Son of the Regen Lounge: Sit a spell!




<ul type="square">[*]Activating Dull Pain will now prompt the famously disturbing scene from Deliverance to display on your screen, and that of your teammates.
[*]Using Quick Recovery will now send a small electrical charge through your keyboard. No actual nerfing of the power. Statesman promises to ban all players found using rubber gloves.
[*]Instant Healing will only heal your opponents. Fortunately a glitch will make the power drain half their endurance when it wears off. When Statesman confirms the glitch he gives all your opponents free respecs and 4 million influence. You are banned for 4 days and charged 4 million influence.
[*]Someone accuses Statesman of really being the Reichman, and is instantly killed. Regen Scrappers are blamed.[/list]



Yea..........I had Regen back in I2-I3..........all I can say is wow. We have fallen so so so so extremely far from those days. I recall tanking monster island lvl 40

This is why you hear all the cries about nerfs to regen, and how were so weak now. It comes from all us old schoolers. We know what Regen used to its so very hard to see it as it is in it's present state The ONLY buff regen has gotten is the healing rate to Integration, which made levels 16-28 more bearable, but even it's healing rate was offset by several it's not like it really "added" anything.

Anyways, in all seriousness, my assumptions to the next nerfs to regen:

--&gt;QR is a gonner, seriously. Don't count on it being much soon.

--&gt;MoG will be made even more useless, I have a feeling it's defense and resistance will be greatly lowered. I'd bet by at least 15-20%

--&gt;Recon......say "bu-bye" to our last savior to our ability to "heal" and be a freggin regen in the first place. I see either an large increase to it's recharge time or a decrease to it's base heal.....or worse, both. I'm betting on both.

--&gt;Fast healing will have 50% non-enhanceable with 25% enhanceable......

--&gt;FH and Health from fitness will no longer stack.

--&gt;IH will get an increase to it's recharge time with a decrease to it's duration, plus it will act like Hasten after it's duration, but worse. After IH wears out you will LOSE 50% endurance. Dev's thinking: "hey, you're regen, you get QR, you can dig it"

--&gt;Regen will get an inherent power called "Dev Mockery" which basically means, once you die, Statesman will appear from your dead corpse, pull his pants down, and take a nasty on your rotting body....then laugh profusely at your efforts to make regen still work

You think I'm lying? Try me. "Most" of those I put up there because I've gathered this as being the "behavior" of the devs. So yea, I honestly expect "some" if not most of these come true.......




I've decided this thread scares me... all these foul ideas on how to nerf our precious regen. Standing next to DA I already feel overshadowed (unless I'm in IH or MoG mode).

Ohh the good 'ole days. Even I4 ruled. One thing I will say is its a lot more exciting than it used to be.



Here's the plan. As soon as CoV is released, all the regener's need to go out and deliberately lose badly in lots of PvP matches then cry angrily on the boards about how regen sucks in PvP. After a few weeks of everyone confirming the awfulness of using regen in PvP, they'll leave us alone.



I've decided this thread scares me... all these foul ideas on how to nerf our precious regen. Standing next to DA I already feel overshadowed (unless I'm in IH or MoG mode).

Ohh the good 'ole days. Even I4 ruled. One thing I will say is its a lot more exciting than it used to be.

[/ QUOTE ]

This thread scared us too back in I4. Strangely enough the doomsday wasn't so bad for us because we had conditioned ourselves to expect that much or worse.

I think it's a very credible threat that QR will be nerfed. Because they can't let an issue go by without nerfing Regen.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



They are going to change regens animations to green versions of DA.

They will finally change MoG to be more in line with the "new and improved regen". It will become an auto power that makes you explode and die every time your life hits 25%. It will damage all enemies and teamates in the blast area... Except Blasters.



All Scrapper primaries and the /Regen secondary will be mutually exclusive.



They'll change IH so that after toggle's duration ends, it crashes, leaving you with no endurance. Reason? Bringing it in line with the other scrapper powers Elude and Unstoppable.



Quick Recovery will remain as-is, but instead we will incur endurance penalties based on our health. the lower our health, the more stamina it will take to use our powers...

Also, death will incur a stamina debt as well as an xp debt. This will last up to 5 minutes, and will place a stamina debuff on us.

