COV pushed back till SEPTEMBER!?!?!?!





That all said I never assume any game is being released until I see the announcement on the official web site that it has gone GOLD.

[/ QUOTE ]

Absofrickinlutely! I spent two years managing Gamespot stores, and I can honestly say "release dates" are nothing more than carrots to dangle before the These dates are reckless estimates at best, and are usually followed by the mandatory "If you reserve it now, we can call you when (if) it comes in. Its only $5.00...." <wink, wink, nudge nudge>

Until there's official confirmation that the game has gone gold, don't believe ANYTHING you hear. Less stressful that way.

[/ QUOTE ]

pretty much, but at my EB, it was more like:

"For only 5$ you're GUARANTEED to get the game the day it comes out!"

then they call on the last date you told them it was supposed to come out:

"Is it in yet!?" to which you reply...

"No, i'm sorry, they pushed it back. when i tell you it comes out September 19th, what i really mean is that they tell us it's coming out that date, but they can push it back as far as they want with no notice at all, so until we actually get the game in our store, and give you a call telling you it's in, it's not in."



"im canadian ans sleepy, board, and not getting any, i have no reason for a spellchecker "

[/ QUOTE ]

*SMACK!* Stop that!



As a red-blooded beer drinking American I can honestly say that the beer here in the USA, from the major distilleries, is nothing but pee pee colored water. Stick to the micro brews if you want good American beer, or if you must get a mass distributed beer drink a Sam Adams. I will say that I do enjoy the imported beers from Canada, but hockey still sucks.




due to reasons that are beyond me as i was purchasing a new game for my xbox, i desided to find out when the pvp action woud statr on the server with the releace of cov, much to my dismay i was told that the releace date of cov is now somthing like SEPTEMBER 9. tell me how you feel, im still shocked for the fact that the last date i had heard was a jan/feb release.

[/ QUOTE ]

CoV isnt even in closed BETA yet. Just 50 friends, family and Dev's and GM's of Crytpic. So it has a long way to go yet. I have a store here in Chi-Town that lists it as November 1st, 2005.
Just stay cool my babies, everything will get ironed out, and until CoV, hey you got CoH, WOOT!!!!

****OH and PowerHawk, I agree with the American beers being crap, I like Irish and Candian beer, but come on man, HOCKEY is good FaShizzle!!!



Mmmmmmm.....CoV Pie.




We have NOT announced ANY date for CoV.

Until you see it on our website, take any date with a grain of salt. Actually, a huge handful.

[/ QUOTE ]

What he said. There's nowhere for it to be pushed back -from-. Since COV is in many ways a Whole New Game, it takes a long while. If we were brighter, we'd have done another smaller content expansion to keep folks happy (and have a new box on the retail shelves) coming out maybe 6-9 months after last April's launch, but we're not that bright and we keep giving our content away for free.

We're discussing the possibility of doing some pay-fer content (i.e. an expansion pack) in addition to our usual big-[censored] free updates and COV, but we're hella busy as it is, so we'll see. The retailers would love us if we did, and we like happy retailers (and money) - but we don't want to cut back on the Free Stuff in any case.


Jeremy Gaffney
VP Product Development, NCsoft



We have NOT announced ANY date for CoV.

Until you see it on our website, take any date with a grain of salt. Actually, a huge handful.

[/ QUOTE ]

What he said. There's nowhere for it to be pushed back -from-. Since COV is in many ways a Whole New Game, it takes a long while. If we were brighter, we'd have done another smaller content expansion to keep folks happy (and have a new box on the retail shelves) coming out maybe 6-9 months after last April's launch, but we're not that bright and we keep giving our content away for free.

We're discussing the possibility of doing some pay-fer content (i.e. an expansion pack) in addition to our usual big-[censored] free updates and COV, but we're hella busy as it is, so we'll see. The retailers would love us if we did, and we like happy retailers (and money) - but we don't want to cut back on the Free Stuff in any case.


[/ QUOTE ]
Keep the free updates coming! More free updates means more money in the form of subscription fees from me!



