



Originally Posted by Trialtester View Post
Water Controling or Water Blast could turn out nice...
Ever wonder why Energy Blast has all those bubbles?




You're running off some odd information and odd conclusions:

Originally Posted by ZNRGY_XERONUS View Post
Buster Sword: Doesn't look right when animated (or something like that)
And he's right. Sticking a Buster Sword in the Katana powerset would look patently stupid. Hell, some of the katana in there are pushing the limits as it is, a sword bigger than the player just doesn't work with these animations. A Buster Sword would require its own powerset to give it the feeling of mass and momentum it needs. BABs didn't say no to giant swords. He said no to giant swords in sets with small, light-weight swords.

Forcefield Mace: Talsorian weapons have no mass -- won't do it!
That was a joke.

Swinging Travel Power: Looks silly with swingline coming out of nowhere!
This isn't a question of "making it work." To grapple, you need something to grapple to, and unless you're grappling clouds or subscribe to the ridiculous idea of shooting balloons in the air and grappling them, there's nothing to grapple to in the middle of open ocean, over a low-tree-line forest or just generally anywhere away from tall buildings. Even Spider-Man who generally enjoys creative freedom still suffers from this limitation.

Underwater Zone: Aquaman is lame!
I think your reading glasses are foggy. "Aquaman is lame" was just a footnote joke. The actual reasoning is what we've been discussing all along - you need a TON of work to make the underwater experience anything other than ugly and crappy, and that just isn't happening.

To now fall back on real world physical laws or because you think they're lame or silly to justify not adding a powerset/feature is kinda weak.
It's not falling on real world physics. It's falling on real world aesthetics. I don't want an underwater world of epileptic trees where smoke billows without dissolving into the water, where fire burns without creating bubbles and where explosions produce high-pitched bangs instead of the low-pitch rumble you get underwater. Powers need to work that way not because it's realistic, but because if they don't it looks UGLY and STUPID. And I'm not saying that to be insulting. It's just ridiculous on the same level as Baron Münchhausen picking himself up out of the water by his own ponytail.

I think it would be awesome to have to put a respirator on my toon and swim to an underwater base or city to combat an enemy!
And then we're back to the old debate. Why should I put a respirator on a character who already has a gas mask or a full-face helmet? It's like iron-man shoving a scuba gear mouth piece in his mouth slit if he has to go underwater, even though we've seen that his suit is a sealed environment. So then DON'T put on a respirator and... What about characters with an open face who SHOULD have a respirator? It's a solvable problem, but it's not as simple as you make it out to be. And it's not even the biggest problem.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Sorry ST, but we play superheroes and villains that shot beams of energy from their limbs, that leap over buildings. If I was a dev, I'd figure out how to make the things I BABs shoots down doable and not look silly, ugly and or stupid. I don't have a problem with the devs saying they can't do something because of time and resource constraints, but to say that they're not going to do something because they perceive that it's silly, ugly and or stupid is something else, when you consider the genre this game is set in.



Originally Posted by ZNRGY_XERONUS View Post
Sorry ST, but we play superheroes and villains that shot beams of energy from their limbs, that leap over buildings. If I was a dev, I'd figure out how to make the things I BABs shoots down doable and not look silly, ugly and or stupid. I don't have a problem with the devs saying they can't do something because of time and resource constraints, but to say that they're not going to do something because they perceive that it's silly, ugly and or stupid is something else, when you consider the genre this game is set in.
"If I were a dev, I'd figure out" is a remarkably bad argument to operate out of, specifically since there's nothing to "figure out." It's a matter of time and resources, as much as you may dislike me using that argument, because all of the things mentioned are technically possible, but simply not worth the effort, some because they are inherently silly and some because they are just far, far too much work. And underwater zone would fall under the second category - too much work for too little return. And again, I'd like to see it if it were at all possible, but I just don't expect to.

