Vet Costume Unlocks

Ad Astra



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
I'm quite aware that the reason is "Veteran's won't stand for a change".

I'm just trying to convince them that their stance is bad for the game, and thus perhaps some flexibility is required.

So instead of saying "No, don't change veteran rewards at all", maybe we could hear some "Okay, if we get costumes out of the VR program, maybe we could replace them with X", rather than just knee-jerkedly resisting change.
The problem with taking out costumes and replacing it with "X" is that it opens up the precedent for taking something out of the vet system and replacing it with "X" on the basis of "fairness" as you put it. You take out the costumes then it suddenly becomes "unfair" that the vets have extra powers and buff pets too.

By your argument why should powers that didn't exist (or were temp only) or buff pets be given to players who only had to wait a couple months for them because they were old vets from day one and the reward was just announced as opposed to a new player having to wait 36 months, 60 months, whatever? And since the precedent would be set if players with your idea got what they wanted with the costumes then there would be no reason to fall back on not to change the vet powers for "Y". And then that sets the precedent that why should people be restricted from freespecs, costume tokens, extra merits, whatever, whatever until there are no vet rewards at all.

With no vet reward the game sees an increase in churn, regular income for the game can go down, resources on the dev side would have to be reshifted/cut, free issues/new content doesn't come out as regularly, expansions aren't made, and the game goes away sooner than it could.

At its heart the vet system is a customer retention tool and changing things in it can set a precedent that could unravel the whole thing. I understand your point of not having the total customization package from the get go especially when other games are out now claiming more customization than this game. I can understand why you think it's "unfair" but at the same time it's not like you don't have umpteen million other costume choices and unlockable capes, Vanguard costumes to unlock, ITF costumes, etc, etc that need to be earned in game.

As I suggested if this is a simple case of "we don't have trenchcoats, angel wings, boxing gloves, shorts, etc, etc" then fine take the basic version of those out of the vet system and give them to everyone, be it getting them straight out, getting them after capes are unlocked, getting them for running a certain mission/task force, a variation of those, whatever. But don't replace them with free costume tokens, free character slots, whatever, replace them with a more dynamic version, buttoned trenchcoats, metal wings, anime boxing gloves, decorative shorts, etc, etc.

This way the basic costume parts are there for all, the dynamic versions are there for the long time vets (customers) and all the other costumes in game that are unlocked, won at HeroCon, whatever, remain as they are. And whatever reward the retained customers/players are looking for out of the vet system stays there and the whole thing doesn't unravel.

50s - Energyman, Elec^3 Blaster - Light Bringer Prime, Triform PB - OxyStorm, Robo/Storm/Mace MM - Widow Lotone, NW - Psi-Vox, Ill/FF/Earth Control



Originally Posted by Energyman View Post
The problem with taking out costumes and replacing it with "X" is that it opens up the precedent for taking something out of the vet system and replacing it with "X" on the basis of "fairness" as you put it.
Except that the "extra" powers aren't "new" to the game - they're in the game, and (largely) attainable, on a temporary basis, by all players if they take the right steps (missions/arcs). So giving a veteran a bonus of something that is in the game, but they don't have to work for (or get more permanently, or get at a discount, etc.) is a perfectly reasonable veteran reward that doesn't fall into the "locking away things arbitrarily" category.

This is just the classic slippery slope argument, but slopes are rarely as slippery as advertised.

Veteran's Rewards are the only way to receive trench coats, angel/demon wings, boxing gloves/shorts. There are other ways to receive respecs, costume changes, character slots, merits, etc.

I'd like to see the VR costume pieces added to the game, and the benefit replaced by a free costume unlock instead - whatever sort of unlock the Veteran desires, be it a Vanguard piece, a weapon unlock, a craftable costume piece, or what have you. That way Veterans still get the costume bonus, but no longer have exclusive access to particular costume sets or pieces.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Except that the "extra" powers aren't "new" to the game - they're in the game, and (largely) attainable, on a temporary basis, by all players if they take the right steps (missions/arcs). So giving a veteran a bonus of something that is in the game, but they don't have to work for (or get more permanently, or get at a discount, etc.) is a perfectly reasonable veteran reward that doesn't fall into the "locking away things arbitrarily" category.

