Powersets that you won't play?

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There aren't any specific powersets I won't play outright, just sets I like more than others. Toons with powersets I really enjoy get played and leveled up fairly quickly, and the ones I don't enjoy as much languish until I finally pick them up or delete them.



Originally Posted by Tonality View Post
Granite armor is not customizable, though I'm eager to see what BaBs comes up with. Coloring rooted as lava and pairing it up in granite looks rather silly.
He was asking about Earth Control, not Stone Armor.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Dark Melee talk about a lame *** set....blah.

I especially love the brutes that think they are the shizz and run into a huge mob and faceplant all because their primary is a joke.Too much aggro and not enough damage they can deal out.

Had a dk/wp brute think they could outclass my wife's ss/wp brute not too long ago,it was so emarassing for that poor dark brute.

Every dk brute I've seen in my past 3 years has been laughable at best.



Sets I won't play, huh...

More like sets I shouldn't play, but I know, sooner or later, my Altitis is going to strike and I'll be rolling one of these up again...


Broad Sword/Battle Axe/War Mace: The sets themselves are not bad. But the ponderous animations are all clones of each other! I took a Broad Sword Scrapper up to the 40, and I can't stand him anymore. Until/unless we get some alternate animations here, I think I'll pass on these.

Stone Armor: Yeah, this is pretty much the only defense set that I can't tolerate. But the built in -Recharge and -Speed kill it for me.

Any Control set: I just don't seem to click with Control sets. They are awesome to see, but in my hands... I just can't get them to work. No matter how many times I think "That would be an awesome Controller/Dominator..."

Ally-centric Buff sets*: Yeah, I mostly solo (combination of limited play time, non-existent team building skills, and personal preference,) so these kind of sets just plainly unattractive to me.

(* - On a Mastermind, some of these are okay. I'm bringing my own team with me, after all.)

Trick Arrow - Really, is it just me, or is Oil Slick the only really worthwhile power in the set? And then only when you can light it on fire?

Ice Blast/Assault Rifle - Assault Rifle just doesn't flow well for me. Too much AoE for a mostly solo player. Ice Blast is just, well... slow. Oh, I know, it ANIMATES fast... but that just makes me feel the recharge times all the more.

Devices/Fire Manipulation/Electricity Manipulation: Fire Manipulation doesn't provide the amount of protection and/or boosting that I look for in a manipulation set. Electricity Manipulation is too Melee oriented. Devises... do I really need to explain why? The set's horribly out of date and mis-balanced. Until it gets some reworking, it will be safely ignored.


Yeah, I think that's it...

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



I have a lot of difficulty maintaining interest in the human MM primaries because the AI is an immersion-breaker, to me. I don't mind when bots or zombies do the same dumb things as the human pets do ... because they're bots and zombies. I also wince sometimes when the human pets get badly damaged or die, which cuts into my enjoyment from time to time. When the zombies die, I think "time to summon more expendable zombies."

I've tried to like gravity control, but the range and the initial aggro for wormhole are frustrating. Mind control doesn't have the every-spawn control that earth or ice control do, and so I don't care for it much either. As for plant control, I've never been able to enjoy seeds, which is central to the set.

Sonic blast doesn't work for me, either. Having essentially a single cone for AOE, one that requires regular adjustments to line up properly, is probably the primary reason, with the sound effects being another reason.

Finally, stone armor performs well as a brick wall. But, I don't find being a brick wall all that interesting and the hefty damage, recharge, and movement penalties of granite armor make it no fun to play.

With the game as mature as it is and as easy as it is, performance is almost never the ultimate reason why I can't stick with a set. Its little annoyances that frequently get repeated that tend to break a set, for me.



Ive shied away from Stone Armour because of the look and the movement penalties.
I tend not to play in 8 person teams, and hardly ever do task forces, so the uber-survivability isn't a big drawcard for me.

Haven't yet played Ice Armour, but I'm kind of intrigued recently. The look is a bit offputting without the right concept.

I've tried Cold Dominatioon a couple of times, and couldn't get into it. I think I'm cold-phobic. Havent done Ice Manipulation either on a Blaster, and no real plans to.

Spines never grabbed me, once again its the looks.

And I've had real trouble with Warshades. I've never got one above 20, which is where the fun really begins, from what I can see.



