99 -
artic air is a set defining power
skipping ice sword is dumb
chilling embrace is worthless for an ice/ice
flash freeze is awesome for eating alpha's and soloing. -
way to limit dominator usefulness before the trial even comes out devs! Sounds like for villains its another corrupter/brute (maybe mm) lovefest.
but I can fire off blaze and fire blast twice and do more damage in less time than one snipe. And theres no chance that it will be interrupted either...
vines isn't too bad especially with aim, if you also have hasten you can slot primarily with holds and couple with aim. It's a nice power to have between seeds and creepers.
Look everyone its this plan and this simple... Ok so u got to fight all them at once and the flier ... And if u figure it that is still only 6 .. The RSF is 8 heroes ... And some of us did it when they was 54's like me .... So dont cry about it just deal with it.. And i hope they are 54's starting to b/c are at least 53's like it was for longest on us .... So u need to stop crying about everything suck it up and find away around it like we have had to do ...
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its officially gone to the americans. -
I keep seeing people posting about having done LRSF with OTHER than the old "optimal" grouping. It probably does need to be fixed, but the whole "you can't do it without these ATs!" thing has been shown to be baloney. It's just HARDER, that's all.
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you know what my ice/fire dom adds to the LRSF? moderate damage... Why choose him over a corrupter? -
seriously, try fixing the RSF to be playable for those that are not corrupters and granite brutes before doing this.
Can we fix Consume now that we're normalizing timers?
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There will be NO CHANGES to Consume at this time. Why? There are some essential datapoints I need to confirm which I have not had the opportunity to do yet. I *should* get my hands on the raw data after the Invention system hits.
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So consume is gonna be fixed in the next patch? -
True. I'm sure even the devs are raising an eyebrow because the ONLY thing that changed in I8 for Domination...was the one extra point we get per attack. We got the mez protection/PvP build speed buff in I7.
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its too powerful, dom's BI's should be lowered by 10% to offset. -
Domination seems like an "I Win" power now. Dominators in PvP always seem to have Domination available. They can Hold my Invulnerable Tank through 3 Strength of Wills and Unyielding. Then as soon as I emerge from the Hospital my Tank is Held and killed in about 30 seconds over and over again. No other players involved. Just one Dominator. So perhaps they were too weak in I-7, but now Domination is too much and too easy.
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you are a liar. -
This is a great power for those /psi users out there. You can absolutely fly through COT missions with /psi attacks and the USA (undead slaying axe)
Theres a more updated guide than this, I think its vinni vidi vici guide to domination.
my doms will never get an invite let alone fail. THANKS DEVS!
morc was definitely a great dom, as was waybreaker.
Milsta I beleive there were a couple but I dont see them anymore. I thought that junky had a pretty good grav psi build.
hooray mental blast sucks even less!
rolled an ice/max tank the other night up to lvl 8, pretty fun thus far.
I remember those days, when this supposed Eastgate was little more than distant hills seen beyond the warwalls and you couldn't help but run through Kings Row without seeing folks on broadcast shouting:
"Where do you find Circle of Thorns in here?"
As if the large green plumes of smoke from the rooftops wasn't enough of a give away.
I remember when folks used to sweep through the hazard zones in vast teams herding up spawns and then blitzing them with AoE hits which could take out 20-30 enemies at once. It was even more fun to have a high fire tanker go running around the lake and herding them into a pile only to have everyone laying into the mass of enemies for a crap load of exp.
These were the days when tankers were considered gimp if they couldn't herd over 100 enemies, when ice armor could only have one toggle on at a time which was the same as rock armor with the exception that rock armor made it look liek you were encased in poo and fire tankers were considered gods.
How times change.
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haha those were the days, my poor non travel power scrapper couldn't find his way up to the top of the buildings,
Perez Park was a blast too (hydras!), and kinetics sucked and Force Field was the best! -
Hold Them Touch Them, Pinnacle's only All Dominator Villain Group is still open for anyone to join. We play every tuesday night with a pretty good turn out at all levels of play. If you're interested just post in the dominator forums that you need an invite.