This is just the classic slippery slope argument, but slopes are rarely as slippery as advertised.

Veteran's Rewards are the only way to receive trench coats, angel/demon wings, boxing gloves/shorts. There are other ways to receive respecs, costume changes, character slots, merits, etc.

I'd like to see the VR costume pieces added to the game, and the benefit replaced by a free costume unlock instead - whatever sort of unlock the Veteran desires, be it a Vanguard piece, a weapon unlock, a craftable costume piece, or what have you. That way Veterans still get the costume bonus, but no longer have exclusive access to particular costume sets or pieces.
You can get demonic wings from costume drops, the Valkyrie wings are very angelic, and females have shorts. I agree we need more shorts though. Generic version of boxing gloves are hand wraps, and padded gloves.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
I'll never understand the need of some people to make sure no one else gets what they have.
I'll never understand why people feel they shouldn't have to earn things.

Sorry for the snark, but that is how these arguments have sounded for a long time now.

I think a paid booster pack is the way to go.

As for the 60 mo badge, so far on every build I have done, I still end up taking hover, CJ or hasten for the +rech and the +def. The other temp powers are good here and there, mostly in the lower levels.

More costume options is never a bad thing though. I am surprised there aren't different versions of the vet costumes in the game already.

As for wings, get the Valkyrie pack, the wings in it look better to most people. Shorts, yes more please, I would like to be able to apply patterns to them.

I see both sides of the argument. I like the system because it rewards loyalty, and that just dosen't happen enough in the world these days. At the same time, I see the desire for those spiffy costume options. So, go with a paid booster pack for the costume options, and leave the vet stuff where it is.

Some of the things offered here I would be very annoyed if it were swapped out. Screw AE slots, I don't want that. What we could use is more costume tokens, Respecs, Temp powers with little effect (love the rune of warding from Crotoa), merits, salvage, and a long list of other things.

All in all, I doubt it changes.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



As a 60 month vet I would have no problem with the devs dropping all the costume bits from the vet rewards and handing them out to new subscribers.

When the vet rewards came out it was a diffrent time and diffrent thinking all together. I would not be opposed to the vet rewards stopping at 60 or 63 months because I'm pretty sure that time could be better served on other things like reworking older costumes, older TF's (I'm looking at you Positron), etc.

More options is always better... Keep the temps and whatnot but let everyone have costumes. Entitlement because I have kept paying for an account for this long doesn't work for everything. I believe my access to the temp powers and badges set me appart from my ability to wear Samarai Armor, and if i'm not wearing Samarai pieces on my alt of choice at the moment how would a new player know that I had those anyway without extensively searching my info.

As time goes on evaluation of the methods in which decisions were made in the past needs to be relooked at to decide if the right choices were made. What made since two years ago may not fit the mold now. Constant evolution needs to be in play and I believe the devs have shown in the past that they are well aware of this.

Costumes for the masses I say....

(Hides in corner....)

Dragon-King First level 50 -- Fire/Nrg Blaster
(and to many alts to mention)
Originally by Arcanaville: Everything in Praetoria was designed during a drinking binge in which the devs temporarily forgot the rules.



Originally Posted by Dragon_King View Post
As a 60 month vet I would have no problem with the devs dropping all the costume bits from the vet rewards and handing them out to new subscribers.

When the vet rewards came out it was a diffrent time and diffrent thinking all together. I would not be opposed to the vet rewards stopping at 60 or 63 months because I'm pretty sure that time could be better served on other things like reworking older costumes, older TF's (I'm looking at you Positron), etc.

More options is always better... Keep the temps and whatnot but let everyone have costumes. Entitlement because I have kept paying for an account for this long doesn't work for everything. I believe my access to the temp powers and badges set me appart from my ability to wear Samarai Armor, and if i'm not wearing Samarai pieces on my alt of choice at the moment how would a new player know that I had those anyway without extensively searching my info.

