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Quote:Who here has posted that there is something wrong with a strong, intelligent woman being sexy and expressing their sexuality how they like?I only read a little of this thread begause, frnakly, a lot of the things I read disgust me.
I don't need an ancient 1970s feminist notion of what a strong woman is supposed to look like informing the design of characters in my game. In the post-feminist 21st century women can display intelligence, strength and sexuality to any degree they choose to.
Sister Psyche is not a real woman. Her depiction in this image is emblematic of the larger issue of the representation of women in both comic books and videogames and so she's a perfectly legitimate subject to discuss. Especially because I don't really know of any empowering female characters in this game besides maybe Ghost Widow, and even then she's basically the thrall of a powerful male.
If your argument is that her outfit and composure in this image is believable for an 80 year old war veteran, then that's one thing. But this weird attack on feminism is a whole different ballgame. Saying that the 21st century is post feminist (assuming you mean feminism is not necessary any longer) is really quite ignorant. -
Yeah, I can understand why people react badly to this trial now. The Keyes trial, especially, is not a relax affair. Even when you know what's happening, there's a tension and level of chaos present in it that is not present in the other ones. Which is what I love about them.
Have you done BAF lately? It's basically rote and boring at this point, now that everyone has it down. If you want trial rewards I'd recommend doing that one, there's not a ton of movement that has to happen unless you are a tank.
I sympathize about your plight but I do have some questions about it. Particularly on your point about how no one stopped to check on you and help you out. How would they know something is wrong? What sort of clues were you giving? In games when you have an expressionless avatar there are nearly no non verbal clues to have an idea something is wrong with someone, and most of the non verbal clues point to technical issues more than player issues.
I will try to be more aware of these issues on trials I run and try to make them less traumatic for some people. Even on the ones I'm not "in charge" of I seem to get stuck as the guy who explains how the trial works. I also give warnings before starting that the trial is pretty chaotic and people need to make sure league chat is on a chat tab that won't get scrolled off by combat spam because instruction will be given at each stage. So I can see these things being pretty exasperating if no one explains anything.
Would those have helped you? What steps can someone take to avoid problems as much as possible? -
Quote:Weird post. The CGI and the in-game model are almost identical. Are you fakeposting? Especially the quoted part.is not that revealing an outfit. Functional? Yup, she doesn't need heavy armour when she has psychic shields. Looks good? Yup. It's striking, it's eye catching, people see it and instantly think 'Sister Psyche'. It looks a hell of a lot better than whats in game atm.
Quote:Just thought this would be interesting for folks just in case they were wondering about the composition of the image. We're supposed to notice the boobies.Not perfect, but I think I captured most of the major compositional elements.
*edit* Oh, I forgot. The spider-boob is in the left 3rd of the image, and the big face is in the right third. And the face points to the boobs via a sequence of really bright or noticeable shapes (teeth, meteor, the sun, a flying dude, etc).
Also, most people I've shown the image to think the guy's either hispanic, pacific islander, or white. They are astonished when I then link them to http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/File:B...ey_Brawler.jpg -
I've chucked this image without context on some forums to see if they could identify the race of BAB in this splash image and it isn't looking good. I was worried I was just over reacting.
You guys made BAB white or hispanic. I REALLY hope this isn't mirrored in BAB's actual in-game model (the hair is wrong, even if you decide to change his hair style a bit).
The Sister Psyche is just bunk inhereted from comic book art, unfortunately. DN does it a lot. His work is very Male Gaze heavy. -
Quote:My favorite customer was the one who disagreed with me that Midnight was 12:00AM. Midnight was night time and AM is morning! This is stuff I might've agreed with when I was 5 years old, sure... but I was speaking to a woman that sounded significantly older.Perhaps just a bit over-stated? LOL
But yes, I get yer point, and agree with it in large part. Most customers I have dealt with are utter bufoons. I had to explain to someone that Hardee's and Dairy Queen are NOT in fact the same restaurant. I have repeatedly taught basic math to customers so that they could understand that, yes, their coupon was applied... that the sale really does make something cheaper, etc. People are idiots. I think it is clear that NO amount of advertising would catch everyone... which means some joker would be here whining that they missed it.
On the thread topic: YES FREE TRANSFERS NAO KTHX -
Yeah, instructions should be getting distributed throughout the trial and not all in one lump before it even begins because you have no idea what they're talking about.
Quote:The implementation was too poor to be useful. When given the choice between global channels and guaranteeing a large group to always getting trials starting with the minimum required members, the preform wins. I'm a little bit surprised this didn't get addressed during beta, because it seems rather freakin' obvious.What is the friggin' point of the "Team Up Teleporter" if you all have to be standing next to each other?
It's touted as a feature of I20, but in reality the TuT is just a hand-wave for having a mysterious contact you don't call.
Unfortunately it's probably too late to fix it at this point, too. Once a feature like this is bypassed by the playerbase you can't generally drag people back to it without completely redesigning it. -
Quote:The UI makes decisions about available commands based on your target and probably on an individual basis. Something glitches when it comes to deciding "Show info command?" and it's generally when the entity targeted is something that can qualify as an interactable object/person as well as a normal map npc.That doesn't make any sense. Follow is always there, without fail. Why can't Info be? They're just entries on a Popmenu that execute a slash command.
