COV pushed back till SEPTEMBER!?!?!?!




Pre-Order: Ships on 8/14/2005"

from working for eb for around a year, i can tell you that most likely, that will change. it might be 2006 before it releases, and it might get pushed around (either bumped up, or bumped back) by a few days. this far in advance, all you should be looking at is the quarter that it's released, and not worry about the specific date until around 2 months before it is slated to release.

[/ QUOTE ]

From another EB employee, I can tell you the only reason stores have these completely speculated release dates are so customers can pre-order games and make down payments.

Do not believe any release date until the game has officially gone 'gold' (meaning, they have begun manufacturing the cd's.)



Until you see it on our website, take any date with a grain of salt. Actually, a huge handful.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wouldn't that kill us?



im still shocked for the fact that the last date i had heard was a jan/feb release.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are aware Beta testing will be longer than 3-10 days, right?



Not only will beta be more than a few days... But only time on CoH since it went live counts, aka beta don't count for it.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.




City of Villains comes out BEFORE update 3

[/ QUOTE ]




im canadian

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, that explains it all, doesn't it?





The Leafs Suck!!

...oh wait, that's next year...
*Grumble* Stupid lockout.

What else ya got?
Maple Syrup? Yechh.
Celine Dion? Double Yechh.
Quebec? ...Dear lord...

I rest my case.



the best thing to come out of canada is Elisha Cuthbert



im canadian ans sleepy, board, and not getting any, i have no reason for a spellchecker

[/ QUOTE ]

So obviously we should pay the utmost attention to what you have to say, regardless of your inability to say it coherently.

[/ QUOTE ]

Coherent or not, it's really annoying to this Canadian, who happens to be able to spell properly, that he identifies himself as a Canadian and indicates it is a reason for being a poor speller.

There's also two shift keys on your keyboard in case one is broken...



the best thing to come out of canada is Elisha Cuthbert

[/ QUOTE ]

I see two possible retorts here (tongue in cheek, of course):

1) So how lame is Canada, then?

2) Nah--William Shatner is the best thing to come out of Canada.

Can't go with the Elisha thing, but I'd vote for SF author Robert Sawyer as the best thing out of Canada lately.



back during CoH beta, Gaffer stated that he believed CoV would not be released until October 2006. I've never seen any firm release date announced. In one article, it was supposed CoV might be released in Jan/Feb 2005; but all the Devs came in and debunked that fairly fast.



As one guy already stated, we'll have pvp before City of Villians. Issue Four I believe. At least, that's what I've heard.



We have NOT announced ANY date for CoV.

Until you see it on our website, take any date with a grain of salt. Actually, a huge handful.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well I do hope that they are wrong, and that by you saying this Stateman that CoV will be coming out sooner, but I just checked it with my local Electronic Boutique outlet, and they say that CoV is in their computer with a release date of late Aug 2005



The Leafs Suck!!

...oh wait, that's next year...
*Grumble* Stupid lockout.

What else ya got?
Maple Syrup? Yechh.
Celine Dion? Double Yechh.
Quebec? ...Dear lord...

I rest my case.

[/ QUOTE ]

OOOOOHHHHH!!!! Thems fightin words! WAIT TILL PVP!! I WILL RULE YOU!



the best thing to come out of canada is Elisha Cuthbert

[/ QUOTE ]

mmmm.... Elisha.......mmmm..... see, Canada IS good. Plus we've got great beer if you americans want to stop drinking that watery stuff



the best thing to come out of canada is Elisha Cuthbert

[/ QUOTE ]

mmmm.... Elisha.......mmmm..... see, Canada IS good. Plus we've got great beer if you americans want to stop drinking that watery stuff

[/ QUOTE ]

It's been my experience that it's very important for the egos of people from European countries and Canada that they believe that all the beer from their countries is good and all the beer in the US is bad. I think it comes from a deep seeded need to feel superior.

I used to argue, but then I realized that I might do enormous psychological harm to our important allies if I knocked this important mental underpinning out of their fragile self esteem.

Now, whenever the whole beer thing comes up, I just nod politely with a concerned look on my face.



the best thing to come out of canada is Elisha Cuthbert

[/ QUOTE ]

mmmm.... Elisha.......mmmm..... see, Canada IS good. Plus we've got great beer if you americans want to stop drinking that watery stuff

[/ QUOTE ]

It's been my experience that it's very important for the egos of people from Eruopean countries and Canada that they believe that all the beer from their countries is good and all the beer in the US is bad. I think it comes from a deep seeded need to feel superior.

I used to argue, but then I realized that I might do enormous psychological harm to our important allies if I knocked this important mental underpinning out of their fragile self esteem.

