Vet Costume Unlocks

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I couldnt find an existing thread about this and its been on my mind for some time.

There are costume rewards for being subscribed to the game for:
3 months,
6 months,
9 months,
15 months,
18 months,
21 months,
27 months,
30 months,
39 months and
51 months.

I have my 12 month vet badge and reward so the majority of these arent available to me.

I know Veteran Rewards reward time spent playin the game, which is great and Im all for them but costumes arent powers and they arent game breaking in any way, they are fluff, placed there because nothing else could be thought of at that time for that particular Veteran reward, IMO.

The reason i think this is because as far as i know its the only way to get a pair of shorts (using shorts as an example) and considering the amount of Martial Arts type power sets (Martial Arts, Dark Melee, Energy Melee, Super Strength and Electrical Melee) I think it would be a good idea to make these costumes available to all players or to buy them in a booster pack or to be able to craft them.

I know you can make some of the "Tucked In" options look like shorts (example) but that just isnt the same. I want to make a Mix Martial Arts concept toon and having no shorts (example) option hurts.
This is the same for people who would like to make a Samurai type concept toon or an Anime concept, etc.


1) To have the option to buy all of the costume unlocks in a booster pack like the Super Science and Wedding Packs. This wouldnt include the Roman gear or weapon customisation and the like. (I for one, would be willing to pay for this)

2) To simpy get all costumes at the creation of a new account.

3) To be able to craft costumes out of recipes like we currently do for Burnt Wings, Rocket Boots, etc.

__________________________________________________ ___

Food for thought.

Originally Posted by ToySoldierZolgar View Post
I like vet rewards.. but at the same time, I kinda don't.

I DO agree costume items as vet rewards is freakin' horrible.

Replace these with:
More AE slots.
More Salvage slots.
More Recipe slots.
More Auction house slots.
More utility/support powers (like Assemble the Team)

Anyone who complained that they lost their vet rewards, would be an idiot because they didn't lose them, they got them replaced with something much more valuable.

Originally Posted by Guardian of Cocytus View Post
I started just a few months ago. I am just now getting my 3 month badge, so no matter what I will always be over 5 years behind others on badges. No matter when the game ends, I will never have access to everything. The same goes for those who started 3 months after launch, 6 months, 1 year, etc.
This is another reason for the costumes to be made available to all, in some form.

Originally Posted by Dragon_King View Post
As a 60 month vet I would have no problem with the devs dropping all the costume bits from the vet rewards and handing them out to new subscribers.

As time goes on evaluation of the methods in which decisions were made in the past needs to be relooked at to decide if the right choices were made. What made since two years ago may not fit the mold now. Constant evolution needs to be in play and I believe the devs have shown in the past that they are well aware of this.

Costumes for the masses I say....

Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
I'm a 66 month vet now, and it honestly wouldn't bother me if they made the vet costume pieces available as craftable recipes that new players have the option of earning as drops or purchasing via the market on a per-character basis, but will continue to be unlocked as Vet Rewards on an account-wide basis on the current schedule.

Start with the standard Angel and Demon wings and then make all costume pieces beyond that (except the Arachnos helmets, since they were preorder bonuses) available as recipe drops.

Member of the Stoned Templars

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Im up to 2 years now. But this is one of the many reasons I'd like to see the vet reward system get a complete overhaul. Costume pieces should be made available to everyone ingame. Either thru unlocks or big packs in micro transactions like our super boosters.

Vetrewards should be limited to nifty temp powers, respecs, AE slot tokens, character slots (hey i've received 2 of these already) Closed beta access, Salvage, auction and recipe increases, etc.

It's kinda stupid that you have to wait up to 51 months to get costume pieces. I doubt this will ever change though.

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Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
Im up to 2 years now. But this is one of the many reasons I'd like to see the vet reward system get a complete overhaul. Costume pieces should be made available to everyone ingame. Either thru unlocks or big packs in micro transactions like our super boosters.

Vetrewards should be limited to nifty temp powers, respecs, AE slot tokens, character slots (hey i've received 2 of these already) Closed beta access, Salvage, auction and recipe increases, etc.

It's kinda stupid that you have to wait up to 51 months to get costume pieces. I doubt this will ever change though.
That sounds like a much better idea then mine but i would have to agree it more then likely wont change because the majority of people that could support this idea, wont because they already have most of the badges/temps/unlocks.

It would be another way for the game to increase its revenue though so maybe it will find some support. *shrugs*

Member of the Stoned Templars

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Veteran Rewards will always be something the Devs look back at and think "Now, if we hadn't shot ourselves in the foot..."

