COV pushed back till SEPTEMBER!?!?!?!





due to reasons that are beyond me as i was purchasing a new game for my xbox, i desided to find out when the pvp action woud statr on the server with the releace of cov, much to my dismay i was told that the releace date of cov is now somthing like SEPTEMBER 9. tell me how you feel, im still shocked for the fact that the last date i had heard was a jan/feb release.



holy need for a spell checker, batman!

tell me english isn't your first language.



There never has been a firm release date.

And come on! Issue 3 still isn't out the door! Like they're going to start ramping up for CoV now?



im canadian ans sleepy, board, and not getting any, i have no reason for a spellchecker



CoV was NEVER slated for Jan/Feb of 2005. The firmest guestimation I ever heard was 3rd/4th quarter of 2005. 4th Quarter being much more likely.

Any firm date you have heard up to this point is a guess or a lie. Sorry if you thought otherwise...



im canadian ans sleepy, board, and not getting any, i have no reason for a spellchecker

[/ QUOTE ]

dude, chicks dig guys who can spell. *noddles*



its not my fault, besides who would be desprate enough to date me? you cant even tell what sex the person behind the avtar is.



can we get back on topic and stop talking about my love life?



can we get back on topic and stop talking about my love life?

[/ QUOTE ]

The topic has already been covered. CoV never had a firm release date, and Lord Recluse said a while ago that it wouldn't be anywhere close to done by January.



only release date I ever saw was "sometimes in 2005". and september 9, 2005 sounds like it's on target then.

officially a "self-important forum-facsist[sic]"



Only broad release time I ever heard was... Spring 2005. So I figured April/May, like when CoH originally released. Sounds fine to me. If it's september... then fine. It's september. Best get it right, right?



i think its all up in speculation... i believed devs have said '05, but not early (ie jan, feb, march)

my guess would be mid summer (june, july)...

could we get a response as to where/who told you sept. 9th?



Read through the CoV board archive if you're interested in the history of the arguments over the release date =P

As of right now, on that board, the consensus is "late 2005", whatever that means.

I'd like to point out that, in a stickied post on that board, the Devs have said they "guarantee slots in beta for anyone who's been subscribed for 12 months or more". To me, I read: beta will not start till at least one year after CoH launch. Coh launch was in April. Ergo, beta cannot start till April.

And if the beta hasn't even started yet... well... it can't exactly launch.

I think our best hope is for a september-ish release. But take solace -- it's gonna be damn good.



They never said a date when they'd release it, ever. It's all just speculation. They said they'd probably start beta early 2k5 somewhere.



Let us not forget: PvP will most likely be seen prior to CoV in the form or arenas that allow heroes to duke it out.

My Going Rogue Trailer

Virtue (blue) - Wes The Mess
Virtue (red) - Jess The Best



With a Jan/Feb release, don't you think the beta test would be already running ?

I would risk a date: 3 to 6 months after beta starts.



I think any and all time frames stated in this thread need to be re-thought.

There isn't even a guarantee that they are making CoV

Until there is a beta, CoV is a wish for some people. Even when a beta starts, there is no guarantee that there will be a retail game, much less a time frame for a retail release date.

Just keep it in the back of your minds that any date is wrong (even if from a RedName) for the time being, and CoV is maybe, hopefully being thought up and worked on. That's all there is to think about.

I'm glad I could help clear up that quandary.

I've already forgotten about most of you



its not my fault, besides who would be desprate enough to date me? you cant even tell what sex the person behind the avtar is.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why, other Desperate people, of course. SOme people aren't ... choosy.

Back on topic - release date was NEVER firm, so it has not 'Officially' been 'pushed back'.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



OMG! They nerfed the release date!

Seriously though, I have a friend who's sister talked to someone at a store that heard from an on-line acquaintance (that I suspect she met through eHarmony) who is related to a developer of a completely different game which spoke to a person at NCSoft once about a technical problem he had that said there is a sixty percent chance that CoV will definitely be coming out November 2004.



taken from

Pre-Order: Ships on 8/14/2005"

from working for eb for around a year, i can tell you that most likely, that will change. it might be 2006 before it releases, and it might get pushed around (either bumped up, or bumped back) by a few days. this far in advance, all you should be looking at is the quarter that it's released, and not worry about the specific date until around 2 months before it is slated to release.

just an example: for over a year, Halo 2 was supposed to come out in April of 2004. everyone thought that was the definitive date. now look at when it actually DID get released. almost every big game goes through the same thing. hopefully COV won't get pushed back 6+ months.




City of Villains comes out BEFORE update 3



We have NOT announced ANY date for CoV.

Until you see it on our website, take any date with a grain of salt. Actually, a huge handful.



Damn!! but i really wanna be so bad!! cuz it feels so good!!



Now look what you guys did.
You woke him up damnit.

...And I was just about to pontificate the Rumor about how bringing in that D&D guy meant a Total-Restart on the Design of CoV, pushing the Spring05 date back about 6 months to... umm... Well you get the picture.