And, really - is BABs indebted to explain himself? To you, to us, to anybody that's not his employer? He says "No, won't happen." and we can only speculate as to the reason, but again, the reason is almost certainly workload. Doing this well, as opposed to half-***** and half-finished, isn't something he sees as worth the workload involved. And whenever BABs has put his foot down on questions of appeal, I usually agree with him. I'd sooner have something done RIGHT or not having it done AT ALL. The in-between state of done half-***** is actually WORSE than not there at all.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by ZNRGY_XERONUS View Post
If I was a dev, I'd figure out how to make the things I BABs shoots down doable and not look silly, ugly and or stupid.
Yes, yes. And if I had $115,000, I'd buy a brand new Jaguar XJL Supersport. Indigo Blue, with the optional leaping-jaguar hood ornament. But I don't and you're not, so, no Jag for me, no underwater zone for you.



Originally Posted by ZNRGY_XERONUS View Post
If I was a dev, I'd figure out how to make the things I BABs shoots down doable and not look silly, ugly and or stupid. I don't have a problem with the devs saying they can't do something because of time and resource constraints, but to say that they're not going to do something because they perceive that it's silly, ugly and or stupid is something else, when you consider the genre this game is set in.






Haven't read through all of this. Just posting a few thoughts.

1. I want underwater to feel like underwater. I want the physics, the drift, etc. Yes, breathing CAN be handwaved away - "We need your help, but we want you alive. If you can't breathe underwater normally and otherwise need to, (magic or tech explanation to handwave here.)" If it's an underwater zone- you run across a badge. The doorway won't open for you without it (right in front of the first contact, no level restriction.) It says you can now deal with breathing underwater and water pressure. Poof.

2. Powers. Powers are more tricky, yes.

Disable them all. *shrug* Honestly, if we're doing an underwater (say, coralax-themed) area, the missions will end up being the inevitable underwater city, sub base, etc. We'll do very *little* actually in the water - and when we're there, why not provide us with temp "spear guns" and the like for any hunts?

3. Powers, part 2. There are times some powersets have an advantage. Steel Canyon fires? I've soloed them with my Ice/Emp. I put them out quickly. I think I'd be somewhat disappointed if the same DIDN'T hold true underwater - AOE ice hold? Holds a bigger area. Earth? Perhaps less, but causes greater -fly (-swim?) Limit the range on everything. Though, honestly, given the reaction to "All your powers are different" in PVP, this MIGHT not be as popular an idea.



Originally Posted by ZNRGY_XERONUS View Post
Sorry ST, but we play superheroes and villains that shot beams of energy from their limbs, that leap over buildings. If I was a dev, I'd figure out how to make the things BABs shoots down doable and not look silly, ugly and or stupid. I don't have a problem with the devs saying they can't do something because of time and resource constraints, but to say that they're not going to do something because they perceive that it's silly, ugly and or stupid is something else, when you consider the genre this game is set in.
It's a matter of both.
Given BaBs just finished work on the ground work of Power Customisation, calling him anything like 'lazy' is quite insulting, really. The guy makes a lot of things in the game great. But great things take time, effort and resources.

If *I* was a Dev, I would steal Jay's job and design all the character parts that people have been dying for, myself included. I would then probably be set back about four issues by time and money restraints and suchnot.
And, if it would look silly, or ugly, I'd rather they waited and made it look good, thanks all the same.

((I'll still get Jay's job one day. ))

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
It's a matter of both.
Given BaBs just finished work on the ground work of Power Customisation, calling him anything like 'lazy' is quite insulting, really. The guy makes a lot of things in the game great. But great things take time, effort and resources.
I never said that BABs or the any of the Devs were lazy, to the contrary, I've always defended them on that front when others have made that claim. I have stated in many posts that the Devs have done some awesome things in this game. Just because I'm critical at times doesn't mean I'm maligning them or their hard work!

