Things this game still misses...
proper lighting/shadows
MM Pirate henchmen
MM Clown henchmen
A grappling based powerset
More exggrated KB/KU/Unique death animation on a deathblow (imagine a SS brute smashing a Freakshow into the horizon and beyond or melting/burning with Rad/Fire)
different idle poses
Knife Throwing powerset
Interact/Blowup enviroment NOT just punching parking meters
Run on water/up buildings with SS
Ability to mine fish
Alsp the ability to beat up innocents as Villians/save people for exp/inf as heroes.
Alright, lemme touch on each subject just a little.
1. Fat heroes/villains. Yes, I want make a chubby hero! Come on, there´s some fat NPCs but they are very few in general. Why can´t I make a toon like Blob or Kingpin? Or even a beer-belly crime-fighter? That way some of us fattys can get the "feel" of being heroic... |
2. Children. No, a child is not a small adult. Ask a Pediatrician if you want. The only kid I can remember to see on this game was that baby New Year, and it´s a really creepy kid I must say... |
3. Huge woman models. Like strongwoman types. Think Giganta (from Wonder Woman), specially in the Golden Age. |
4. Animals. Cats, Dogs, Birds and the like... It would be fun to fight a Rabid Dog as a lowbie and maybe a Dinossaur as I get higher in the food chain... |
5. Animal faces and body parts. We can with some work make Bird-like or Gorilla-like toon, but would help a lot to have specific parts for that. |
6. REAL claws. As someone put before (sorry, can´t recall who did it) "think Sabretooth, not Wolverine". I think that can be done with a "glove model" if realistic hands are too dificult. |
In the gameplay itself we certainly could use both more begginer content and high level content, as when you hit 50 with a toon there´s not much to do besides hit 50 with another... And let´s face it, for people who have played for long time (or suffer from altitis like me) the early game content have become quite boring. But that we see everybody complaining so... |
Also, once you hit level fifty, you can begin collecting badges. It's not required, but it's something else to do. You could also continue working on your level fifty using recipes to make it as good as it can possibly be. There's lots of stuff to do at level fifty, and if you don't like any of that stuff, then you can start over with a brand new character with totally different powersets. This game is about the journey really, not the destination.
Hope this helps. =D
Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero
Got Inf?
1. Fat heroes/villains. |
2. Children. |
I'm unsure of the reasoning behind the game not having any children. I'm sort of thinking rating reasons, but it could just be the devs weren't comfortable with the idea of kids getting smacked around by evil villains.
3. Huge woman models. Like strongwoman types. |
4. Animals. Cats, Dogs, Birds and the like... It would be fun to fight a Rabid Dog as a lowbie and maybe a Dinossaur as I get higher in the food chain... |
5. Animal faces and body parts. |
I am a bit surprised though that there were not more bird costume parts to couple with the introduction of wings. So always, more of that.
6. REAL claws. |
Going Rogue's Ultra Mode.
MM Pirate henchmen MM Clown henchmen |
Providing that the power change technology eventually extends to Masterminds, these costume change types might be / will be moot points.
A grappling based powerset |
More exggrated KB/KU/Unique death animation on a deathblow (imagine a SS brute smashing a Freakshow into the horizon and beyond or melting/burning with Rad/Fire) |
different idle poses |
Knife Throwing powerset |
I think the developers have commented before that throwing knives weren't exactly... unique... enough to draw a full tier 9 set out. So you get a couple of sets that have throwing knives, and an origin (natural) that also gives you a small temp power of throwing knives.
Interact/Blowup enviroment NOT just punching parking meters |
Quite simply real Geometry Modification would blow the processing budget out of the water. There's no way it would work within the current minimum computer hardware and network communication specifications. Yes, it would be really cool to have my Stone Tank lumbering down the street on speedboost plow THROUGH walls instead of having to around them... but it's not worth implementing a feature that would limit the ability of a large percentage of users.
This is one of the key points about Going Rogue's Ultra Mode. It can be enabled separately from the gameplay, changing what you see, but not what you play.
