



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Actually, I said it would take the gibbering idiot they replace me with years to do and ultimately look stupid...because gibbering idiots aren't known for the quality of their work as much as their ability to gibber.
Dear BackAlleyBrawler,

Please do not allow our misunderstandings of what you've said stop you from commenting on the forums in the future. You have seen time and time again that we are quite capable of putting words in your mouth even when you say NOTHING AT ALL, so actually saying things typically leads to a lot fewer misunderstandings. I hope our callous ways will not dissuade you from being as forthcoming as you've always been.

I'm sure we all agree to promise to be good

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Actually, I said it would take the gibbering idiot they replace me with years to do and ultimately look stupid...because gibbering idiots aren't known for the quality of their work as much as their ability to gibber.

Whether or not we ever do an underwater zone or underwater gameplay is not my call to make...I'm simply stating the fact that it's very low on my list of things that I would want to see us do for this game and would be pretty forthright about expressing my opinion as such.

The dig at Aquaman was a joke and sincerely apologize to him and his lovely family; Aquawoman, Aqualad, and the rest of the Aquaclan...you are all special in your own unique and clammy ways.
Get Posi outta the spotlight for a bit, BaBs, we need more Brawler humour and stuff

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Because I don't want to quote a big post that won't quote right anyway, let me address this to ZNRGY_XERONUS:

I can respect the sentiment in your last post and I can respect what it takes to say it. I have no further qualms with your position or expression, and I hope you can keep this positive attitude further on in the thread, because I honestly do agree with you on one major point - I would like to see an underwater zone done right, because I would LOVE to see how our powers would change in water. It would be cool to see that, at least, but I just don't expect it to be something they'd work on. Again, I've seen underwater environments done WRONG, and I'd rather have them not present at all than presented like that.

There's one thing I've found to be true about creating works of art and works of fiction - cursing at limitations and stomping your feet until they go away only serves to deteriorate your work. Trust me, I've tried it, and all it did was lose me time and brain cells, and even when the limitation was lifted, the result wasn't always as spectacular as I thought. On the other hand, just reworking around limitations can sometimes produce actually superior results. In essence, I think we're likely to see an underwater zone at some point, only it won't be an IN water zone, and we'll see various cheeky ways to keep us out of the water. And if Bioshock managed to have a game take place inside an underwater city without once putting you IN the water (outside the plane crash at the beginning), then it's not quite impossible.

Sam can confirm That I also like the idea of an underwater zone done right as I bounced content ideas I had off of him via private messages.

Edit: Oh and MAOR BaBs!



I like the idea of instanced maps/tilesets and zones located underwater but not in water. Though if the Coralax ever became a major focus and their goddess Merulina (think female Cthulhu) made an appearance, I can't see us fighting her anywhere except underwater, so I guess the chances of her appearing in the game are very unlikely.

Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Frank Miller Batman is lame. All boring angst and looming and brooding and contrived martial arts nonsense.

Adam West is where it's at. Just the right amount of fun and serious, with quirky but amusing gadgets to save the day. Including convenient shark repellent!
Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Interestingly, Jack Nicholson's Joker is my least favourite depiction of the Joker ever, while Heath Ledger's is my favourite.
Is it wrong that after reading both of the above posts I had a mental image of Heath Ledger's Joker pitted against Adam West's Batman?

It did not go well for Bats...



Originally Posted by Lord Mayhem View Post
Is it wrong that after reading both of the above posts I had a mental image of Heath Ledger's Joker pitted against Adam West's Batman?

It did not go well for Bats...
I think Adam West could dance circles around Ledger's Joker. Ledger can't do the Batusi.



Originally Posted by ToySoldierZolgar View Post
Would it be positively stupid to give everyone the ability to breath under water? Absolutely.
Just give everyone a temp power. I would say "skin-tight force field." There is even a handy visual to base it on: the "force fields-as-spacesuits" of Star Trek the animated series. The crew had belts which surrounded them with a force field. It was a cheap way to do the animation, but it existed in science fiction before that.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
I think Adam West could dance circles around Ledger's Joker. Ledger can't do the Batusi.
Nor much of anything else, any more.

... too soon?



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post


Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Nor much of anything else, any more.

