Vet Costume Unlocks

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To be honest, I couldn't give a flying s*** about costumes. I rarely spend more than three minutes on a costume. I just like having special rewards. It's the one thing I have in the game over the farmers that they will never beat me in. I guess it wouldnt be a big deal to get rid of the costume parts but leave me the fancy powers. (Yes, I know the thread is about costumes but the conversation has kind of gravitated towards veteran unlocks.)



I'll agree that if the devs want to give out basic shorts, boxing gloves, wings, what not to all players that's fine by me. They should be basic and the ones in the vet rewards should be fancy that can only be achieved via the vet rewards. I'm sure that would just recreate this exact same argument, but maybe not. Heck give all the players exactly what we have in the vet reward system and give the vets even more stylized versions of what's in there now, really make them stand out.

I agree with Dalantia. This is a retention system that keeps the churn down and slows down the players that only come in for new issues and events and then leave for several months at a time. For some people it's about the powers, for others it's the costumes, for others it's the freespecs, tokens, badges, merits, base items, whatever. Granted I would not have quit, I'm a loyalist to CoX, nor would I just because the vets went away, but I do agree with the system and think it should stay as is.

Changing or doing away with too many things leads to it in other areas. If you get rid of the vets how long before people complain about the booster packs because they don't have money in hard economic times to buy them? Or complain about the $19.99 price tag on the extras from the Good vs Evil, Architect Edition, Mac Edition, whichever version they didn't buy because it came out after they started playing. For the record I've bought most of them.

It's hard to change something like this, at any level, because as they devs had said you can't please everyone and there are people that like things just they way they are. The vet system adds something to the game that you don't get in most other games, and that is the loyalty program, retention program, reward program, whatever you want to think of it as.

It's a good system. And for the sake of the OP the costume pieces stop before the 36 month mark, which most people here agree that with GR coming out CoH is good for at least another 18 - 36 month mark. Meaning if you pay to play the game for that period odds are you'll get all those rewards. And the more people that pay to play during that time frame the longer that time frame will be. Show your loyalty, pay to play, get others to play, stick around and don't just jump ship because the game is between issues and it'll last that long.

Yes, the vet reward system is stacked against anyone who wasn't here from the beginning. Just as the ability to purple out enhancements is stacked against non farmers. Just as task forces are stacked against people that don't have 4 hours on average to devote to them, just as the Hami raid is stacked against toons not over 45 who can't get together in massive groups and spend the hours it takes to stop Hami. There are parts of the game stacked against non farmers, non hardcore, casual, whatever type gamers. You can't get everything in the game, that's the way it's meant to be and the way it should be. Nothing that is "unavailable" is game breaking. It's not like you can't get millions of other costume choices, or get general enhancements, or run regular missions, or AV missions. There is something for everyone and everyone should have that niche that they fit into and be allowed to preserve that uniqueness imho.

50s - Energyman, Elec^3 Blaster - Light Bringer Prime, Triform PB - OxyStorm, Robo/Storm/Mace MM - Widow Lotone, NW - Psi-Vox, Ill/FF/Earth Control



Originally Posted by Energyman View Post
I'll agree that if the devs want to give out basic shorts, boxing gloves, wings, what not to all players that's fine by me. They should be basic and the ones in the vet rewards should be fancy that can only be achieved via the vet rewards. I'm sure that would just recreate this exact same argument, but maybe not. Heck give all the players exactly what we have in the vet reward system and give the vets even more stylized versions of what's in there now, really make them stand out.
Frankly, that'd work for me. It KILLS me that the only way to get a trenchcoat is via veteran reward. It's a trenchcoat. It's not a valuable resource, and it's certainly not SPECIAL. It ought to be available to everybody. Let's concede that we have to give the veterans SOMETHING, so give them an even BETTER trenchcoat. Perhaps one with more ornaments, or a buttoned-up one, or just something that's more fancy than "just a trenchcoat." The idea is to not put specific clothing/costume TYPES behind veteran rewards, because we get to the point of silliness where you need dozens of months of veteran status in order to own a pair of decent shorts on a guy.

