Powersets that you won't play?

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Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
I dont use pen & paper to make a build, I use the power set description, the individual powers info chart by pressing the "Info" button during creation, and I make my choices by reading from there.Its acctually a very simple thing, and no, I will not get off Mid's.

Mid's is for people who have no imagination, or are poor at math, or possibly both.

I find it funny that people have to sit down and chart out a character, or use Mid's for it, scratching there heads like monkies as if its Rocket Science.

What I like about this game, that Mid's does not tell you, is the fact that not a single combonation is a poor choice to play compaired to any others within any given AT.Thats why alot of people call Fire Armor, and other sets like it weak, because they dont know how to use it, and gosh darnit!Mid's says its bad, or another player does.

So Mid' can take a flying leap.

If you dont like how I talk about Mid's, simply stop listening.You complain about my comment/s on Mid's and ill tell you exactly how I feel about it.Its that simple.

I was not raised to use Diplomecy, or use Tact.They are utter wastes of Time for our society to keep using them.
So, because I use Mids' it's likely that I have no imagination or am poor at math, according to you? And when I use it, I'm comparable to a monkey scratching my head, because it's as complicated to a primate as rocket science is to an average human being?

I haven't insulted you, Fire_Minded, and I would appreciate that you wouldn't insult me in turn; we're all welcome to use tools for the game if it helps ourselves enjoy it further. You're welcome to your opinion of course, but if a player uses Mids' it does not transfer into them being lesser than you are. I have respec'd characters without any other aids, simply by going with memory and what I had learned about my character. But for precision, I prefer Mids', and I don't go with cookie cutter builds.

I'm not asking you to agree with me, but I am asking that you not insult others for using Mids' if it's what they prefer. Insulting others benefits no one. Additionally, I'm not sure where you heard this but Mids' is typically accurate. It doesn't "tell" a player which sets are best, it simply offers numeric values for each power. At least in my use of it, I've never noticed such a component, nor would I use it if such a thing existed - and the user isn't required to, regardless.

Going back on topic - another powerset I won't play is Willpower.

Don't get me wrong, it brings plenty to the table, but the extra regen and hit points also doesn't suit my playstyle. The Mez protection and resistance is admirable to other armor sets though, I can admit.

Other brute primaries I probably won't ever touch are claws, battle axe, dual blades and war mace. With my brutes I prefer running around taking hits, and doing things quickly. Weapon draw would interfere with that, for me.



QR - I don't play stalkers, and I play very few dominators.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
I was not raised to use Diplomecy, or use Tact.They are utter wastes of Time for our society to keep using them.
No, instead you were clearly raised to use bigotry and prejudice, chastising all who do not agree with you as wrong. You were never taught that opinions are not facts, and that those who disagree with you do not need be constantly reminded of your opinions.

An impressive feat, where you not only backhandedly insult other players, but your own upbringing as well.

Perhaps you should have a few more drinks. We might be better served if you fell asleep a while.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



stone armor doesn't appeal to me. neither does dual blades. maybe i should make a stone/db tank



Fireminded, why do you seem hell bent on making new enemies in every thread you enter? Furthermore, why do you slam everyone who uses Mids as unimaginative and poor players? I admit, I am not the biggest Mids user around, but to deny its utility is just silly. Just because people don't enjoy this wonderful game the same way you do doesn't mean that they are wrong or bad. Egocentricity doesn't fit in well with forums.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
I dont use pen & paper to make a build, I use the power set description, the individual powers info chart by pressing the "Info" button during creation, and I make my choices by reading from there.Its acctually a very simple thing, and no, I will not get off Mid's.

Mid's is for people who have no imagination, or are poor at math, or possibly both.

I find it funny that people have to sit down and chart out a character, or use Mid's for it, scratching there heads like monkies as if its Rocket Science.

