that was it would lose the item of power 2 ways, 1 being defeated, 2 surviving for 15 minutes.

The last person to hit the person when either of these are accomplished then becomes it.

Of course there would be badges, and some kind of perma ability if one were to survive for 15 minutes. Badges for total time in zone, and for PVP kills.

The player that was just it would have a 5 minute timer placed on them to make it fair for others to be it, and you could only be it a total of 2 times per hour.

To be extra nasty through in some Cot, Nem and Rikti and they also could possibly get the IoP as well.

That's my wish anyways.



I'd also like to be able to go into the prison and see how many baddies I've put behind bars, but then again, maybe not.

I'd like the ability that all our alts count as 1 person for the sg we belong to instead of taking up space for other possible members. Of course give us the option to leave said SG with an alt if we choose to.

I'd like for all TF/SF givers to get new TF's. Seriously after 5 years, they have to have found something else for us to do.

I side story of CoL.....City of Lawyers, where you can sue Heroes for damanges done to clients that were saved and didn't want to be.

Dodgeball in the arena.

Also implement the City of heroes card game into the game. I have no idea what happened to it, the only place where I live that plays card games stopped selling them as I seem to have been the only one buying them. I'd love to see us "win" decks when completing story arcs, getting vet rewards, or reaching lvl's, and for badges. we could sell them and trade in the auctions.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The major problem for spy missions would be the fact that the majority of heores are superpowered, and can super speed, super jump, fly and teleport their way around, and unleash huges amounts of damage from their powers - have to sneak around and avoid enemies is kinda going against the way the gameplay is designed. this world, subtlety is never required from the superpowered?

I disagree heartily, and think there are many ways it could be done, and many reasons for doing it. (Enemy is not supposed to know their machine was sabotaged, changing data is supposed to go unnoticed, secret plot you were tipped about may change if your intervention is known, etc.)

Even further, making players be careful would be a change of pace.




Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
Jumping while walking!

I don't care if you call it "impossible" or "just a dream"! We must dream the impossible dream! We must fight the unbeatable foe! We must run where the brave dare not go! We must reach the unreachable star!
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
That will be in a incremental build pretty soon.
We can haz shaving basin?

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post this world, subtlety is never required from the superpowered?
Well, it'd be the same in the comics - you'd need some kind of power suppression to make an exciting story if you were dealing with a superpowered character rather than a super trained normal character.
For example, Superman, Batman, The Flash, The Hulk and Spiderman would all have different ways of dealing with an infiltration mission.
Now in a comic, the writer can create a siuation that will fit the character to give them the toughest challenge - but in a superhero game, you have to design missions to fit every type of character - which is why some sort of universal power suppression in a mission would be the easiest way to balance a stealth mission - plus, it'd also be along the lines of those "superheroes-lose-all-their-powers" storylines - it make the players rethink the way they approached missions, and develop new tactics for them.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



"Subclassing." Once you hit level 50 with a character, you can pick a powerset that's not accessible by that AT and level it separately with "sub-levels" that go up to level 20. Some further points/ideas:

1) New powers are unlocked at sub-levels 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20. They correspond to Tier 1 and 2, Tier 3 and 4, Tier 5 and 6, Tier 7 and 8, and Tier 9 for availability.

2) Any non-power sub-level would give you ONE enhancement slot. (This means your level 20 subclass power would only have a single slot.) The enhancement slots could be used on ANY existing power, from your original powersets/pools or your subclass set.

3) Respeccing would automatically drop you back to sub-level 1, whether you changed your subclass powerset or not. You WOULD be able to have different subclass powersets on each of your character's builds, though.

4) Subclass powers would only be no greater than 75% as effective as they would for the AT best known for them*. Blast sets would do 75% or less of the damage that Blasters do, defense sets would offer 75% or less of the Defense or Resistance of Tankers, control sets would mez for 75% of the time a Controller would mez, etc.

5) Subclass powers would generally cost more endurance and recharge slower than the ATs that can earn those powers naturally. Subclass powers would NOT gain any other AT's inherent powers (Critical Hits, Defiance, etc.), and probably shouldn't even be affected by your original AT's inherent power.

6) Subclass powers would not be available when exemped below level 45, or in situations where they might unbalance gameplay (Master run TF/SFs or zone PVP, for example).

This would offer a greater variety of end-game playability for virtually everyone. It could lead to some overpowered combinations, such as a Stone Tank subclassed as an Empathy healer... but that mostly stems from the fact that certain powers for existing ATs (like Granite for Stone Tanks) are kind of overpowered to begin with.

Ideally, this would be unlocked by completing a brutally hard trial or event, akin to what the Cathedral of Pain was supposed to be. You'd hit level 20 in your subclass in about the same amount of time it takes a new character to reach level 40.

* (The actual percentage would be balanced based on your character's AT--Tankers would have a lower damage percentage when picking up a Blast due to their naturally low damage output, and Blasters would get less out of a defense set than, say, a buff/debuff or control set.)

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Individual living quarters.

Several other MMOs allow their players to purchase and maintain personal living quarters and I'd love to see them added to the City Of universe.