Wings are a bit iffy, because you're locking the two most iconic types of wings under a veteran reward, but then you can still get "wings in general" even without being a veteran at all. You just don't get bird/bat wings, but the ones you do get come close.

Generally, if we HAVE to have costumes as veteran rewards, they ought to be something special in as a bit of a bragging rights reward in a category that already exists without them, not the category, itself.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I suppose as a compromise, they could simply give the same 30 months worth of veteran's reward time to every account for that period where there were no veteran's rewards - May 04 to Nov 06 - that the longest playing veterans received, whether they actually had an active account for that time or not. This would unlock virtually all veteran costume pieces for all players, as well as virtually all base items and other customisation-based rewards (and put the last costume reward, the boxing set in question, at just nine months in).

Then rewards could continue to accrue for continuing veterans, allowing them to retain the incentive of keeping transient players for the veteran rewards, while giving most of the important choices - particularly costumes - to all players, thus ensuring that newer players don't feel that the system excludes them or locks the "best" items away from them for arbitrarily long periods of time.

No one would lose anything with this solution (except, perhaps, the feeling of exclusion they get from large numbers of rewards being inaccessible to people), while even many long-time veterans would likely gain several months of veteran's time out of it.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
I suppose as a compromise, they could simply give the same 30 months worth of veteran's reward time to every account for that period where there were no veteran's rewards - May 04 to Nov 06 - that the longest playing veterans received, whether they actually had an active account for that time or not. This would unlock virtually all veteran costume pieces for all players, as well as virtually all base items and other customisation-based rewards (and put the last costume reward, the boxing set in question, at just nine months in).

Then rewards could continue to accrue for continuing veterans, allowing them to retain the incentive of keeping transient players for the veteran rewards, while giving most of the important choices - particularly costumes - to all players, thus ensuring that newer players don't feel that the system excludes them or locks the "best" items away from them for arbitrarily long periods of time.

No one would lose anything with this solution (except, perhaps, the feeling of exclusion they get from large numbers of rewards being inaccessible to people), while even many long-time veterans would likely gain several months of veteran's time out of it.
But wouldn't that system be giving everyone 30 months of rewards, even if they just signed up today? So after 3 months new players would be getting the 33 month rewards? Hardly seems fair to those of us that legitimately played that long and earned those rewards.

I'd say take the costume pieces that exist in the vet reward and give them to everyone. Make the wings locked until you complete the cape mission, and then replace what's in the vet system with the upgraded versions. Yes the "best" would be locked away but everyone would have the basics, they would have trenchcoats, shorts, boxing gloves, angel/devil wings, etc. Then the vets would get buttoned trenchcoats, Metal wings, boxing gloves with designs, whatever. Everyone gets the basics, but if you want the fancy you need to unlock it by being a vet, just like you need to buy the booster packs, just like you need to craft certain other pieces. Same system, better pieces, but everyone gets the base level pieces.

50s - Energyman, Elec^3 Blaster - Light Bringer Prime, Triform PB - OxyStorm, Robo/Storm/Mace MM - Widow Lotone, NW - Psi-Vox, Ill/FF/Earth Control



Originally Posted by Energyman View Post
But wouldn't that system be giving everyone 30 months of rewards, even if they just signed up today? So after 3 months new players would be getting the 33 month rewards? Hardly seems fair to those of us that legitimately played that long and earned those rewards.
The point is that no one "earned" the first 30 months of rewards. Either you were playing and had an active account when they announced the system and implemented the first 30 months of rewards, or you were not. Before those first 30 months of rewards were added, no one had them because they weren't in the game. They were no more earned for the 30 months there were no rewards than anything else was "earned" that has been added to the game since launch.

