This has been a much discussed topic over the years. In fact, an 'underwater zone' ranks right up there with a 'moon zone' as the most requested. There are likely several areas already in the forums if you search on 'water' and see past discussion (I did not check).
That said, they are toying with it. There is a small pool outdoors in Grandville somewhere where you can go underwater, and several areas within some of the Cimerora instance maps where you can swim under the stone bridges.
City of Coralax.
A recent-ish text bubble change on the ITF has one of the 5th Column soldiers mentioning Atlantis - why this was changed remains a mystery - for now
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork

Character index
I'm still not a fan of the idea. It just imposes far too many limitation and ignoring those limitations makes it just patently silly. Fire underwater, electricity underwater, freezing rain underwater, hurl boulder underwater... The list goes on. I don't want to get into it, but I just don't see it working.
And, yes, I've seen what Champions Online did with this. They landed right in the middle of the bullseye of "SILLY!!!"
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Would it be cool to have? yes.
Would it be positively stupid to give everyone the ability to breath under water? Absolutely.
Single power pool:
Passive that added the ability to breathe under water, as well as another minor buff (to make it useful when not underwater)
Passive that increased swim speed and run speed
a swim travel power, which would have a low endurance cost, and in combat offer mez protection. Could only be active in water.
A leadership style power which grants all nearby allies the first power in the pool.
And have NPC vendors who will sell a temp toggle which allows water breathing, and a slightly increased swim speed.
Would it be positively stupid to give everyone the ability to breath under water? Absolutely.
I've encountered hundreds if not thousands of player characters that don't breathe.
Ghosts, Zombies, Vampires, Energy based life forms (No I don't mean Kheldians), Golems, Robots, Aliens, mineral based lifeforms, and Demons, just to name a few.
Given a choice do you think the devs are going to force players to sacrifice at least one power selection and up to 6 enhancement slots to breathe underwater, or do you think they'll choose to let the players come up with an explanation that explains why their character can function underwater indefinitely.
I'm betting they'll do the latter.