Run on water/up buildings with SS |
As far as running UP buildings... don't get your hopes up there. This would also require some engine modifications.
Ability to mine fish |
So, on de children aspect... I know we can make some toons look like they´re younger, what I meant was children in the game itself. Like rescuing children, or even running around in the city (if there´s restriction due ratings on the first). It´s just so we know there ARE children, you know. As it is it seems people just appeared full grown up.
And on the new skeleton for new bodies... The huge model already exists as a male, it would just have to be somewhat modified. And for the fat guys I believe they could around the huge models too, if going for the really fat ones. Not sure how to solve on the "beer-belly" ones, as it would mess up with the clothes too...
I know it is NOT easy, but it is something that would be nice to have around, and as they´re working on the graphics engine as we speak for the Ultra Mode...
Ah, a new tought... How about female type henchman? Would be fun some personalization on that too..
"Looks can be deceiving" - Statesman (in Memoriam)
And on the new skeleton for new bodies... The huge model already exists as a male, it would just have to be somewhat modified.
Essentially, a Huge Female would ideally be taller and have muscle sliders tied to actual muscles, rather than to the size of the butt and the size of the breasts, would have its own set of running and jumping animations, would have a more ripped base skin texture and would start out bigger. A lot of those things can actually be retrofitted into the current female model, but sliders, height and better upper arms can't.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
All we need is an actual MUSCLE SLIDER for all characters.
"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."
- If an npc wears it, we should be able to as well. The enemy npc's all look great, and I'd like to put something else on my back like swords for a katana scrapper or something. Right now they just pop out of nowhere.
- It's been killed again and again, but putting the mm pets into the tailor would be cool.
- more bot/tech face pieces, I'm a big fan. \m/
- can i put non-alphanumeric characters in my name plz?
- more GM's on redside.
- MOAR unlockable weapons for claws, katana, and war mace if possible. Broad sword has the most unlockable alternates for it, the other weapons need that much love too. Unlocking weapons is always fun.
That's about it for me.
Critique away! =D
EDIT: Blood flying, I want it. Blood and murder and such is mentioned all the time in the game so don't you wave your age limit finger at me about the age thing, lmao. Back when I played Age of conan, fatalities were triggered and everything at the end of a combo, kinda like dual blades these days.
MM Pirate henchmen MM Clown henchmen |
Probably... not. Jay reportedly turned down making more modest female outfits, which torpedoed my hopes for hooped ballgowns.
Jay can turn down things?
Jay has lost some of his alleged sexiness. I mean, a man who can't handle the *challenge* of making modest female costumes...
/just sayin'.
//if that's even true, the superpower of telling bosses 'No, I won't!' and still having the job...

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
EDIT: Blood flying, I want it. Blood and murder and such is mentioned all the time in the game so don't you wave your age limit finger at me about the age thing, lmao. Back when I played Age of conan, fatalities were triggered and everything at the end of a combo, kinda like dual blades these days.
Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!
Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!
NO! Go away and never bring up this HORRIBLE idea again. Listen, I WANT a Huge Female model. I've been asking for it for years. But probably the WORST way to make it is to just retrofit the MALE Huge model. A Huge female is not some sort of disproportionate monstrosity with a vaguely female head atop a male body. Not outside the groutesques of female mass bodybuilders. A PROPER Huge Female model would be something on the order of the She Hulk - tall and muscular, but not tumour woman to the Huge's Tumour Man.
Essentially, a Huge Female would ideally be taller and have muscle sliders tied to actual muscles, rather than to the size of the butt and the size of the breasts, would have its own set of running and jumping animations, would have a more ripped base skin texture and would start out bigger. A lot of those things can actually be retrofitted into the current female model, but sliders, height and better upper arms can't.
