63 -
Bout time! Grats Devs, the interface is really nice.
A friend of mine was in Independence Port once. He said the following dialog took place on Broadcast chat:
Player 1: Hey, was Statesman online before?
Player 2: Yeah, he said you're a jackass!
Now just a random one:
Manticore: Synapse, scout the building!
Synapse: Lets do this! LEEEROOOOOY!!!!! JEEEEEENNNKINNNS!!! -
Ya know what, I will jump on too!
But, I'm going to go a more...how do you say, Chicago 1920's route?
Valentines day was really about killing people anyhow. -
Its hilarious, i was at icon after the togas dropped and now u cant even get in the doorWhy is the Heart of Light an accolade tho?
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it awards something (in this case a costume piece) -
No trenchcoats! Middle American fashion is still reeling from the double impact of Vampire the Masquerade and the Matrix.
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Preach it sister! If you think the endless schoolgirls were bad when issue 4 went live, the thoughts of the army of Neo clones that will plague Rhode Island's most dangerous city the day after Trenchcoats go live sends shivers down my spine.
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Everytime someone has said "City of (costume piece)" they look incredibly stupid a week after the initial "new" factor is over.
Trenchcoats are the staple of the 1920-30s detective. They predate Matrix, leather clad vampires, and stupid assumptions about a piece of clothing being worn by a select few "annoyances".
Besides, shouldn't you be fighting to stop the asian style costumes from turning this game into "City of Anime"? What happened, I thought the game was going to be ruined? -
Well, in CoH, a blaster can punch the tanker's toggles off. In WoW, a mage cannot punch a warrior's armor off.
Advantage = WoW.
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Funny I read that exact same sentence and concluded the opposite.
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Toggle-dropping is a terrible kludge. I'm sorry if you like it.
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I'm sorry you'd prefer one AT always beating another, regardless of player ability. -
Well, in CoH, a blaster can punch the tanker's toggles off. In WoW, a mage cannot punch a warrior's armor off.
Advantage = WoW.
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Funny I read that exact same sentence and concluded the opposite. -
I already PMed you my gratitude, but I'll say it here too, for all to see.
AVs are the only thing that ever get me to seriously stop playing. They were a roadblock, moreso when you had to fight them over and over (*cough ENVOY OF SHADOWS cough*) and assemble new teams each time.
While I'm going to cross my fingers hoping one day AV encounters will be something more than "A big fight", till then this change is going to be well received I'm sure.
Thanks so much!!
PS: Hey...umm...how's the praetorian/Statesman Pal badges going to work now? Will the Elite Bosses count for those? -
The description says "30 days".
Now does that mean:
1) 30 days from today (Dec 8th) regardless of when you got them, so they will magically poof back to the north pole on Jan 7th regardless of use.
2) 30 days from the day your received it (so in theory you could wait till Jan 2nd and get one till Feb 1st) regardless of use.
3) 30 real time days (720 hours).
Inquiring minds wanna know! I imagine it's 1 or 2 (a jetpack that takes you all the way to 50 would really annoy people dumping end redux into Fly)
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Thanks Positron! -
3) 30 real time days (720 hours).
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If other Temp Powers like the snowball are any hint, I would say it would NOT be 720 hours. Any temp power measured in days usually fades X calendar days after I get the power.
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Oh I'm sure its not 720 hours but hey....a few of my alts would love to take something else at 14.
My reason for asking when the jetpacks will go *poof* stems from wanting to know how much time I have to get all my alts to 14. I don't want them suffering w/o a travel power after this! -
The description says "30 days".
Now does that mean:
1) 30 days from today (Dec 8th) regardless of when you got them, so they will magically poof back to the north pole on Jan 7th regardless of use.
2) 30 days from the day your received it (so in theory you could wait till Jan 2nd and get one till Feb 1st) regardless of use.
3) 30 real time days (720 hours).
Inquiring minds wanna know! I imagine it's 1 or 2 (a jetpack that takes you all the way to 50 would really annoy people dumping end redux into Fly)
You guys suck. Finding a girlfriend who plays videogames is like trying to find a friggin hick with all his teeth during NASCAR.
I think I got better luck with the latter too
(not really, grats all you crazy pair ups!) -
How is being Perma-Unstoppable helpful for roleplayers?
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I dunno about you but I roleplay as a guy who hass a massive heart attack every 3 minutes all the time! -
What's great is that people have been saying we're ddddoooommmeeedd since launch, and yet surprisingly, here we are.
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Don't worry, those are the same people who 10 years ago said "Monthy fee?! Pfft, that will NEVER catch on! This game is finished!"
And they were probably talking about either EQ or UO. -
If there was actually a number counter for the active population you'd find that the number of players has actually risen quite sharply.
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That's what NCSoft's quarterly report is for. -
Cell 15, upstairs in the room you spawn in.
To be clear: the code for sharing costume pieces between City of Heroes and City of Villains is NOT yet in...heck, it isn't even written yet. BUT we'll do it after release - hopefully very soon after release. Then heroes can have access to the new options.
To be honest, this idea came specifically from this thread. Since people wanted the new costume options, I checked with Software - who said it could be done. Just wanted to let you know that yes, we do take suggestions!
FYI - for those who don't like the idea because villains should look different than heroes - remember that villains already have hero options. They can create a character identical to one that exists in City of Heroes.
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States you rock! -
Then what about all the zones you won't be able to access either because you are heroic and those zones are villainous?