The point that I'm making is that the Devs shouldn't be excluding ideas because they think they're lame or silly or simple they won't look right - they are definitely smart and capable folks and should be able to figure out how to make those things work! BABs may think an underwater zone is lame because of Aquaman, but there are players here that don't feel that way and I'm one of them. When I said if I was a Dev I would find a way to make the zone work, I meant that. I can think of lots of ways to make an underwater zone fun and I'm sure that BABs and the gang can come up with many more fun ways to make it great, provided they're not looking at it as lame!



Originally Posted by ZNRGY_XERONUS View Post
The point that I'm making is that the Devs shouldn't be excluding ideas because they think they're lame or silly or simple they won't look right.
Yes they should, because that's in their job description. This is their game, not mine, not Bill's, not Sam's, not yours. If a suggestion doesn't fit into the direction the devs want to take their game then it isn't going to be added. People aren't going to cancel their accounts if it isn't added.

BABs may think an underwater zone is lame because of Aquaman
Humor. Learn how to spot it when it's being used.

but there are players here that don't feel that way and I'm one of them. When I said if I was a Dev I would find a way to make the zone work, I meant that.
You can't walk 5 feet without running into a player that has a desire they'd absolutely love to see added to the game. Just because more than one person wants it, doesn't make it a good idea. Nor does it mean that the devs should jump and put it into the game.

If you want to see an example of what City of Heroes would look like if they implemented a bunch of bad ideas just try CO.



An underwater zone is not a silly idea. I was going to point out why it's not, but why bother! Some of you here, lack creativity and can't see how awesome a zone like that could be to our game. You're so quick to just shoot down an idea and throw a typical CO is crap response as answer (which wasn't mentioned at all). So let me just join the drone chorus and say, the Devs are gods and are going to ultimately to do what they want -- duh!



Originally Posted by ZNRGY_XERONUS View Post
An underwater zone is not a silly idea. I was going to point out why it's not, but why bother! Some of you here, lack creativity and can't see how awesome a zone like that could be to our game. You're so quick to just shoot down an idea and throw a typical CO is crap response as answer (which wasn't mentioned at all). So let me just join the drone chorus and say, the Devs are gods and are going to ultimately to do what they want -- duh!
Is that the best you can do? Please point to the exact part where BaBs said an underwater zone was a silly idea.

Oh that's right, he never said that. What he actually said was that it would take years and the results would be lousy. I wonder who it was that said an underwater zone would look silly? Oh that's right it was YOU.

Originally Posted by ZNRGY_XERONUS View Post
To now fall back on real world physical laws or because you think they're lame or silly to justify not adding a powerset/feature is kinda weak.

but to say that they're not going to do something because they perceive that it's silly, ugly and or stupid is something else, when you consider the genre this game is set in.

the Devs shouldn't be excluding ideas because they think they're lame or silly or simple they won't look right,

What's really funny about your posts is that in one breath you extoll the devs for their high standards when creating this game, then throw a hissy fit when one of them tells you that the idea you like would take too long and ultimately not meet the level of quality we have all come to know and expect.

Oh and the reason I mentioned CO is because they have underwater content where they did nothing



Originally Posted by ZNRGY_XERONUS View Post
An underwater zone is not a silly idea. I was going to point out why it's not, but why bother! Some of you here, lack creativity and can't see how awesome a zone like that could be to our game. You're so quick to just shoot down an idea and throw a typical CO is crap response as answer (which wasn't mentioned at all). So let me just join the drone chorus and say, the Devs are gods and are going to ultimately to do what they want -- duh!
Throwing around insults does nothing for your argument. In fact, you keep consistently ignoring the arguments raised so far. What do you expect people to respond to when your position is, essentially, "No, there's no reason they should say no." Well, there is. Myself and others mentioned and discussed it already. If you're interested to bring it up and continue discussing it, I'll gladly rejoin. But essentially trading blows just isn't interesting to me.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I never said that BABs said that an underwater zone would be "silly" -- Samuel Tow said CO's underwater zone was silly. What I'm calling into question is why does BABs think that it will ultimately be stupid to do a zone such as that! I can think of all kinds of ways that zone could use existing mobs and new mobs created to inhabit the area. How the Portal Corp could be used for the zone. How the mythological origins of Statesman and Lord Recluse could play into the underwater content. New aquatic monsters to battle and undersea bases and cities that we players could explore. Granted it would be a lot of work for the Devs to do, but I sincerely think it would be a great addition to the game. Now, if the game can't support it that's fine, but if it can it should remain as a viable development option at a later date.