The reason the Huge body-type looks (as you stated it) like tumor man is that in the Super Lexicon there are a number of gigantically twisted endomorphic male bodies (ie: Juggernaut, KingPin, et al {risking the wrath of TheOcho here}) who while masculine have some pronounced features (lack of apparent neck, 'squat' proportions) that actually appear to be based upon the design of a human body with 'dwarfism' but using that term in game would bring down all sorts of protest due to insensitivity (and I would agree). Create a Huge Body and set the height slider to its shortest, and you have Puck (from Alpha Flight) Let's be honest here, and not disingenuous. The comic hero Puck is essentially a Huge body type of short stature (and suffers from dwarfism) while She-Hulk is just a tall muscular green lady (not a Huge Female body type).
Again, not to be snarky, but to really get at an accurate description of a Female Huge Body Type; you got anything else? Because She-Hulk as a Huge Body Type: Female just doesnt wash.
I wouldnt have said anything, but your continued argument using this example finally made/compelled me to post for accuracy. You just want a female with more pronounced muscles, Sam; nothing more, but it aint a Huge Female anymore than the Huge body-type is just an overly muscled male.
Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
Put an Ebil MasterMind in the Obal Office: It wont be the first time

Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!
Maybe they'll be added with GR as part of the mentioned Pet Customisation?
Additionally to that, Posi hates clowns.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
1) Fat heroes...I can think of two. Blob and Bertha (Greak Lake Avengers...I can have her name wrong). Kingpin is only 2% body fat, sooo...technically he's not fat. :P
Besides fat heroes and villains are a rarity in the setting. After all, you're playing a character who regularly goes out and gets into fights and basically has to stay in shape to do the things they do.
And to quote you...
That way some of us fattys can get the "feel" of being heroic... |
2) As you've said, we can make them, and what you want is just to rescue/see more of them around. This I can understand. I can think of only a few children NPCs (and one I havent seen since the introduction of IOs, because I don't need to shop there anymore...more so because my main isn't mutant origin).
My suggestion...make use of AE. Though the devs could likely do some more save child missions/kidnap child.
3) As has been mentioned, if you want a She-Hulk like toon, she wouldn't be a huge model, she'd be female body type made tall. So do you really want a huge body type made as a female (which really, not many people would use...I'm not saying some wouldn't...but many wouldnt)...and just causing more work for the Devs? Or are you looking for the woman professional bodybuilder physique?
4) I think we'd all like the idea of animals being brought in...but really, I don't want to fight rabid dogs as a lowbie. That starts getting into the "slaughter 5 rats for mission" just like fantasy setting games, and I'd really not want to go there. :P
But that will require new animations, which I think the Devs as well want to bring in, but don't want them to look like garbage either.
5) We have animal faces. Could we use better ones? I think so. At least, personally, I don't think the ones we have are all that great. I still want my foxtail for my main/namesake.
6) We do have access to monstorous claws via the costumes. However, yes it would be cool to have claws have an alternate animation for those type of claws. One day, I hope.

As for the last of what you said. And as others have asked for. I see high level content. Is it that people just want more?
I'm starting to get the impression that people just don't want to repeat any of the high level content. Which imo is just silly, as I can't think of a single MMO, where you won't end up repeating high level there is only so much they can do...infinite isn't possible in the MMO world.
So yes, more is good, and it's coming. But saying there isn't anything for high level characters...I'd disagree. And the game has alot one can do, that I personally would prefere to do when I'm Oro stuff, PvP, high lvl TFs, Hammie Raids, RWZ Raid...and with the new SK system, one could always exemp down, and get the stuff they missed on the way up.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I am, in fact, going to wave my "age limit finger" at you, since there's a big difference between implication in plain text ("Go 'Eliminate' this guy") and graphical violence (what you described). CoX is rated T for Teen whereas Age of Conan is M for Mature.

Besides fat heroes and villains are a rarity in the setting. After all, you're playing a character who regularly goes out and gets into fights and basically has to stay in shape to do the things they do.
I submit, Butterbean, AKA Eric Esch, a professional Heavy Weight Champion boxer and Mixed Martial Artist.
Also, what the heck does staying in shape have to do with anything but a Melee set anyway?
It is in fact possible to exercise, be in shape, and still be "fat". Losing a gut requires an entirely different set of exercise from fighting.
