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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    You're empathy. You're attacking enemies solo. What are you going to do, Clear Mind them to death? I can replace that solo with a breakfree... and find another power I'd use solo anyway. Your primary has three powers you can use on yourself... the rest just sit there in the tray.

    Alternately, you dip into Leadership and get yourself a bit more damage (to stack on top of the damage from Vigilance you get from being solo.) And/or extra ToHit (and perception... frigging ghosts/banes.) Or start adding some defense to your "solo offender" build. Use different sets than your team build.

    How about the buffs/changes/boosts to the Presence pool coming up? Get a bit of control in there. (I've got a Dark/Therm Corruptor - who, by the way, solo also just has three powers from her secondary she can use, and had to wait longer to get them - who'll be enjoying this, as the solo build is also concept and has the presence pool.)

    Seriously, having a bunch of "useless" powers is, IMHO, a gift with dual (or triple) builds.
    I disagree. Having a power or two that are situational or skippable is one thing, having two thirds of the set being useless solo is another.

    Those useless powers that give solo Empaths build flexibility? Consider this, would you rather have...

    ...Assault or Tar Patch?
    ...Invoke Panic or Fearsome Stare?
    ...Maneuvers or Darkest Night?
    ...Stealth or Shadow Fall?

    Yes, skipping "useless" powers for a solo Empath build is a good idea, but that doesn't make them a boon considering what other sets are packing instead.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    I agree. Furthermore, debuffing the foe is nearly mechanically equivalent to self buff. That's why Dark Miasma does so well. The -30% Resistance in Tar Patch is equivalent to a +30% Dam self-buff. The -Regen is also equivalent to higher DPS. The insane amount of -ToHit is equivalent to buffing oneself to the Soft Cap. The -DAM is equivalent to buffing oneself with extra Resistance.

    Not letting buffers buff themselves would be equivalent to having the powers of a debuffer effective only for one's teammates but not for oneself.
    There are pros and cons to buffs and debuffs.

    On one hand, debuffs are always useful solo or grouped, and they can be stronger than similar buffs. Resistance debuffs, for example, increase all damage (base + enhancement + procs + pets, etc) while damage buffs only buff base damage.

    On the other hand, debuffs are effected by enemy resistance (purple patch and otherwise), need to hit (can be an issue with accuracy issue or mob placement), have a target cap, etc. Buffs will help you against anything you target, but can't always be used on yourself.

    Dark Miasma in particular is great at soloing because it has many layers of protection:
    * Control: fear (aoe), hold, stun (aoe)
    * Avoidance: +def, -tohit (aoe, tons of it)
    * Mitigation: -dmg, +res
    * Heal
    * Pet (aside from other abilities, it's a second target to soak harmful effects)
    * Slow
    * Offense: -res, -regen

    On top of that, many of those effects are long lasting, so even if you get nailed with some form of CC, your enemies will still be feared, they'll still be tohit debuffed, your pet can still heal you, etc.

    Personally, I found Rad more frustrating to play than Dark. I can respect how powerful Rad is, but I hated how a single CC could instantly knock so many of its survival tools offline.
  3. Well this thread certainly hasn't stood still.

    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    First off: Hey Sarrate! Where you been hiding?! Been missing our Taunt Mechanics Specialist!
    Hey, hey!

    A combination of being an MMO nomad and spending more time in meatspace than before. I haven't logged into CoX in a long time, but I still can't help but sneak a peak at the forums, especially to keep up with the more major new features and sets.

    You'd probably hear slightly more from me, but most of the threads I feel like I could contribute to are behind the VIP barrier.

    Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
    Ok just to put my 2 cent in. I copied my live toon atbeta to see how much resist he will get. He didn't had too much sets that will be changed just 3 red fortune and some other sets that their res will be increased. So far my toon had around %20 S/L res, %14-15 F/C res and %3 in others. After I long in to beta and get on my toon. The res are like this %34 s/l, %23-24 f/c, %5 others.
    So, roughly +14% s/l, 9% f/c, and +2% to the others without even changing any sets? Well, they certainly didn't pull their punches...
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    Willpower. Average resists, a bit better of a tank. ANd you can still DIE pretty easy on a wp with no def, which is basically why wp is so good..layers.

    So we dont actually..have this amazing resist + regen combo to make you a god. Sure you can get it with perhaps a resist toon and getting rebirth,. or AB or something, but a set that does it alone? Nope.
    Ironically, Willpower is one of the sets I'm most worried about. Right now, one of the things that keep it on par with Invuln (in my mind) is the fact it's weaker to burst damage... but start adding extra s/l resist to it and it becomes harder and harder to burst.

    For example, a WP Scrapper / Brute has somewhere around 50% to 55% s/l resist. Adding 20% s/l resist to it will increase its survivability to it by ~66% - 80%.
    A WP Tank has somewhere around 65% to 70%. Adding 20% s/l to that increases its survivability 133% - 200%. (ie: They'd be able to take 3x as much damage.)

    It's a perfect example of the problem with non-linear survivability. Willpower is one of the heartier sets, but it has the potential to reap significant gains.

    As I said before, the devil is in the details, but it is worrying, to me.

    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    Whereas with good def (leaving aside the RNG), if your not getting dont NEED any regen at all.
    This is a false statement. The RNG will always catch up with you. No matter how much defense you have, you will eventually take damage, and you can't control when it comes in. It hopefully comes in at a steady stream, but it is just as likely to come in with large spikes.

    Defense, without any other supporting mitigation (like +regen) is surprisingly brittle.