And that's before we face the age-old problem of video games and swimming - floatation. How in the BLUE HELL does a person with 200 pounds of plate mail swim and not sink like a stone? Surprisingly empty head for buoyancy? Every time I see a medieval-style game where a character dives into a ridiculously deep lake in full armour and swims through to the other side, I just have to laugh. It's like swimming with an anchor around your waist.
Really, I understand we can just wave our hands, close our eyes and say "Ignore the details. Just clone the dry land game into the water." The problem is that what this results in neither looks nor feels like underwater. It feels like some kind of alien environment where everyone can fly. Air, floatation, the chemistry and physics of water... These are the things that make an environment feel like it's really taking place underwater. Ignore those, and you lose the point of the environment.
I actually feel the same way about an outer space/moon zone. Unless it takes part in a domed structure or underground in sustained atmosphere caves (and I'm not sure if there are, or indeed CAN BE caves on the moon) it runs into the same problems. Deadly-hostile environment which precludes half the powersets in the game from existing in it, much less being effective. I'm just going to die laughing the day I see Storm Summoning in vacuum.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Sam: What makes it worse is that Planetside got "water" effects right back in it's 2002-2003 beta and launch. Nothing like driving a Prowler over a bridge and into the water. (ker-plunk, ker-walk, ker-die 5 feet from the shore)
So where is this pool in Grandville? I'd like to add that to my tour list...
Anyways, I am per usual all for having underwater stuff. I mean, this game already allows you so much freedom of exploration, the sky literally being the limit, and yet the comparatively simple idea of going underwater is untouched.
But there are the matters others brought up...How do we breath? Well, we don't! It's not that odd of a concept to apply some sort of meter or time limit to swimming underwater, requiring you to come up for air periodically. Of course, there should likewise be ways to circumvent that limitation. A crafted or purchaseable temporary air tank? Or maybe alter a few powers to add protection from drowning, for example Force Field powers could easily provide air to those under their effects.
"But what about fire?" you say. This is where suspension of disbelief comes into play. It just wouldn't be fair to disallow certain powers for the sake of realism. At the risk of invoking the name of WoW: I never had any trouble setting things on fire while underwater. This was never explained, and frankly nobody cared. This is a game, one in which we fly around in technicolor spandex and shoot lasers from our eyes, not a model for reality. I'd advise you to try explaining how anything in this game is possible before asking whether or not things can burn underwater.
The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)
Virtue Forever.
Would it be positively stupid for the devs to assume that all player characters in the game are lifeforms that have lungs which require respiration to live?
ABSOLUTELY! I've encountered hundreds if not thousands of player characters that don't breathe. Ghosts, Zombies, Vampires, Energy based life forms (No I don't mean Kheldians), Golems, Robots, Aliens, mineral based lifeforms, and Demons, just to name a few. Given a choice do you think the devs are going to force players to sacrifice at least one power selection and up to 6 enhancement slots to breathe underwater, or do you think they'll choose to let the players come up with an explanation that explains why their character can function underwater indefinitely. I'm betting they'll do the latter. |
So I will just flatly say: I disagree and think that going the "everyone breaths underwater, why is for their players to decide" is a stupid route that shatters immersion.
Having a cheap easy to obtain temporary power for anyone who somehow can't spare one power (and no slots*) for their concept.
*you would never use more than 5 slots anyways as one is automatic, and being a passive most likely you would only put at most 2 more slots in it, depending on what it offered other than water breathing.
"But what about fire?" you say. This is where suspension of disbelief comes into play. It just wouldn't be fair to disallow certain powers for the sake of realism. At the risk of invoking the name of WoW: I never had any trouble setting things on fire while underwater. This was never explained, and frankly nobody cared. This is a game, one in which we fly around in technicolor spandex and shoot lasers from our eyes, not a model for reality. I'd advise you to try explaining how anything in this game is possible before asking whether or not things can burn underwater.
You shouldn't be able to throw things at high speed underwater, not without causing some serious sockwaves. You shouldn't be able to have fire be as effective in water as it is in air. Electricity shouldn't work the same way, as water is a conductive medium. For one, it should be more effective. For another, it ought to shock YOU, too. Ice powers would be pretty funky and lasers may well not work at all. And, again, how in blue blazes do you picture STORM SUMMONING working underwater, and with the same effects, no less?
For instance, I like how Dead Space handles... Well, space. As soon as you open the outside airlock, you lose all atmosphere in a rush of air and start running out of oxygen. The colour bleeds out (which is likely unrealistic, but it IS a nice touch) and noise almost completely disappears. You lose gravity, so you walk slowly and stomp hard, and the terrain loses up/down consistency. Every time you're in zero gravity, there are things floating around, like crates or debris or water. Things of that nature. Outer space has its limitations, and that's what makes it feel like outer space.
In fact, that's something which bothers me in sci-fi in general and sci-fi series in particular. A lot of the time, they come off like sit-coms with a space theme where people spend the majority of their time talking to each other. If there are alien worlds, they always have atmosphere that's breathable and non-toxic, as well as Earth-like gravity. If there's space, you see it out the window. If there's anti-gravity, there are reasons why the characters aren't floating about. If there are EVAs at all, they're filmed in extreme close-up so you can't really tell what's going on. You can't just pretend you are in a specific environment by just SAYING you're in that environment. If you claim you are in space or underwater, but everything I see contradicts this, then I'm going to feel cheesed out. If it's not done right, it just feels wrong.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Sam please forgive me if I find your position humerous. I will agree with you 100 percent about the sci-fi perspective because there we want to believe it could actually happen, but when you apply it to the super hero genre it's funny. The natural laws of physics don't apply in this genre, and I'm not talking about the powers themselves but how they get used. We've seen comics/cartoons/etc. where a hero rescues/lifts/carries/flies an ocean liner, super tanker, toppling building and they don't collapse/tear apart at the stress points like they would in the real world. Or a giant crevasse appears during an earthquake and the hero grabs the ground and pushes the earth back together then welds the ground shut with his heat vision.
Just look at that recent Superman movie. Lex caused massive portions of the ocean floor to suddenly rise to the surface, and we saw giant crevasses open up underwater using supermans vision, and we saw Superman lift millions of tons of rock and fly it into space yet those siesmic events caused no massive tidal waves. What happened in the movie was at least as massive a siesmic event as the earthquake that occurred in the Indian Ocean in 2004 and killed 240,000 people in 11 countries.
I'm gonna be the only one to oppose this: /no
I'm galeophobic, and afraid of sharks, as I'm a huge wuss... Yeah, even in CoH. I know that the FIRST boss enemy is gonna be a big ol' Great White.
Yeah, it would be nice for some people, but I've got other things on my list of preferred.

