The Mezmeron guide to the Mind/Psy dominator (I7)




This is a guide to playing a Mind Control/Psionic Assault dominator. Its purpose is to give anyone interested a better understanding of the powers and some ideas about how to play one.

Note: I will be adding more content later, such as power pools, and patron pools.


1) About this guide
2) What is a Dominator?
2) Why choose a Mind/Psy dominator?
3) Dominator vs. Controller: What's the difference?
4) Domination: what about it?
5) The scale for powers
6) About Slotting
7) Mind Control
8) Psionic Assault
9) -Coming Soon- Leveling: the early levels (1-19), the middle (20-31), the later levels (32-40), the Grandville levels (41-50)

About this Guide:

No matter how good a guide is, it is still a collection of opinions based upon the experiences of the person(s) who wrote it. Just as playstyles vary between people, so does the idea of what is the best build. What this guide is mean to accomplish is to not only give a better understanding of a mind/psy dominator, but get others interested in a build that I have enjoy.

What is a Dominator?

At first glance, a dominator looks like a controller that has attacks instead of buffs for secondaries. But unlike the controller, a dominator isn't a defensive character; control isn't used by the dominator to protect teammates. It is used to section off a portion of a spawn and dominate them. A dominator that tries to control every mob in a fight is going to find themselves making several trips back from the hospital, and frustrated as they discover that dominators lack any defensive powers to protect themselves with (except for */psi with drain psyche or when the patron shields which open up at lvl41).

Playing a dominator also requires alot of perserverence as they are the latest blooming AT in CoV. Control only becomes notably effective in the 20s as access to SOs and the later powers in the control sets open up. Attack chains don't even become complete until the 30s when the big powers open up (psychic shockwave for */psi opens up at lvl38). But once everything is in place, dominators become an amazing AT to play. For those players that love a good challenge with a great payoff, dominators are you.

Why choose a Mind/Psy dominator?

Why choose mind control for your dominator primary? For straight-foward control, Mind is the best of all the sets. The set has 3 hard (once the power is applied, any affected mobs will not attack back) AoE controls in Telekinesis, Total Domination and Mass Confusion, and 2 more soft controls (once the control
is applied, the mobs will not attack back unless they are attacked) in Mass Hypnosis and Terrify. Mind also holds the crown for most non-aggro powers, which helps to minimize the aggro that a dominator will receive once the power has worn off.
note: Mind Control is the only dominator primary to not receive a pet at lvl32. If you are playing a dominator and want a pet, this is not the set for you.

Why choose Psionic Assault for a dominator secondary? Psi has the longest range of all the sets, and one of the better debuffs with -recharge. Although the debuff from a power cannot stack with the debuff applied by the same power (if applied by the same player), three debuffs stacked on a target will almost cancel out any recharge. Drain psyche also makes */psi the set that has the most survivability, and psychic shockwave is a fast recharging, high damaging, very large area of effect power which also has about a 33% chance of disorienting a target. Psi itself contains some compliments to the mind control set, and works very well for those who like to play characters based on roleplaying concepts along with dominators that love to live in melee range.

Dominator vs. Controller: What's the difference?

What is it that makes a mind/* dominator different from a mind/* controller? Even though they both have access to the same primary, it is the types of secondaries that each class has that lends to the different playstyles.

Q: Thanks to my primary, I have locked down all the mobs. What do I do next?

A- Controller: I use my secondary to heal, buff, debuff, or apply further control as necessary.

A- Dominator: Use my secondary to defeat all the mobs.

Domination: What about it?

Description: +75% attack damage, double magnitude of all status effects, double duration of all status effects, and completely refills endurance bar.

Duration: 90 seconds
Recharge: 200seconds

Rating: 4

Strength(s): Domination will turn a mild-mannered dominator into a rampaging engine of destruction. Once clicked, mobs become like tissue paper and you'll find yourself running into mobs faster than a suicidal blaster (which is okay since you'll be able to handle it). Keep this power in reserve as an 'Uh-Oh'
button or click it to fly through missions faster or to make a tough boss look like a minion with a couple more hit-points. With domination, you'll deal damage like a blaster, stack magnitude like two controllers, enjoy power boosted like durations, and your endurance bar will completely refill so that you can start at full steam. Domination is arguably the best inherent in the game (and the only clickable one), and once clicked creates a peak that no other AT can match.

Group running, because they are about to be overwhelemed? Hold your ground, click on domination, and show the mobs that you have them exactly where you wanted them. Be careful though, you only have 90 seconds of glory before becoming returning to normal.

note: Currently on test, domination will also provide significant protection against all mez-type effects (sleep, hold, confuse, immobilize, repel, disorient, knockback, knockdown, stun). A further change that has been mentioned by a red name is that domination will also become a pseudo breakfree in that it can be fired off the same way that the inspiration can be used.

