A Plea - COV and COH Costume Pieces
I will agree.
There are some costume pieces that don't make sense for heroes, like chains, skull heads, zombie skin, and the like, but there are some very nice hats, coats, patterns, and masks that would fit in with the heroes.
Plus we'd finally get the fishnet stockings that are blatantly displayed on the box cover.
I say what I always say.
Costume creator should have every possible option. There shouldn't be any restrictions save for faction specific logos (no hero should have the Council black flame, no villian should have the Freedom/Hero Corps logo) and costume pieces that just would be overly difficult to apply for every class (like, say the freak slicer giant scythe-arm)
The costume creator is one of the greatest creators in any MMORPG to date, anymore freedom adds to it.
I would guess that some of the costume pieces (the ones people have been asking for since CoH beta, except trenchcoats) are in I6.
At first I was of the opinion that hero and villain costumes were required to maintain diversity (isn't that a fun word these days). Now I say: nuts to that. All costume options for all players!
The sleeveless biker jacket would finally give me a good reason to use my blaster's 4th costume slot.
I tried to recreate my 1st 50 in CoV last night, but the females there apparently can't have the Tall boots option. Guess they aren't evil enough.
I agree wholeheartedly with the OP and all who have replied so far. More choices = better gaming experience. I'd love it just for some more chest emblems.
"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."
I tried to recreate my 1st 50 in CoV last night, but the females there apparently can't have the Tall boots option. Guess they aren't evil enough.
I agree wholeheartedly with the OP and all who have replied so far. More choices = better gaming experience. I'd love it just for some more chest emblems.
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Tall boots are bugged. I've got them with a skirt but not with pants or tights. There's a patch going up now. Hopefully W_1 got it, and what happens to my skirt when stealth is used, fixed.
Wow, does it only stealth your skirt? <ogle>
They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!
If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville
Wow, does it only stealth your skirt? <ogle>
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Actually, it stealths me and invis my skirt.
Ill agree that alot of those peices do need to come over. I would love to see my Zombie skin come over, finally be able to make my zombie hero, but doubt it will happen, sadly.
I once again vote against it. Costume diversity for the win.
The sleeveless biker jacket would finally give me a good reason to use my blaster's 4th costume slot.
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Err... Can't you already use the sleveless biker's jacket?
"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter
29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform
I once again vote against it. Costume diversity for the win.
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Then they better be consistant about it.
Right now you can make "evil" guys in COH and "heroes" in COV. If they wanna try and push a load like diversity then they're already failing at it.
I once again vote against it. Costume diversity for the win.
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Then they better be consistant about it.
Right now you can make "evil" guys in COH and "heroes" in COV. If they wanna try and push a load like diversity then they're already failing at it.
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I agree, I was somewhat disappointed to see a majority of the CoH pieces carried over. I want to try to tkeep the 2 games somewhat separated for at least a little while. The game is not even out yet and I have seen people request;
CoV costume pieces in CoH
CoV missions/newspapers in CoH
Heroes and villains switching sides
CoV powersets in CoH
Villains and heroes teaming together (one of my least fav requests. Let's fight each other bit first before we team. No heroes/villains teamed with one another until they fought first.)
I think we need to let CoV revel in it's uniqueness for a bit first. I'm buying the game and want to enjoy it for the new game it is. to get my money out of it. There is no point in buying it, if everyone got their way and all CoV content was added to CoH. Eventually I see that happening, but for now let's enjoy CoV as it is and CoH as it is.
Err... Can't you already use the sleveless biker's jacket?
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the Motercycle jacket yes, but not the bad [censored] biker jacket.
PLEASE add some or all of the great new options that Villains are receiving to Heroes' costume creator, at least for those players who own both CoV and CoH.
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Noted. We'll see what we can do...
Noted. We'll see what we can do...
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Almost broke my heart when I logged into Test tonight and found... no new costumes for Issue 6. (And Sneakers missing from male costumes.)
Would be great if we could get some of the villan constume pieces. Remember not every hero is a boyscout who dresses in tights.
Err... Can't you already use the sleveless biker's jacket?
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the Motercycle jacket yes, but not the bad [censored] biker jacket.
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gack, you can't even see the detail on it in that pic.
Here's a better view.
(and yeah, I SO want this in CoH. the moto jacket in there now is sportbiker gear... but we have no appropriate helmets or pants to go with!!)
And for I7... a FRINGED version would be cool... or here's an idea... your chest logo? Put it across the BACK of the biker jacket, instead of the lapel or the toon's chest.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
PLEASE add some or all of the great new options that Villains are receiving to Heroes' costume creator, at least for those players who own both CoV and CoH.
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Noted. We'll see what we can do...
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Even if its not at once, just eventually, ya know?
PLEASE add some or all of the great new options that Villains are receiving to Heroes' costume creator, at least for those players who own both CoV and CoH.
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Noted. We'll see what we can do...
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Having it so that only the heroes who own both games get access to the CoV costume pieces isn't the solution that I'd like *best*, but it seems like a reasonable compromise.
Thank you for taking this under consideration, Statesman.
PLEASE add some or all of the great new options that Villains are receiving to Heroes' costume creator, at least for those players who own both CoV and CoH.
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Noted. We'll see what we can do...
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The beastial chest would be great. At least then I could create a nemesis for this guy:
Hmmm...I'll get a better picture tonight.
here's an idea... your chest logo? Put it across the BACK of the biker jacket, instead of the lapel or the toon's chest.
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OOOO! Now there's a really good idea!
The Players' Guide to the Cities

PLEASE add some or all of the great new options that Villains are receiving to Heroes' costume creator, at least for those players who own both CoV and CoH.
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Noted. We'll see what we can do...
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Having it so that only the heroes who own both games get access to the CoV costume pieces isn't the solution that I'd like *best*, but it seems like a reasonable compromise.
Thank you for taking this under consideration, Statesman.
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I'm remembering an old post about CoH and CoV having 2/3 unique costumes and sharing 1/3 costumes. I may be wrong, but I also remember a post on the red boards about some of the more 'heroic' looking pieces being phased out and replaced with 'villainous' pieces. I'm thinking the same will happen with CoH.
PLEASE add some or all of the great new options that Villains are receiving to Heroes' costume creator, at least for those players who own both CoV and CoH.
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Noted. We'll see what we can do...
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That would be SO cool. Thanks, States.
I've heard in a few places that the decision to add some or many of the new costume pieces offered in CoV to CoH has not been finalized.
My plea is very simple.
PLEASE add some or all of the great new options that Villains are receiving to Heroes' costume creator, at least for those players who own both CoV and CoH.
I will pay for this variety. I'll buy CoV in order to have the new costume elements for my heroes. I've already bought the pre-order. In fact, I can say that new costume pieces will be my primary reason for buying CoV.
Please, please don't leave me dissapointed. The excellent costume creator is originally what brought me to CoH. I've grown to love the rest of the game, but please don't let that feature stagnate or grow segregated.