What I like about this game, that Mid's does not tell you, is the fact that not a single combonation is a poor choice to play compaired to any others within any given AT.Thats why alot of people call Fire Armor, and other sets like it weak, because they dont know how to use it, and gosh darnit!Mid's says its bad, or another player does.

So Mid' can take a flying leap.

If you dont like how I talk about Mid's, simply stop listening.You complain about my comment/s on Mid's and ill tell you exactly how I feel about it.Its that simple.

I was not raised to use Diplomecy, or use Tact.They are utter wastes of Time for our society to keep using them.

I mostly use Mids to help me plan out my characters ahead of time, so I don't have to worry about trying to memorize where slots go, or having to do a respec.

Powersets I won't play?

Archetypes I won't play are more accurate, I can't stand Controllers, Tankers, or for that matter, Scrappers, why, I don't know, I just don't like them. Not my play style.



I still don't understand why people hate Stalkers. Once I hear a good reason I can rest in peace lol.



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
I still don't understand why people hate Stalkers. Once I hear a good reason I can rest in peace lol.
I. Love. Stalkers.



Sonic Resonance is one that I can't get into. The effects and animations aren't very appealing. (I SCREAM YOU STRONGER!)

Then there's the mechanics of it. Clarity really bugs me. Protection from sleep is worthwhile, but really there isn't enough Fear or Confusion in the PVE game to justify it as a tier 8 power when you already have Sonic Dispersion.



Originally Posted by Ishaila View Post
I. Love. Stalkers.
I love my Stalker solo, but on teams I can't shake the feeling that I'm not contributing as much as I could be on one of my other characters

I am aware that since the buffs that's mostly my thing, not a failure of the AT.

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans




I tried.

But even on a controller, if you are on a team you are "the kin". And I hate being "the kin". Being "the kin" is like being "the healer", only worse.

And Speed Boost is a teammate debuff with sugar coating. It can't really be that important where you are positioning mobs or where your PBAoEs go off, can it?

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
I dont use pen & paper to make a build, I use the power set description, the individual powers info chart by pressing the "Info" button during creation, and I make my choices by reading from there.Its acctually a very simple thing, and no, I will not get off Mid's.

Mid's is for people who have no imagination, or are poor at math, or possibly both.

I find it funny that people have to sit down and chart out a character, or use Mid's for it, scratching there heads like monkies as if its Rocket Science.

What I like about this game, that Mid's does not tell you, is the fact that not a single combonation is a poor choice to play compaired to any others within any given AT.Thats why alot of people call Fire Armor, and other sets like it weak, because they dont know how to use it, and gosh darnit!Mid's says its bad, or another player does.

So Mid' can take a flying leap.

If you dont like how I talk about Mid's, simply stop listening.You complain about my comment/s on Mid's and ill tell you exactly how I feel about it.Its that simple.

I was not raised to use Diplomecy, or use Tact.They are utter wastes of Time for our society to keep using them.
Saying using Mids means someone has no imagination or is poor at math is like saying an architect who draws up blueprints has no imagination or is poor at math. It's absurd.

I don't think anyone uses Mids because they're utterly incapable of drawing up a build without it or making one up as they go and if they do, I'd imagine they're a minority. I think almost everyone uses it just because its a very helpful tool to draw up a plan for a build.

Speaking for myself, it's not a question of disliking what you have to say about Mids. If you don't like Mids and you don't want to use it, awesome, rock on. But to say that anyone who uses Mids is unimaginative or poor at math is ludicrous, that's what I take issue with.

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
I dont use pen & paper to make a build, I use the power set description, the individual powers info chart by pressing the "Info" button during creation, and I make my choices by reading from there.Its acctually a very simple thing, and no, I will not get off Mid's.

Mid's is for people who have no imagination, or are poor at math, or possibly both.

I find it funny that people have to sit down and chart out a character, or use Mid's for it, scratching there heads like monkies as if its Rocket Science.

