Son of the Regen Lounge: Sit a spell!




My fellow Regens, it's time to bring back my most beloved forum creation. If you will all remember, in Issue 4, CuppaJo converted my Regen post to the official post. We realized quickly that the devs didn't give a rat's [censored by me] what we thought and vast silliness ensued.

Let's have it back. I'll start. Using the vast powers of precognition that I am well known for I was able to look into the future and see the Regen nerfs for Issue 6:

Removed Regeneration/Quick Recovery and replaced Quick Recovery with a new click power Faster Healing a health regeneration buff.

A step to bring Scrapper Regeneration in line with Stalker Regeneration from City of Villains - AVAILABLE TODAY!

Removed the regeneration buff of Regeneration/Integration.

The new Faster Healing power has the regen functionality of Integration in a non-permanent click. Moving the regeneration buff to the non-permanent Faster Healing allows us to keep Integration a toggle. What? What's compensating you for losing Quick Recovery? Who said we were compensating you [censored by me] for anything. PWNED!

Reduced Regeneration/Instant Healing's regeneration buff, and increased the power's recast.

It's for PvP. Look since Positron admitted we can't change self-buffs for PvP only, we might as well tell you.....heh heh.

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Feel free to add to the discussion, and if you like the lounge please PM CuppaJo to see if we can get it stickied to the top of the Scrapper forum.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Yup, QR and DP have to get the bat. In Issue 7 they'll have to nerf Revive and Resilience because they're about the only things left un-nerfed.

Currently roleplaying, badgehunting, and laughing at the PvPers of CoX. lol, PvP.

Truedusk - Human Rogue



They'll probably leave DP and the regen set the same (maybe a slight nerf to Revive ) I think. Instead they'll try to balance out the defense (FF, Ice, and SR) sets. The Resistance to Debuffs is too complicated to be actually implemented, so they'll just swaps all -def powers with -regen. This will bring "balance" to defense based sets while nerfing regen without actually nerfing it.

Brilliance at its finest!



just in case some one calls it, i want to reinterate my old idea of bringing balance by making our toggles exclusive with fast healing.

and that fast healing cost endurance to run.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



psshaw. no way. Dull Pain dodged the bullet last time, no way does it make it through Issue 6 unscathed.

Issue 6: The Painening.

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You don't understand Geko's exquisite madness like I do. Dull Pain will never get nerfed. Removed maybe, but never nerfed. It's left alone to instill fear in us. We are meant to fear its nerfing forevermore.

Geko is a wicked, wicked man.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I have to admit, being new to Regen in Issue 5 and not really before ( I played to Level 10 back in December and then mothballed him ) I have to admit that I am curious to know just how powerful Regen was. I mean, I'm pretty pleased with the set and the pace at which I'm clipping along. Levels 11-23 in just over two weeks. Impressive. So, that being said, my guess at Issue 6 Nerfs for Regen have to be QR and Reconstruction. How can we possibly have a Stamina like power at such an early level? And how can we be allowed to have a power that will bring back 50% or more of our health in such a reasonable time frame?

I really do wish I could've seen Regen before now, it must've rocked the house hardcore.

Sign It :



Even I4 regen was damn tough. In I2 or I3 we could reach 1.5 to 2 times as much regen power as I4. There was a nasty drawback though... Integration didn't have a healing component. So it was 1-28 on FH, DP, and Recon alone. Was a tough road back then...



but sooo worth it.

I guess saying that I solo'd every single AV I came up against doesn't really mean anything anymore since we can't be nerfed for it and because the powerset I used doesn't exist. but i did. and it friggin rocked.

and i did it with claws.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



We are so going to die. I6 QR is removed and replace with .......... a conserve power.



My prediction?

Issue 6: Parry's defense bonus reduced for /Regen Scrappers.
Parry enabled some BS/Regen and Katana/Regen players to compensate somewhat for previous adjustments to Regen powers. This was not intended. For /Regen Scrappers, Parry now operates at 1/4 of previous effectiveness

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



and i did it with claws.

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Haven't you heard? In I6 they're changing the metal claws and subbing in rubber ones.

Something to do with the ESRB rating... thought claws were just too violent. They were gonna scrap them entirely... but Posi persuaded the devs to try it this way, see if it still worked.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



and i did it with claws.

[/ QUOTE ]

Haven't you heard? In I6 they're changing the metal claws and subbing in rubber ones.

Something to do with the ESRB rating... thought claws were just too violent. They were gonna scrap them entirely... but Posi persuaded the devs to try it this way, see if it still worked.