I apologize for insulting anyone, but lately, everytime I make a suggestion or offer a counterpoint, I get posts telling me that or inferring that I'm an idiot for it. Just because you don't agree with my point/opinion doesn't mean it's not valid. Just because some of you have made your points against an underwater doesn't mean I have to go along with it and vice versa. I haven't played CO's underwater content so I can't speak to it and it never came to mind when making my post. I'm only posting about this game and what I think a zone like that could lend to it.



Originally Posted by ZNRGY_XERONUS View Post
I never said that BABs said that an underwater zone would be "silly"
Yes you did. BaBs is a dev and you said:

To now fall back on real world physical laws or because you think they're lame or silly to justify not adding a powerset/feature is kinda weak.

but to say that they're not going to do something because they perceive that it's silly, ugly and or stupid is something else, when you consider the genre this game is set in.

the Devs shouldn't be excluding ideas because they think they're lame or silly or simple they won't look right,

You are clearly talking about BaBs response in this thread.

What I'm calling into question is why does BABs think that it will ultimately be stupid to do a zone such as that!
Because it is BaBs job to know whether or not an idea like this is feasible with CoH's game engine. Because he works every day with the game code. Because he has the training and experience to know exactly what he is talking about.

You however, don't know squat. You have never seen the code they use. You have never worked with the game engine. All you have is your opinion.

Repeatedly posting that it would look good because you say it will look good only makes you look foolish.

if the game can't support it that's fine
And yet BaBs has flat out said the animations and VFX would take years to do and the end result will look stupid, you refuse to accept it.

Just because you don't agree with my point/opinion doesn't mean it's not valid.
Actually it does because the more you stamp your feet and ignore what BaBs has said the more you look like KittyKrusader.



Admittedly, I misspoke about the "silly" reference and for that I'm sorry and I apologize to BABs for that! I do read the forum a lot but I can't read every post. It is the Devs job to know what they can or can't be done and I understand only a fraction of what can be done in a game like this. There's never really, at least in my opinion, a clear message about what can be done in this game until it actually goes live. I never thought we would have power customization and I posted quite a bit about wanting it in the game. When BABs explained the complexity of what it entailed, I let it go and didn't post about it further. Here we are with this feature now in the game, so I guess I expect a lot out of them and I'll keep expecting a lot from them because they've proven that they can accomplish a lot.

I must be blunt here, there are a lot of armchair devs on this forum and frankly I can't put any stock in what many of you say, even if it's accurate. Too many times here, you folks will jump down someone throat on a topic and are dead wrong. I've read so many post from new players asking questions and instead giving the information or how to acces the information themselves, the person is derided. Instead of being a teacher here -- you're more like a know it all bully. So pardon me if I don't take what any of you say at face value!!!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
This. Not hard to hand wave it away with the way magic does just about ANYTHING in this game.
Or Science and Technology.

My Lego Models http://www.flickr.com/photos/30369639@N07/ lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Originally Posted by ZNRGY_XERONUS View Post
Admittedly, I misspoke about the "silly" reference and for that I'm sorry and I apologize to BABs for that! I do read the forum a lot but I can't read every post. It is the Devs job to know what they can or can't be done and I understand only a fraction of what can be done in a game like this. There's never really, at least in my opinion, a clear message about what can be done in this game until it actually goes live. I never thought we would have power customization and I posted quite a bit about wanting it in the game. When BABs explained the complexity of what it entailed, I let it go and didn't post about it further. Here we are with this feature now in the game, so I guess I expect a lot out of them and I'll keep expecting a lot from them because they've proven that they can accomplish a lot.
You are correct that the devs rarely give a clear message about upcoming features. But it is also true that it is even more rare to hear a dev say something will never happen. In 5 years I can count on one hand the number of times I've heard a dev say no.

