Powersets that you won't play?

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Mostly a question for the altaholics I suppose.

I've recently rolled a lot of new alts, and amongst them I've been trying various powers I've never used. Stone Melee and Stone Armor I can finally face since Power Customisation now allows me to change the visuals I really disliked, and the same will be true of Spines. I've found Gravity more enjoyable than expected (though I still dislike Propel) and Trick Arrow is a lot more fun than it seemed on the power select screen. There's only two powersets I'm still hesitating over.

Sonic Blast. For no better reason than I hate the sound effects.

Empathy. Even on characters who team I like to know that they can solo, and Empathy is a horrible set for soloing.

So, is there any powerset that you just won't play?



Any Scrapper secondary besides /Shield and /Invuln, Luminous/Umbral Blast, Energy Blast, Radiation Blast



I dislike sets that are heavy on single target ally buffs. I'm a Blaster/Scrapper at heart and my general plan is along the lines of "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" so I'm not comfortable with powers that require me to focus and target allies instead of enemies.



I can't say I won't ever play a set, because I've ended up playing some sets I thought I would never have any interest in (SS, shields, sonic blast). That said, a few things strongly deter me from playing a given powerset:

- Any set with costume-obscuring graphics that don't fit my concept (Ice armor, fire armor, stone armor)
- Any set with strong AoE but weak ST (elec melee, AR, spines); strong ST and weak AoE is fine
- Any set that underperforms relative to its peers (TA, energy melee, Blaster psi blast)



More a class I won't play.

So far, I can't get a tank past the mid 20s, and I've deleted most of the ones I created. Maybe it's because this is my first MMO, but I can't get into the mindset of tanking. It's a skill I've never learned.

The "survivor" tank is fire/fire, so she's really more of a scranker. And she solos and never teams.

Every so often, I try it again - but so far, unsuccessfully.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Any set where you just hit one sequence of buttons over and over is a set i'll get bored with fast - Tanks, Scrappers, Stalkers, Blasters tend not to be my cup of tea. I didn't try Corruptors for a long time because Blasters bored me, but now that I did I find them a hundred times more interesting with their secondaries.



Traps - its very pigeon holing on theme. Tremendous set that I want to play and I just can't ever come up with a Toon theme that I want to play that works for it.

Radiation Emmission -- Tremendous set and I hate anchors so much I won't play it.

Gravity -- I wanted to like this set, but I always feel like I'm playing in gimp mode. I have a Gravity Storm that I want to play, but just don't simply because the mechanics don't really work that well.

Sonic Resonance -- It eats endurance and it bugs me that Sonic Disruption can't be cast on yourself, so its useless solo.



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
Sonic Blast. For no better reason than I hate the sound effects.
You might want to look over this thread. I used the information therein to customize the sonic sounds that bothered me the most.

As for sets I won't play...I don't see myself rolling another Energy Blast toon ever. Ditto for Energy Melee. Trick Arrow is highly unlikely.



Tanks: I can't stand the low damage.

Defenders: Same reason.

Electric Blast: Low damage to pay for a secondary effect that is useless without a specialized build.

Stone Armor: Only available on Brutes and Tanks; I can't stand Tanks, and the effects of Granite Armor work against the nature of Brutes. If they ever port it to Scrapper I might change my opinion.

Cold and Thermal, before they were ported to pet classes so I could solo properly with them.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Dark Blast: Sad graphics that make the blasts feel even weaker than they are, which is impressive.

Earth Control: Hate the graphics; you can't customize these like you can Stone Armor, can you?

Also, I just can't get into doms, which is weird since I have more controllers than anything else and it should be like a high-damage controller. Though, I haven't played them since the update, so I guess I should roll another one. Any suggestions?



Most MM primaries
Electric Blast

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by FreckledAvenger View Post
Earth Control: Hate the graphics; you can't customize these like you can Stone Armor, can you?
Yes, you can. Colorable crystal and lava skins, as well as coloring the stone style skin.

Originally Posted by FreckledAvenger View Post
Also, I just can't get into doms, which is weird since I have more controllers than anything else and it should be like a high-damage controller. Though, I haven't played them since the update, so I guess I should roll another one. Any suggestions?
Plant/Fire? Powerful and straightforward to use. Confuse and burn.