What I like about this game, that Mid's does not tell you, is the fact that not a single combonation is a poor choice to play compaired to any others within any given AT.Thats why alot of people call Fire Armor, and other sets like it weak, because they dont know how to use it, and gosh darnit!Mid's says its bad, or another player does.

So Mid' can take a flying leap.

If you dont like how I talk about Mid's, simply stop listening.You complain about my comment/s on Mid's and ill tell you exactly how I feel about it.Its that simple.

I was not raised to use Diplomecy, or use Tact.They are utter wastes of Time for our society to keep using them.
I find it funny how someone who's nose gets all out of joint when someone tells them how to play their toons, or what they should roll, has absolutely no problems telling other people how to play. If you dont want to be tactfull, fine. Just dont whinge when you get none back.

On Topic: I play mostly melee toons. Some archetypes are more dificult for me to get into. It took me 4 years to get a blaster above 10. I can always find a powerset combination for each AT that I can play though.




*cracks knuckles*

Assault Rifle - No Aim, far too many AoEs, long activation times, redraw, no matching secondary that doesn't cause redraw. Just don't like AR. I like having more than 2 single-target attacks. And it always felt slow.

Elec Blast - No high damage attack, crappy pet, weak secondary effect. Just an overall unimpressive set. Never been happy with what it could do. I've considered the idea of an Elec Defender a few times which emphasizes end drain over damage, but it's never taken off.

Psychic Blast - Too weak on Defenders, and also on an AT I've never really liked. Tried it on Blaster, but the changes made to the set made it really lame. It didn't specialize in ST, AoE, or mez. So it didn't really do anything.

Sonic Blast - Just plain hate the sounds. And I don't like playing with sound off. Even if I did, I feel like I would annoy other players.

Dark Blast - No Aim, poor ST. Basically the same issues I have with Elec Blast.

Ice Blast - I actually just haven't found the right character. I've tried lots of times, but part of the issue is that the ENTIRE set is good, meaning I can't skip anything. It ends up killing a lot of my power picks.

Devices - No attacks, everything good is interruptable. Everything is designed to be used outside of combat, which means it'll never get used on a team. It also causes redraw with the two most logical sets you could pair it with (it'd be like if Fire Manip somehow caused redraw with Fire Blast). No damage boost either.

Gravity Control - Just a sub-par set, which a late-blooming AoE mez. Really the whole set blooms late. Hold at 2, immobilize at 8? Meh.

Empathy - Just never found a good character for it. I don't like Defenders, and I rarely enjoy playing Controllers. Maybe if Corrs or MMs had it.

Forcefield - Two words: bor-ing.

Radiation Emission - Just never got around to playing it. And can't think of a character concept for it.

Sonic Resonance - Noisy.

Trick Arrow - Sub-par set that just doesn't perform on the level that I'd expect from a support set.

Storm Summoning - Just a mix-matched set that I always felt was lacking. I always considered Cold Domination to be Storm, but good, since it has all the best powers but also fills in the long recharge or situational powers with more usable ones. Even though...

Cold Domination - I don't like being a buffbot.

Thermal Radiation - Buffbot.

Pain Domination - I just haven't found the right character yet. My plan is to make a Demon/Pain MM when GR comes out though.

Poison - Only available to MMs, and never found a toon that it would work with. Maybe if Corrs had it, but even then it's a very single-target set.

Spines - Tried lots of times, just couldn't get off the ground with it. Not enough ST, the tier 1 is stupidly long, and never enjoyed the look of the set.

Ice Melee - Might be a good set, I just don't play Tankers.

Energy Melee - Slow, lack of AoE, weak secondary effects. I used to want to play this on a Scrapper, but after playing it on a Brute, it would have to be buffed before I'd consider playing it on any AT.

War Mace - I always thought Mace was like Axe but not as good. Mag 2 stuns are far less useful than knockdowns, which work on lieutenants and bosses (and EBs). Besides the stun vs KD, the difference in the two sets is fairly subtle.

