New Teleport Power.
I like everything except for the hovering period. Unless you're fighting a flying enemy, that would be a very great hindrance, especially if you wanted to move right after. The only way to follow an enemy would be to combat teleport again, which might not have enough range to get back into melee range well enough.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
This is just an idea I have, and would love to see, for the teleport pool.
I don't know whether this would replace an old power (Teleport Foe is obscenely unpopular now that it's useless in PvP) |

or just be among other fifth powers added to pools to mimic the Ancillary/Patron pools, but... |
(Yes, I use it.)
Basically, Combat Teleport. -Very small range, approx 5-10 yards. -Comparatively low (to regular teleport) end cost, about 1, maybe a little less. -Very short cast time, 1 second or less. -Small defence buff to mimic combat jumping/hover, ~5%, could last for anywhere from 10 seconds to a minute, unstackable obviously. -Hovers for a lot longer than regular teleport, allowing it to be used similar to flight for meleeing flying enemies. I mean, come on, bamfing is one of the coolest powers a superhero can have. Regular teleporting is fine and all, but teleporting around the place in between attacks is just win. Nightcrawler? Deadpool? On top of definitely raising teleport up from 'least used travel power,' you can't deny it wouldn't be unbelievably cool. |
- The hover on Teleport is already considered - well, irritating at times. Since you can't decide "I want to not hover now" (such as when you TP to a train) and you're often stuck in place. Lengthening that hover would likely not be popular (I wouldn't argue with seeing that FIXED, though.)
- Related to that, there are powers that require you to be on the ground. If you're "bamf"ing around with a hover afterard - you're not going to get to use those powers. Some pet powers require you to be on the ground. PBAOEs often require it. Foot stomp, fault, stalagmites, etc. all require you to be on the ground - this would certainly not assist them in combat (thus lowering the pool of people who would take this.)
- Midair combat teleport - right now, to teleport, you must place the reticle somewhere. Midair will work, of course, but as you're moving - so is the enemy, most times. It might work - but I think it'd be more of a frustrating chase than anything. (Edit: Given melee ranges now, this might not be AS big of a deal - but I still see it being somewhat problematic.)
- Not going to go into the numbers. Cast time for this makes sense, the others might need tweaking (I'd see the end cost going up a bit.)
- What do you do about Warshades?
Nice posts, both of you. Thought I'd reply even though this was intended as a hit and run.
-The hover could be interruptable. Again, I was intending it to be more designed to let you stay in the air for a couple of seconds to stay up with airborne targets.
-The suppressed speed of flight allows you to get in 2 or 3 attacks depending on how close you were/how fast the attacks were, and by then they'll be about 5-10 feet away... Hence the range. It would need some tweaking but basically it would be designed so melee sets could teleport behind an enemy who was just out of range of them, and then be in range. I don't know the melee range so I can't estimate numbers, but that's how it would be designed.
-Powers that require you to be on the ground? Same as flight. Either land, or go into a bird's eye view and target the ground... Or don't take it if you have ground-affecting powers. Since it's in the teleport pool, like Hover with Flight, it would be designed to occasionally be used in conjunction, or alternating with, with the regular Teleport.
-What about Warshades? o_O
Hope that cleared up some of the design theory behind it.
My one complaint with in-combat teleporting (particularly if you're designing this to fight flying foes) is that Teleport requires you either target a surface, or teleport the maximum distance. There's no teleporting to midair, unless that midair target happens to be exactly the correct distance away from you.
I think the general consensus has more against Team Teleport than Teleport Foe. Replace TTP, I don't think anyone uses the minivan TP, lol.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
I think the general consensus has more against Team Teleport than Teleport Foe. Replace TTP, I don't think anyone uses the minivan TP, lol.
Again. No replacing. Add, yes, replace, no.
Team TP is surprisingly effective on super teams made of squishies (as most STs are), because it can instantly spread the aggro between the entire party, rather than all hitting one person with the alpha strike.
Can we go back to talking about how awesome Combat Teleport would be?
what if....
Imagine if the combat teleport was a toggle power, that like hover/CJ would offer some limited a mount of defense, but had the secondary effect of causing teleport to trigger if you used a melee attack just a little out of melee range. (say 15' away?)
Dunno if it would be doable, but it'd be cool.
I actually like and have suggested this exactly, so I can't help but agree with it. With a few caveats, of course.
Axe the hover period. Completely. If you want to fight in the air, get Hover. Also, I'd like to see this usable with NO delay whatsoever. No animation time, no recovery time, no Hover. Just "blink" and you're there in a puff of smoke. I would not, on the other hand, mind seeing a few seconds of recharge so you can't just chain it endlessly.
Now, regular Teleport has a range of 300 feet, has an animation time of 2 seconds and a hover period of 4 seconds. So it moves at, call it, 150 feet per second if chained really fast, and around 50 feet second if you wait as long as you can before you chain. At 13 endurance points per use, it can cost between 6.5 and 2.16 per second of travel time. We want this Combat Teleport to be less efficient for travelling than this.