Weakness(es): Every peak has its valley(s). Domination wears off, and the dominator returns to being a mere mortal. Experiencing highs and lows of power are part of the flavor of dominators. It's great to experience the moments of glory that domination can provide, but dominators pay a price for this.

The Scale for Powers:
Ratings: Powers are rated on a scale from 1-4. Due to the introduction of better enhancements, other powers at later levels, and the changing pve scene; the ratings for some powers will change. Some powers aren't very effective at lower levels (due to lack of situations or SOs), but become much better later in the game. There are also some powers that are very effective at lower levels, but lose effectiveness at later levels (such as another power that does the same thing, but much better)

1 = Situational. The only redeeming quality of this power is that it can be effective in a certain situation. But to achieve this effectiveness, it requires 4-6 slots. The power could also be suffering from poor design, or just doesn't work well at certain level ranges. Still- It could be useful for a player that finds themselves commonly in the situation(s) where this power would be effective. But otherwise, this power is too much invesment for too little of a return.

2 = Semi-situational. Any power with this rating would be effective in more than one situation, but probably still requires a heavy slot investment. This power won't be used all the time, but it is nice to have when it is needed.

3 = General Usage. You'll most likely use this power every fight. It won't be the most effective power that you'll have, but it is definitely worth having it in your build.

4 = Essential Power. Anything with this rating is something that I think that anyone that plays a mind/psy dominator should have. When you get a power with this rating, you'll be glad you did.

About Slotting:

I made a few assumptions about slotting powers.

1) I assumed that once a player got to the level of being able to get better enhancements, they would get them (which is why I have no listing for training origin enhancements for mass confusion).

2) A power would not lose a number of slots throughout the levels (no power would be 6 slots before level 12, then become 5 or less later on).

3) For those powers that become better with better enhancements, they would gain slots (a power that only had 1 slot at level 6 could have up to 6 slots after level 22).

Mind Control:

While there exist a variety of different controls, the main controls that mind uses are: sleep, hold, confusion, and fear.

Sleep: The mob will not attack once put to sleep. If the mob is attacked though, the sleep is broken and the mob is no longer under control.

Hold: The mob will not attack for the duration of the hold no matter how much damage it receives. Of all the controls, holds are considered by far the safest.

Confusion: The mob will no longer attack villains, but instead attacks other mobs for the duration of the power. What is nice about confusion is that it transforms what would be a threat to the dominator into a benefit.

Fear: The mob will not attack, but will retaliate once for each attack. Once it retaliates, there is a small chance that the mob will run away, but they usually just go back to standing still not attacking anyone.

Power: Mezmerize
Available: Level 1
Description: Ranged,Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe Sleep
Rating: 2 (pre-level 30), 3 (post-level 30)
Recommended Slotting: (TO) 1 accuracy, (DO) 1 accuracy, (SO) 1 accuracy (2acc if you plan on using it for pvp)

Strength(s): The nice thing about this power is that with one application, it can put a boss to sleep. In fact it is the only power in the whole set that can achieve this sans domination. It is not so effective in the earlier levels. But in the post lvl30 scence where mobs continously throw out status effects, being able to take a boss out of a fight in one application makes this power almost a must-have.

Weakness(es): It is a sleep, which means that one hit will break it. This power also deals damage before the sleep takes hold, which means that the mob will launch an attack which could be dangerous. This is not a non-aggro power, so using it will generate aggro against the dominator.

Power: Levitate
Available: Level 1
Description: Ranged, Moderate DMG(Smash)
Rating: 3
Recommended Slotting: (TO) 3 accuracy, 3 damage (DO) 2 accuracy, 4 damage (SO) 2 accuracy, 3 damage, 1recharge (2acc, 2damage, 2recharge for pvp or as soft control)

Strength(s): In the early levels, this power can help form a pretty decent attack chain. It also has a knockdown component which can help to keep a mob from attacking, and is the only power in the mind control set that offers non-psionic damage. For anyone wanting to completely avoid getting into melee range (i.e. using ranged attacks only), this power is essential. Although it is not absolutely essential otherwise, I highly recommend this power as it is a great source of soft control.

Weakness(es): While dealing decent damage in the early levels, it doesn't scale well. By the time that subdue is available, it becomes a welcome replacement for levitate in almost all attack chains. In later levels, levitate should be considered more as soft control that deals good damage rather than a moderate
damage power that has a knockdown secondary effect.