Well I like most sets in this game, but there are a few i do not like, or have not gotten acquainted with enough to be fond of them: Storm (*gasp*), i havent been able to get past the first few levels, i know it gets better but storm summoning just isnt for me i suppose. Another is poison on MMs, dont like the idea of it, dont like the set in general. I also have never been able to get anywhere with broadsword, big and clunky sword ugg.

" I don't let me kids play on the Freedom Server" -Oya



Originally Posted by Squeakersman View Post
Well I like most sets in this game, but there are a few i do not like, or have not gotten acquainted with enough to be fond of them: Storm (*gasp*), i havent been able to get past the first few levels, i know it gets better but storm summoning just isnt for me i suppose. Another is poison on MMs, dont like the idea of it, dont like the set in general. I also have never been able to get anywhere with broadsword, big and clunky sword ugg.
I can't play Broadsword either, but I don't say it out loud as not to get set on fire by Ichigo and Cloud fans (I refuse to add Gutso from Berserk because he's too bad*** for words).

Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.



Originally Posted by Rejolt View Post
I can't play Broadsword either, but I don't say it out loud as not to get set on fire by Ichigo and Cloud fans (I refuse to add Gutso from Berserk because he's too bad*** for words).
Yeah, but Ichigo and Cloud at least had a little bit of speed with their feet to make up for it :P

" I don't let me kids play on the Freedom Server" -Oya



Will never play an EMP... ever...

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Knew I was forgetting a set. In fact, I'm surprised I haven't seen this already.

Energy Melee: Once was the Single Target Burst Damage master. Now, it's a crippled set fading into memory. I wasn't sure such a Single Target focused set would be good in the first place, but after it was 'balanced,' any interest I had in it faded away.

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



Ice Blast, Elec Blast, Dark Armor, any Tank that isn't /SS, Sonic Resonance, Energy Melee on anything other than a Stalker, Energy Aura, Traps, most of the Blaster secondaries, Mercs, Force Fields, Earth Assault, and so on and so forth.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Most control sets. The only one I play is a Grav/Earth Dom, and I only play it to laugh at all the weird crap Propel uses. I was turned of off Controllers due to the buff secondaries, and Doms just didn't seem to do enough damage. I haven't really tried one since the Dom buff, so I may roll a few more Doms in the future.

Most Assault sets. Again, I was turned off of Doms but may try them again.

Any Buff/Heal set that's not on a MM. I hate playing support. At least on a MM I can solo and don't have to put up with allies begging for buffs/heals.

Assault Rifle. I hate all the AR guns that aren't unlockable. I just can't make a character wielding a weapon I hate.

Fiery Aura. I died more with my Fire/Fire Brute then I have with any of my other characters. I just hated the set. That Brute was rerolled as a Fire/Shield.



I tend to avoid most FotMs. I dislike most of the zones redside and the lack of content there of.

That said.....

Masterminds are boring, brutes repetative so I haven't played them since issue 8ish. Can't stand stalkers.

Corruptors are good and I may replace most of my defenders with Corrs once GR comes out and I can get them over to blue side.

I've tried Doms both pre and post revamp and outside perma I'm not too impressed with them especially until the late 30s early 40s.

Blue side. I like most of the ATs tanks being the exception. Only one tank ever to level 50 a Fire/Fire/Pyre.

Defenders are weak out side a team and I tend to split teaming and soloing about 50/50 so no new defenders for me especially after GR.

I will and have played all blaster primaries except for Psi/ won't roll another Psi/ blaster until it gets a buff and probably not even then. I've played all blaster secondaries and like all of them.

Scrappers are boring now for the same reason brutes are. Done all of them and IOs make them far too easy. I still play the scrappers I have but not often.

Controllers I like and I like all the secondaries except for /Cold /Thermal but that's more of a graphics issue than play set issue.

I like all the primaries except for the drastically under performing grav. My mind/ and ill/ trollers don't see much play time though.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Any Tank. Tanking is for Everquest and WoW, Brutes/Scrappers are much more useful imo.

Any Defender except maaaaybe /sonic. I much prefer the added offense a Corr has.

Energy Blast.

A Kheldian. Love the visuals, hate the way they play.

Dual Blades. Same reason as Khelds.

WP. I really like the set, I honestly do and I've tried it several times, even gotten it to 50. It just bores me to tears.

SR, for similar reasons. Had a DM/SR scrapper at 50, now deleted. SR is really effective and I love the SFX, I just find it really boring.