As time goes on evaluation of the methods in which decisions were made in the past needs to be relooked at to decide if the right choices were made. What made since two years ago may not fit the mold now. Constant evolution needs to be in play and I believe the devs have shown in the past that they are well aware of this.

Costumes for the masses I say....

(Hides in corner....)
And what would you replace them with for those Vets who like earning costumes? More unique costumes?



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
And what would you replace them with for those Vets who like earning costumes? More unique costumes?
And this is the basis for my point. Different vets look for different things out of the system. For some they want the costume pieces to stand out, for some it's the powers, for some it's the badge, for some it's the freespecs, and for some it's the MA tokens and whatever else we have in the system. Every vet has something they look forward to most in the system and taking out a piece of that and swapping it for something different runs the risk of losing those vets or at the least causing just as much if not more complaining.

The vet rewards have been around too long now to change at that level. It would be like taking VS out of Electric blast powers. Some people would love it, others would cry doom over it, and some would even leave the game all together they feel that strongly about it. As such the devs can't get rid of it even if most players thought it was a bad power. And I'm just using that as an example, I'm not picking on VS or getting into that debate.

Now if they wanted to say no more costume pieces in the vet system for any 66+ vet rewards, fine. Swap out what might have been higher vet costume pieces with temp powers, tokens, freespecs, whatever. Heck I'd be for adding the free crafted costume piece at those higher levels or free Vanguard, the unlockable costumes for free basically, or even maybe adding a free choice of booster pack. The multi hundreds if not thousands of dollars the 60+ months vets have already paid in monthly fees alone would seem to make that a fair option in my opinion. Of course if we already have them all they'd have to come up with some way to compensate that or have it a token for X amount that can be used in the CoX store, that way we could use it towards server transfers, renames, whatever as well.

Just some ideas. But I think what is fundamentally there cannot be changed without too much backlash at this point. Maybe had they done that withing the first few months of release of the vet system, maybe even the first year. But now it's just like completely removing a power from a powerset and swapping it with something completely different.

50s - Energyman, Elec^3 Blaster - Light Bringer Prime, Triform PB - OxyStorm, Robo/Storm/Mace MM - Widow Lotone, NW - Psi-Vox, Ill/FF/Earth Control



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
And what would you replace them with for those Vets who like earning costumes? More unique costumes?
So Jay makes the most awesome costume set yet but tells us we will have to wait till the 72 month vet reward to ever see it rather than just letting us have it would make "those who like earning costumes" happy?

Don't replace the costumes with anything... Make the vet rewards about the badges, temp powers and fluff rewards.

Dragon-King First level 50 -- Fire/Nrg Blaster
(and to many alts to mention)
Originally by Arcanaville: Everything in Praetoria was designed during a drinking binge in which the devs temporarily forgot the rules.



Costumes are fluff rewards.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Costumes are fluff rewards.
No, they aren't.

Only a man would say that.

Appearance matters. The beautiful thing about this game is the costume, and that my "epic gear" (enhancements) don't make me look colour blind or like a ******.



By definition fluff mean something of no consequence. While to some on a personal level costumes are not fluff to the game itself they are. They do not affect the game play, missions, etc on any level. They add to the customization yes, and customization is a key attraction to this game for many players. However as has been pointed out there are other costume pieces similar to the ones in the vet system, there are other costumes you must unlock on each toon if you are going to use them, there are special costume powers from events, costumes from boosters, etc.

You can't get every costume piece from the start of a new character. The pieces in the vet system are no different. They are awarded fairly and equally to all subscribers. If this is really an arguement about not having costume pieces until the game says it's time then why not argue against having to craft costumes, or run missions to unlock them, or having to get tons of Vanguard Merits to get the pieces for those sets, or pay for other sets?

There are certain things that have to be done to get certain costume pieces outside those millions that come with the base game after you install the DVD for the first time. Spending 3+ years subscribed is a requirement if you want all the vet costume pieces, it's that simple and no different than the requirements for other costumes.

