Formula For Frustration (Open RP)




Terrance Dylan Kai, aka. Torrent, is walking through Atlas Park when he passes his old high school, Paragon High. He sits on one of the benches in front of the school and rememberes all of the good times he had there. Just as he is entering the school, he hears a large crash and sees a huge squad of fifth Column tearing a nearby building apart. He immediately rushes into a nearby alley and once again becomes, Torrent, master of the waters. He formes a mist cloud around himelf and flies up to the roof of the high school. He begins writing elegant magical symbols in the air, preparing to douse the flames that were now nearing the school. He is just finishes writing his "submerge" spell, when he sees various teenagers running, flying , and jumping out of the school in obviously homemade costumes. Torrent seales his spell, stores it on his arm as tatoo, and watches as the energetic newbie heros storm into the building. He doesn't want any of them to get hurt, yet he wants to give them this chance to shine, so he startes writing new, less complicated, spells in the air and attacing them to his body so that he'll be ready if things got out of hand. Torrent takes a closer look at the teens and noticeds the composition of their team. He sees a lot of psychics and blasters of all shapes and sizes but for some reason, he sees no martial artists. This, he knows, will cause trouble later in the battle. After about 20 minutes of just watching the young heroes, he notices that the battle is not going so well so he begins to fly toward the action. In the distance, he sees the figure of a woman flying toward him. He takes a closer look and notices that it is his good freind....................



“Torrent! Long time no see” Ls Lilo flew up next to him. Lilo had know torrent since she had returned to Paragon city. Lilo’s expression quickly turned from one of bliss to one of dismay. “Hate to be short about this but is there some reason we are up here and not down there?” pointing the battle that was now raging.
OCC: hello Ls lilo at your service sir.



(ooc: don't want to be redundant, but I'm also going to rp my emp/psy defender, but more as an offender)

In the air was a few flashes of pink and purple, the colors were soft yet ever so vibrant. Quickly lying at her fastest but keeping it as elegant as possible Lilac Butterfly spun, twirled and darted just as a butterfly in flight. Her motions were similar to that of a butterfly in flight, but with more fluentsy and speed.

Being from another world, this one was strill strange to her, she always saw many grey and blue colors from all the concrete and tinted windows. Her home planet was a bliss of blue grass, soft violet skies with a hint of gold and red flowing trees.

While she crossed the sky, she heard the shouts of confused citizens in her thoughts, she could even hear their thoughts, it seems a fire of some sort had caught at a local highschool. She did a barrel role and turned at a thirty degree angle west-ward and headed to the school. Her minds eye sending pulses of telepathetic frequencies to find other heroes, which was not hard. When she arrived she found two hovering about the school. She asked her self why they why their intentions were to put the fire out. She fly in closer, her entire body covered in leather of purple and pink and a cloak over her shoulders and back.

"Pardon, but why are you not...helping? It seems many individuals need assisence fleeing" she said confused.

(Again I'm sorry for introducing my emp/psi defender but I havn't rped here at all)

Edit: first paragraph, grammer error



"Pardon, but why are you not...helping? It seems many individuals need assisence fleeing" she said confused.

[/ QUOTE ]
“I was wondering that myself. I was going to wait for Torrent but I think he is in the middle of casting some big end all spell.”

Lilo looked down at the ragging battle. Lilo then saw a young hero break thru a second floor window and fall to the ground below. A Fifth Column solider then jumped out after him. The hero’s fall was uncontrolled as if he had been thrown out and his impact with the ground was not a pleasant sight. By comparison the column solider landed gracefully on both feet with only the characteristic knee bent jolt that is associated with any long distance jump. The hero was now grabbing his right arm and a look of utter agony crossed his face. All this did not go un-noticed by the Fifth Column solider. The solider smiled as he walked over to the stricken hero. In the back of his mind the solider knew he was dealing with a crippled hero and has was going to lavish every last moment of his death. “It’s not every day I get to kill a hero. Heck I might even get a promotion for wasting you.” The solider proudly proclaimed as placed his boot on the hero neck. He then raised his rifle to point right at the hero’s head.