Martial Arts - MA is like SS lite. It has basically all the same powers, but everything is weaker and toned down. Nothing packs the same punch in damage or secondary effect. If Scrappers ever got SS, MA's shortcomings would be even more obvious.

Dark Armor - End hog, don't like lack of knockback protect.

Elec Armor - Just not durable enough, even after Energize.

Fire Armor - Not durable enough, no knockback protect.

Super Reflexes - Takes waaaaaaay too long to be good, no variety in set bonuses.

Ice Armor - Don't play Tankers.

Stone Armor - No matter how much I try, I can't get past the ludicrously slow movement speed that would require me to cheese it and take teleport.

Energy Aura - Not durable enough.

Electricity Assault - Same issues I have with Elec Blast.

Energy Assault - Same issues I have with Energy Melee.

Thorny Assault - Same issues I have with Spines.

Mercenaries - They just don't excel at anything. Their damage, mez, and survival is only low to average. Just comparing them to thugs is a vast contrast.

Ninjas - Far too annoying to deal with speedy melee characters who refuse to enter melee. They're also much too easy to kill.

Robotics - The bots are just too slow and noisy. I know it gets better after 26 and 32, but I could never tough it out that long. Lower level bots are just plain boring.

Now for some sets I love so much that I've played them multiple times:

Energy Manipulation - It's all ST, but as long as you have an AoE primary it's good. It offers great self buffs and powerful ST attacks. It's a great secondary for a hoverblast character.

Plant Control - The best control set I think ever made. It has a fast recharge AoE mez with no accuracy penalty, quick regular mezzes, and carrion creepers. I think the only thing I dislike is that I can't hit flying enemies with some powers, and the final pet seems more like decoration than anything (but creepers makes up for it).

Traps - Not only have I played this over 40 twice, but I plan to make another Traps when GR comes out. It just does a lot of stuff, and quickly. I only need two powers every spawn, with a whole arsenal full of other things I can do if the situation calls for it.

Dark Miasma - No matter how many times I do this set, I keep wanting to do it again. I have it at 50 with an MM, and keep making more characters with it. Still not tired of it. It has great ST and AoE management abilities, as well as personal defense and survival for all your friends. You can even keep them going with +RES, heal, and an AoE rez for when things go horribly wrong. Plus, a pet!

Shield Defense - Durability, mez protect to everything, and of course Shield Charge. In beta people kept quoting numbers to show that SD would be too weak, but after factoring in never having to fight minions because of SC, it's pretty darn tough! Taken to 50 twice.

Willpower - Has everything! Protect to all damage and all mez. End management. It's even all passive so I don't have to watch for clicks like I would with most other sets. I feel bad for Invuln (I have both sets at 50) because WP is more durable, protects against more status effects, has psi protection, has lasting power thanks to regen, and still fits in end management. I feel like WP excels over Invuln in every possible way, except for the very rare instance where I tank tons of crazy things with Unstoppable. Taken to 50 once, and 40 a further 3 times. And most of my new melee toons end up being WP.

There's my list(s)!

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Devices - No attacks, everything good is interruptable. Everything is designed to be used outside of combat, which means it'll never get used on a team. It also causes redraw with the two most logical sets you could pair it with (it'd be like if Fire Manip somehow caused redraw with Fire Blast). No damage boost either.
Oh yeah, I forgot Devices. Its whole 'you can win practically any fight with enough setup time!' thing is interesting, but doesn't appeal to me in practice, since about 90% of the AT/powerset combinations in the game solo too slowly for me already.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Dispari- didn't you just name all of the sets in the game?
I kid, I kid...

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
Dispari- didn't you just name all of the sets in the game?
I kid, I kid...
Nope, only about half.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Just one quick thing....

I noticed last week that there is no Sonic Blast set....it's called Sonic Attack. Wonder why they made it 'Sonic Attack' and not 'Sonic Blast' *shrugs*

Anyways...that's it :P

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Any FOTM...