Those 30 months of rewards are "earned" in the same sense that the 16 issues that have been released have been "earned". But those issues aren't locked away until you reach a certain arbitrary milestone, and neither should those 30 months of rewards.

Those that have been loyal customers since November 2006 still have another 36 months (nearly) of reward time earned, and thus 12 more badges and 12 more bonuses they earned since the system was in place on top of new players. That's still a nice hefty "thank you" for playing.

So yes, everyone would start with 30 months of rewards. And it's "fair", because it makes every one start "earning" rewards at the same point. The system being retroactive is what makes it unfair in the first place.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
The point is that no one "earned" the first 30 months of rewards. Either you were playing and had an active account when they announced the system and implemented the first 30 months of rewards, or you were not. Before those first 30 months of rewards were added, no one had them because they weren't in the game. They were no more earned for the 30 months there were no rewards than anything else was "earned" that has been added to the game since launch.
They were earned. Doesn't matter if they weren't available for the first 30 months, we still put in the time.

The 120th month vet reward doesn't exist yet, but I'm earning time toward it.

Goldbrick 50 inv/ss tank
Other 50s: Power Beam, Rocky Mantle, STORMIE Agent, Matchless, Major Will, Knightmayor, Femstone, Space Maureen, Crimebuster Ako, Dr. Twilight, Doc Champion, American Gold Eagle



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Frankly, that'd work for me. It KILLS me that the only way to get a trenchcoat is via veteran reward. It's a trenchcoat. It's not a valuable resource, and it's certainly not SPECIAL. It ought to be available to everybody. Let's concede that we have to give the veterans SOMETHING, so give them an even BETTER trenchcoat. Perhaps one with more ornaments, or a buttoned-up one, or just something that's more fancy than "just a trenchcoat."
And have to listen to some players howl about how they deserve the buttoned-up trenchcoat at day one instead of just the lousy free one?

Goldbrick 50 inv/ss tank
Other 50s: Power Beam, Rocky Mantle, STORMIE Agent, Matchless, Major Will, Knightmayor, Femstone, Space Maureen, Crimebuster Ako, Dr. Twilight, Doc Champion, American Gold Eagle



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
So yes, everyone would start with 30 months of rewards. And it's "fair", because it makes every one start "earning" rewards at the same point. The system being retroactive is what makes it unfair in the first place.
Everyone earns rewards based on paid play time, which is monitored in your Master PlayNC account. And there is nothing unfair about retroactive. If they decided that you should have three slots at every slot level would it be unfair if they retroactively gave that to all players and not just the new toons? Of course not. Any time there is a reward introduced after a certain set of the population has acheived them they need to make it retroactive to be fair to those players who have earned the reward.

50s - Energyman, Elec^3 Blaster - Light Bringer Prime, Triform PB - OxyStorm, Robo/Storm/Mace MM - Widow Lotone, NW - Psi-Vox, Ill/FF/Earth Control



I'll stand by my earlier statement: I simply cannot fathom the need to make sure other people don't get things you have - especially when they are things with no cost.



We agree to disagree. I simply cannot fathom the need to demand things simply because they are in the game and you feel entitled to them. The vet system is fair as it's accumulated evenly for all players, hardcore, casual, occassional, whatever. If you stick around long enough you'll get the awards you're seeking. Especially when said items are only cosmetic in nature and affect the game in no other way. As you say, they cost nothing.

50s - Energyman, Elec^3 Blaster - Light Bringer Prime, Triform PB - OxyStorm, Robo/Storm/Mace MM - Widow Lotone, NW - Psi-Vox, Ill/FF/Earth Control



A simple quote will suffice for Energyman,

"All good things, must come to a end."
CoX will NOT be here forever (though it would be nice wouldn't it? EQ has managed for quite awhile but its slowly dwindling). Cox may be here for a long time to come but still, will not be here forever. I believe this is the thought train most people have when they state when CoX goes offline.

