Son of the Regen Lounge: Sit a spell!




*brushes off some dust*

I think it's time to reopen The Lounge again. Welcome back, my green and slightly less squishy friends!

(Dibs on the sofa.)



Ah man, I never actually posted in the thread but I remember sitting and reading.



They really need to redo the regen set and make the healing faster for the non toggles and more points of healing and faster recharge for the toggles.

My blaster dies less than my regen scrapper.



It is just that the lounge come back from the dead.

It needs at least a "Moment of Glory!"

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



It is just that the lounge come back from the dead.

It needs at least a "Moment of Glory!"

[/ QUOTE ]

*audience groans*

Btw, EG, you have to change your loc now. The MoG fix is already upon us.



So true, I changed my location somewhat



It is just that the lounge come back from the dead.

It needs at least a "Moment of Glory!"

[/ QUOTE ]

*audience groans*

Btw, EG, you have to change your loc now. The MoG fix is already upon us.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not sure what you mean?

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



It is just that the lounge come back from the dead.

It needs at least a "Moment of Glory!"

[/ QUOTE ]

*audience groans*

Btw, EG, you have to change your loc now. The MoG fix is already upon us.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not sure what you mean?

[/ QUOTE ]

You're lucky I can't quote locs.



They really need to redo the regen set and make the healing faster for the non toggles and more points of healing and faster recharge for the toggles.

My blaster dies less than my regen scrapper.

[/ QUOTE ]




the entire point of the IH nerf (anyone else remember the days when it was full strength and toggle?) and the other progressive regen nerfs was to make Regen a more clicky centric set. The overpowered nature of the +regen toggles made them realize that there was very little that could actually take a well made regen fender down even if he was afk. I remember going afk during solo AV fights and coming back 10 mins later still at full health because my passive healing was that fast. The only way to kill a regen was to one shot him. Now regen is like every other AT, you need to actually be present at the keyboard to maintain your survivability.



Ah I remember sitting on Monster Island with my toggles up
(Instant Healing, Integration, Tough, Weave, CJ, and DP on Auto-fire) just staring at a couple monsters just smacking me and my health going down half than instantly back to full.



Back in I think I3, I remember watching an AFK Regen getting hit by what I think was a +7 boss. It would hit him for about 90% of his health, then he'd heal it back in a few seconds, then it would hit him for about 90% of his health, and so on. That's when I decided to make a Regen.

The set is a far different animal than in those days, and I've grumbled loudly every time I had to adapt, but I love the way the set plays now. We'll see how I like the new MoG, but I think it'll fit very well with my goals and play style. Like most people, I just need to figure out how to make room for it in my build.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



+7? Rookie, I was fighting +8's... though hitting them was a different story



least until they gave us the ancillary pools with FA



It amazes me how even today, after all this time people still come here talking about how they "ZOMG I solo'ed a +20 Level AV by putting brawl on auto and going afks lol!!!111zomgbbq111!!!11!"

Was regen overpowered? Yeah it was, but the thing I remember most about my Regen scrapper was logging on after the update that brought out the second set of 3 tiers of debt badges and getting them all instantly. My Regen was as tricked out as you could make it back in the day and there was still plenty that could burst you down if you weren't careful. Solo'ing AV's and GM's was more about using Lucks and MoG than any of your actual regen powers. Of course the most overpowered of those three was the one to survive, go figure.

You can have all the +Regeneration in the world but when you get hit for 2500 damage and you only have 1200 hp it still won't be enough to help one little bit.

So, anyway, yeah Regen was overpowered, but it was fun. This Self Empathy set it turned into isn't near as much bad guy busting goodness as the old setup was.

Good thing is now Invuln is no longer rooted, SR's doesn't suck before Elude, and DA is slightly better on endurance. Better still we got WP which is much closer to what a Regeneration set should be than Regen itself actually is.



Wait a sec? A */regen scrapper actually took Revive? And is using it? wtf!?!





38 FF/Sonic Def
35 Ill/Storm
35 DM/Regen
1 pan of fresh brownies/gallon of milk



Holy Crap, this thing is still around?

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



And they should never do so. Everyone should remember the razors edge that was regen, pre nerfs.

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?