And I find Doms much more fun to play since the update.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth




Actually I am lying. I do play it, but I can only take so much of it. Everything about it is great except one thing. Speed Boost.

Talk about a love/hate relationship with a power. I love having it cast on me. Maintaining it is something else altogether. Something about combining great effects with a 2 minute duration with a run speed boost that lets allies dart out of range constantly adds up to me wanting to set the Kinetics set on fire.

Although I always hope a Kinetics character will want to team with me.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Yes, you can. Colorable crystal and lava skins, as well as coloring the stone style skin.
Granite armor is not customizable, though I'm eager to see what BaBs comes up with. Coloring rooted as lava and pairing it up in granite looks rather silly.

Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post

Actually I am lying. I do play it, but I can only take so much of it. Everything about it is great except one thing. Speed Boost.

Talk about a love/hate relationship with a power. I love having it cast on me. Maintaining it is something else altogether. Something about combining great effects with a 2 minute duration with a run speed boost that lets allies dart out of range constantly adds up to me wanting to set the Kinetics set on fire.

Although I always hope a Kinetics character will want to team with me.

Some days I wish it was a PBAoE like accelerate metabolism.
Gather for SB! Oh oops, I cast it. Gotta wait till next one. *snicker*


I've only deleted two characters because I didn't like the powersets:

WP/Dual Blades Tank - If they ever let me skip the first attack, I might consider it again. I really liked the name I picked for that tank too. I just wasn't terribly impressed with the combo, and rather preferred all my brutes.

Dark/Dark Corr - This was the very first character I rolled in the game. I deleted it about two weeks into playing the game, for several reasons:
1) Moonbeam did not live up to my expectations of a snipe (as a newcomer, I expected it to actually drop enemies)
2) I felt underpowered while those around me were mowing down enemies right and left. I rerolled it as a fire/dark.

However, that was a long time ago, when I was first learning about the game and just understanding why that natural SO wasn't working was about as advanced as I got.



Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
You might want to look over this thread. I used the information therein to customize the sonic sounds that bothered me the most.
Thanks for reminding me of that thread. I've used it before, some time last year, to get rid of the "A HA!" that accompanies the female Provoke. Might take a look at that.

Either that or I'll come up with a concept where making annoying noises is in-character.



Originally Posted by FreckledAvenger View Post
Earth Control: Hate the graphics; you can't customize these like you can Stone Armor, can you?
Yes you can. You can recolor the animations and switch them to lava or crystal themes just like Stone Armor.

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
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Thats easy....... Demon Summoning.

"EWWWW look at me, look how dark I am.... now I dont even have to be creative and make up a TOTALLY original backstory to somehow make every single set in the game somehow revolve around being demon possessed. (yes even robots)."

Seriously all you guys playing the "im a demon possessed guy" toons. YOU ARE SOOOO LAME.
Its easily the most common backstory in the history of this game lol. I once formed a pickup group and NO JOKE 5 out 8 people on the team were either a demon, possessed by a demon, or made a deal with one.

S T U P I D.

/end rant

Psynder LVL 51 Fire/Fire/Scorpion Blaster
KnightWidow LVL 51 NightWidow
Shiver LVL 50 Ice X3 Dominator
Knight'Shade LVL 47 DP/Dark/NRG Corrupter
Currently Marking Out For: Chris Sabin, Player Dos, Daniel Bryan, Portia Perez, CM Punk



Most likely Energy Blast and Ice Control.

And almost any set that is primarily/all lethal and/or smashing damage (my exception is my Claws/SR Brute that I started a few weeks ago).

I always like trying new sets that I haven't played before but....I really don't like KB....and Ice Control is so 'meh' to me....maybe I'll do both at some point.

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SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



At the moment? Spines and thorny assault are two.The horrible visuals are no more thanks to power customization (the metal spikes especially look pretty sweet), but the butt-ugly animations on ripper and impale remain. Until the animation customization that SS and MA recieved gets to spines/thorny assault, the sets will remain unused by me.