... too soon?
Maybe for Ledger, but what about this one?




Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
So where is this pool in Grandville? I'd like to add that to my tour list...

Anyways, I am per usual all for having underwater stuff. I mean, this game already allows you so much freedom of exploration, the sky literally being the limit, and yet the comparatively simple idea of going underwater is untouched.

But there are the matters others brought up...How do we breath? Well, we don't! It's not that odd of a concept to apply some sort of meter or time limit to swimming underwater, requiring you to come up for air periodically. Of course, there should likewise be ways to circumvent that limitation. A crafted or purchaseable temporary air tank? Or maybe alter a few powers to add protection from drowning, for example Force Field powers could easily provide air to those under their effects.

"But what about fire?" you say. This is where suspension of disbelief comes into play. It just wouldn't be fair to disallow certain powers for the sake of realism. At the risk of invoking the name of WoW: I never had any trouble setting things on fire while underwater. This was never explained, and frankly nobody cared. This is a game, one in which we fly around in technicolor spandex and shoot lasers from our eyes, not a model for reality. I'd advise you to try explaining how anything in this game is possible before asking whether or not things can burn underwater.
I was reading the fire question and water, and I distinctly remember in the Ghost Rider movie, with that hunk of an actor Nicolas Cage, were he deliveratibly dropped into the river and rode his fire cycle and self out a bank just to show off.

Guess for users of magic, the limitations of science really do not quite apply. In the case of armor, if magical who is not to say the magic makes it neutrally boyant?

Frankly for each excuse of why not, you can find an equally lame excuse of why. I say, go with it and enjoy the game, let our character descriptions rationalize the why's and how's...





Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post
I was reading the fire question and water, and I distinctly remember in the Ghost Rider movie, with that hunk of an actor Nicolas Cage, were he deliveratibly dropped into the river and rode his fire cycle and self out a bank just to show off.
I'm sorry, I make it a point not to big people about spelling, but I have no idea what you're trying to say here. Could you maybe re-write that without the spelling mistakes and inappropriate homonyms? Really, this hurts my ability to follow your train of thought.

Frankly for each excuse of why not, you can find an equally lame excuse of why. I say, go with it and enjoy the game, let our character descriptions rationalize the why's and how's...
Welcome to 20 pages ago. It's not a matter of realism, it's a matter of looking ugly as sin. All I caught from your first quote was Ghost Rider and a river, so I'm assuming you mean the flaming skull was in water. Was the water around him bubbling? Was he sizzling? If so, you have your explanation.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Just give everyone a temp power. I would say "skin-tight force field." There is even a handy visual to base it on: the "force fields-as-spacesuits" of Star Trek the animated series. The crew had belts which surrounded them with a force field. It was a cheap way to do the animation, but it existed in science fiction before that.

Good god! The force fields are misaligned! Kirk and Spock are mere millimeters from exposure to the freezing vaccuum of space!

Formerly known as Stormy_D



While breathing underwater and being a good swimmer seem useless anywhere else besides an underwater zone, what if they were only the 1st two tiers of a pool power

The 3rd being a travel power that allows you to create a wave underneath your self and surf on it. (kinda like Iceman)



Originally Posted by shodden View Post
While breathing underwater and being a good swimmer seem useless anywhere else besides an underwater zone, what if they were only the 1st two tiers of a pool power

The 3rd being a travel power that allows you to create a wave underneath your self and surf on it. (kinda like Iceman)
Actually, I don't think it's a good idea to have those be power picks at all. I'd rather underwater breathing and able swimming be some kind of tempermanent power granted right before entering the zone, similar to the O-Portal. If it's an ambiguous enough "There! Now you can breath underwater and swim as fast as you can run!" then it'll unify all concepts around it. Those whose concepts require scuba gear can make one using the costume editor and those who don't don't need to worry.

Still, underwater breathing and swimming aren't the problem. Underwater combat is. Anyone's who's watched an old James Bond movie knows how awkward and silly underwater combat is, but that awkwardness and silliness gives you the sense of mass of water as an environment. That and a bunch of other things.

And here's the interesting bit - if you can swim as fast as you can run, then you're already swimming faster than you can Hover. Why take Hover at all, then?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.