Even if that date is true, if you think about it, it make sense. I would not invest in the expansion from a business sense untill the Marvel lawsuit is over. Marvel **GOd Forbid** could end up owning this.



If we were brighter, we'd have done another smaller content expansion to keep folks happy (and have a new box on the retail shelves) coming out maybe 6-9 months after last April's launch, but we're not that bright and we keep giving our content away for free.

[/ QUOTE ]

Doesn't the DVD edition count?




I like that kind of post; Honest and matter-of-fact. Keep the free content regular and I'll definitely be one of the ones standing in line for extra for-pay content, as well.

As it is, I've only been a subscriber for about three or four months now and I know I haven't seen *nearly* all of the content and playstyles out there. (for example, I've got a Rifle/Devices blaster up to lvl 16 which is pretty much a whole new game compared to my 33 spines/regen scrapper or my ice/empathy controller).

You know what I'd like to see, and even be willing to pay for ? Voice content - all those speech bubbles being actual audible speech, just to add realism to the game. (I know, I know, it's somewhere in the middle of a number of wish lists, including my own

Out of curiosity, do you, the devs, have an informal schedule that you like to stick to, insofar as new content is concerned (i.e. something new at least every 3 months, 6 months, etc) ?



We have NOT announced ANY date for CoV.

Until you see it on our website, take any date with a grain of salt. Actually, a huge handful.

[/ QUOTE ]

What he said. There's nowhere for it to be pushed back -from-. Since COV is in many ways a Whole New Game, it takes a long while. If we were brighter, we'd have done another smaller content expansion to keep folks happy (and have a new box on the retail shelves) coming out maybe 6-9 months after last April's launch, but we're not that bright and we keep giving our content away for free.

We're discussing the possibility of doing some pay-fer content (i.e. an expansion pack) in addition to our usual big-[censored] free updates and COV, but we're hella busy as it is, so we'll see. The retailers would love us if we did, and we like happy retailers (and money) - but we don't want to cut back on the Free Stuff in any case.


[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks for the update JG. Pay-for-Content huh? Oh well, you guys have a business to run. I'm only here for fun and games after all.



They release Issues on a roughly quarterly schedule. This is one's cooking a little longer, but the next one is supposed to come earlier - getting us back on a regular schedule.



Agree....Keep coming with the free stuff, and I will pay for the super expansions gladly.




Free? I'm in for well over $100 now. I think we have a different definition of "free."

Sure some other developers and publishers charge for every expansion pack, but that doesn't mean *this* game or it's expansions are "free."

If you'd like to see free content, look up Epic Games. Bonus packs are always free (and high quality) and - hold on to your hats - online play is FREE. No monthly fees.



As long as the possibility of pay stuff is big and worth whatever price, I'll pay But keep the free stuff coming. I like to brag to other MMO people who don't get nearly as much stuff for each "free" update as much as we do

This space is intentionally left blank.



Free? I'm in for well over $100 now. I think we have a different definition of "free."

Sure some other developers and publishers charge for every expansion pack, but that doesn't mean *this* game or it's expansions are "free."

If you'd like to see free content, look up Epic Games. Bonus packs are always free (and high quality) and - hold on to your hats - online play is FREE. No monthly fees.

[/ QUOTE ]

Epic Games? of Unreal fame? They have a persistent world game? Because unless they're managing a persistent world, and the mass of servers on which they run (UT servers are NOT comparable) then the whole "no charge for online play" thing doesn't fly. MMO games cost a LOT more to maintain than FPS, racing, or any other console-to-internet genre.

You pay $15 a month (or less, for most) to pay for the servers, the bandwidth, the storage, the bug shooting, and the general upkeep of Paragon City. You paid $50 (or less) for the years of initial development that went into the software and code that are on the CD or DVD you got in the box.

For the development time that goes into the issues, for the wirting, art, and publication that go into the comics, and for the pie, you pay nothing. EVERY* other major MMO charges an additional $20-40 for the same thing.

If you think otherwise, you might want to reexamine your understanding of business practices among persistent world games.