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Game specific content is not the same thing. I mean sure, if you wanna generalize then OK, your rebuttle works. Now if we apply it to a real world scenatio like say buying a car.
I'm annoyed cause for whatever reason my Civic can't get the model of GPS i want in it. I am willing to pay extra (buying COV) but for whatever reason the retailer said no.
Your example is you bought a Civic and are annoyed you can't drive an Accord when you feel like it.
Maybe they should just make everything, clothes, ATs, zones, available to everyone regardless of whether they buy CoV or not. Y'know, to be fair to everyone.
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States said if you purchace COV you get the costume options, not if you don't. Your arguement is irrelevant, nobody has been pitching for a complete freebie, and if they are they aren't anymore. Most of us are perfectly OK with buying COV being a requirement.
Again, you're just grasping at an extreme because you're in the losing camp.
All I know is that if I didn't play CoH and I bought CoV I'd be a little ticked that heroes looked exactly like my characters. But that's me. 'Cause it is supposed to also be a stand alone game.
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If you manage to make a character that looks exactly like someone else with COH/COV's creator...then thats a hell of a coincidence, ot both of you were trying to rip off the same marvel character. Seriously, you know how many options there are in COH alone? Or does the use of the same colors bug you?
There will be plenty of people that buy CoV solely for their hero SG to get bases. They will have no intention of playing a villain, no intention of taking part in the PvP zones, and yet..they can look exactly like a villain. It just seems odd to me that it should be that way and people think it's great. IMO if you want to look like a villain...play one!
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You can already look like a villain. You're 18 months too late. -
How exactly does it hurt your gaming experience if you don't have a superhero with digitigrade legs (the Monstrous legs option)? You haven't had one with those for the past year and yet you seem to have gotten along just fine.
Just askin'.
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Not having them because they don't exist (as in, not animated and in the creator) is not the same as having them and being told you can't use them cause someone dictated they weren't "heroic" enough. -
Well, like I said before, saying heroes/villains can/cannot wear something is no different from saying Tanker class heroes can only be male and Huge body type.
I mean, after all, thats the most common expectation for a tank when you think about it.
Sounds ridiculous right? I think so too. Now tell me how thats different from giving my hero a dress code. He's not a member of Hero/Freedom Corps last I checked, he can wear what he wants. -
He will do this right after skills - its on his noteboard!
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But before Flashback, of course. -
afterall, they want good/evil to obvious on sight (cause that always works in the movies) in the PvP zones.
'zomg look! a hero you can tell by the bland costume! geddem!'
'lookit 'em skulls on that sucker! It must be a Villian! It's Coming right for us!'
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Not to be a jerk, but just use "TAB". It MAGICALLY selects hostiles for you. Call it a super-advanced radar system or spidersense or a message from the ancestral spirits if you wanna be immersed or something.... -
OK - here's the most likely outcome...
If you own both games, you get all options - the new CoV sets will be accessible for your heroes.
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Wait for it....waaaait for it.
*throws hands up*
(maybe.... still better than no!) -
This is definitely crap, why people want to look "evil" and yet be heroes is beyond me, I say keep the costumes different because like the above poster said when you go to AP or GC the crowd there is much different from the crowd in Mercy Island and I love that, I love the look and feel of both games because they are really different.
I consider this a big big mistake if they end up putting everything together for everyone to use...hell I thought it was bad to even have 1/3 the stuff shared between them because I knew somewhere down the line somebody who only wanted to play COH would say "well those guys got a 1/3 of the hero stuff they should start sharing some of their costume options"
Bad play States, bad play indeed please keep them seperate
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Oh and BTW:
From now on all Tanks must be the large body type.
All females can only be scrappers, not tanks, and can only be magic or mutant origin.
Average looking males can only be mutant blasters or natural scrappers.
Did that sound stupid? Now you why I think telling people they can't wear a jacket cause its not "heroic" enough is equally stupid. -
I once again vote against it. Costume diversity for the win.
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/agree, but I guess I'm just weird. :P
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Same. I like the fact that you can easily tell the difference between a villain and a hero...
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I'm just gonna say two words:
Dark Armor
No, you can't easily tell the difference between a hero and a villian. Gimme a break, I've run into more dark evil death HEROES than I did villians in beta.
See this is my problem with costume piece segregation. If from the start the COH devs held firm and did not allow things like devil horns, skulls, etc. to be parts of "heroic" costume pieces, I wouldnt have a leg to stand on.
Fact of the matter is I can EASILY make a demon in COH's costume creator. A COV only person can make the majority of my heroes. Why are we so hell bent on keeping things seperate. We should open the gates completely and let only our IMAGINATION be the limiting factor.
If some 1-d person can only rip off Marvel comics, then thats between him and the EULA.
If some emo goth person can only make heros with white faces who cut themselves, so be it.
If some golden age person who only knows of tights and masks makes a hero, power to them.
If someone can only think of jeans and a t-shirt with a leather jacket as a "costume" then so what?
Fact of the matter is, limits made by anyone but our own creative ability SUCK! ESPECIALLY when the costume creator is SO advanced and SO involving that one can literally spend hours making a character.
You know how long it took me to make my WoW guy? 5 bloody minutes. And 4 and a half were me hitting the "random Name" button.
The costume creator should be expolited by the sales department to its fullest, not cut and squeezed to make buyign COV boil down to "So, if you want a Top Hat...."