I submit, Butterbean, AKA Eric Esch, a professional Heavy Weight Champion boxer and Mixed Martial Artist. Also, what the heck does staying in shape have to do with anything but a Melee set anyway? |
There tends to be a lot of running this way and that in missions.. etc. >.>
... But, you're quite right, you can be Tubby McTubinson, and still be in good physical condition. Another example is the guy who makes a lot of appearances in Jackie Chan movies (and has a few of his own) Sam Ohung.
Truth is, those two villains you mentioned are probably the only fat supers I've ever seen in the comic world |
Bouncing Boy
Matter-Eater Lad (he was fat for a short period of time)
'Mazing Man
The Blimp (part of the Inferior Five)
Uncle Marvel (part of the "Shazam!" Marvel Family)
Hillbilly Marvel (another Marvel Family member ... and no, I'm not making these up)
Big Bertha
Lt. Hercules
The Hunchback
Tubby (one of the Little Boys Blue)
The Keeper (sidekick of Kid Eternity)
The Toyman (Superman villain)
Strongman (a potgutted Pa Kent with Superboy's power)
Owlman (the Silver Age version of the Earth-Three villain)
Tweedle Dum & Tweedle Dee (Batman villains)
Doiby Dickles (who wore a golden age Green Lantern suit for a while)
It is in fact possible to exercise, be in shape, and still be "fat". Losing a gut requires an entirely different set of exercise from fighting.
I submit, Butterbean, AKA Eric Esch, a professional Heavy Weight Champion boxer and Mixed Martial Artist. Also, what the heck does staying in shape have to do with anything but a Melee set anyway? |
- If an npc wears it, we should be able to as well. The enemy npc's all look great, and I'd like to put something else on my back like swords for a katana scrapper or something. Right now they just pop out of nowhere. |
6) We do have access to monstorous claws via the costumes. However, yes it would be cool to have claws have an alternate animation for those type of claws. One day, I hope. |
Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.
good luck D.B.B.

More end-game-
>Another boss like Hami
>Completey new and original maps for high-level missions and TFs
>Hard content that needs co-ordination and skill
>Queue-able PvP rather than just arena and on-going PvP zones.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
So, not really sure where these stuff where last talk about because I couldn´t really find them... That way I decided to open this new thread and see what comes around.
I´ve been running around Paragon for more than a year now and there´s certainly stuff I miss seeing in the streets. Not that they woul make a huge difference in game play, but would certainly be fun.
1. Fat heroes/villains. Yes, I want make a chubby hero! Come on, there´s some fat NPCs but they are very few in general. Why can´t I make a toon like Blob or Kingpin? Or even a beer-belly crime-fighter? That way some of us fattys can get the "feel" of being heroic...
2. Children. No, a child is not a small adult. Ask a Pediatrician if you want. The only kid I can remember to see on this game was that baby New Year, and it´s a really creepy kid I must say...
3. Huge woman models. Like strongwoman types. Think Giganta (from Wonder Woman), specially in the Golden Age.
4. Animals. Cats, Dogs, Birds and the like... It would be fun to fight a Rabid Dog as a lowbie and maybe a Dinossaur as I get higher in the food chain...
5. Animal faces and body parts. We can with some work make Bird-like or Gorilla-like toon, but would help a lot to have specific parts for that.
6. REAL claws. As someone put before (sorry, can´t recall who did it) "think Sabretooth, not Wolverine". I think that can be done with a "glove model" if realistic hands are too dificult.
Those above are all graphic issues I think, just to improve way the game look... Have BABs sais anything about it that I didn´t find on the forums?
In the gameplay itself we certainly could use both more begginer content and high level content, as when you hit 50 with a toon there´s not much to do besides hit 50 with another... And let´s face it, for people who have played for long time (or suffer from altitis like me) the early game content have become quite boring. But that we see everybody complaining so...
Just my five cents... What everybody think of it? And what are the thing you guys miss in this beloved game of ours?
BTW: English is not my primary language, so be kind with mistakes. ;-)
"Looks can be deceiving" - Statesman (in Memoriam)