*and by 'every' I mean most**
**and by 'most' I mean those that I am aware of



We have NOT announced ANY date for CoV.

Until you see it on our website, take any date with a grain of salt. Actually, a huge handful.

[/ QUOTE ]

What he said. There's nowhere for it to be pushed back -from-. Since COV is in many ways a Whole New Game, it takes a long while. If we were brighter, we'd have done another smaller content expansion to keep folks happy (and have a new box on the retail shelves) coming out maybe 6-9 months after last April's launch, but we're not that bright and we keep giving our content away for free.

We're discussing the possibility of doing some pay-fer content (i.e. an expansion pack) in addition to our usual big-[censored] free updates and COV, but we're hella busy as it is, so we'll see. The retailers would love us if we did, and we like happy retailers (and money) - but we don't want to cut back on the Free Stuff in any case.


[/ QUOTE ]

Keep the free stuff coming. Or i'll cut yah!. lol j/k



We have NOT announced ANY date for CoV.

Until you see it on our website, take any date with a grain of salt. Actually, a huge handful.

[/ QUOTE ]

What he said. There's nowhere for it to be pushed back -from-. Since COV is in many ways a Whole New Game, it takes a long while. If we were brighter, we'd have done another smaller content expansion to keep folks happy (and have a new box on the retail shelves) coming out maybe 6-9 months after last April's launch, but we're not that bright and we keep giving our content away for free.

We're discussing the possibility of doing some pay-fer content (i.e. an expansion pack) in addition to our usual big-[censored] free updates and COV, but we're hella busy as it is, so we'll see. The retailers would love us if we did, and we like happy retailers (and money) - but we don't want to cut back on the Free Stuff in any case.


[/ QUOTE ]

For reference, the reason I don't sweat the monthly fee even when I'm NOT getting hardly any playtime is because your updates rock.



Free? I'm in for well over $100 now. I think we have a different definition of "free."

Sure some other developers and publishers charge for every expansion pack, but that doesn't mean *this* game or it's expansions are "free."

If you'd like to see free content, look up Epic Games. Bonus packs are always free (and high quality) and - hold on to your hats - online play is FREE. No monthly fees.

[/ QUOTE ]

Epic Games? of Unreal fame? They have a persistent world game? Because unless they're managing a persistent world, and the mass of servers on which they run (UT servers are NOT comparable) then the whole "no charge for online play" thing doesn't fly. MMO games cost a LOT more to maintain than FPS, racing, or any other console-to-internet genre.

(some other very cogent comments edited out for space)

If you think otherwise, you might want to reexamine your understanding of business practices among persistent world games.


*and by 'every' I mean most**
**and by 'most' I mean those that I am aware of

[/ QUOTE ]

Kendal... all I can say is "Amen my brother" !

I go crazy seeing people gripe constantly about CoH when it's the best thing going out there in terms of value...

keep up the good work Cryptic!



We're discussing the possibility of doing some pay-fer content (i.e. an expansion pack) in addition to our usual big-[censored] free updates and COV, but we're hella busy as it is, so we'll see. The retailers would love us if we did, and we like happy retailers (and money) - but we don't want to cut back on the Free Stuff in any case.

[/ QUOTE ] I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!
Best dang company to every put out a MMOG.

Happy gaming!

Sset - 50 DM/Regen Scrapper - 8 years of out-tanking any tank but Granite, with 5x the DPS.
**Making Altaholism a socially acceptable disorder**
"Scrappers are just like chainsaws. Somewhat hard to handle, EXTREMELY dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane." -Alissara




due to reasons that are beyond me as i was purchasing a new game for my xbox, i desided to find out when the pvp action woud statr on the server with the releace of cov, much to my dismay i was told that the releace date of cov is now somthing like SEPTEMBER 9. tell me how you feel, im still shocked for the fact that the last date i had heard was a jan/feb release.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sept 9th? Beta is gonna be short.



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Delayed reaction?



Delayed reaction?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, I've heard they can successfully reanimate dogs after three hours of death...



Long live necro-post-mancy!