Most MMs. Playstyle just doesn't really gel with me, though I've tried several.

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Tanks: I can't stand the low damage.
I think it's a little unfair to pick on tanks as low damage, I find that they are more like Controllers - some builds are very low damage while others are high.

For example - currently (L48) my Shield/SS is levelling every 3 hours or so playing solo. I played briefly with a team and found my XP hit the floor in comparison.

Obviously it won't compare to a well played equivalent Brute for damage but few things will.

So yeah just saying not all tanks are low damage

L50s: Tanks: Cryofission - Ice/EM - Dr Celsius - Fire/Ice - Saint George - SD/SS | Controllers: Psichosis - Ill/Kin - Major Chaos - Ill/Stm | Scrappers - Neutron Crusader - DM/SR

Currently Levelling: Angelic Blade - BS/WP Scrapper | Seeds of Destruction - Plant/Kin Controller



Force Fields
Sonic Resonance

Notice a connection? Yep, I frikkin' hate having to rebuff the whole team every few minutes. Boring as hell.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post

You really need to learn to relax.
To be fair, the point of this thread is to discuss powersets you don't like and won't be playing. I don't think he needs to chilllout. He is only discussing what irks him.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
Dark Melee talk about a lame *** set....blah.

I especially love the brutes that think they are the shizz and run into a huge mob and faceplant all because their primary is a joke.Too much aggro and not enough damage they can deal out.

Had a dk/wp brute think they could outclass my wife's ss/wp brute not too long ago,it was so emarassing for that poor dark brute.

Every dk brute I've seen in my past 3 years has been laughable at best.
I have seen a few do well. I keep deleting mine, but I have a good friend who is Dm/Sd and survivable and effective are just understatements.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
Knew I was forgetting a set. In fact, I'm surprised I haven't seen this already.

Energy Melee: Once was the Single Target Burst Damage master. Now, it's a crippled set fading into memory. I wasn't sure such a Single Target focused set would be good in the first place, but after it was 'balanced,' any interest I had in it faded away.
I already beat you to the punch, pun intended. Energy melee is just bad. Agreed!

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
I have seen a few do well. I keep deleting mine, but I have a good friend who is Dm/Sd and survivable and effective are just understatements.
Dark lacks in AE damage (partly counteracted by /SD), but more than makes up for it in ST damage and survivability. For the melee classes, it's easily the best set for AV soloing...



Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
I already beat you to the punch, pun intended. Energy melee is just bad. Agreed!
It's still good if you're a blaster. But otherwise... yea.

I will never make another kinetics, at first I thought it was great having so much mobility, then it becomes an absolute constant nightmare of speedboosting teammates, Using transfusion when needed, fulcruming, and attempting to maintain siphon speed so you can keep up with your speed boosted team so you are able to catch them. To Speed Boost them.

I love the receiving end, I hate playing it effectively.

Another one I have trouble with is sonic blast, the set is almost perfect, but thanks to the constant rooting it just drives me up the wall to actually play. Usually I can get these guys to 50 thanks to their effectiveness, but then never use them again after that thanks to their jerky play.

"Fascinating. I'm not bored at all, I swear." -Kikuchiyo



Earth Assault for dominators is just so slow. Usually I can level just about anything, but this one I gave up on.

Stone armor is another one that I don't play. Honestly, I haven't given it a try in quite a while. Yet again, the slowness of the set is a big downer.



Originally Posted by Rejolt View Post
I can't play Broadsword either, but I don't say it out loud as not to get set on fire by Ichigo and Cloud fans (I refuse to add Gutso from Berserk because he's too bad*** for words).
Sometimes I wish I had a cannon for a hand.



Hrm. In general, weapon sets. These include:
- Broad Sword
- Katana
- Dual Blades
- Battle Axe
- War Mace
- TA/Archery (Though I've had the odd desire to roll a TA character recently...)

It's not because of how fun they might be, it's just because I haven't been able to enjoy a concept that calls for one of those. I do have a level 50 AR Blaster and Shield Scrapper, which I never thought I'd get into, so exceptions can be made and maybe I'll roll one of these in the future.

And then I don't think I'll ever play Empathy/Pain Dom, just because of the healer stigma I've seen.

Wild Streak - Lv. 50(+3) Beast Mastery/Sonic Resonance Mastermind, Amnesty - Lv. 50 Staff Fighting/Dark Armor Stalker