Let every character pick from the many tall, residential buildings in the game (or, if they so choose, from any unused building no matter what condition it's in!) and let that buliding's main entrance door take that character to their very own apartment to customize, remodel, and decorate with items purchased from static lists as well as unlockable items and items made with salvage/recipes.

Sure, there are SG bases to decorate, but not every character is in an SG. And even those who are still deserve to have a space of their very own to call home when they don't have the tights on.

I thing it would really add alot to the immersion of the game if you could watch the city skyline through the windows of your own personal living space (similar to the way you can still see the surrounding zone while in the Architect building). Then you click your front door... and you're outside the main building entrance, ready for action.

And it could turn some unused buildings into furniture stores, antique shops, etc... All new places for you to spend that hard earned influence/infamy on stuff for your home.

Over 8 years of playing with more than 130 characters across 14 servers. Nineteen 50s with plenty more working their way up!

Find me in-game as @Super MC



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I would like better dance emotes. Something like Guild Wars has.
I will forever be jealous of GW's dance emotes. Ours are like half-second clips repeated which are good for raves but pretty much nothing else. I so want to do riverdance and thriller in CoH.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
I'd like that, but it would also be neat if you could click on the door of the bus when it is paused at a bus stop and get a pop-up menu listing all of the neighborhoods in that zone. If you click one, then the bus will teleport you to the bus stop nearest the marker for that neighborhood.

I think that would be especially nice for new players. Sometimes a contact will tell you to go to a particular neighborhood and you have no way of knowing where in the zone that is.
THIS is a great idea! It's a very cool use of the bus stops ...

My COX Fanfiction:

Blue's Assembled Story Links



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
turning at the waist
If you turned at the waist, you would break in half 0o

Justice Server
Global: @Abraxxus



Originally Posted by Abraxxus View Post
If you turned at the waist, you would break in half 0o
Only if you twisted right around - I mean a normal turn, so you're looking at like a right angle to your front.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Three words: Freedom Phalanx headquarters.

Four more words: Freedom Phalanx reserve membership.

Four more words: Statesman summons the reserves.

AE Arcs: #10482 N00b Rescue Duty, #164100 The Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Dannan




As much as people like to bash the idea, they're a major part of the genre. I want em.

Also, shapeshifters and a new, non-epic, AT available to both sides.



I'm actually somewhat shocked that this thread has become so popular. Where were you guys when I made my last "I'm leaving" thread huh?



I generally weigh in enthusiastically when someone suggests making the GM appearances have an actual impact on the game environment. It would also be nice if the rewards for taking the dang things down got bumped up again to the old levels, so people would actually WANT to take them on.

I'd like to see the smash-things-up physics from Mayhem Missions applied to blueside missions. There are some villain bases just begging to have stuff trashed. A certain volcano base on Striga Isle comes to mind, but there are certainly many others.

Finally: a jet pack costume piece for Natural types who still take flight as a travel power. Heck, backpacks, period.

MA arcs: #1669, "A New Breed Rising"



Originally Posted by Mighty_Pain View Post
I'd like to see the smash-things-up physics from Mayhem Missions applied to blueside missions. There are some villain bases just begging to have stuff trashed. A certain volcano base on Striga Isle comes to mind, but there are certainly many others.
I want to fly out the top of the volcano carrying the giant robot, and throw it onto the base below

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I'm actually somewhat shocked that this thread has become so popular. Where were you guys when I made my last "I'm leaving" thread huh?
Did BAB post in your last "I'm leaving" thread?

Also, aren't those becoming a weekly occurrence on the boards?

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Actually, surprising even to me, I think it's been MONTHS since the last time I said I was leaving... if not a year. BaBs did comment on one of my avatars once though...



Actually I like this thread because no one takes the suggestions in it too seriously. I've posted two suggestions in here and they haven't gotten anything near what you can usually expect from the suggestions and ideas forum thrown at them. That combined with the OMG a dev read some of the thread pretty much ensures I'll be posting more ideas here. Speaking of which...

I have an idea that combines the desire for a GM that can wreak noticible havoc on an area with the desire for a destructible environment and with the desire for new zones. Mayhem in Suburbia. A zone that is one of the suburbs of Paragon City built from the ground up to be destructible from the street lamps to fire hydrants to the cookie cutter housing everything in the zone can be destroyed. The zone would reset on a set interval. A GM can spawn as part of a zone event and go on a rampage across the suburb. The GM of course can and will destroy houses and anything else it can lay hands on. Or alternatively the DE could take an interest in the zone from time to time and send several of their monsters in to attempt to reclaim the land. Of course Rikti raids must happen there and take full advantage of the zone's destructible environment. Can you imagine a Rikti Dropship doing a bombing run and actually destroying parts of the zone as it traveled. Of course you could take advantage of the non events times and do things like getting a kitteh out of a tree (possibly cutting the tree down in the process, morality possibility there) or rescue citizens from the rubble and wreckage of the last zone event.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Originally Posted by Crim_the_Cold View Post
I've posted two suggestions in here and they haven't gotten anything near what you can usually expect from the suggestions and ideas forum thrown at them.

I have an idea that combines the desire for a GM that can wreak noticible havoc on an area


Feel more at home now?