Low lvl game is TOTALLY SCREWED




Well I have a lvl 30 blaster that I play from time to time, I dont get much time to play anymore with work and all. Well I decieded to make a new alt, and got sent to the hollows on my second contact and im like "ok cool lets see this place some". Well when I get there I see a group of lvl 5 trolls, I think "ahh wont really be a challange" im lvl 6, heh was I wrong dead in a heartbeat, oooh well I make the run back form Atlas, and get in a group, which I dont like to do at low lvls because, not to tick anyone off but the lowbies in this game are more times than not a bunch of idiots, well this group was decent. We get the first part of my mission done and dicide to the the indoor mission. We get in there and get slaughtered quick. After the run back from atlas once again we try it dead again and the rest of the team gets mad and quits. Long story short I have been playin my 30 blaster and loving it play my lowbies and hate it. Ok sorry for my rant here just wondering why they make the hollows a mandatory place for lowbies, if they want to do missions?



Nobody ever forced you to go to the Hollows, except for a single mission. After completing that one you need never return there ever again. How do you think we did missions before the Hollows was here?
If you're going to complain, at least complain about facts, don't just make rubbish up to whine about.
Next you'll be moaning about how Capes aren't in the game....



It is not mandatory - one of your contacts will give you a
mission to talk to Lt. Wincott, but you don't have to accept
missions from him.

I've been in several groups in Hollows with new alts. Never
had too much trouble - even when I was a dark-dark
defender and the only healer on the team.

Global: @AcceleratorRay
Heroes on Triumph
Villains on Victory

Proud member of Triumphant Defenders

Fight My Brute



I level solo in the hollow with my emp/dark... except frostfire.. that was tough (I got help for that one)



Actually I have the problem with my level 10 character that I cannot get any more missions from my first contact and the only contact she gave me was the one in the Hollows so I am stuck in the Hollows. I don't have any other contacts nor can I get any.

Oh, and everyone has posted how the low level game is screwed. Devs say their going to fix it and no one is holding there breathe.



Im the same way this is the only missions i can do right now, hopefully like the first replyer there stated, quite rude might i point out, once im done with this mission i can go to a different contact, but for now i try and find a decent group that will stick around and finish this one. After that i will not be back in the hollows heh i just dont really like the zone.



Nobody ever forced you to go to the Hollows, except for a single mission. After completing that one you need never return there ever again. How do you think we did missions before the Hollows was here?
If you're going to complain, at least complain about facts, don't just make rubbish up to whine about.
Next you'll be moaning about how Capes aren't in the game....

[/ QUOTE ]

You want facts? Alright, here some facts.

Fact: Outcasts and trolls are far more powerful than they ever used to be in relation to their level, and are FAR more powerful than any other mob at thier level. At level 5, you are fighting things with ballbats, shotguns, sledgehammers, electric zaps, and zombie barf at worst.

Fact: Despite the fact that yes, the initial Hollows run is a mission, and you can indeed ignore it after clicking on the contact, at no point is that made obvious. Like most newbies, they will click on the contact to complete the misson, see "Ask about available missions" (which is displayed at the bottom just like any other contact, but UNLIKE any other contact that is part of a "go talk to X" mission, even if you have that contact yourself already. Even if you have that contact yourself, you must close the window and click again to access contact functions), and go from there.

Fact: The missions you did before the Hollows were far easier than the missions as they stand after Update #2, with consistant +1 spawns (an admitted, but still unfixed, bug), mobs packing far more firepower, patrols, and all at a lower level for encountering them.

So, next time you rail on someone about facts, get your own straight, troll.



I created a new Defender, Force Field/Psychic Blast. I got my new Contact in Kings Row, after hitting level 5. His first mission was to talk to the guy in the Hollows. I went to the guy in the Hollows. Then I immediately went back to Kings Row and took my next mission. I never had to do any missions in the Hollows because I never accepted a mission from the guy there. But the Contact that gave me the mission, has plenty more missions for me to do.



Well guys, from what I understand the +1 problem, fix is on the test server, so should be going live anyday now.

I don't mind the +1 for my main character lvl 30, but I can see why it would be a problem for lvl 5 chars.

However don't forget that the Hollows, is a Hazard zone, hazard zones are harder than normal zones. You have to be very careful at 5th/6th lvl, travelling alone, even in King's Row, which isn't a Hazard Zone. Hollows is 5th-15th. Which means it's Kings Row/Steel Canyon multiplied.

Don't be afraid to ask for a team up. Don't like big groups, fine, try a duo. An attacker type and a support type. make great duos.

Maybe find a High lvl person (who you know or think would be a better player), and ask if they want to get rid of some debt. by Reverse SKing.

Don't forget not all low level characters are newbies, some are veteren players, playing alts.

1 good indicator to tell newbies from non-newbies, is select the info button on the character, if you see a prestiage power, then you know it's someone who's been playing since before the game went live.