Critical hits by enemies will all have -stamina effects, as they sap our morale and will to continue fighting.



&gt; really do wish I could've seen Regen before now, it must've rocked the house hardcore.

Regen scrappers were the most overpowered AT on the game (circa I3)

I remember 6-slotting resilience, stealth, tough and weave, hasten and IH - and doing a better job than most tanks while pumping out quality dps.

We deserved the nerf-bat back then.

Now the pendulum has swung the other way, and Stealth is mitigated, resilience is worthless, IH is a click, Tough/Weave are neutered.

now we get creamed in crowds of mobs, because our defences are shot and we can't withstand an alpha strike. AVs can wipe us out unless we're MoGed, and even then we have to stare at stopwatches because our dps isn't ernough to do squat before the health ticks down to the Phase Shift/Bounce-back point.

(NB: Phase Shift + Invis is great for surviving when fighting with MoG - just remember nowadays you have to run away rather than wait for it to cycle)

Hardcore? We defined hardcore back then.



Regen scrappers were the most overpowered AT on the game (circa I3)

I remember 6-slotting resilience, stealth, tough and weave, hasten and IH - and doing a better job than most tanks while pumping out quality dps.

[/ QUOTE ]

mmmm, we were good but we weren't that good. high level invul and fire tankers were doing so crazy [censored] stuff too. And they've had their share of drastic changes too. As good as havok's vids were, an invuln or fire could still do twice that.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



Regen scrappers were the most overpowered AT on the game (circa I3)

I remember 6-slotting resilience, stealth, tough and weave, hasten and IH - and doing a better job than most tanks while pumping out quality dps.

[/ QUOTE ]

mmmm, we were good but we weren't that good. high level invul and fire tankers were doing so crazy [censored] stuff too. And they've had their share of drastic changes too. As good as havok's vids were, an invuln or fire could still do twice that.

[/ QUOTE ]

The problem with the old regain, if you'll accept a regan noobs option, wasn't that it was the most powerful defencive set in the game... I think that belonged to I4 Invuln tanks... but it was extreamly powerful, really really easy to us, and had just about zero down time thinks to quickly refilling green and blue bars.

When you mix them 3 aspects, power, ease of use, and almost no down time, you get a very popular power set to us and play. and that's what you guys had. every scrapper and his brother was a regain. Hehe. Even now, regain, dispite being the single most nerfed powerset in CoH is STILL the domonite scrapper secondary. None of the others come CLOSE, from my expearince.

And that's your problem. So long as every other scrapper made is a regain, the dev's will look for ways to get people to play the other secondaris, and buffing them up really doesn't seem to be an option for the devs right now.

Next on the Hit list? You want my honest option? It's prolly Quick Recovery, for the simpe reason, that, at this point in time, it's regain's BIGGEST selling point. It keeps you attacking stuff longer, and attacking stuff is what makes a scrapper fun...

So in conclusion, so long as quick recovery makes the regain set funner to play then the other secondaries, thus making regain the funnest secondary to play, (with the lest down time, which also adds to it's fun), regain will contune to be the most played scrapper secondary, and thus, will still be #1 on the dev's hit list for nerfs.

Kind of sad isn't it? That a power set has to be constently nerfed becasue it's apperently to fun for it's own good...

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Fast Healing, Quick Recovery, Reconstruction, Dull Pain, Integration, Instant Healing
These powers now only increase regeneration rate (end or heal) when used in conjunction with '/em dance'.
Now more in line with Rooted from Stone Armour.

Moment of Glory
+def boost reduced to 1.3%. No longer accepts Defence enhancements to avoid uninformed slotted for minor return.
Part of global defence rebalancing. Reduced Boss to-hit %ge by 0.5% to compensate.

@JohnP - Victory



&gt; when used in conjunction with '/em dance'

I can so envisage an anime based on this...



&gt; when used in conjunction with '/em dance'

I can so envisage an anime based on this...

[/ QUOTE ]

Some how I don't see anime using /em dance...unless its a very special dance currently not included in /em dance.

Honestly though I do see QR as the next target. Dull Pain maybe also but certainly get a bad feeling about QR.




Regen scrappers were the most overpowered AT on the game (circa I3)

[/ QUOTE ]

I used to think this as well. My regen came up during I2/I3 and she was a great Golden Goddess walking the earth.