Power: Dominate
Available: Level 2
Description: Ranged, Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe Hold
Rating: 4
Recommended Slotting: (TO) 4 accuracy, 1 damage (DO) 2 accuracy, 3 damage (SO) 2 accuracy, 3 hold, 1 recharge

Strength(s): The first staple power of the mind control set- the single target hold. A successful hit with this power removes a mob from the fight for the duration of the power. The concept of the single target hold is so important that no matter what primary, every control set has one available as one of its first powers. Get this at level 4, no exceptions.

Weakness(es): This power is a magnitude 3 hold, which means that it cannot hold a boss in one shot. However- you just attracted the bosses attention and now need to somehow react to the incoming attack (which is where having mezmerize or levitgate becomes a VERY good thing to have). Being a single target, this power is not effective at locking down groups of mobs quickly.

Available: Level 6
Description: Ranged, Target Confuse
Rating: 4
Recommended Slotting: (TO) 4 accuracy, (DO) 2 accuracy, 2 confuse (SO) 2 accuracy, 1 confuse, 1 recharge

Strength(s): This is the first non-aggro power that mind dominators get access to. Use it out of aggro range, and you will not aggro the mob once they are no longer confused. Another benefit to this power is that if a confused mob receives damage from a player, it will not aggro any surrounding mobs (unless the confused mob is defeated in which case it will aggro as normal).This and dominate provide the backbone of mind's single target control.

Weakness(es): There is the need to be careful that the confused mob doesn't deal 100% of the damage to a mob, as they would then steal all the exp (however, the scale for how much exp is given is very generous towards the player in this manner). Also- damaging a confused mob will not aggro its surrounding mobs if
you deal damage to it, but the damage will cause aggro once the confuse wears off.

Power: Mass Hypnosis
Available: Level 10
Description: Ranged(Targeted AOE), Foe Sleep
Rating: 3
Recommended Slotting: (TO) 3 accuracy, (DO) 2 accuracy, 1 range, (SO) 2 accuracy, 1 range

Strength(s): If viewed as a control power, mass hypnosis is somewhat ineffective. But, its true value lies in its ability to be a place-setter for other powers and its ability to control aggro while also being aggro-free for the dominator. 2 groups of mobs are bunched close together, and would wipe out the team if they are both pulled at once. Use mass hypnosis to put one group to sleep, and pull the remaining group. Another use is to put all the minions and lts in a group to sleep and pull the boss solo.When they wake up, the boss is gone and no aggro. Using mass hypnosis on a group of mobs makes activating drain psyche MUCH safer also, and will not wake any of the mobs (although they will be aggro towards you when they wake up). Even when using telekinesis, putting the mobs to sleep will negate any alpha strike they will have when they are pushed by telekinesis. This power has alot of utility, and can make a dominator's life much easier.

Weakness(es): No matter what- this power is only a sleep. And as a control power, sleeps are only effective as long as no one attacks the mobs. In groups where teammates love using AoEs, this power isn't going to help much (if at all). The only true positive side to this is that the person who breaks the sleep
gains the aggro, and not the dominator (which makes it a 'you break it, you bought it' power). Used effectively, sleeps are a great boon. Otherwise, they are a waste of a power slot.

Power: Telekinesis
Available: Level 12
Description: Toggle:Ranged(Targeted AOE), Foe Hold, Repel
Rating: 2 (pre-SOs),4(post-SOs)
Recommended Slotting: (TO) N/A, (DO) 3 reduce endurance, (SO) 3 reduce endurance

Strengths: Telekinesis is a power where its effectiveness is almost completely dependent upon the skill of the player using it. I highly suggest once you have it, to visit a lower level area (i.e. one where there is no real worry about the mobs defeating you) and practice using this power. Being a toggle hold, the mobs stay out of the fight as long as the dominator has endurance (which with 3 reduce endurance SOs is a long time). Another important factor in telekinesis is that it is auto-hit, so there is no chance to miss with it. Whenever going into a fight, telekinesis is always one of the first powers that I look at being able to use. For pvp, this is an incredible power. Get this power, learn to use it, and you will love it.

Weakness(es): The power takes alot of endurance to keep up, and pre-SOs isn't nearly effective as it is once it is slotted with SOs. This power also has a learning curve which can be painful (which is why it is best to practice on lower level mobs). Also since the angle of the repel is based on where you are positioned, any knockback or movement away from the hold spot can cause the mobs to be 'shaken' loose or moved to an undesirable position. This power also generates aggro so it is best to use terrify or mass hypnosis on them right after telekinesis is dropped.

Power: Total Domination
Available: Level 18
Description: Ranged(Targeted AoE), Foe Hold
Rating: 1
Recommended Slotting: (TO) N/A, (DO) 4 accuracy, 2 hold (SO) 2 accuracy, 3 hold, 1 recharge

Strength(s): For sheer control power, almost nothing can beat an AoE hold. This power can hold up to 10 mobs at once, which can easily save your group if they are starting to get overrun.