At the end of the day though costumes are fluff to the gameplay in general, but they are cornerstones of the game experience. If they are that important to you, then do what it takes to earn them, just as you earn your cape, as you earn your Vanguard pieces, and as you pay to earn the booster pack pieces.

50s - Energyman, Elec^3 Blaster - Light Bringer Prime, Triform PB - OxyStorm, Robo/Storm/Mace MM - Widow Lotone, NW - Psi-Vox, Ill/FF/Earth Control



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
No, they aren't.

Only a man would say that.

Appearance matters. The beautiful thing about this game is the costume, and that my "epic gear" (enhancements) don't make me look colour blind or like a ******.
The chains, cleavage, and hairdo on the other hand...



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Costumes are fluff rewards.
Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
No, they aren't.

Only a man would say that.

Appearance matters. The beautiful thing about this game is the costume, and that my "epic gear" (enhancements) don't make me look colour blind or like a ******.
Hello - female (IRL) player here and I agree with Aett.

And there are tons of costume combinations that don't make you look color blind or like a ****** - even without Boxing Shorts & Samurai Armor.

(BTW - what effect do VR costume pieces have on your personal color sense? They do not dictate only certain color combinations be used and preclude the use of others that might make the eyes bleed.)

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



I still say (as a 57 month vet):

Make the costume pieces available to everyone.. Give vets additional Salvage/Rec/WW slots.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
No, they aren't.

Only a man would say that.

Appearance matters. The beautiful thing about this game is the costume, and that my "epic gear" (enhancements) don't make me look colour blind or like a ******. definition of Fluff, use 3:

something of no consequence: The book is pure fluff, but fun to read.

As others above have said, costume pieces in this game have no consequence. That is what makes them fluff when compared to armor pieces in a game like WoW. Here, costume has no impact on gameplay. They don't make you stronger or weaker. They don't alter powers at all, and they don't give you abilities you didn't have before.

As such, they are merely cosmetic options in this game, and therefore, by definition, are fluff.

Do I like having more costume options rather than less? Sure I do. But I don't pretend that having a vast minority of options be gated as anything but fluff.

Salvage, recipe, and WW slots for Vet rewards? Those are less fluff, as they can actually have an impact. More slots means that you can acquire more goods before you need to sell, or when you do sell, you have more items to sell. This can mean a faster acquisition of money and items in game for a Vet over a new player. That can have an impact on gameplay.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
And there are tons of costume combinations that don't make you look color blind or like a ****** - even without Boxing Shorts & Samurai Armor.
I was referencing other MMOs with that comment. Because our costumes are completely independent of the game mechanics.



Foregoing the actual definition of what fluff is... To me fluff with the vet rewards are the 5 merits I got for being a 60 month vet and the extra WW slots. Since I don't extensively play the market except to sell what I don't need it is not as important to me as it might be to someone else.

The costumes may not be game breaking, but to someone like myself who suddenly comes up with a certain concept for a character but can't craft them completely because I'm not at a certain month to attain that one piece that would completely make their concept sing is frustrating at best. Even though I can make do with something else till I get there.

I don't really care either way what they decide to do. Since I am working on the 63 vet mark now it wont effect me as it would a new player just starting.

Dragon-King First level 50 -- Fire/Nrg Blaster
(and to many alts to mention)
Originally by Arcanaville: Everything in Praetoria was designed during a drinking binge in which the devs temporarily forgot the rules.



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
Im up to 2 years now. But this is one of the many reasons I'd like to see the vet reward system get a complete overhaul. Costume pieces should be made available to everyone ingame. Either thru unlocks or big packs in micro transactions like our super boosters.

Vetrewards should be limited to nifty temp powers, respecs, AE slot tokens, character slots (hey i've received 2 of these already) Closed beta access, Salvage, auction and recipe increases, etc.

It's kinda stupid that you have to wait up to 51 months to get costume pieces. I doubt this will ever change though.
Screw getting rid of Vet costumes to pay for packs. If someone has poured over 5 years of subscription into the game, they deserve something.