1. Respeccing out of powersets/pulling more than 10 enhancements
2. Open world PvP
3. Selling inf to undercut RMT sites
4. No underwater zone

Am I missing any?

As to power customization, the devs did not say they would never add that feature to the game. They only said that it would take years to do it right and we shouldn't expect it any time soon. Guess what? It took FIVE YEARS.

I must be blunt here, there are a lot of armchair devs on this forum and frankly I can't put any stock in what many of you say, even if it's accurate. Too many times here, you folks will jump down someone throat on a topic and are dead wrong. I've read so many post from new players asking questions and instead giving the information or how to acces the information themselves, the person is derided. Instead of being a teacher here -- you're more like a know it all bully. So pardon me if I don't take what any of you say at face value!!!
We aren't the ones that have said this feature will never be worked on. BaBs is the one that said that and he explained why he won't assign any resources to it.

If you don't like getting negative feedback from other forum members then you shouldn't post in the suggestion forums. Simply send your suggestions to the devs via private message. The suggestion forums is where players debate the merits and flaws of an idea.



Originally Posted by ZNRGY_XERONUS View Post
I must be blunt here, there are a lot of armchair devs on this forum and frankly I can't put any stock in what many of you say, even if it's accurate. Too many times here, you folks will jump down someone throat on a topic and are dead wrong. I've read so many post from new players asking questions and instead giving the information or how to acces the information themselves, the person is derided. Instead of being a teacher here -- you're more like a know it all bully. So pardon me if I don't take what any of you say at face value!!!
You are the one who sounds silly this time around. You don't need "armchair developers" to tell you something won't happen when the REAL developers told you, in no uncertain terms and beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it will NOT happen. Stop blaming the players.

And BABs never said he was refusing because it was silly. He didn't give an explanation as to WHY it won't happen, he only said it won't. Don't chastise him for holding a position he doesn't hold. What's more, he never said power customization wasn't possible or wasn't going to happen. He said, ideally, he'd love to have it, but it was so unlikely to happen as to be unthinkable. But apparently he was still pushing for it, and so it happened. This time around, he didn't say he wants to see this but is sorry it can't happen. He gave you a flat no. If you keep pushing, you might eventually get an explanation, but you will not get a different answer.

He has his prerogatives and it's ultimately his call. You're going to have to respect that. And driving the argument that he should anyway, despite all the problems is unfair in the extreme, because it suggests the developers should shoot for additions "not because they are easy, but because they are hard," when the reality of the situation is that they tend to shoot for additions that are worth the time, effort and above all MONEY put into developing them. Whether an underwater zone or underwater mechanics have a high value is beyond question - they do, if they are done right. Whether the process of doing them right is prohibitively costly is not something we can guess at, but if BABs said no, he probably has a reason for it, and cost would be my uneducated guess.

Whatever his reasons, though, you're going to have to accept them, or convince him he should. Out and out telling him he should is not convincing.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



You are the one who sounds silly this time around. You don't need "armchair developers" to tell you something won't happen when the REAL developers told you, in no uncertain terms and beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it will NOT happen.
I conceeded this and I was in error and I do apologize to BABs for that.

What's more, he never said power customization wasn't possible or wasn't going to happen. He said, ideally, he'd love to have it, but it was so unlikely to happen as to be unthinkable. But apparently he was still pushing for it, and so it happened. This time around, he didn't say he wants to see this but is sorry it can't happen. He gave you a flat no. If you keep pushing, you might eventually get an explanation, but you will not get a different answer.
In my previous post I didn't say that BABs said it wasn't possible. I said that I thought it wasn't going to happen because what was needed to bring it to the game.

He has his prerogatives and it's ultimately his call. You're going to have to respect that.
I too have stated as much in many posts even the ones on this thread.