Weakness(es): In order for total domination to become effective at all, it requires 5-6 slots. Even with 3 hold SOs in it, the duration of this power is too short, and it is common for the mobs to still remain once the duration has worn off. With a secondary like ice or energy, which has power boost, total
domination is very worthwhile. For psi- this power is great in giving a little extra time, but it is too much investment for too little of a return.

Power: Terrify
Available: Level 28
Description: Ranged(Cone), Minor DMG(Psionic), Foe Fear(Special)
Rating: 3
Recommended Slotting: (TO) N/A, (DO) N/A, (SO) 2 accuracy, 1 fear, 1 to-hit debuff, 1 recharge

Strength(S): As soon as you get it, Terrify will become your main AoE control. A very wide cone (more like a half-circle), fast recharging, and should be up at least once a fight; Terrify is one of the brightest gems in a set that has many.In terms of control, fear lies in the middle. It doesn't break like sleep
nor allow mobs to keep on attacking like immobilize. But, it isn't as durable as a hold or confuse which both allow limitless attacks on a target without it retaliating. Combine this with the ability to deal damage equivalent to psychic scream and a very noticeable to-hit debuff, and Terrify is a power that every mind/* dominator should have in their build.

Weakness(es): Due to its ability to deal damage, affected mobs will get off an attack before succumbing to the fear effect; which means that if used too early in a fight, the dominator will be receiving an alpha strike. Even though it is small, there is a chance that a mob will run away. When using this power, it is better to be a little slow than a little fast.

Power: Mass Confusion
Available: Level 32
Description: Ranged(Targeted AoE), Foe Confuse
Rating: 4
Recommended Slotting: (TO) N/A, (DO) N/A, (SO) 2 accuracy, 1 confuse, 3 recharge

Strength(s): At level 32 when ever other dominator primary gets a pet, a mind dominator gets the best control power in the game. With this power, it will not only make the fight safer, but it will make it significantly shorter since the mobs will be attacking each other. Being a non-aggro power, it is a great to
open a fight with as it will negate or severly minimize any alpha strike. Another benefit to this power is since mobs tend to prefer to melee instead of use ranged attacks, mass confusion will cause them all bunch together as close as they can (which is very nice for those that use AoEs). This is a power that you'll want to have up every fight. This is a main reason why mind control doesn't need a pet.

Weakness(es): If a mob is confused, it will attack the nearest target. If there is no target, it will run to find one which can mean that it will run to another group. This power being non-aggro though, it will not cause the new group to aggro on the dominator (even if the confused mob received damage while

Psionic Assault:

Every one of the assault sets has a secondary effect of each power. The secondary effect of psionic is that it gives any affected target a recharge deduff. The debuff does not last long nor does it significantly reduce the recharge rate of a target. But the effects do stack, and can add up to a noticeable difference in an enemies attack rate.

Power: Psionic Dart
Available: N/A
Description: Ranged, Minor DMG(Psionic), Target -Recharge
Rating: 1, 2 (pvp)
Recommended Slotting: (TO) 1 accuracy, (DO) 1 accuracy, (SO) 1 accuracy

Strength(s): Psionic dart shouldn't be considered an attack power so much as a domination builder due to its fast recharge. In pvp, this power can fill a domination bar exceptionally fast.

Weakness(es): You have no choice but to get this power. While it does have a low recharge rate, it also deals the least damage of any power in both the mind primary and psionic assault secondary (mezmerize and domination both deal more damage than psionic dart). Once a dominator gets access to mind probe at level 2, this power is somewhat obsolete. There are alot of other sets in which the 'must have' first power is actually plausible. The psionic assault set is not one of them.

Power: Mind Probe
Available: Level 2
Description: Melee, Moderate DMG(Psionic), Target -Recharge
Rating: 4
Recommended Slotting: (TO) 4 accuracy, (DO) 2 accuracy, 4 damage, (SO) 2 accuracy, 3 damage, 1 recharge

Strength(s): This is the first of psionic's 'Big Three'. And until psychic shockwave is fully slotted at lvl39-40, this is the highest single target damage dealer. It requires the dominator to be in melee range to use it however, which can make it dangerous to use. But, being a */psi dominator means living life in melee range.

Weakness(es): This power is the first one to show the quandry of being a dominator. We need to get into melee range to use our highest damaging powers, but we have no defensive powers until drain psyche and the patron pool shields.

Power: Telekinetic Thrust
Available: Level 4
Description: Melee, Minor DMG(Psionic/Smash), Foe Knockback
Rating: 2
Recommended slotting: (TO) 2 accuracy, (DO) 2 accuracy, (SO) 2 accuracy

Strength(s): When handling bosses or getting a hard-hitting mob out of melee range, telekinetic thrust gives the dominator an important edge. And with the rag-doll psychics working as it does, this power has a slight edge over levitate how it takes a mob to get back on their feet.