Stone Tanks - too slow.
Kinetics - "No, you don't need sb to survive, just keep fighting and be quiet."
Masterminds (all) - Cant get one past 30 ish, dunno why. I also dont like teaming with them.
Stalker - Not my playstyle, but I never put them down. Much love for the stalker community.
Kheldians - tried many times. Always deleted them. But they always look so cool
Traps/Device - bleh. (Also not very Hero-like to use an acid mortar!)

currently reading: A Mighty Fortress (David Weber)



Originally Posted by Ocularis View Post
(Also not very Hero-like to use an acid mortar!)
I can't see how it's any less heroic than shooting acid arrows at them, setting them on fire, shooting grenades at them, shoving them off rooftops, summoning flaming imps to attack them...

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
I can't see how it's any less heroic than shooting acid arrows at them, setting them on fire, shooting grenades at them, shoving them off rooftops, summoning flaming imps to attack them...
Don't forget fun stuff like siphoning their life force or draining their souls.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I had forgotten to list kin earlier, and I won't play it again for the same reasons as others.

SB is a bit of a pain to keep constantly on all members of a large team, and there are players who complain if its down for 3 seconds. After I'd put up with that several times on a kin defender, I deleted that character and I've not seriously considered making one since.



as far as ATs go, im willing to play any really so long as its fun and/or interesting at least

powers i most likely wont play though....hmm...

off hand ide say stone armor and empathy...(edit: ill never roll pain again either)
stone armor due to all the prices you pay for all that survival, and empathy for the typecast moniker...just cause i can heal doesnt mean i can or want to AT ANY AND ALL TIMES UNDER ANY AND EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE.

not big on buffbot toons but i have played them into the 40s before(FF and Kin) deleted
my FFer and still going with my Kin/Son, not sure if ill ever lvl up a SR defender again...
to avoid confusion i dont have any problems with the GFX or sounds i just think if your not hit you arent debuffed or KBed or stunned ect. ect....

not sure ill play /iceblast or iceblast/ anything again...does good damage and its fast activating but the long rech and lack of targeted aoe makes it kinda meh...dont get me wrong blizzard does good damage and...sleet?....is useful but when pugs dont care wether or not your aoes hit anything whats the point in having them...if you open with both or either you faceplant first cause your basically taking the alpha from the mobs that manage to get out of it first without being in range of tanks taunt or brutes agro aura

dont think ill ever lvl again as /devices....just not worth it anymore, wasnt all that worth it to begin with but back in the day it was a beast in its own way, might play it again if the devs get rid of all the interupt times(ill pay half the current damage they do for that)

most of the troller/dom primaries, i like mind and Illusion kinda, but the resistance some mobs have may put me off for good on those ATs...*shrug*

dark armor-.....too damn expencive endwise even if paired with DM for dark consumption...just isnt worth it to me

hmm, did i forget anything....umm...ahh thats right....rad blast..because i simply dont like the way Irradiate works...if i want a pbaoe ill add a secondary that has them...oh yea and its a dot.

i would say electric blast but ive seen it out damage a fire blaster before, cant really downplay that...might have been purpled out with all the tricks and dohickeies that can be shoved into it but still....

im stil on the fence on wether any MM primary is worth a damn(highest play was 30ish) ive tryed bots ninjas and thugs, pets are kinda over dumb imho and necro pets are just sooo ssllooowww.....though i hear they made them a little faster....meh

stalker /regen...nevah gonna happen...go ahead and kidnap my wife and kids...still wont play it.....blow up my home town...still wont play it.....threaten to shut down the game servers forever so noone else can play this ever again...still wont play it....i think my point is made

that about covers everything i think.

good luck and have fun your way


PS: i understand how Fire_ feels about mids, i personally use it for reference on powers between lvls when i cant see the extra powers and the details or when im not near a WW or BM for IO descriptions or set bonuses



A cold with the shields

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]