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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    I had a stamina-less build, but eventually switched to a stamina build and was glad.

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    I was just wondering if you were changing your mind on preferring a Stamina-less PB? I used to loathe Stamina sucking up three of my slots on any characters but lately I have been experimenting with Stamina builds and I have to admit a preference for them. I just started a PB this week and already I hate the idea of giving up any of the powers for Stamina.

    By the way, this is an awesome guide and it has really helped me get over my hesitation to starting a Kheldian. There are way too many powers and forms without any sort of in-game help. Your guide has been a huge help.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    One minor issue though. I wonder if Flashback will kill altoholism, which is a great strength of CoX..

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    That occurred to me too. Though allowing Server moves and such might be a sign that the Devs realize that a lot of us with Altism have either filled our favorite servers or have acheived multiple level 50's that we rather keep playing.

    I never thought Flashback would happen in a million years and it wasn't something I was itching to have. The upside though is the realization that I can run my Level 50 through any new low level zones they make without needing to exemplar.
  3. I have a mad scientist character that I want to make some screenshots with. I could convert a superbase room into a laboratory but I would like to use an existing setting if there is one in the game. What amuses me is I have yet to find a chalkboard when I could swear they were everywhere.

    Anyway, I was just curious if there were any spots in the game that you use for your science laboratory shots.
  4. This was an immensely entertaining guide. Big props for that.

    The slotting is more offensive than I am used to but hey, I am going to try them. I got all those veteran respecs if I need to. At least you have a different approach then the cookie cutter of 3 dam, 2 acc, 1 end

    I think caltrops though is a very useful power for messing up the attacks of the enemy. At low levels it is often my best friend. Toss those puppies into a crowd and one will shoot you and the other two will waste their time running.

    I do wonder about boxing. Does it make you redraw your rifle like it does other weapons?
  5. The_Choice

    Team Invince

    Honestly I can really see how that would fall. My friends and I kicked around a six man team concept and corrupters were the most popular choices. The argument went that Stalkers were useful but slow while Masterminds bogged down the systems of weaker computers.

    Personally I think Dominators could be a good swap, but when you're fighting +5's all the time, it can be annoying to toss out three second holds. Good variety would be nice, but I will be the first to admit the game as is doesn't encourage it when you're playing relentless.
  6. The_Choice

    Team Invince

    Just wanted to drop a quick note of congratulations. As impressive as it is to run on Invincible, I think just getting 8 players to play together through 50 levels is the greater achievement.

    Good luck with your corrupter, I mean villain team.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    This is a great guide. The only thing I'd like to see in addition is what pool powers are taken most of the time.

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    More so than any of my other characters, the pool selections were all luxury choices. I grabbed TP friend because I group mostly and have debated other powers as they come up. I don't need Stamina, and I don't really need anything defensive because I can shut down an enemy with one power.

    I feel that Mind/Psy really gives you the independence to create a concept build.
  8. This funny guide sums up my feelings the first 50 times I went into SC.

    I can't wait to feel your pain over Warburg.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    I may get on test and try out Mind Probe, but I don't really want another melee range power right now. I don't see why a mind/psi cant be very effective at range.

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    I felt this way too till I got Drain Psyche. Oh my, is that my favorite power. I don't need Stamina because I either have Domination filling my Endurance bar or I have Drain Psyche doing it. Since I need to be standing with two enemies anyway, I might as well be bashing them. Mind Probe really helped as the damage is very significant.
  10. The best part of MoG is the chance to shout "Moment of GLOOOOOOOOOOORY" when you use it. It's fun. All other arguements are pointless.

    I use MoG in EB and AV fights when Fast Healing wears off. Granted, some psychic bosses will smite you, but it's fun to go toe to toe with Marauder and out last his uber defense power.
  11. As a Archery/Devices Blaster I found this guide very helpful and fun. I was curious if you think I will need Stamina.
  12. I would settle for an ETA if when these missions are playable. My Mastermind got went up to a prison door and somehow got stuck on the other side. All I did was walk up to one to see if I could see through the slot. My bots wouldn't attack the door so I had to break it myself.

    When I got near the bank, my bots stopped obeying commands all together. I would right click on one and the only option I had was to dismiss them My bots wouldn't attack anything.

    Then when I got really close to the bank, CoV crashed to the desktop. By the time I got back, I had a minute left on my mission.

    I understand bugs happen and this is a new Issue, but some sort of warning on the website that I shouldn't even bother playing a Mastermind in these missions would have been appreciated. For now, I'm going to wait a month before trying another.
  13. The_Choice


    [ QUOTE ]
    Great... Good for MM's...

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    Doms get a free mocking snicker every time a Hero breaks out a BreakFree to cancel all of their powers. Grrrr.

    As for the bodyguard function, I guess I am going to have to start some keybinds. One of the things I liked about MM was being able to use just the commands they give you and be pretty darn effective. I have a feeling though that finding the sweet spot of how many henchmen to use as guards will become the new MM forum question.
  14. Very well done guide. From style to information, this guide has it all.
  15. Picking out a coffin ahead of time? I am so stealing that for my role-playing game

    I also like that the skull masks are real. That's not right and is deserving of another kick to the head.

    Really a top notch background this time around.
  16. The AV change has made me happy in more ways than I can express.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Is there anyone who can tell me where the Sweet Tooth badge is in Cap au Diable?

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    There's a truck parked beside the building where you think the badge is. In between the truck and the loading door, the badge is on the ground.
  18. Great article, the police reports really kick it up a notch.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Assuming all goes as planned, the event shall begin sometime this afternoon. Villains just aren’t morning people after all…

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    Really, what's the point of being evil if you can't sleep in till 3pm?
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    3) 30 real time days (720 hours).

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    If other Temp Powers like the snowball are any hint, I would say it would NOT be 720 hours. Any temp power measured in days usually fades X calendar days after I get the power.
  21. My understanding was that it does not affect Pet's powers recharging faster.
  22. There has been a lot of interesting back and forth discussion about laws, nations and treaties but I can't get past the fact that we have people debating the laws of a world where Nazi Germany attacked the U.S.'s east coast in a suprise attack. Somehow, I don't think any of you took Paragon City Civics.
  23. I'd love a City of Spies. I trust Statesman and the crew to do a really good job, but I'm not sure how they could create another group of archtypes that would have the Spy flavor and be self sufficent. I also just wouldn't want Spies to be anywhere close in power to Heroes. I know Crimson and Indigo are awesome, but I assumed the reason they send my hero on missions was that I would have a greater chance of coming back. I would like CoH to keep the focus on Heroes.
  24. Are you complaining that the servers are not red and therefore laggy? Go to Mercy Island, we got lag to spare.
  25. Quite possibly the most useful MasterMind post ever. Thanks