Weakness(es): For a power that is essentially a push, it has far too long of an animation and recharge time (the animation time should be halved to make this power more effective).And even though it does offer a source of non-psionic damage, the amount that it offers is too low to be considered a reliable source of damage. Levitate is a far better source of soft control as it is not only ranged, but deals more damage than telekinetic thrust.

Power: Mental Blast
Available: Level 10
Description: Ranged, Moderate DMG(Psionic), Target -Recharge
Rating: 1
Recommended Slotting: (TO) 4 accuracy, (DO) 2 accuracy, 4 damage, (SO) 2 accuracy, 3 damage, 1 recharge

Strength(s): This power is essential to anyone that wants to only have (or mostly use) ranged attacks with their dominator. While this power doesn't deal as much damage as mind probe, it can be fired safely from a distance. For anyone wanting to play a ranged only dominator, I highly recomend not taking */psi as
a secondary.

Weakness(es): Mind blast has a somewhat long animation which makes for a long attack chain. The only reason that I can see anyone wanting to pick this power up is if they want a substitute for mind probe that would allow them to stay out of melee range. This power also becomes obsolete once subdue becomes

Power: Psychic Scream
Available: Level 16
Description: Ranged(Cone), Moderate DMG(PSionic), Foe -Recharge
Rating: 3, 1(post-psychic shockwave)
Recommended Slotting: (TO) N/A, (DO) 3 accuracy, 3 damage, (SO) 2 accuracy, 3 damage, 1 recharge

Strength(s): The first AoE in the psionic pool. It is important to learn how to position in order to use cones effectively. This attack gives the dominator for several levels a decent source of AoE damage.

Weakness(es): The cone on this power is rather narrow. And until you get used to positioning yourself to properly use cones, you will find yourself missing desired targets that seem to be right next to each other. Once psychic shockwave becomes available, this power becomes obsolete (psychic shockwave with no damage enhancers in it deals more damage than psychic scream with 3 damage enhancters in it).

Power: Drain Psyche
Available: Level 20
Description: PBAoE Foe -Regen, -Recovery; Self +Regen, +Recovery
Rating: 4
Recommended Slotting: See strengths, 3 accuracy, 3 recharge (pvp)

Strength(s): This is the second of psionic's 'Big Three'. 6-slot this, no exceptions. Depending upon how it is slotted, drain psyche is either: a downtime eliminator, survivability enhancer, or mad regen machine. For those that or have endurance issues, slot it 2 accuracy, 2end mod, 2 recharge. One or two mobs being hit with this power will allow attacks to run at full steam while regaining endurance very quickly. Soloing on relentless or on small to medium sized teams? Slotting 2 accuracy, 1 health, 1 end mod will greatly enhance not only your survivability, but also recover endurance fast enough to prevent any slowdown in an attack chain. On large teams, or other cases where survivability is an issue- 2 accuracy, 2 health, 2 recharge is the best slotting. Hit 5+ mobs with this slotting, and you'll regen so fast that the only way that you'll go down is by being one-shotted. You'll regen so fast that your health bar won't move, and the only way to know that you're taking damage is by seeing the red numbers overhead; and you will be able to take alphas that scare brutes. Not only does this power provide a great buff, but it's debuff completely stops all foe's regen. This power scares regen scrappers as it can shut down all their regen abilities.

Weakness(es): Once your 30 seconds of feeling like a tank are up, watch out for the return volley. If you are not careful, your health is going to drop FAST since you aggroed so many mobs in order to get your super-regen (for some reason, the aggro from attacking with a -regen power is huge). Because while you
may have hit 5+ mobs with the power, you will also have aggro from the ones that you missed. The area of effect of this power is also rather small; mobs almost need to be on top of you in order to be in range. So this is a power that requires the dominator to enter melee range in order to use (with the
psionic pool, expect to spend most of your time in melee range anyways).

Power: Subdue
Available: Level 28
Description: Ranged, Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe Immobilize
Rating: 3
Recommended Slotting: (TO) N/A, (DO) N/A, (SO) 2 accuracy, 3 damage, 1 immobilize

Strength(s): This is the best ranged attack in the psionic assault pool. It doesn't deal as much damage as mind probe, but it is a very solid second (until psionic shockwave when it becomes a decent third). Subdue also provides the dominator with another form of soft control with an immobilize. Very worthwhile power to get. I cannot think of a reason to not get this power.

Weakness(es): Of any of the powers in the psionic assualt pool, this is the one with probably the least downside to it. Even at level 40+, it still helps to form a very decent attack chain (although mind probe and psychic shockwave both deal about 20% more damage).