Another for those veteren's who didn't pre-order, would be to simply ask them. /t (name of character), I'm doing a Hollows mission, you've been playing this game a while now haven't you?

Think back when your main character was low level, you were scared running around Perez Park at 6th or 7th lvl alone, same thing here.

That's just my 2 influence worth.



Hmm will have to try that. Thank you for the info there.



Yeah I hate it when the developers don't even address the issues i don't read the boards much and don't even post here that often or check the dev posts but you'd think they'd send me an email once a day keeping me updated on the progress of their updating fixes and all that stuff. Stupid devs cante even balains a game right and I dunno if I can put up with this longer because low level people are all dumb thank you for posting and reading this and have a horrible horribal day playing COH I will bye.



Well guys, from what I understand the +1 problem, fix is on the test server, so should be going live anyday now.

I don't mind the +1 for my main character lvl 30, but I can see why it would be a problem for lvl 5 chars.

However don't forget that the Hollows, is a Hazard zone, hazard zones are harder than normal zones. You have to be very careful at 5th/6th lvl, travelling alone, even in King's Row, which isn't a Hazard Zone. Hollows is 5th-15th. Which means it's Kings Row/Steel Canyon multiplied.

Don't be afraid to ask for a team up. Don't like big groups, fine, try a duo. An attacker type and a support type. make great duos.

Maybe find a High lvl person (who you know or think would be a better player), and ask if they want to get rid of some debt. by Reverse SKing.

Don't forget not all low level characters are newbies, some are veteren players, playing alts.

1 good indicator to tell newbies from non-newbies, is select the info button on the character, if you see a prestiage power, then you know it's someone who's been playing since before the game went live.

Another for those veteren's who didn't pre-order, would be to simply ask them. /t (name of character), I'm doing a Hollows mission, you've been playing this game a while now haven't you?

Think back when your main character was low level, you were scared running around Perez Park at 6th or 7th lvl alone, same thing here.

That's just my 2 influence worth.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think this comes back to my original assessment of the Hollows; a playground for bored high levels to play their alts.




So, next time you rail on someone about facts, get your own straight, troll.

[/ QUOTE ]

My facts were straight. Going to the Hollows is not mandatory. That is all I said. I never said the Hollows was an easy zone.
And kindly think twice before hurling the ubiquitous "troll" insult around, I'm not the one who's physically making up problems to complain about.



I don't think the hollows will be that hard when you remove the "+1 bug" from the mix. Outcasts and trolls are being toned down, per statesman, so there's really no point in whining about it. I do think it's wacky to have minions that stun, but aside from that I thought they were neat. The power variety was great.

The +1 bug made the missions pretty tough. Frostfire and the double-boss battle in the previous mission (Snap from Outcasts and I forget the troll boss) are pretty hard. My group of 5 last night was fighting around 20 total enemies, including the 2 bosses, all +1 to our highest level person (me). We didn't NOTICE there were two bosses at first and got hurt bad - the second time around we locked them both down (we had 2 controllers), but it was still hard.



not really.

so the game is harder at low level, and missions are crazy hard for lowbies in certain archetypes (ie anything without really powerful low level defense), but what is the big deal with that? I mean, its all either new subscribers who we dont want around anyway, or folks interested in trying a new AT out, who should be back playing their main toon and only their main toon.

stop complaining so much about problems that actually are features.

i think it should be near impossible to get through outbreak, nip the whole "new user" or "alt" thing in the bud. let the outbreak contaminated all have mass chain holds and lvl 32 nukes i say.

at least that would be more challenging...

proud member of the LEGION, SISTERHOOD
@Doctor Photon



Well I have a lvl 30 blaster that I play from time to time, I dont get much time to play anymore with work and all. Well I decieded to make a new alt, and got sent to the hollows on my second contact and im like "ok cool lets see this place some". Well when I get there I see a group of lvl 5 trolls, I think "ahh wont really be a challange" im lvl 6, heh was I wrong dead in a heartbeat, oooh well I make the run back form Atlas, and get in a group, which I dont like to do at low lvls because, not to tick anyone off but the lowbies in this game are more times than not a bunch of idiots, well this group was decent. We get the first part of my mission done and dicide to the the indoor mission. We get in there and get slaughtered quick. After the run back from atlas once again we try it dead again and the rest of the team gets mad and quits. Long story short I have been playin my 30 blaster and loving it play my lowbies and hate it. Ok sorry for my rant here just wondering why they make the hollows a mandatory place for lowbies, if they want to do missions?

[/ QUOTE ]

You don't like to group at low levels, because they are "a bunch of idiots".

Hm, if THEY'RE idiots, I'd wonder what you'd call someone who has played long enough to have a lvl30, but nevertheless goes into a HAZARD Zone (5-15) at level 6 solo and is surprised to get his butt kicked.
...and then complains (still at level 6!) that it's too tough for his widdle toon.