Then I made my invul/ss tank. Just imagine hundreds of mobs all trying to rip me apart only to be destroyed by the Rage + Footstomp + Fireball +Footstomp combo. The level of destruction I could, and still can to an extent, deal out with my tank far outsripped anything I ever did with my scrapper. Of course it was a longer road with my tank, but at 50 the tank was far superior.

Anywho, I'm going with the crowd here, QR is going buh bye. I also wouldn't be surprised to see Int take a kick to the nads as well.

"If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?"
- Abraham Lincoln



my i6 fantasy nerfs:

- integration: changed integration to a click power with a 90s duration and 750s recharge fully enhanceable; all other aspects of the power remain unchanged.
- revive, initial test version: changed revive to restore full health, full endurance, and the state of all toggle to pre-death state; all click powers active during death will be restored at full duration; added a 666 yd, 5 second pbaoe attack (bi of 1.0 unenhanceable) with disorient and taunt to the beginning of the power's activation; changed the revive animation time to 3 minutes; changed the recharge time to 3 minutes fully enhanceable.
- revive is then changed 2 weeks after hitting live to sf's recommended i5 version (requiring endurance to activate); the power is then swapped in the power order with quick recovery.
- ih is changed to provide a base 70% resistance to smashing/lethal/fire/cold/nrg/negative/toxic (fully enhanceable) with enhanced endurance recovery and status protection for the duration of the power; at the start of i6 its duration will be 60s, but after an unspecified time live the duration will be changed to 90s; after the duration expires health will be reduced to 10% and endurance will be reduced to 0, both unalterable for the duration of recharge (750s fully enhanceable) by any means.
- base hp total for all scrappers using the regeneration secondary has been changed to 1/1.4 of current base.
- geko creates a separate thread in the dev forum 3 weeks after i6 hits test to explain why quick recovery has not been changed; he discusses how the power is part of the set's theme and to reduce it would mean that all non-defensive scrapper secondary utility powers would have to be reduced by comparable amounts.



&gt; my i6 fantasy nerfs:

Spooky... you even *sound* like Statesman!




DP ... no longer provide any heals... and can't be made perma.

IH ... interruptible power.... if you get hit while healing .. it STOPS!!!

QR ... will be replaced by FP (face planting)




Regen scrappers were the most overpowered AT on the game (circa I3)

I remember 6-slotting resilience, stealth, tough and weave, hasten and IH - and doing a better job than most tanks while pumping out quality dps.

[/ QUOTE ]

mmmm, we were good but we weren't that good. high level invul and fire tankers were doing so crazy [censored] stuff too. And they've had their share of drastic changes too. As good as havok's vids were, an invuln or fire could still do twice that.

[/ QUOTE ]

The problem with the old regain, if you'll accept a regan noobs option, wasn't that it was the most powerful defencive set in the game... I think that belonged to I4 Invuln tanks... but it was extreamly powerful, really really easy to us, and had just about zero down time thinks to quickly refilling green and blue bars.

When you mix them 3 aspects, power, ease of use, and almost no down time, you get a very popular power set to us and play. and that's what you guys had. every scrapper and his brother was a regain. Hehe. Even now, regain, dispite being the single most nerfed powerset in CoH is STILL the domonite scrapper secondary. None of the others come CLOSE, from my expearince.

And that's your problem. So long as every other scrapper made is a regain, the dev's will look for ways to get people to play the other secondaris, and buffing them up really doesn't seem to be an option for the devs right now.

Next on the Hit list? You want my honest option? It's prolly Quick Recovery, for the simpe reason, that, at this point in time, it's regain's BIGGEST selling point. It keeps you attacking stuff longer, and attacking stuff is what makes a scrapper fun...

So in conclusion, so long as quick recovery makes the regain set funner to play then the other secondaries, thus making regain the funnest secondary to play, (with the lest down time, which also adds to it's fun), regain will contune to be the most played scrapper secondary, and thus, will still be #1 on the dev's hit list for nerfs.

Kind of sad isn't it? That a power set has to be constently nerfed becasue it's apperently to fun for it's own good...

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually this is my conclusion and I believe this is the reason that they removed QR from Stalker Regens. Instead of fixing the ridiculous endurance system in CoH that makes the early levels a chore, the took away the one power that makes the early game fun.