Power: Psionic Lance
Available: Level 35
Description: Sniper, Superior DMG(Psionic), Target -Recharge
Rating: 2
Recommended Slotting: (TO) N/A, (DO) N/A, (SO) 1 accuracy

Strength(s): With a base accuracy of 90% and an extra long range, this is an excellent power for pulling mobs. The base damage is also very appreciable, and fully slotted with damage and range SOs can give any mind dominator a very hard hitting power with an exceptionally long range. With the range given by 3 Sos, a dominator can single pull entire groups of mobs as the dominator would be standing outside the frenzy range of any mobs that would assist the aggroed mob.

Weakness(es): Like all sniper attacks, this one has a very long animation and can be interrupted. While this power deals a decent amount of damage, it is not able to become part of a decent attack chain since it can be interrupted. A snipe is also of almost minimal use to a set which causes the dominator to spend most of their time in melee range. Although this is a good power to slot up, I only recommended the basic slot for it since a mind/psy dominator would have access to several other powers that provide far more utility with the extra slots (and slots tend to be very tight for this build).

Power: Psionic Shockwave
Available: Level 38
Description: Close(AoE), High DMG(PSionic), Foe -Recharge
Rating: 4
Recommended Slotting: (TO) N/A, (DO) N/A, (SO) 2 accuracy, 3 damage, 1 recharge

Strength(s): The question is 'Is psychic shockwave worth the wait?' Yes- easily yes. The last of psionic's 'Big Three', psychic shockwave is the biggest power in the set. It deals more damage per target than mind probe (it deals the most damage per single target in the set), is fast recharging, has a small
chance to disorient any affected mobs (~33%), and also has a large AoE. Except for drain psyche, psychic shockwave easily overshadows the rest of the set. For those people that like to pick sets based upon the end power, this is the power for them.

Weakness(es): This power requires the dominator to be in melee range to use it. And being such a high damaging power that can affect multiple mobs at the wrong time could mean a fast trip to the hospital. If a dominator is smart with their aggro, this power is an incredible boon.



-<Space for use later>-



Patron Power Pools



Some corrections and notes:

Domination doesn't double hold duration. It doesn't exactly double magnitude either. It adds a second hold with 150% normal duration. The end result is that you get double magnitude for the normal duration, plus normal magnitude for +50% duration.

Mass Hypnosis is an excellent alpha-splitter, in addition to the uses mentioned. Just like it's good for pulling bosses, it's good for waking up mobs a few at a time so that they don't all attack the same person at once.

Terrify has a 90-degree cone. That's about the same as the game's field of view. That's why it seems to affect everything in a half-circle: It actually affects everything in your field of view (in first person mode; almost everything in third person mode).

Three accuracy inspirations is probably overkill for Drain Psyche, unless you're slotting for PVP or the highest difficulty level. Even then, you'll get more benefit per cost by slotting it for heal or recovery; two SOs is plenty so long as you're not fighting single targets. By the way, Drain Psyche is good enough endurance recovery that you can skip Stamina both in PVE and in PVP, if you slot some endcost reducers. Triple accuracy is most useful if you fight single targets that it must hit (e.g., dueling PVP or using it to debuff AVs).

On a similar note, three endcost SOs in Telekinesis may be overkill, especially in the endgame (or other levels where you have +3 SOs). Again, the third SO doesn't give as much benefit -- only about 0.2 end/sec -- and slots are tight in a mind/psi build.

Finally, Psychic Scream is still valuable post-Shockwave, at least on teams. Solo, the set's three best damage dealers are Shockwave, Mind Probe, and Subdue. On a team, Psychic Scream moves up the list, all the way to second place for expected DPS, even taking into account the relatively narrow cone.

Thanks! This is a solid guide. Hopefully I'll get around to posting my own one of these days.



Nice writeup. I don't have enough time to *really* read through it atm, but a couple of things hit my eye skimming through:

1. The description of Dominations effects should probably be updated to reflect the actual mechanics as described by _Castle_ I.E a second control is spawned with a 1.5* base duration? It's worth putting in there to make the info complete.

2. Psi Dart is actually one of the better tier 1 blast powers with it's SUPERB dom (best at it in a team Hands down and walking away) building and added utility as a pulling tool. Many of the tier 1 powers are throw aways, PD is useful throughout the entire game, heck it even applies a 30% -rech! Just food for thought.

3. Psi Lance is actually the highest single target damage power in the set rather than Psi-Shockwave. Recommending just the basic slot is having it just as a pulling tool? Psi-Dart excels at pulling, I'd either slot Psi-Lance and use it for damage or not bother personally ::shrug::.