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
Screw getting rid of Vet costumes to pay for packs. If someone has poured over 5 years of subscription into the game, they deserve something.
Well, assuming you're not satisfied with the 5 years of playing the game...

Let Veterans keep them, and allow non-Veterans to buy them.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Well, assuming you're not satisfied with the 5 years of playing the game...

Let Veterans keep them, and allow non-Veterans to buy them.
That is more reasonable.



whilst I might agree that all costumes should be available to all platers (and I also might not.../em flipcoin) in regards to the OP's problem with making a samurai themed toon, my cyborg samurai character Robo-Ronin was created before I had the vet costumes and he has taped feet, Japanese pants (trousers) and, ok buckled leather top, but a robe of some kind would have been fine (if they'd let me put a robotic arm on it). I am going to go back and redesign him now, but he's always been fairly close to my concept. I'd advise that if you've not got the Samurai Armour set yet, then make your toon as if he's a young trainee (shame there's no Bokken, I suppose you could try and recolour a Katana to match) and once you've levelled up and got your vet reward, add the armour.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
I was referencing other MMOs with that comment. Because our costumes are completely independent of the game mechanics.
Oh, how I love being able to make a costume, stick with it if I like it or change it if I don't. I can choose what I look like and it doesn't affect gameplay! Rejoice, go tell it on the mountain and oh, yes, TESTIFY!

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



First, I'm all for maintaining Veteran rewards -- I'm in agreement with the numerous reasons already stated.

Here is my compromise solution (and it surprises me that it has not been enacted yet). Unlock veteran rewards based on subscription time purchased (rather than game-time played.) Huh? Don't we do that already? Not exactly. If a new player wants his trench coat, let him buy 3 months worth of sub-time and unlock the reward (although the badge is not unlocked until 3 months elapsed.) If a player has been around 3 months and decides s/he wants angel wings, s/he can plunk down 1 year's worth of subscription time to get them.

Players can get wings and other rewards
Veterans can't claim that new players "paid" less or are not entitled tot hem.
NCsoft is still getting money, possibly lots of money, up front.

If rewards are meant to be a hook to keep players in game over time, that hook is removed. Sure, NCsoft has money from those people which fills an immediate need but if all of the rewards could be front-loaded, players aren't nearly as incentivized to stay in game. And if there aren't as many players in game, then other players may be less inclined to stock around.

Honestly, I prefer the existing system over this compromise but figured to put it out there. I think there's tremendous benefit to NCsoft and a sense of satisfaction and excitement for a player when they near a vet-reward anniversary. Angel/Demon wings look far off to a new player but as the anniversaries tick away, the excitement grows, especially after month 15 -- that's priceless.

EDIT: One other thing I'd like to comment on: I don't think the developers can or should alter the system to make the rewards purchaseable. I think certain things have been promised as exclusives and they should remain that way. Unfortunately, the developers have gone back on this twice now: prestige power sprints and arachnos helmets for pre-orders. I can see how the devs painted themselves into a corner with the helmets, given VEATs are arachnos soldiers but, still, that doesn't necessarily engender good faith going back on their word like that. Some might also suggest the hero kits too but, to my knowledge, those were just codes pulled from existing dvd editions and redistributed.




I didn't see getting the prestige sprints as loosing the special of my seldom used colored sprint as getting access to the sprint I wished I had instead.



Originally Posted by Texarkana View Post
If a player has been around 3 months and decides s/he wants angel wings, s/he can plunk down 1 year's worth of subscription time to get them.
This idea has been put forth numerous times before. It's not about money, it's about time spent playing the game. Veteran status (life experience) cannot be advance-purchased.

EDIT: One other thing I'd like to comment on: I don't think the developers can or should alter the system to make the rewards purchaseable.
It seems that your heart isn't in this idea.

Goldbrick 50 inv/ss tank
Other 50s: Power Beam, Rocky Mantle, STORMIE Agent, Matchless, Major Will, Knightmayor, Femstone, Space Maureen, Crimebuster Ako, Dr. Twilight, Doc Champion, American Gold Eagle