I think Statesman is very happy in hindsight that people have to take Stamina. It works very well as a limiter in the game. If you don't take it, then you'll be much weaker than you would be otherwise and if you do take it, your low level game is saddled with trying to get it....unless you're a Regen.

Regens could hold off on Stamina until 28. Now we can hold off on it entirely. Worse in the devs eyes, I think is that we CAN get Stamina and completely remove endurance as a limiting factor. Thus having more fun.

I know their goal is for us to have more fun, but I don't see why they have to punish the one set that everyone likes because SR and DA isn't as much fun. Invul, IMO is not picked as much on the Scrapper side because Tankers have it.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



...I just made a Katana/Regen scrapper, but I'm afraid now of getting attached to him.

Heroes of Justice: Geratron - 50 FA/FM Tanker
Villains of Infinity: Psychotron - 50 FM/FA Brute, Operative Gerald - 50 Arachnos Widow
Rogues of Exalted: Peanut Butter Fairy - 50 FM/FA Brute



Maybe I just haven't been around long enough (I've been playing on and off, not constantly like some posters), but I honestly don't see why regen would need (or recieve) another nerf. DA and Inv are both far sturdier than we are. We're very weak to alpha strikes now, unless we blow IH or MoG. I have to be very very careful in group situations or I die very fast.

If they do nerf QR... why? Regen isn't even an end expensive set as we only have a single toggle to run (Integration). I feel like I'm babbling, but you guys are projecting all these nerfs and I just don't understand 'why'. The set feels balanced to me. :|



You know not that it will happen but shouldn't our one remaining toggle get the same protection in PvP as Granite and Dwarf form? It's our only toggle why not give it a little extra protection?



Maybe I just haven't been around long enough (I've been playing on and off, not constantly like some posters), but I honestly don't see why regen would need (or recieve) another nerf. DA and Inv are both far sturdier than we are. We're very weak to alpha strikes now, unless we blow IH or MoG. I have to be very very careful in group situations or I die very fast.

If they do nerf QR... why? Regen isn't even an end expensive set as we only have a single toggle to run (Integration). I feel like I'm babbling, but you guys are projecting all these nerfs and I just don't understand 'why'. The set feels balanced to me. :|

[/ QUOTE ]

*spoken in my best Yoda*

"Power... BAH. Effectiveness... Bah... These are not the "balance" the dev's seek. NUMBERS, NUMBERS, are the balance the dev's seek."

What i'm saying is this... DISPITE the fact that DA and Invuln ARE tougher in a fight then Regan. (Invuln always has been, in general that is. It's just that isn't a widely know fact.) Even if regains die more often, faster, and with more style then any other set, it wouldn't matter.

What matter is they. States and company get there data mind AT information. They notice that Regain out numbers all other scrapper secondys, i'm making up a number here, lets say 5 to 1. THATS the balance they dev's are seeing is out of wack, and that's what there trying to fix.

Accually in game proformance doesn't have all that much to do with it. They are more regains, then any other scrapper secondary. The reason for that, is, regain is fairly easy to use, dispite the nerfs, and it has a near endless blue bar. That near endless blue bar lets us attack, attack, attack some more, with sprint on, for fast pased non stop action.

That makes the set FUN. That FUN means to many of us are willing to give up some in game effincity for this FUN.

So long as regain STAYS that much funner then the other 3, it'll stay the #1 scrapper secondary, and it'll stay #1 on the dev's nerf hit list. It's that simple.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Hmm, I'd have to favour the Dull Pain punch as the primary change, simply because it will echo to Invul, Ice, and Stone as well. Why nerf one when you can get many? It will be the Global HP Rebalance. After all, it was never in the vision for tanks and scrappers to have that many more HP than the squishies which is making designing end game content more difficult. This has the added benefit of given another excuse why there is no end game content.

But because Regen must get it's own unique face kicking each isuue (rather like Invul), Quick Recovery will be reduced or eliminated as it is unfair to Stalkers that they can't recovery like their scrapper cousins and a scrapper only has to pop a yellow to render stealth useless. We'll forget about blues for that argument. This way we also keep the fine art of balancing the game around inspiration use.

Sadly, Regen is nerfed so badly as is I can't figure out how to hit the last dev tactic of multi-nerf to fix one problem.