It makes perfect sense that it could happen, despite your assertion otherwise. Because that's what happens. -
Agreed, needs a fix by now. It is related to entities that are potentially interactive. The user interface doesn't know how to deal with entities that can change states like were introduced in GR.
They're just tapping into the in-joke of the GW1 community, with that kind of hype. It's a tongue-in-cheek thing.
It would not be the first time a UI element has impacted a server performance.
In late CoH beta the friends list used to auto-update at an incredibly fast rate of fire. Multiple requests a second. This would cause zones to become increasingly slow as they became more crowded to the point of failing completely.
It is not ONLY related to players, though. On master of lambdas that don't take care of the large swaths of enemies that build up you begin to get massive slowdowns of the nature you see in BAF trials. It reduces if you can drag the army away from Marauder and the player pile. -
Yeah, the death is punishment enough, by my opine.
Even in this game a team that dies repeatedly can get snarky and will evaporate with too many wipes. Without any debt there'd still be negative impacts happening. It's a weird mechanic that other games don't really have, but is super important in this genre for no obvious reason besides religious ones. -
I was coming here to rage about Positron's wife but I guess I was misremembering Luminary's bio. It's Kit's wife, not Positron.
Quote:The original Luminary is Kit Rafter. He retired from the Freedom Phalanx in 1995 to become the spokesperson for Hero Corps. At his wedding, Positron presented Kit and his new wife Jeanette with the ultimate wedding present: a new android modeled after Jeanette with powers similar to Kit's. This next-generation heroine was the new Luminary, carrying on Kit's fine tradition under the watchful eye of Bastion. Her systems were all more advanced than Bastion's, making her the state of the art in android technology.
The new Luminary has recently shown signs of developing a strong personality. It has caused Positron some concern that it seems similar to Jeanette's. He has performed many tests on her but has not determined the cause. -
Quote:Yeah, I haven't had a run where we didn't do the extra objectives so I don't know if it's true, either.This might be true, and I would be interested in experimenting. However, regardless of whether it is true or not, it is certainly not explicitly noted anywhere I was looking. If indeed there are extra merits granted for completing the optional objectives, it would be nice to see them called out somewhere.
(In both the runs I've done so far, we hit the optional objectives regardless, because they were there.) -
Quote:That never really seemed like a flaw to me. In Sutter the biggest baddies you fight are from Powers Division, and not one of The Praetorians. We don't even know the mechanism behind the weakening of non-incarnates. The skies aren't red and smoky during any part of the Sutter TF, either.And a few things surprised me. if you're also late to doing it, like me, there may be some spoilers.
2: In the Apex/Tin Mage TF's, the IDF were presented as a force that defeated the Freedom Phalanx in the opening salvo, and took Incarnate-awakened heroes to even begin to match them as they attacked Paragon.
In this TF, people from level 20-40 could face them with no problem. That seems a little odd to me. Does the alpha slot penalty for not having it unlocked still exist in the two Praetorian TF's?
The Apex TF itself has more troubling plot problems. Like how the hell did Battle Maiden get warped in high enough to basically turn into a weapon of mass destruction?
If you really want Sutter-specific, the behavior in both TFs suggests that the invasion forces try to wait for civilians to mostly evacuate but then you also have battle-maiden hitting Steel Canyon from space and Skyway being destroyed in a matter of minutes, actions which could kill hundreds if not thousands. -
As long as this remains "Baby's first raid" style content, CoH-style, I'm cool with it. But even my voice will be raised if we start seeing WoW-style raids where PuGs are basically never going to have a chance.
Quote:Yep, this is called raid content, folks. There's the learning stage where failure will be constant, there's the stage where you finally get the raid done, and then you sit back and farm rewards if you so choose.Slightly.
The key to remember is that repetition of successful runs is paramount now. If the two trials are not learned properly you probably can never complete them reasonably.
The learning curve IMVHO is steep but plateaus afterwords.
Now, we can argue about whether or not this is a good thing (and this argument has been happening for months) but this is how the content works. -
There was probably no predownload because the old patcher that has support for predownload is being phased out and the new patcher doesn't have predownload support yet.
Quote:I didn't mean your screen resolution, but all options. It's a UI problem, so it might be something keyed to UI scale or some other new UI option.I checked that before I picked my resolution. I have a 16x9 monitor, and I'm using a 16x9 resolution, that is native to this device. I have a pretty good eye for horizontal distortion, what with the game being comprised of so many circles, and nothing is distorted other than those AT icons on the old and new team windows. The "classic" team window has less distortion only because the AT icons are smaller.
Your UI problems might be addressable by checking your options, maybe. Stretching isn't an issue for me in widescreen, and the font size problem might be related.
There are other problems you will also discover, like having your UI scale set at 100% will restrict how far you can resize certain windows (team screen or otherwise). -
You've been around since 2006, but I guess you forgot about life before they changed enhancement drops. They used to drop all the time, so did DO's, all the way up to level 50. After enough playerbase griping a filter of a kind was implemented so that beyond certain levels you don't get certain types of enhancements (this resulted in a lower drop rate of enhancements at higher levels).
Not sure how you got past the filter, though.