The bolt of light that left Lilo’s hand made no sound but it raced toward the soldier’s head. A smile crept across the soldier’s face as he removed the slack for the trigger on his rifle. Lilo’s bolt hit him side of the head it did not cause any immediate effect no blast backward or sudden jerk. The only thing that happened was the soldier’s expression turned balk and his eyes rolled backward. Milliseconds after being hit the solider began to collapse as if the life had been sucked right from him. His downward movement was more than enough to trigger the rifle to discharge. The recoil sent the soldier’s limp body spinning backwards as it connected with the ground. The bullet impacted just to the right of the hero’s head spraying dirt all over his face and body.

“Far to close Lilo muttered.” Lilo took a second to look over the cloaked purple and pink hero that was now near her. “I can’t watch this anymore, I won’t be able to live with my self if one of these kids winds up dead. Join me if you will.” Lilo jetted down to the injured hero.

“Thank you so much I don’t…” the injured hero began to say Lilo interrupted him by rising a finger up to her lips. “shhhhh” she whispered as she laid her hands on his face when she removed them the grimace of pain was gone from his face. His hand removed it’s death grip from his right arm. “Please take care I think that was meant for you” Lilo pointed at the hole in ground a few inches from the hero’s head.
Welcome not a problem with me I get the idea that we are playing guardians here not sure yet. Lilo is a defender as opposed to and offender. Being level 50 fifth column poses little threat to her directly. She is also physic only in the sense that her attacks effect the nervous system (read brain) she can not read minds or feelings. Well look forward to seeing more posts from you all good job so far by the way.



“I was wondering that myself. I was going to wait for Torrent but I think he is in the middle of casting some big end all spell.”

[/ QUOTE ]

Lilac expression changed slightly a bit more interested in this 'end all' spell that Torrent was supposivily conjuring.

“Far to close Lilo muttered.” Lilo took a second to look over the cloaked purple and pink hero that was now near her. “I can’t watch this anymore, I won’t be able to live with my self if one of these kids winds up dead. Join me if you will.” Lilo jetted down to the injured hero.

[/ QUOTE ]

She nodded and floated down with her, kneeling next to the hero she had just healed. She didn't want to be rude but their really wasnt anytime for questions so she lept into the young heroes mind with her own. The transition was painless as she probed through his thoughts and memories, only he really didn't know anything was going on. She was surrounded with thoughts of a usual teens mind, girls, sports, girls, school, girls. Memories of when he was a child, but she ignored all that and quickly searched for memories of what happened inside the building. 'Ah-ha' she had found.....BOOM!

A rocket from a Naazts(sp) rocket launcher had just hit the earth not ten feet from where they were. Lilac did not even have a chance to see what had happened inside the building. But there would be a time where they would figure that out, it seems as if a battle between the Naazt Rocket and Lilac was about to begin. Already furious with almost being hit she quickly launched herself into the air, he shot another rocket and she stood still. Its path was heading directly for her chest and she was concentrating, the rocket came closer and closer until it almost hit her before she gave a blink of her eye. The rocket was richocheted and sent at floor near what seemed to be a sports field. She swung her hand in the air as if to back hand someone and the Naatz Rocket plumeted toward the ground.

Lilac flew back to Lilo's side and settled on her feet, beside her, cloak back over her shoulders. "Lilo, we have to stop this now, I can't read the Naazts minds because of their helmets, but I know their is more to this than just a fire"



"Lilo, we have to stop this now, I can't read the Naazts minds because of their helmets,

[/ QUOTE ]

Lilo’s world came to a crashing halt as she heard these words. All the sound faded to quite. She stood on the edge of a raging battle but couldn’t hear a thing. She turned her head and looked at the hero (Lilac) standing beside her. The look of pure terror emerged from Lilo’s eyes as her mind made the realization that the hero standing next to her could read minds and that included hers’. Her mind exploded with thoughts, it seemed that every failure or tragic event that she had ever experienced rushed into her mind in an endless flow. Images of her dead family, fallen heroes, fallen citizens and people screaming in pain filled her mind. Lilo tried to push the thoughts from her head but as soon as she vanquished one thought another formed to replace it. Then one word broke the silence “help!” Lilo broke her trance. Her mind was still screaming in the background but now had re-gained purpose. She could not allow another memory to be added to the horrible vault the rested in her mind. Sound quickly returned to Lilo’s world.