Whatever his reasons, though, you're going to have to accept them, or convince him he should. Out and out telling him he should is not convincing.
I was trying to convince him that he should reconsider. I went about it the wrong way. My real frustration was at some of the posters here and on other threads. I was frustrated when I made my initial post and unfortunately it colored my response to BABs.

If you don't like getting negative feedback from other forum members then you shouldn't post in the suggestion forums. Simply send your suggestions to the devs via private message. The suggestion forums is where players debate the merits and flaws of an idea.
I don't mind getting negative feedback. In my line of work you have to be able to accept criticism. I welcome it because it has helped me grow both personally and professionally.

In the future I will direct my inquiries and comments to the Devs directly.

Stop blaming the players.]
I stand by my previous statement because it's true.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
And yet BaBs has flat out said the animations and VFX would take years to do and the end result will look stupid, you refuse to accept it.
Actually, I said it would take the gibbering idiot they replace me with years to do and ultimately look stupid...because gibbering idiots aren't known for the quality of their work as much as their ability to gibber.

Whether or not we ever do an underwater zone or underwater gameplay is not my call to make...I'm simply stating the fact that it's very low on my list of things that I would want to see us do for this game and would be pretty forthright about expressing my opinion as such.

The dig at Aquaman was a joke and sincerely apologize to him and his lovely family; Aquawoman, Aqualad, and the rest of the Aquaclan...you are all special in your own unique and clammy ways.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Aquawoman, Aqualad, and the rest of the Aquaclan...you are all special in your own unique and clammy ways.
I see what you did there.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Actually, I said it would take the gibbering idiot they replace me with years to do and ultimately look stupid...because gibbering idiots aren't known for the quality of their work as much as their ability to gibber.

Whether or not we ever do an underwater zone or underwater gameplay is not my call to make...I'm simply stating the fact that it's very low on my list of things that I would want to see us do for this game and would be pretty forthright about expressing my opinion as such.

The dig at Aquaman was a joke and sincerely apologize to him and his lovely family; Aquawoman, Aqualad, and the rest of the Aquaclan...you are all special in your own unique and clammy ways.
Thank you for taking the time to correct my misunderstanding of what you said BaBs.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Actually, I said it would take the gibbering idiot they replace me with years to do and ultimately look stupid...because gibbering idiots aren't known for the quality of their work as much as their ability to gibber.

Whether or not we ever do an underwater zone or underwater gameplay is not my call to make...I'm simply stating the fact that it's very low on my list of things that I would want to see us do for this game and would be pretty forthright about expressing my opinion as such.

The dig at Aquaman was a joke and sincerely apologize to him and his lovely family; Aquawoman, Aqualad, and the rest of the Aquaclan...you are all special in your own unique and clammy ways.
Aquaman needs a buff. Sponge Bob has all the same powers.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Because I don't want to quote a big post that won't quote right anyway, let me address this to ZNRGY_XERONUS:

I can respect the sentiment in your last post and I can respect what it takes to say it. I have no further qualms with your position or expression, and I hope you can keep this positive attitude further on in the thread, because I honestly do agree with you on one major point - I would like to see an underwater zone done right, because I would LOVE to see how our powers would change in water. It would be cool to see that, at least, but I just don't expect it to be something they'd work on. Again, I've seen underwater environments done WRONG, and I'd rather have them not present at all than presented like that.

There's one thing I've found to be true about creating works of art and works of fiction - cursing at limitations and stomping your feet until they go away only serves to deteriorate your work. Trust me, I've tried it, and all it did was lose me time and brain cells, and even when the limitation was lifted, the result wasn't always as spectacular as I thought. On the other hand, just reworking around limitations can sometimes produce actually superior results. In essence, I think we're likely to see an underwater zone at some point, only it won't be an IN water zone, and we'll see various cheeky ways to keep us out of the water. And if Bioshock managed to have a game take place inside an underwater city without once putting you IN the water (outside the plane crash at the beginning), then it's not quite impossible.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.