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  1. Raell


    Ok, what I am saying is that when it came time for me to slot my powers during the respec, none of them were there. And I have other characters that only have the ones I picked years ago.
  2. Raell


    You will have to forgive me. I've tried to find the answer here and I am going cross eyed.

    Correct me if I am wrong, since I have been gone fitness is now just a given? Every character has the four powers from the pool or is that only for VIP players?

    I tried to respec the oldest character on my account and only got so far. Fitness was missing from the list of powers and some of my other characters do not have the powers either. Unless they had them before.

    Help an old man out!
  3. The Disruptors Tesla Cage will stack with WAWG. Really nice when you need to pin an EB down.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Very nice, long guide. I now cannot decide if I want to play the Executioner or Huntsman... Likely going Operative with a name change after I decide.

    One thing, I would like to know how a general party play through would go. Would I sit back shooting with mid damage and debuffs as I let my leadership toggles work their magic? What sort of reactions have you gotten from the community?

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    I've not dipped into the Bane pool at all and I avoid Hasten like it has the flu. I've played on a lot of teams and not had a single complaint. With your leadership buffs ranged Masterminds will love you. Yes, you do your damage from ranged but you have tools to deal with the ones who get close. I am only 39 now but the Wolf Spider is a fun build.

    Great guide.
  5. Raell

    Badge Questions

    [ QUOTE ]
    Sorry, RV is level 40 to 50. This cold has my head all fogged up.

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    Try taking the brain bucket off now and then. It does wonders for drainage.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    One of my personal faves:

    Roland- Named Malta boss. Gunslinger. For those of you literary-deprived souls out there, Roland is the main character in Stephen King's opus work The Dark Tower

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    Roland goes back farther than The Gunslinger. hehe.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Wow and I felt like a walking group insperation before.
    <-----Kinetics/Rad Defender

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Aye, sounds like one more reason to respec ID out of my pool of kinetic powers. Granted I won't but still some people already think they don't need it.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    I have only two outstanding complaints about the Hollows, and one is that mobs are spawning literally on top of players. (

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    Now that IS definitely an issue. Looking into it.

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    I have had this happen to me in PP before as well. It only happened to me when I was running. Running down the middle of the road and next thing I know I am stuck in a pack of gun happy Skulls. Got stuck in a pack of Trolls in the Hollows the same way, running down the road. Have not had them pop on top of me while standing still.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    They really should make it so that you only get credit for a kill only if you get XP, otherwise, yeah the low level zones will have these level 50s killing all the greys just for a name on the kiosk. I feel bad for the lowbies....and what's the point of those kiosks?

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    Do they work now?????
  10. I think I made my blue bubble to big. I see now that I got part of KY. But its so hard to say on the lines.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    Ever spend a weekend in Detroit?

    Odds are the first one will be out west but think of us out here in the Mid-West. The great lakes area is nice, we even had a branch of the Avengers for a time...hehe.

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    Detroit is North of Canada. That isn't the midwest.

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    Fear my l33t MS paint skills!!
  12. Ever spend a weekend in Detroit?

    Odds are the first one will be out west but think of us out here in the Mid-West. The great lakes area is nice, we even had a branch of the Avengers for a time...hehe.