Now, whenever the whole beer thing comes up, I just nod politely with a concerned look on my face.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gotta chime in here, i may be biased, but with all due respect...Our Canadian beer is better than most, (not all), but most American beer. Not only that, but I think you'll find that when as a people who in many areas are snowed in watching hockey (please come back! ) for several months each year, we have plenty of time to gauge a good beer!
In all seriousness, I think most people are comparing the large brewerys, where as, I think we all know, micro-brewerys are where a real beer drinker finds his muse..
Molson Canadian=generic, tastless beer. Bud, Coors, and so on=generic, tastless beer.

Not to mention that our beer in Canada tends to average a minimum 5% alcohol and higher. Usually the American beers are 3-5%.



"im canadian ans sleepy, board, and not getting any, i have no reason for a spellchecker "

[Censored] has being Canadian got to do with your moronic inability to spell English? Thats an insult to all us Canadians who are intelligent enough to spell correctly.

You might be "board" (sic, I presume you mean "bored"), and you may not be getting any, but using that as an excuse for being too lazy to learn to write your own language correctly is just plain laughable.

Please stop mentioning you are Canadian, you are making the rest of us look bad. If you can't be bothered to spell correctly, don't try to communicate, you just come across as an ignorant putz.



We have NOT announced ANY date for CoV.

Until you see it on our website, take any date with a grain of salt. Actually, a huge handful.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well I do hope that they are wrong, and that by you saying this Stateman that CoV will be coming out sooner, but I just checked it with my local Electronic Boutique outlet, and they say that CoV is in their computer with a release date of late Aug 2005

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, you saw Statesman say that they haven't set any date at all for CoV right? If they haven't set a date what makes anybody think that Electronics Boutique all of a sudden has some psychic insight into the future regarding the game expansion? I mean, really

I've had and employee from EB tell me that Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines wasn't coming out for another month... until I pointed out the 4 copies on his shelf. I really wouldn't believe what date a person says until the dev's tell us.

Moncton - 50 PB
Borealys II - 50 Storm/Rad Def.
Capt. United - 47 MA/SR Scr.
Storm Pegasus - 33 Storm/Elec Def.
Diamond Nights - 13 DB/SR Scr.

"Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the presence of fear, yet the will to go on."



If EB is anything like GameStop (the company I work for) than the date set in our computer is the last reported date speculated by a represetitive at some sort of convention like E3.

It's never set in stone, but it's at least an area of hope for when it might be released.

Anytime somebody reserves something with he, we always tell them that the date is always subject to change.



Grey, Grey, Grey...
Ummmm....they announced the DEVS for CoV at GENCON (August)
Sooooo.....Jan.-Feb. would be kinda quick...don't you think?




I hope Elisha Cuthbert is not the best thing to come out of Canada,they can take that pasty,soft white under belly,flat butt Wench back,and put her back into the cave she came out of.

She does not compare to the U.G.N. Wenches..



Game "release dates" are ALL speculation or best guesses by the semi-informed and can not be trusted at least until the beta test has begun. That said we all know ( or should if you read these boards ) that the beta for CoV will go first spots to anyone with 12 or more months with an active account in CoH so that puts the beta begining at the earliest in May of 2005. Once the beta is underway it can be assumed that the release will be within 90 to 120 days after that.

That all said I never assume any game is being released until I see the announcement on the official web site that it has gone GOLD.

Finally... almost any countries beer has more alcohol percentage per 12 ounces than American beers. Hockey can stay locked out for the next 50 years for all I care ( I should be dead by then ) I have nothing against Hockey really and though I only watch it during the play offs and the olympics I do sympathize with the fans for the loss of a whole season. Hopefully all sides will come to their senses and remember the whole thing is about the fans without whom there would be no money for any of them.




That all said I never assume any game is being released until I see the announcement on the official web site that it has gone GOLD.

[/ QUOTE ]

Absofrickinlutely! I spent two years managing Gamespot stores, and I can honestly say "release dates" are nothing more than carrots to dangle before the These dates are reckless estimates at best, and are usually followed by the mandatory "If you reserve it now, we can call you when (if) it comes in. Its only $5.00...." <wink, wink, nudge nudge>

Until there's official confirmation that the game has gone gold, don't believe ANYTHING you hear. Less stressful that way.

Check out my "Rule Britannia" series if you feel like something different. The arcs are #19599, #20575, #23977, #134775, #134923 and #144543. The series is complete, but spinoffs are in the works.



no need to read everyones post, sorry. CoV could take 2 more years for all ANYONE should care, needs to be perfect, take your time. in the meantime, the devs can put in monkeys that juggle on a unicycle and i'll sit here for 2 years, well...maybe not monkeys....yeah, monkeys.