Let's say we give it a range of 20 feet and no animation time. At a recharge time of even just a second, that's 10 feet per second of travel, which is already within reason. With a 1-second cycle, in order for it to be more expensive than Teleport, all we need to do is give it an endurance cost of 3. It's slower than Teleport's slowest reasonable speed, so being more expensive than its lowest reasonable cost it acceptable to me.
I understand that it would be problematic while fighting in the air, but there isn't much that can be done about that unless we get the ability to lock our teleport reticle to a target. I'd say I'm prepared to live with that limitation in the name of this power, however.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
what if....
Imagine if the combat teleport was a toggle power, that like hover/CJ would offer some limited a mount of defense, but had the secondary effect of causing teleport to trigger if you used a melee attack just a little out of melee range. (say 15' away?) Dunno if it would be doable, but it'd be cool. ![]() |
Interesting points, Samuel.
Interesting, but I disagree entirely.
It's just two different ideas though. You're treating it like combat jumping, whereas my idea for it really isn't designed for travel in ANY way.
Teleporting around like that WOULD be cool, but I want melee sets to be able to do it as well. Melee does make up approximately half of the game's archetypes, after all.
I think you might be onto something with that statement about locking teleport to a target... Perhaps, if you're targetting someone, it automatically teleports towards them (or right into their face), and if not you get the reticle?
Would be a bit harder to code than most powers, but I don't think by much.
Good idea in theory OP! But I think it needs to be added to the Teleport Pool or even made a separate power entirely.
Hmm.... We do have the Mutant Booster pack coming up...
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
It's just two different ideas though. You're treating it like combat jumping, whereas my idea for it really isn't designed for travel in ANY way.
Teleporting around like that WOULD be cool, but I want melee sets to be able to do it as well. Melee does make up approximately half of the game's archetypes, after all. |
And, no, contrary to popular belief, Hover and Melee are not incompatible. I have several melee folk who Hover all the time and its utility actually gives them greater manoeuvrability than just running on the ground. I'm not looking for this power to be a substitute for Hover, I'm looking for it to be a form of instant transition over short distances.
I think you might be onto something with that statement about locking teleport to a target... Perhaps, if you're targetting someone, it automatically teleports towards them (or right into their face), and if not you get the reticle? |
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
It would be nice to see something like this in the Mutant Pack. Basically, a combat teleport that is quick like Nightcrawler or Deadpool (even though Deadpool's was more of a tech power).
I've always wondered about a "Combat Teleportation" power that was more like Sprint with a much busier animation (A lot of blinking in and out when you move), but thought it might be too lag-inducing.
But I was thinking: A +Run/+Jump like Sprint, but have it LOOK like a series of short teleports. And a minor +Def, like Combat Jumping.
EDIT: As to replacing a power?
Since that's unpopular, I wouldn't mind some of the pools being "deepened" to 5+ powers each.
Or Recall Friend and TP Foe could be merged in TP Other?
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Aerial combat is incredibly important at times. There are some enemies who always fly, some who often fly away, and in PvP it's even more prevalent because you don't have flying enemies generous enough to drop back down to butt you with their gun (cough Raiders).
I personally find it a bit weird that flight is the ONLY pool that allows you to compete vertically. You CAN hit things with superjump but you still need a way to get the enemy to come back down with you, which basically means taking Air Superiority. You may as well just take Hover instead.
So yes, I did, at least partially, think Combat Teleport should be an alternative to hover.
Also: "Recall Friend and TP Foe could be merged in TP Other?"
I personally think that's an effing brilliant idea. Would mean more people with Recall Friend for missioning, and more people with TP Foe for effective pulling. And I don't think anyone would say that's a bad thing.
I think a teleport defense set would be brilliant.
One power description could be: Just as you are about to be hit you vanish and avoid the attack.
I just really want to be able to tp behind someone, punch them, tp in front of them punch them in the face ect...
For the combat tp the reticle would have to dissapear, maybe it would work via targetting an enemy?
Maybe they could keep the original aspect of TP Foe but have it teleport the player as well. The player selects a spot for both the player and foe to teleport to. The foe would get a -Fly, -Teleport, and possibly something else to keep them in place shortly: slow, immobilize or disorient. I'd suggest lowering the endurance cost, cast time, and range as well with these changes making it more combat friendly.
This is just an idea I have, and would love to see, for the teleport pool.
I don't know whether this would replace an old power (Teleport Foe is obscenely unpopular now that it's useless in PvP) or just be among other fifth powers added to pools to mimic the Ancillary/Patron pools, but...
Basically, Combat Teleport.
-Very small range, approx 5-10 yards.
-Comparatively low (to regular teleport) end cost, about 1, maybe a little less.
-Very short cast time, 1 second or less.
-Small defence buff to mimic combat jumping/hover, ~5%, could last for anywhere from 10 seconds to a minute, unstackable obviously.
-Hovers for a lot longer than regular teleport, allowing it to be used similar to flight for meleeing flying enemies.
I mean, come on, bamfing is one of the coolest powers a superhero can have. Regular teleporting is fine and all, but teleporting around the place in between attacks is just win. Nightcrawler? Deadpool?
On top of definitely raising teleport up from 'least used travel power,' you can't deny it wouldn't be unbelievably cool.
And if you still don't agree?
Yeah. Now try to disagree.