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How powerful was Regen? We routinely tanked AVs, Giant Monsters and the Hamidon for hours on end with no external buffage. The maximum healing rate of an I5 Regen is around 50% of what an I2 Regen could acomplish with 6 slots in IH and one in FH.

We were debt magnets until level 28. Integration provided no healing whatsoever and Fast Healing was only 40% base(IIRC). Reconstruction and Dull Pain were the only things between the pre-I3 low level Regenner's face and the pavement. But once we passed level 28, the promised land opened to us. Vast new realms of possibilities came into being. Purple meant nothing. How purple an enemy was was how we conned our enemies. Pair of +5 bosses? Pffft, no contest, just took a little longer to kill them.

*sigh* Memory Of Glory is now the defining power for Regenners who have been around for a while. We don't suck now when compared to everybody else, but we are mere shadows of our former selves.

For I6, I predict:
<ul type="square"> [*]Reductions to QR and Stamina, since regen clearly has too much end now. [*]Proposed change to reharge of DP making it non-perma. This is a ploy to distract us from the aforementioned QR nerf. [*]Resilience base resistance is changed to 0.5% [*]The enhancable portion of Integration will be reduced to 50%, since the healing it provides is too good when combined with defense and resistance inspirations [*]Instant Healing is reduced to a base of 250% healing, and when active, negates all other forms of healing. [*]All scrappers will periodically roll Critical Misses, where for the next 10 seconds, all incoming attacks will do double damage.[/list]



in all honesty, if that is true im [censored] done with this game.



and i did it with claws.

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Haven't you heard? In I6 they're changing the metal claws and subbing in rubber ones.

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i already did that. *coughmodcough*

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



We are so going to die. I6 QR is removed and replace with .......... a conserve power.

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you're a jerk. that's awesome!! i wish i thought of that one.

regen stars for you!

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



We are so going to die. I6 QR is removed and replace with .......... a conserve power.

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you're a jerk. that's awesome!! i wish i thought of that one.

regen stars for you!

[/ QUOTE ]

Or worse, a Consume.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



more clix plz.. all auto powers converted to click powers. revive converted to an auto power.



My money's on Dull Pain, with QR a likely close runner-up. Heck, I'm betting they turn QR _INTO_ a combo +HEAL/+END power, but with approximately 1/2 the capability of either power. And Dull Pain will now increase HP's by approximately 25% with a recharge timer to make MOG look downright generous by comparison.



i dunno. if revive was auto, someone might like and take that.

hmm. make it cost 5 end to use instead.

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Bah ... making it instant + auto so you revive in the middle of the furball just to die again instantly sounds like something sick enough to appeal to Statesman



Recon will lose its Toxic resistance.
Resilance will lose its Toxic resistance.
After Dull Pain wears off you will lose half of your endurance.
After Instant Healing wears off you will lose half of your endurance.
Intergration will be turned into a model of 'Practiced Brawler' for Super Reflexes.
Intergration will gain +Fear resistance. (don't ask why, silly Devs)


Good things?

Us fine regens will find some way to get around this and we will yet...own.



I really do wish I could've seen Regen before now, it must've rocked the house hardcore.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sure everybody has their "back in the day" story to relate. But I rolled my BS/Regen just a few weeks after the release of I3 and levelled him to 50 before I4 was released, doing just missions....BUT, not your ordinary missions. (insert maniacal laughter here).

I would basically set my missions on Invinc and load them up with 5-7 other players from my SG. Sometimes, I'd just go out and advertise to pay people to anchor for me to increase my spawn sizes. Then, while everyone caught up on their chatting, I'd solo the missions. Did this a couple hours per day....never had help from a healer or buffer of any kind, unless they just got bored and came along to watch me swing my sword. Level 50, even with most of the badges and accolades, came in no time flat. I had respecced out Recon back in those days as nobody really needed it past level 25 or so, and even Parry became useless as it didn't matter what hit you (even Hami!) you could regen faster than they could dish out damage. I think I hit 50 with just my first debt badge...don't really remember. From level 42 on I'd sometimes street sweep in the RCS or PI just to kill time waiting on my anchors, and got to the point I didn't even bother conning my enemies beforehand.....the only signal I needed that I had bitten off too much was when I started whiffing my attacks too frequently. Then I'd con my enemy and say to myself, "How quaint, he's +8 to me!"

Ah, the good old days.......we needed nerfin', at least in my opinion (many said we didn't at all). But I think enough has been done to the set now.



*pokes head in thread*
"wazap rege--"
*praetorian statesman pokes head in thread, lays a b[censored]slapalpha on mr3, waits for mr3 to revive*