Lilo turned her head to look at the building where the cry had come from. “Leader, we need to find the leader. Something this big must have a leader find him and we will know what is going on.” She said with her head stilled turned toward the building, almost ignoring Lilac. Lilo then vaulted into flight Rolling upside down in a corkscrew motion to avoid a stream of bullets intended for her as she rocked toward the door.



Lilac wasn't one to snoop into an individuals mind with out permition or for good reason, but sometime when emotional stress heightens adrenaline in the brain to create thoughts a telepath is almost helpless to shield such emotions and thoughts. This was the case with Lilo, her fear, her pain, her stress was filling Lilacs brain, nerve and heart. Thoughts flashed in her mind's eye, all the screaming, Lilac was not ready for such trauma. Her fingers began to move as if weaving or playing a stringed instrument. She began to channel the thoughts and casually blocked them away.

Lilacs eyes opened, and when she began to see her surroundings she noticed Lilo was gone. She turned and quickly picked up her form running toward the building, she heard the words 'find...leader'. Lilac lifted herself and flew beside Lilo. "I can sense the victims, they are panicking, the roofs are collapsing on the first and second floor. I can concentrate and keep the building from falling apart, but you need to work quickly to find some information and save these people. I'm not sure how long I can hold the building together, but I'll try my best"

Lilac then steadily moved away from the building, to a place where she wouldn't be disturbed so she could channel her energies into keeping the building from collapsing on everyone. She hunched over and began to sit down, closing her eyes and entering a state of mind so deep she could almost feel a vertigo in her body. The energies with in her body began to flow like a stream, fluently moving from her toes through her leg, into her thighs and all the way to her finger tips. The energy was pulsating with in her fingers and palms ready to be unleashed. This took a severe amount of concentration, the energy wanted to burst out of her hands, but she couldn't let that happen. Lilac had to control it, she had to manage it, weave it, spin it like the finest thread. Her hands began to move in a circular motion forming an invisible sphere. Where her hands were motioning a small pink marble sized ball of light came out of her chest and into her hands. It steadily began to grow. She molded this energy around her hands, and began to sense the building. She could feel the bricks falling, the dry wall collapsing and the beams falling under pressure. As bricks and floors fell she used telekinetic energy to place them back in place, she steadied beams. After a few seconds she could feel her body weakening, she wanted to faint, but she knew she had to keep the building together. Telepathically she called out to any heroes around the building

"Please, hurry, save innocents, put of fires, get information. Please...I cannot...uhh....I can't keep the building from falling much longer....."

Edit:Spelling errors



Lilac and Lilo, still bustling about the building, suddenly felt a huge rush of magical energy. Torrent, finally finished, sends a huge tangled mass of water tentacles into the building and they seem to be supporting the building. Lilo and Lilac glance over to Torrent and they see him straining emensly. They also see that the magical symbol, that he took so long on, is now begining to bend back and fourth and the network of tentacles were slowly begining to pulse with a radiant blue energy. Lilo accidentaly touches one and realizes that they were not just thin ribbons of water, but they were also Torrent's consciousness! She looks at a 5th column soldier nearby and sees him wriving in pain as all the water in his body is being drawn to the lucid ribbon. Lilo tries to comminicate to Torrent through the tentacles but there was only one message found in the mass of concentration for her : GET LILAC AND THE SURVIVERS OUT NOW!! I WILL TRY TO CONTROL WHO I DRAIN BUT I CANT DO IT FOREVER!!!!