If they change things up, you'll have lots of ol' Vets saying "Damn, those were MY rewards! I earned those by staying loyal to the game and never letting my subscription falter!" and if they change nothing, you've got the newer platers "Damn, these wings are taking FOREVER! Why do I need to wait a year and three months just for some damn wings?!"

They're damned if they do, damned if they don't.



I'm with the Vet's on this. I've just got my 12 month badge... maybe my 15 month... one of them anyway. I still look forward to the rewards, and I would hate to have that taken away. Yes, I won't get many of them, but so what... the games still good without them.



IF they change anything.

i think a survey would be needed tbh to find out what people think of each vet reward, usage-time spent getting etc. and have it open results at the end, this is the only thing i can think of to make people happy.

but ofc people need to accept...the more time playing unlocks better things. not the other way around. so 15 months for wings- is fine.



I'm a vet, and at this point, the Devs can make all of them available to all players. I agree with Sigium, wings should be available to all players freely. It was a nice gesture on the part of our Devs to offer these, but it's not going to stop me from enjoying them if others have access to them as well.

I used to defend the vet rewards system (maybe I'm tired right now LOL) but they're not enough of an incentive for continued play and I don't care if the new players get them. I say at 72 month mark, they should let all players have them and end the veterans rewards system. From that point on just give all players rewards -- there I said it!



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
so 15 months for wings- is fine.
But is 3 years fine for a set of boots or gloves? For a power it is but for a costume piece i dont think it is, IMO.

Like Noyjitat said, to have the option to buy them would be a sucess i think, i know i'd pay for 'em.

Member of the Stoned Templars

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Originally Posted by Bud View Post
But is 3 years fine for a set of boots or gloves? For a power it is but for a costume piece i dont think it is, IMO.

Like Noyjitat said, to have the option to buy them would be a sucess i think, i know i'd pay for 'em.
The Vet rewards are supposed to be fluff, for the most part, at all Vet ranks. Saying that they should get more powerful as they go along, or at least 'better,' you create a system where new players get kind of screwed.

The Vet rewards aren't anything gamebreaking, for the most part (I'd say the perma-temp power attacks push the line too far already), and are simply there as a nice reward. Could they change it up a little, so that maybe you get a choice of costume options where each set is awarded? Sure. Should they change it around so that the costumes come first, and the powers later? No.

Mixing them up, so that you get a power here, a costume part there, some base options after that, etc., is a decent system where there's always something that you might want on the horizon, but you don't have to suffer through three years of random costume bits before you start getting to 'good' stuff.

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Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
The Vet rewards aren't anything gamebreaking, for the most part (I'd say the perma-temp power attacks push the line too far already), and are simply there as a nice reward. Could they change it up a little, so that maybe you get a choice of costume options where each set is awarded? Sure. Should they change it around so that the costumes come first, and the powers later? No.
One of the first things that attracted my attension to this game was the costume editor options and havin a no shorts option seems kinda stupid to me, people wear shorts, heroes wear shorts (the Hulk.) Im just sayin that as wonderful as the costume editor is, it can be limiting and havin to wait 3 years for a pair of shorts seems wrong.

An option to unlock them like the Roman armour and the different weapons or to simply buy all of the costume unlocks straight out would be good for business.

Member of the Stoned Templars

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I still think they should unlock if you buy game time. So say I want to pre-order a years worth of game time, it would unlock all of the 'extras' I would get for that year but I would actually have to earn the badges. It would be good for the game and players at the same time.

I can totally understand why the higher vets wouldn't like this idea, but I wants my stuff NOW!



Or, just post in Sexy Jay's costume request thread for more shorts options. Seems a lot easier to make a few new Shorts than to rearrange how the Vet reward system works.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Bud View Post
heroes wear shorts (the Hulk.)
Technically, those aren't shorts. I mean, it's not like the Hulk just rocked up to Chess King one day and said, "Yes! This look right for Hulk. Purple Jams go great with Hulk's green skin! Does puny salesgirl have this in 4XL?"



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Seems a lot easier to make a few new Shorts than to rearrange how the Vet reward system works.
I suspect the level of code time required to unlock some or all Veteran's Rewards for all players would be trivial compared to a new skin and texture for the costume designer.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
I suspect the level of code time required to unlock some or all Veteran's Rewards for all players would be trivial compared to a new skin and texture for the costume designer.
Not for the community moderators.