And as well, I say that there should be, respecs, free tailor sessions, more base items, special prestige powers...
Heck, How about a Vet reward that lets you pick ONE set of IO's that are non-tradeable and usable only on the character that earned the reward (Like the selection window after completing a TF)



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
I'll stand by my earlier statement: I simply cannot fathom the need to make sure other people don't get things you have - especially when they are things with no cost.
Why do you need to have something NAO when most Vets (other then the old timers who are the first to get the rewards) had to wait X months for it? For that matter, why stop there?

You show up for some odd event, you get a gold title.

You go to Hero Con, you can get the Praetorian Clockwork costume.

You buy a Booster pack, you get the Booster goodies.

Veterans stick around and get the veteran costume rewards.

They're all cosmetic fluff, after all. The Devs gives out similar incentives all the time.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
A simple quote will suffice for Energyman,

"All good things, must come to a end."
CoX will NOT be here forever (though it would be nice wouldn't it? EQ has managed for quite awhile but its slowly dwindling). Cox may be here for a long time to come but still, will not be here forever. I believe this is the thought train most people have when they state when CoX goes offline.
Oh I'm in no denial that CoX will come to an end some day. What I don't understand is when people say the end is near and think the game won't be around in the time it would probably take them to unlock the costume pieces in the vet system.

Sure CoX is facing competition with Champions and possibly with DCUO on the horizon, but I'm sure there is enough of a player base to survive that even with some hits to numbers. As you mentioned Everquest is still going, Diablo 2 even has BattleNet still running. CoX may not be around forever but with GR coming out and the length other MMOs live I'm sure it will be around at least another 3 years. Long enough to get the vet rewards for which this thread is about.

And when CoX does come to an end, I say the final three months, if that can be planned, is when they should open the vet rewards to everyone and unlock the locked stuff. Just make it a more free for all in the end whenever that comes. But that time is not now and now players should earn the rewards as intended.

50s - Energyman, Elec^3 Blaster - Light Bringer Prime, Triform PB - OxyStorm, Robo/Storm/Mace MM - Widow Lotone, NW - Psi-Vox, Ill/FF/Earth Control



What actually keeps my faith in CoX's continuity is "The Matrix Online" Yeah odd isn't it?

But think of it this way. It's a DEAD game... Yet its still available for play. and by dead, I mean dead. I played the trial, the full 14 days and I didn't see another living soul anywhere, not in chat, not running past me, nothing of the sort. Yet it still exists. Genre games Never truly die. And I don't believe that Cox will anytime within the next 5 years.



Originally Posted by Agonus View Post
Why do you need to have something NAO when most Vets (other then the old timers who are the first to get the rewards) had to wait X months for it?
Some vet costumes - the wings, the boxing set, the samurai set - mean that certain concepts that require a certain look are only available to veterans.

The craftable wings, for the record, do not substitute for the angel and demon wings. Just to cut that off here.

It's not like I'm proposing only newbies get the extra time. Everyone gets it. Every account simply will flag in the system as having been active from Apr 04 to Nov 06, regardless of when they were created or whether they actually were active. The only people that gain nothing from this are the small subset that actually were active from the very beginning of the game. Everyone else will gain some amount of veteran's time. Thus we completely eliminate the "everyone else had to wait" effect.

And thus we also reward players that have kept their account active since the Veteran's Rewards program was started just as much as we reward people that were playing before the program. Everyone that came in at the ground floor of the program - November of 2006 - will receive the same rewards for the same amount of time. No more preferential treatment for folks that managed to meet invisible criteria before they were made public.



I'll give you the Samurai Armor and Boxing Gloves, but the Baron coat from the Magic Booster can substitute for the Trenchcoat, and the Valkyrie wings from the Valkyrie pack are arguably better than the Angel wings.

Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Some vet costumes - the wings, the boxing set, the samurai set - mean that certain concepts that require a certain look are only available to veterans.

The craftable wings, for the record, do not substitute for the angel and demon wings. Just to cut that off here.