Dude, in a hazard zone for levels 5-15, a team of 5 should be able to survive, but that's about it. It's meant to be a challenge for TEAMS up and down that level range....going in at rock bottom of COURSE you're going to have trouble.

Go elsewhere at level 6 if you want to solo. KR is a reasonable challenge.



Fact: Outcasts and trolls are far more powerful than they ever used to be in relation to their level, and are FAR more powerful than any other mob at thier level. At level 5, you are fighting things with ballbats, shotguns, sledgehammers, electric zaps, and zombie barf at worst.

[/ QUOTE ]

This was a serious error in design. We've already toned them down once - and we're going to be equipping them with weapons similar to those used by Hellions and Skulls at that level.

Fact: Despite the fact that yes, the initial Hollows run is a mission, and you can indeed ignore it after clicking on the contact, at no point is that made obvious. Like most newbies, they will click on the contact to complete the misson, see "Ask about available missions" (which is displayed at the bottom just like any other contact, but UNLIKE any other contact that is part of a "go talk to X" mission, even if you have that contact yourself already. Even if you have that contact yourself, you must close the window and click again to access contact functions), and go from there.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're right. We're fixing the text to make this clear.

Fact: The missions you did before the Hollows were far easier than the missions as they stand after Update #2, with consistant +1 spawns (an admitted, but still unfixed, bug), mobs packing far more firepower, patrols, and all at a lower level for encountering them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Patrols have been cut in size by half. The mission difficulty fix is being tested on the Training Room server.



Cheers to Statesman and everyone else working on CoH, I can't complain much after reading his reply and what is being done about it.

This is a big reason why I'll be playing CoH 2 years from now



... Patrols have been cut in size by half. The mission difficulty fix is being tested on the Training Room server. ...

[/ QUOTE ]

If it is really on the Training Room, it is not working. I have tested several missions with copied toons. The missions on TR are spawning just like they are on Guardian.

Additionally the +1 Bosses are chain casting stuns, sleeps, holds and AoEs. For a L11 Scrapper it is impossible to defeat a +1 Boss (Bone Daddy) who is aided by a +1 Lt. Personally I have seen no difference in the missions on TR under the current patch.



Preach it sistah!



I've got a ton of characters who are all fairly low level, top is 16 lowest is 4, and I think with the last comple of patches the game has been fine at a lower level.

The Hollows is a challenge and I think it has its problems (I'm looking for a thread to address that) but otherwise things are fine. Sure I can't really solo in the Hollows but I can't solo in Perez or Boomtown until I'm a few levels above the highest spawns, either. I kinda like the new powers the outcasts have but then again a lot of my characters are defenders and controllers, so the added challenge for those characters is just right.

Most villains I can solo a mish (in soloing ATs) and the ones I can't I know about (Outcasts, Trolls).

Quite honestly, I thought the +1 mobs bug had been fixed because I haven't had a problem with missions any more.



Statesman sez:
This was a serious error in design. We've already toned them down once - and we're going to be equipping them with weapons similar to those used by Hellions and Skulls at that level.

[/ QUOTE ]

Does that mean that you will be removing the chain stun/hold/knockback capabilities from these minions?

Instead of spreading piecemeal answers about this problem from post to post, Cryptic might want to make a comprehensive statement outlining all the problems you identified with Issue # 2 and the plans you have made (or implemented) to rectify the situation. Then everyone could refer to that one comprehensive statement instead of asking the same questions over and over again... Think of it as an Issue #2 resolution FAQ.



... Patrols have been cut in size by half. The mission difficulty fix is being tested on the Training Room server. ...

[/ QUOTE ]

If it is really on the Training Room, it is not working. I have tested several missions with copied toons. The missions on TR are spawning just like they are on Guardian.

Additionally the +1 Bosses are chain casting stuns, sleeps, holds and AoEs. For a L11 Scrapper it is impossible to defeat a +1 Boss (Bone Daddy) who is aided by a +1 Lt. Personally I have seen no difference in the missions on TR under the current patch.

[/ QUOTE ]

Isn't that why you can test it on the test server? To see if it works as they say it should and if not /bug it?

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



Statesman sez:
This was a serious error in design. We've already toned them down once - and we're going to be equipping them with weapons similar to those used by Hellions and Skulls at that level.

[/ QUOTE ]

Does that mean that you will be removing the chain stun/hold/knockback capabilities from these minions?

Instead of spreading piecemeal answers about this problem from post to post, Cryptic might want to make a comprehensive statement outlining all the problems you identified with Issue # 2 and the plans you have made (or implemented) to rectify the situation. Then everyone could refer to that one comprehensive statement instead of asking the same questions over and over again... Think of it as an Issue #2 resolution FAQ.

[/ QUOTE ]


It doesn't exactly take a lot of time or effort to find.



Gimmie a "J"!
Gimmie an "O"!
Gimme a "K"!
Gimmie an "E"!

What's that spell?