I'm all up for anyone else to be able to unlock certain items via recipes. As a vet, I'd still be getting them for free (no salvage or Influence required) off the bat, but non-vets could still earn them the harder way - through drops or consignment.

So yeah, I can agree with the OP.



Yeah, the inherit flaw with the current setup is that you can end up waiting (and paying) for years in order to complete that one concept character you though up since you first got the game. Being able to unlock vet costume sets via crafting is fine by me, but stuff like the temp attack powers, the buffing pets, and the City Traveller pick-travel-power-at-6 thing should stay vet-exclusive. Otherwise powergamers will likely turn to goldfarming sites to get enough inf to afford someone's 1,000,000,000 asking price for such recipies. The last thing those goldfarmers need is more encouragement to spam everyone nonstop, yes?

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Originally Posted by MartyRallner View Post
Yeah, the inherit flaw with the current setup is that you can end up waiting (and paying) for years in order to complete that one concept character you though up since you first got the game. Being able to unlock vet costume sets via crafting is fine by me, but stuff like the temp attack powers, the buffing pets, and the City Traveller pick-travel-power-at-6 thing should stay vet-exclusive. Otherwise powergamers will likely turn to goldfarming sites to get enough inf to afford someone's 1,000,000,000 asking price for such recipies. The last thing those goldfarmers need is more encouragement to spam everyone nonstop, yes?

I couldnt agree with you more.

Some of the vet powers are very nice and i would be willing to wait for them but the extra costumes are just for looks and to wait 3 years (if the game continues for that long also) dosnt seem right to me.

Member of the Stoned Templars

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Anyone else think the Vet system needs a tweek?

For costumes i mean, Vet powers are fine the way they are.

Member of the Stoned Templars

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While I never liked the idea of costume items being linked to Vet Rewards, I understand that when they introduced the Vet Reward system they didn't have as many fluff choices to choose from as they do now. In the future I hope they refrain from adding more costume peices to the Vet Reward system.



I like vet rewards.. but at the same time, I kinda don't.

I DO agree costume items as vet rewards is freakin' horrible.

"I have a cooler look than you, because I've been playing this game longer." .. naw.
The attack powers? Those things are a godsend at low levels! Makes me think they're a little.. too good to offer as vet rewards, honestly.

I'd say do this:
Remove all costume item unlocks from vet rewards, and make them ALL available to all players.
Remove attack powers (anyone who has currently gotten them keeps them, but cannot get them on new chars.)

Replace these with:
More AE slots.
More Salvage slots.
More Recipe slots.
More Auction house slots.
More utility/support powers (like Assemble the Team)

Anyone who complained that they lost their vet rewards, would be an idiot because they didn't lose them, they got them replaced with something much more valuable.



As a 60-month veteran, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I'd share my veteran rewards with everyone if I could. I believe in adding value to the game before adding value to just me. If all veteran reward costume pieces were released to all players tomorrow, I'd throw a little dance party and celebrate. There are a lot of cool costumes locked up in the veteran system (like trenchcoats, say) and I feel the game would be better off by just opening them to everybody.

So what if I earned them by staying with the game? It just means I got to play with them longer before everybody got them. In fact, I'd appreciate a system like this. Put a new veteran reward in the game and restrict it to veterans only, then open it up to everybody in 6 months' time.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



As a 63+ month vet I'll say I like the vet system as it is. It's a way to stick out, to show the rest of the CoX community our tenure and loyalty to the game. It's a way for the newer players identify who may potentially know a little something about the game and help them through it and learn it. As was pointed out there is nothing game breaking about the vet powers. The closest one to that would be the City Traveller 60 month badge but that really only affects travel powers and frees up one power choice.

Now if for some reason the devs did away with vet system one day or revamped it to a 6 months of early play time before something goes to everyone as suggested I wouldn't really care, after all it's nothing game breaking. But I think having those extra pieces of flare helps set us apart and is a nice thank you from the devs. Besides most of the costume pieces are in the lower tiers of the vet system and even new players should be able to get them. Will everyone get a 60 month vet reward, no, but to get to the 24 month I could see it pretty easy.

50s - Energyman, Elec^3 Blaster - Light Bringer Prime, Triform PB - OxyStorm, Robo/Storm/Mace MM - Widow Lotone, NW - Psi-Vox, Ill/FF/Earth Control



Time paying subscription doesn't tell you anything about who knows the game. I've seen a lot of clueless Veterans.

And I'm really not sure how a "free power choice" isn't "game breaking".