4. I'd definitely consider putting in the -rech values for the /Psi attacks, it makes a difference to some folks, and in some cases they are QUITE substantial. PSW is -50 for 20 sec! Man what a power... Psi Scream is also VERY hefty at -50 for 10 sec, so between the two you can put an entire spawn at the -rech floor in two shots. PSW can do it by itself, if it stacks? Not sure about that.

Anyway, kudos on the overall guide! /em thumbsup



awesome guide. Thanks for putting the time in.



Thanks for the guide. I've been away from the isles for some time now but recently returned and am enjoying my mind/psi. I agree with Argentae that psi dart, much like thorny dart in the thorny assault set, is excellent for building domination.

The build I'm currently working toward, like many of mine, is a bit unusual. There are so many mind powers I wish to try and I prefer to stay at range, hopping in when need be, then back out. Note that I'll be teaming exclusively.

Here's what I have so far

1 Levitate
1 Psionic Dart
2 Dominate
4 TK Thrust
6 Confuse
8 Mass Hypnosis

And I am currently planning:

10 Combat Jumping
12 TK
14 Super Jump
16 Psychic Shriek
18 Hasten
20 Drain Psyche
26 Terrify
28 Subdue
32 Mass Confusion
35 Psi Lance
38 Psychic Shockwave

Obviously, at this point (just hit 10) my offense is very weak.
I'd like to fit in Mesmerize but I'm not sure where.
I use TK thrust to get mobs out of my face, and while I wish it did a bit more damage, I do like it.

I may get on test and try out Mind Probe, but I don't really want another melee range power right now. I don't see why a mind/psi cant be very effective at range. While Mind Probe sounds nice, there's nothing all that special about it by the description, so there are only two key powers that require close range. But does that really mean you have to live in melee all the time? My guess is that the answer is no.

On the other hand, I've been known to play some wacky concept builds, so YMMV.

[url=""]The Wanderers[/url] of Virtue
We farm fun!



I may get on test and try out Mind Probe, but I don't really want another melee range power right now. I don't see why a mind/psi cant be very effective at range. While Mind Probe sounds nice, there's nothing all that special about it by the description, so there are only two key powers that require close range. But does that really mean you have to live in melee all the time? My guess is that the answer is no.

On the other hand, I've been known to play some wacky concept builds, so YMMV.

[/ QUOTE ]
I've got a Mind/Psi that just hit level 41 and really enjoy her. My advice would be to definitely try out Mind Probe...I can't imagine life without it, honestly. Dominator damage isn't the greatest to begin with, and that's one of the set's big attacks. (For comparison, it does twice the damage of TK Thrust, and about 70% more damage than Levitate.)

And I wouldn't dream of criticizing anyone's choice of playstyle, but in all openness, if you want to avoid melee, you might want to rethink */Psi. The two biggest attacks are Mind Probe and Psychic Shockwave, which are melee attacks. Also, I notice that you're running a build with Hasten but without Stamina--I do the same thing--but that means relying on Drain Psyche for your endurance, which means you'll need to get into melee.

Don't get me experience has been that I do okay at range when I need to, but at least on my build, there's a significant improvement when I get into melee. YMMV, of course.

By the way, I've found Mesmerize to be a great power right out of the box, if only as a soft control power. I personally just tossed an accuracy in the original slot and it's great for locking down groups when I solo, or for stacking sleeps with Mass Hypnosis.

Anyway, that's been my experience...hope this helps!

Story Arcs:
"The Joy of States-mas", #533168
"A Mosaic of Shattered Dreams", #497506 (2011 Players Choice winner!)
"Television Presents: Attack of the Toons!", #373710
"Lightning in a Bottle", #376222



I may get on test and try out Mind Probe, but I don't really want another melee range power right now. I don't see why a mind/psi cant be very effective at range.

[/ QUOTE ]

I felt this way too till I got Drain Psyche. Oh my, is that my favorite power. I don't need Stamina because I either have Domination filling my Endurance bar or I have Drain Psyche doing it. Since I need to be standing with two enemies anyway, I might as well be bashing them. Mind Probe really helped as the damage is very significant.



Thanks for the input, gang. I tried out Mesmerize on Test and may go with that. What a great power. Long sleep duration, decent damage for me at this point, and you can pretty much use psi dart, levitate, and Mesmerize as an attack chain while taking no damage. I may actually slot this one up for damage.

On the subject of Drain Psyche, I understand the duration is 30 seconds, but I'm not clear on the recharge.

I'm not sure if I'm going to invest heavily in hasten to get the recharge down or whether I'll just use it situationally (it isn't permable these days, correct?)

[url=""]The Wanderers[/url] of Virtue
We farm fun!



On the subject of Drain Psyche, I understand the duration is 30 seconds, but I'm not clear on the recharge.