It's not like I'm proposing only newbies get the extra time. Everyone gets it. Every account simply will flag in the system as having been active from Apr 04 to Nov 06, regardless of when they were created or whether they actually were active. The only people that gain nothing from this are the small subset that actually were active from the very beginning of the game. Everyone else will gain some amount of veteran's time. Thus we completely eliminate the "everyone else had to wait" effect.

And thus we also reward players that have kept their account active since the Veteran's Rewards program was started just as much as we reward people that were playing before the program. Everyone that came in at the ground floor of the program - November of 2006 - will receive the same rewards for the same amount of time. No more preferential treatment for folks that managed to meet invisible criteria before they were made public.
So instead of "preferential" treatment of Vet players who've kept an active subscription for X months (and/or stuck around from the beginning, which seems to be a sticking point for you), now we have preferential treatment for new players who've only had a subscription for Y months.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Originally Posted by Agonus View Post
So instead of "preferential" treatment of Vet players who've kept an active subscription for X months (and/or stuck around from the beginning, which seems to be a sticking point for you), now we have preferential treatment for new players who've only had a subscription for Y months.
"Preferential" in the terms of "getting the same benefits out of veteran's rewards everyone else got on day one", yes.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
The difference, Energyman, is back before they added capes, no one had capes. Now, only veterans can have boxing gloves, or angel wings, or samurai armour. They're in the game, but for some inexplicible reason, large swaths of the player base are prohibited from accessing them. There is nothing we can do to earn them on our own schedule....
Veteran's Rewards are unfair. It is unfair to grant a section of players visible and meaningful benefits . . .
umm, yes...
Today only SOME of the population will earn their cape. Not having earned their cape yet, or not having reached lvl 20 will indeed prohibit a swath of the pop from having capes . . . yet.
This month, only SOME of the pop will get their Greek symbols Vet Reward...
That is the way life works... Time only exists to keep everything from happening all at once.

BUT, . . .
Your total premise lacks logic.

VRs are the EASIEST and the FAIREST rewards in the game.
VRs are the only absolutely fair rewards in the game
  • We are ALL veterans. VRs are for EVERY player.
  • Like most rewards, you simply have to earn them first.
  • And EVERY player does.
  • VRs are the easiest reward in the game. Just keep paying and playing.
  • and EVERY player just keeps getting them.
  • VRs are the FAIREST reward in the game.
  • You can't buy them;
  • You can't PL to get them.
  • You can't cheat to get them.
  • and EVERYone gets them at the same milestones in their CoX playing life.
  • EVERY one gets the VRs. every 3 months like clockwork, everyone gets the next VR in sequence.
  • No have/have-nots. just not-have---YET.
Perfectly equal, perfectly fair.
If you want fairness, . . . The oldest vets, did not get their FIRST VR ... for over TWO years.
If you want fairness, should new vets have to wait two years for their first VRs?

EVERY player is a Veteran.. of a certain number of months. The VRs are for EVERY player, each as soon as it is earned. . . . and every player is earning them, every 3 months, at the same rate and schedule that everyone else does.

Whew! While all the above is true, and VRs are nice to get,
We all need to remember the bottom line:
The ONLY purpose for VRs, is to influence us, to keep people from unsubscribing, or taking vacations from subscribing.
Just carrots held in front of us to keep us going. Not uber-ultra. Just carrots that we all have ahead. No matter what level vet we are, the next six months will bring each of us exactly TWO sets of VRs as long as we keep subscribing.
Getting rid of them, or giving them all out nao, or letting us cherry pick the better ones, defeats the only purpose for VRs.

If you think we need more shorts, beg for more shorts.
If you want more Samurai armor, beg for more of that.
But don't try to take the effectiveness of the carrots away.
To work, they must stay there, spread out over time, so that each and every player has a few carrots ahead of them in their next few months of subscribing, in the same order that everyone else gets them.




