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There's a Meeks Hero Builder there as well (paid and free). It's at least a year out of date, however.
Power boost with 6-slot pre-Ed short circuit.
Power boost with 300-foot power thrusted level 1 hellions.
Mag 4 stun total focus for drive by boss stunning.
No aoe or taunt limits. It was too easy but epic to watch.
Zapp with 5 dmg-rng HOs and boost range allowing for 400-ft snipes (shooting hami from the safe rock Ftw!)
1-shotting Lts with bone smasher without using boosts -
I have a lifetime account in Champions. My time in CO was great for the first year, but I got tired of grinding for parts (oy, the old crafting system... unique travel powers...).
CO completely dumped the crafting system (yeah! wait.... I hadn't finished those action figures... BLARGH!). There are skill points to spend where there wasn't even a skill system before.
I was a bit overwhelmed so I decided to put it off to the side as Issue 24 approached. Now, I'll have time to try it (same global if anyone wants to team some time). -
Yes, I love waiting 18 months to 2 years for new sets so I can have them free.
Wait an extra month, stop buying xp boosters or pay a $5 impatience tax.
I bought the 880-point plant/aura set immediately and can't wait to kick the roots and farm for loots when I get the time. -
Quote:I'm planning on my Invin/Elec tanker off Beta numbers right now (Aug. 20) and I'm over the s/l cap without tough. Boxing/Kick/Weave/Crosspunch may be in my future.They are significant. They initially started out being stupendously good, but the devs dialed them back a bit with the last release.
Even still, my Fire/Fire tanker is still hard-capped for S/L damage in i24, up from 76% in i23, without me changing a single thing. Depending on your IO choices, you must just luck into a big chunk of resistance.
My build has Shield Wall and both sets of Tanker ATOs as Superior sets. On live, I'll likely keep tough until I'm 50 and I24 goes live.
Build Plan: 16 Electric melee and Invincibility powers (no unstoppable or havoc punch), 4 fighting, one leaping, 2 speed and Electric Fences from Mu Mastery (until Lightning Clap does damage, I need EF to stop the knockback).
If movement bonuses are good enough I'll consider dropping SS for Recall Friend, Leadership or another Mu power. -
Super Speed + TP: The TP is a "Flash Step" made fun/famous by anime and manga. Unlike sorcery's flight, this teleport would only work if you are on the ground.
Super Jump + Glide: This would have absolutely no use in combat but I'd love it for kicks. Once you reach the apex of your jump a temp power would come up allowing you to glide back to the ground.
Super Speed + Power Slide: While moving, you can toggle on a power that removes inertia from your character. You can slide over objects where you would stick before (you'll be 1 foot higher off the ground). This would work like IR but it would "cap" your jump height at 3 feet.
Teleport + Phase Shift: You can activate this other dimensional power after your first teleport (3-second window). While phased you can move at increased run/fly speed and cannot be attacked or use powers other than those that affect you. You can run through non-scenery objects and bodies freely. Your teleport powers while in this form cost 1/2 their usual amount. -
If your +HP power breaks the HP cap for your archetype, then you should get half the amount in absorb.
My blaster is at the hit point cap. If I hit Hoarfrost, got the heal part of it, then received half the total number as absorb it could be useful (heal/absorb/toxic resist). -
I love my kinetics defender because it's better on melee-centric teams that clear mobs quickly. You can clear a group of Romans in one cast (250 percent damage boost on one cast instead of 200) even if you don't stand in the middle for the caster buff (50 for defenders, 40 for corruptors). The larger heal doesn't hurt either.
If there are tasks that keep you from reaching your level 38 power, defenders are better. Fulcrum shift is that important. The Summer Blockbuster event kept players from powers past their level 32 choice and FS is glorious in it.
So basically: Operative Renault TF in Sharkhead, Citadel in Talos Island, Summer Blockbuster and exemping down to help friends in Tip/Morality missions in the high 20s/low 30s is the only place I can see a teamed defender being better than a corruptor.
I almost always go corruptor unless I fully play into the support set (I almost deleted my Empath until I completely devoted the toon to teamplay, leadership, recall friend, etc., and now I really like it). -
Dull Pain becomes your current hit point bar. You regenerate your hit points based on a percentage of the total number.
Absorb is a new bar that overlaps your current one. Absorb takes the damage first and once destroyed is gone. You can not regenerate Absorb hit points. They can be recast but not regenerated.
In other words:
Dull pain - Someone slaps you - you choose to block out the pain.
Absorb - Someone slaps you - but you have a piece of cardboard taped to your shoulder. The cardboard falls off after taking the blow. -
Quote:Likely, DPS wise it wouldn't make sense. I also didn't see any targets falling down in the video. I could see Burst, fireball/ball lightning/Dragon's Tail/etc., then maybe burst again, then burst out of the mob.Could you, say, Burst three times in the same spot rapidly? For maximum AoE carnage.
My issue is I often have trouble placing the teleport marker on some maps/tilesets. I can imagine Burst being useless inside some maps. Throw 20 Warworks at me and see if I can find the ground to teleport for a beta test! -
Heat Mastery/Rise of the Phoenix: The untouchable portion of this power no longer has a delay. (WOO! I hated dying on iTrials due to the .25 second delay)
And the Overwhelming proc only changing Tornado and Bonfire if the proc is slotted is great! -
I've always wanted an aoe (Static Discharge, Ball Lightning or Lighting Field) for Voltaic Sentinel. At they very east Short Circuit when VS finally crashed.
I'll take any buffs VS can get. Right now, I'm using VS as a minor build up for the Defiance +20 percent damage. -
But... but.. the lead singer from the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs drives that soundtrack... and...
I'll watch just about any film if it's quality. If 3 movies fully explains The Hobbit I'm all in. I don't want another THE EAGLES HAVE COME and simply think "What the...?" because I haven't read the books. -
I had the nuke animation happen on a Rikti Test Dummy in RWZ off bonfire. I had not seen it before and haven't seen it since!
EDIT: At level 42, my blaster's slotting is just the proc and 2 SO recharge. -
I made a fire blaster just to one shot the even-level RedCaps at the end of Katie Hannon's second mission with Inferno after aim, build up, a few rages - Super speed and a stealth IO to get there.
Short story of it: Inferno with a lot of self buffing. -
They're not attuned to my account as anyone in our SG can grab the Overwhelmings I put in the bin. I've also heard they can be traded (haven't tried that yet).
I do know this: When I put the ATOs in my SG's storage bins they don't stack by IO. They seem to be stacking by IO's of the same level (even though no level is listed).
This could be causing the bug.
Example: I have four Damage/Endurance/Recharge Overwhelming IOs. All four list separately in the bin. However, two of my four Acc/Dmg/End/Rech IOs do stack with two others listed separately below. -
TASM was good on its own merits and I like that it felt different from the original films. We were a good 5 years or more away from needing a reboot... but that's another story.
Quote:I've wondered the same thing for my main. There are powers that are not affected by the boost (like Ice Armor, the regeneration from Health or recovery for Stamina), but most others that full get the boost where you have no way to improve them othewise (such as temp powers).How will [Energize] behave with [Power Boost] for /Energy?
A blaster gets just under +80% from power boost to secondary effects - I'd say power boost either fully helps (on both the unenhanceable and enhanceable portions) or doesn't work on Energize at all. -
I need to make sure I have enough Sting of the Manticore sets and Kismet uniques stored.