[/ QUOTE ]
I think 120 seconds. Personally, I put three recharges in it (and two accuracies, which you can do now, thank God). Between that and three-slotted hasten the downtime for me seems pretty negligible. (And that's without Stamina.)

I'm not sure if I'm going to invest heavily in hasten to get the recharge down or whether I'll just use it situationally (it isn't permable these days, correct?)

[/ QUOTE ]
Nope, sadly its not perma anymore. I gave it the two extra slots since many of the Mind powers have such long recharge times. (And it's also really handy for building domination!)

Story Arcs:
"The Joy of States-mas", #533168
"A Mosaic of Shattered Dreams", #497506 (2011 Players Choice winner!)
"Television Presents: Attack of the Toons!", #373710
"Lightning in a Bottle", #376222



This is a great guide. The only thing I'd like to see in addition is what pool powers are taken most of the time.

Dark Forsaken: Clearance Level 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
Officer of Fox Force Five
@The Dark Forsaken



This is a great guide. The only thing I'd like to see in addition is what pool powers are taken most of the time.

[/ QUOTE ]

More so than any of my other characters, the pool selections were all luxury choices. I grabbed TP friend because I group mostly and have debated other powers as they come up. I don't need Stamina, and I don't really need anything defensive because I can shut down an enemy with one power.

I feel that Mind/Psy really gives you the independence to create a concept build.



Two questions on Terrify:

1.) The two guides I read recommend slotting for -To Hit debuffs. City of Data doesn't list it even having a to hit debuff though. Does it actually have one ?

2.) I know it has a longer recharge then Psychic Scream, but the damage is very similar... would it work out slotting for damage instead of fear (an to hit debuffs, if that turns out to be wrong). ?
The base fear duration isn't that bad really already.

I am not sure really yet how to deal with this power (though I will be getting it at 26), slotting more for control, or more for damage. I will probably find my own playstyle with it, but some advice from more experienced Mind/Psi Dominators would be greatly appreciated.




As far as I know, Terrify does not have a tohit debuff in it. Touch of Fear from the Dark Melee scrapper/stalker sets does, and a substantial one and perhaps they got that confused. I use Terrify as an opener, Psy Scream, then Psy Shockwave when I'm on teams. When I'm alone, it depends upon what I'm facing.

I know a lot of people are down on sleeps, but I keep finding uses for Mass Hypnosis. Not only is the recharge on it relatively short (way shorter than Total Domination or Mass Confusion) it's incredibly useful against second mobs you may have aggroed and if you slot it properly, you can keep mobs perma-slept with it, as just as it's wearing off the power is recharged. But then, I'm a big fan of AOE controls anyway. :P

"Looks like we arrived in the nick of time. What does that make us?"
"Big damn heroes, sir."
"Ain't we just."
-Mal & Zoe, "Firefly"




All in all, I really liked this guide. It helped me with my Mind/Psi Dom quite a bit.

Thanks for a good guide.

My Guide to Illusion/Kinetics Control.

CoH_Player_101: It's okay. Your choice in avatars makes up for a world of indiscretion.



positively awesome guide...& one thing i love about this guide is how it states the difference between a controller & a dominator...for far too long they've been put on the same boat



Great guide, thanks. Got to lvl 20 and I'm gonna have to respec quite soon cause i now know that some powers I've got really weren't worth getting *cough*mental blast*cough* Finally, does anyone know if its woth talking anything from the medicine pool for a bit extra support, even to keep my own health up?



If Drain Psyche isn't enough to keep your health topped off, you're doing something wrong. If you haven't picked it up yet, get it ASAP.



I did take Drain Psyche and I've got Health but I solo quite alot and often my health is low. I also considered getting it for Aid Other as well to help out in a team.



Love the guide. Used it to build my Dominator, which is one of my favorite toons. The only question I have now is which is the best Epic Pool to get/which one is most commonly gotten? I have a concept character but it doesn't seem like any of the Epic pools in Villains really fit with a concept (any concept really). Also, has anything changed? Since we are embarking on I-17, I'm curious if any of you have noticed any changes in the power set. I has been a while since I logged on as my Dom and can't tell if anything has changed. Thanks for the help!



Originally Posted by Jupiter_M View Post
Power: Terrify
Available: Level 28

Power: Subdue
Available: Level 28
You may want to look at those numbers. If memory serves, you get Terrify at level 26, not 28.



Originally Posted by Clawstriker View Post
You may want to look at those numbers. If memory serves, you get Terrify at level 26, not 28.
True that may be, but this guide is from I7 (summer 2006), and it doesn't look like the original author's been around for a few years, so I wouldn't hold my breath for an update.

Later on,

Mostly Pinnacle, with scattered alts on Liberty, Freedom, and Justice.

I had a great time playing with you!