Another is super reflexes. I know the set is the most awesome thing since sliced bread if you can pile enough on to softcap it, but I just am sick unto death of trying to achieve that without sacrificing the rest of my build, given that I don't have hundreds of millions of inf to toss at the problem. I've had a MA/SR sitting at level 13 for over a year, and literally 8 or 9 versions of her build in mids, and I can't come up with one that softcaps without unacceptable sacrifices. Only place I'd play it is if they port it to tanks, since their higher values would make it trivial, rather than a pain in the butt, to softcap.

Stone armor is probably the last. Outside granite the set is too squishy and end heavy, and inside granite you'd be lucky to solo anything inside a year (let alone climb a 2 inch curb). I don't want to trade off all my offense for the defense the rest of the set ought to be providing. Not to mention that, even with the customization, it's still pretty weird looking.

Until recently, super strength was off limits to me as well, simply because I signed on to play a superhero, not popeye the sailor man. Thankfully, the set has animation customization now. I still don't have one, but it's no longer because of any deep objection to the set.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Gravity. I'm not a DPS snob but Propel is too cool to not be more effective. Other sets seem more plug and play effective than this one. I never seem able to play it effectively or keep interested in it.

Sonic Resonance. I struggle with mostly buff other sets. I'm currently trying Cold Domination and running into the same issues. The final powers in Cold are worth playing the toon (the controller is level 31 currently) to get them, but I've seen people use Liquefy and just wasn't impressed enough to play Sonics. To be fair, I've heard friends say a Sonic/Sonic corruptor or defender was one of the easiest toons they've ever leveled.

Stone Armor. Spend 31 or 37 levels getting to the reason you play the set to forget about most of the other powers (unless you run into a Psionics-heavy mob). Moving like a granite snail to be impervious or toggle a bunch of armors to feel mediocre and still move slowly.

Assault Rifle. Dual Pistols boned my chance for ever playing this set.

Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.



Stone Armor. For many reasons. I think it is just awful. That and Energy melee. I guess that one doesn't count because I already played it through once.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



Illusion. Cannot *stand* Illusion. Give me any controller except that. I've run most sets up pretty high - Illusion's the first one that I've said "Y'know, 32 is good enough, wonder if I can delete this - do I need the space?"

Not fond of most VEATs.



Originally Posted by Psynder13 View Post
Thats easy....... Demon Summoning.

"EWWWW look at me, look how dark I am.... now I dont even have to be creative and make up a TOTALLY original backstory to somehow make every single set in the game somehow revolve around being demon possessed. (yes even robots)."

Seriously all you guys playing the "im a demon possessed guy" toons. YOU ARE SOOOO LAME.
Its easily the most common backstory in the history of this game lol. I once formed a pickup group and NO JOKE 5 out 8 people on the team were either a demon, possessed by a demon, or made a deal with one.

S T U P I D.

/end rant
Well, now I want to make a demon posessed character just to piss you off. Except I can't because all of my characters are tech origin and wear power armor. Ok, I could make it demon possessed power armor but I don't really want to.

You really need to learn to relax. Some people like particular types of heroes. Demon summoning is a popular origin but so are Catgirls, Power Armor users, and to many others to list. Just because other people do it is no reason not to do it yourself.



Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
Stone Armor. For many reasons. I think it is just awful. That and Energy melee. I guess that one doesn't count because I already played it through once.
This explains why I couldn't get my Stone/Energy Tank past level 12.

Personally, I have issues with entire classes rather than individual powersets. I don't do ranged damage very well (so Blasters and damage-based Corruptors are out, as are Kheldians), and I'm generally turned off to Tankers due to their lack of damage output.

I like Controllers, Brutes, Scrappers, Masterminds and Stalkers (with that order representing the comparitive numbers of said ATs). Everything else I've got one or two of at best.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Illusion. Cannot *stand* Illusion. Give me any controller except that. I've run most sets up pretty high - Illusion's the first one that I've said "Y'know, 32 is good enough, wonder if I can delete this - do I need the space?"

Not fond of most VEATs.
I wanted to argue with you because I have old school memories of Ill/Rads soloing about anything in game, but the highest toon I deleted pre-AE baby chaos was a level 37 Ill/TA. Even my wthheckI'llFOTM a Ill/Rad only gets used to help on TFs/AVs/Mo-Runs once every six months to a year.

Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.