Entrance to zone has an NPC whose dialog says "If you aren't able to survive for prolonged periods underwater our mages will enchant you when you enter".
Now we can all be buoyant and water breathing!
Sam please forgive me if I find your position humerous. I will agree with you 100 percent about the sci-fi perspective because there we want to believe it could actually happen, but when you apply it to the super hero genre it's funny. The natural laws of physics don't apply in this genre, and I'm not talking about the powers themselves but how they get used. We've seen comics/cartoons/etc. where a hero rescues/lifts/carries/flies an ocean liner, super tanker, toppling building and they don't collapse/tear apart at the stress points like they would in the real world. Or a giant crevasse appears during an earthquake and the hero grabs the ground and pushes the earth back together then welds the ground shut with his heat vision.
Just look at that recent Superman movie. Lex caused massive portions of the ocean floor to suddenly rise to the surface, and we saw giant crevasses open up underwater using supermans vision, and we saw Superman lift millions of tons of rock and fly it into space yet those siesmic events caused no massive tidal waves. What happened in the movie was at least as massive a siesmic event as the earthquake that occurred in the Indian Ocean in 2004 and killed 240,000 people in 11 countries. |
I can EASILY see the devs handwaving away the breathing underwater issue.
Folks take their science in comics and mmos waaaay too seriously.
If we are going to go that route then a man/cyborg/whatever in tons of plate armor should SINK LIKE A STONE. Wouldn't be so great for those that choose heavy armor for their costumes, now would it?
Get some perspective folks. LOL!

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!

So I will just flatly say: I disagree and think that going the "everyone breaths underwater, why is for their players to decide" is a stupid route that shatters immersion.
Having a cheap easy to obtain temporary power for anyone who somehow can't spare one power (and no slots*) for their concept. |
So much in this game is left to the player to decide - why does your character fly, how does she shoot fire blasts, where does her power over radiation come from - so why do you find breathing underwater to be the line drawn in the sand?
"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."
Why should I have to sacrifice a power selection (and a pool selection) just to "realistically" depict a character wearing a self-contained powersuit? Or being undead? Or alien? Or Aquaman (well, okay, Aquaman has power selections to spare, he's useless)?
So much in this game is left to the player to decide - why does your character fly, how does she shoot fire blasts, where does her power over radiation come from - so why do you find breathing underwater to be the line drawn in the sand? |
Now how to help super speeders out....
So much in this game is left to the player to decide - why does your character fly, how does she shoot fire blasts, where does her power over radiation come from -

City of Heroes is my favorite computer game by far.
I can't sing enough of its praises.
However, I'm going to invoke the name of the evil, "other" game...World of Warcraft.
I played WoW for a few months because some friends got into it and I wanted some online/social time with them. The game was fine in its own way, but it just didn't grab me.
However, there was ONE aspect of WoW that I was fascinated with and thought would be a GREAT addition to City of Heroes...the ability to travel underwater.
The idea of Aquaman-esque characters and new enemy/ally/archetype factions like merfolk/lemurians/etc. just sounds too cool not to explore if it's possible.
I can already see a new power pool for waterbreathing and swimming.
Is it possible that this could come about one of these days?