Originally Posted by stever View Post
VRs are the EASIEST and the FAIREST rewards in the game.
No, badges are. Everyone has to do exactly the same things - at their own pace - to receive a badge.

Veteran's Rewards are unfair because they come for doing nothing. If they reflected actually playing, or actual income, you might have a point. They do not do this.

Giving "bonus" veteran time to people does not remove the incentive of future rewards from anyone, and it is only the future rewards that are a carrot.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
"Preferential" in the terms of "getting the same benefits out of veteran's rewards everyone else got on day one", yes.
Someone who subscribed for the first time between August 7th - Nov 5th 2006 got no veteran awards on Day 1.

"everyone else" is demonstrably false

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by stever View Post
VRs are the EASIEST and the FAIREST rewards in the game.
VRs are the only absolutely fair rewards in the game
Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
No, badges are. Everyone has to do exactly the same things - at their own pace - to receive a badge.
Did you even read the next few lines?
You are not able to PL, buy, or cheat to get VRs.
There are ways to PowerLevel, buy, or cheat/exploit getting badges.
By definition, VRs are a fairer reward than badges.

Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Veteran's Rewards are unfair because they come for doing nothing. If they reflected actually playing, or actual income, you might have a point. They do not do this.
No one can claim that requirements for a reward must be difficult.
You do NOT get VRs by doing "nothing".
I already said that VRs are the easiest rewards
All you must do to get VRs? - - 1.Subscribe . . . 2.Wait
You don't even have to log in. If you subscribe, and wait, the VRs just come.
But to remain fair, everyone must do at least those two things.

Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Giving "bonus" veteran time to people does not remove the incentive of future rewards from anyone, and it is only the future rewards that are a carrot.
OK... interesting thought ... Let's examine that idea.
  • For 5 years, everyone who got any VRs fulfilled the simple requirements of subscribing and waiting, and earned their VRs.
  • Now, you want to give several years worth of VRs to (let's use your phrase) "large swaths of the player base". to people who have NOT fulfilled these simplest of requirements.
  • Well, It WOULD make VRs even easier.
  • Indeed, there will still be future carrots.
  • But wow! It really does kind of blow the heck out of the fairness category.
  • Fail.
Also, new players who know about VRs, or people thinking of starting a new account, lose their incentive to start their accounts now.
They can just wait and do it months down the road, and just get all the VRs.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Veteran's Rewards are unfair because they come for doing nothing. If they reflected actually playing, or actual income, you might have a point. They do not do this.
Effort only equates in fairness if effort is not equal on all subjects. We all have a 0 effort cost so it is indeed equally fair.



Originally Posted by stever View Post
Also, new players who know about VRs, or people thinking of starting a new account, lose their incentive to start their accounts now.
They can just wait and do it months down the road, and just get all the VRs.
No, they can wait and do it months down the road and get a small portion of VRs. I'm not proposing everyone get all current VRs as of the day they start (the same small portion as they would if they started today.)

Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
Effort only equates in fairness if effort is not equal on all subjects. We all have a 0 effort cost so it is indeed equally fair.
I'll certainly agree it's "equal". Equal is not the same thing as fair.

VRs are equal. Everyone earns at the exact same pace, with the exact same effort.

VRs are unfair. Everyone starts from a different starting point, with advantages provided to some players over others.

Players that joined the game before the VR program started have a decided advantage over players that joined the game after the program started. They received a boost in their veteran's status that other people had no choice of matching, because they did not know there would be a VR program.

Just because everyone "has to do the same thing, at the same pace" does not mean something is fair when everyone starts from a different starting line - and the starting line keeps creeping further and further back as time goes by. It's like a race with a speed limit of 5 mph - somehow this race is "fair", even though some people got to start it right on time, others started it five minutes in, and there are still people starting it now. Oh, and there's a chunk of people that started the race without knowing they were, and the start line was put behind them and their current position was counted as progress in the race. But since everyone goes 5mph, it's all equal, and equal is fair.

Please do not conflate "equal" with fair.