    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    My point was that at floored Defense and floored resistance (-300%) that my brute that isn't even hp capped by sustain 600 DPS when regen capped. My point was that even at base (0% resistance and 50% mob to hit) that you wouldn't need near that much regen to sustain that much DPS.
    How in the world are you getting 600 DPS? A regen capped (2500%), hp capped (~3200, which you have said you are not) Brute maxes at ~333.33 hp/sec (MaxHP*Regen / 240). Further, with -300% resistance, mobs are hitting you 4x as hard as normal. So 100 dps would be amplified to 400 dps.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
    With Incarnates the devs have gone to plaid when it comes to power "creep".

    With hard capped to everything leagues I doubt sets are even a blip on their radar.
    Buff/debuff saturation was one of the reasons I thought having large leagues (or teams larger than 8) wasn't such a good idea - and that's before Destiny.
    [edit: But that's the subject for a different thread..]

    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    Like I was saying..its not so much the bad points of either def or res to me, its the way we CANT actually get res is similar amounts. back to the soft capping blaster..sure, that can debuffed and die, but the same blaster cant even get near capped res. So the comparison doesnt work at all.
    Even if everyone "only" gets 5-10% res out of the change just by having random sets slotted, that's 5-10% higher on the non-linear mitigation scale. The next time characters get access to easy 5% res will be made more potent because of this.

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I don't have a specific objection to increased resistance bonuses, I just think the odds of nasty and irreversible unintended side effects from that increase are extremely high.
    I second the second half - which is what makes me so leery about it.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    This is going to be BAD.
    Why? We have been building for defense for years, its time we make resist equal.
    I can't speak for Starsman, but the first thought that came to mind was "power creep." Also remember that survivability is non-linear, so the sets with the higher inherent resistance will get more out of this change than sets with lower resistance. It also pushes characters closer to the caps, and that's where there are some distinct problem areas. For example, Brutes exceeding 75% res.

    As usual, the devil is in the details. How strong are they, etc.

    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    I was just moaning about this in another thread. lol. teach me for opening my mouth without looking.
    As mentions 20% res...but I think thats still to low. What is the rough ration, 1 def =2 res? I have heard people saying that anything under 20ish % extra def (like..building for the %) is not really worth the slots. SO therefore..anything LESS than 40 res, is not gonna be worth it?

    I am not talking about say..your fire/rad corr, with just Manu/Scorp shield and NO extra build defence, getting 20% res to all (or whatever) from IO sets and see no difference. I am talking about the way you can take a blaster, totally build for range def, and soft cap it. There is NO way you will be able to do that with resist spite of the 2 being 'equal.'

    As I said in the other thread..the very LEAST should be increasing the +res in Catalysed ATO sets to be a full double (or more), doubling the +res pvp IO, and adding a NON pvp +res IO at a low recipe lvl, like steadfast.

    Oh not to mention..def is just..better. And easier to get significant amounts. As well as avoiding any effects tacked onto a power. Unless bonus resist somehow lets you..Resist any debuff effects a power has, when it tags you..
    Defense is easier to get and it has a higher average mitigation, but it is also easier to bypass (cascading defense failure, tohit buffs, accuracy buffs (higher mitigation floor), tohit buffs, autohit powers, etc) and can just get unlucky sometimes. Resistance is much harder to strip off (it inherently resists resistance debuffs) and it provides much steadier mitigation.

    I'm not saying that Res > Def, but don't sell its benefits short, either. Hard capped resistance can make a huge difference.
  7. Sarrate

    RE: Gauntlet

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    That compares the threat generated by Gauntlet to the threat generated by something else with taunt. Given the nature of taunt, its possible for something else to override a taunt-boosted level of hate with their own taunt-boosted hate. But Gauntlet hits multiple targets with single target attacks, while brutes only taunt the target, and not all brutes and scrappers have taunt auras that would factor into that equation. Nothing else tends to taunt. Without taunt, you would have to wait for the taunt to expire or deal enough damage to kill most targets to override it. So as long as the tanker is taunting more actual targets, you can't simply state that a brute has identical aggro generating capacity to a tanker. What you're saying is that a brute can override the taunt of a tanker on targets the brute is taunting. That's not saying the same thing.

    As to Gauntlet directing taunt away from a Scrapper, the last time I tested taunt was during discussions about what taunt/gauntlet does to targets that aren't damaged, because I wasn't sure myself. If I set up a situation where a tanker cycles a single target attack on one thing only, and then attack another thing nearby with a scrapper, it generally takes a lot of damage generated to override that aggro, often more than enough to kill the target, unless the Scrapper has a taunt aura. This is true even if the tanker is not using the taunt power itself, and not using a damage or taunt aura. That's just the effects of gauntlet with no damage. It usually seems to work as the equations suggest, which is that in most cases only taunt can override taunt.
    When I said "Scrappers", I meant "Scrappers with taunt auras." Sorry for not being clear.

    Yes, the crux of my argument is based on how taunt enabled characters compare to one another. The reason, as you point out, is that taunt effects pretty much cause enemies to ignore damage based threat because of how large the multiplier.

    Even in the situations of Tanker vs Blaster, Gauntlet's effect is minimized. Tankers have taunt auras, which pulse a 13.5 - 16.875s taunt in their radius every 0.5 - 2 seconds. That handles up to 10 targets standing still, or more than that if the Tanker actually moves (changing the targets effected by the aura).

    Second, Tankers have AoEs that can effect multiple targets.

    Then there is Gauntlet. As I mentioned, Gauntlet's AoE isn't standard, some as small as 3ft (Barrage) feet, others as larget as 17ft (Total Focus).

    Between all three, there is going to be a lot of overlap. Since taunt effect effectively washes out purely damage based threat, Gauntlet is wasted unless it hits a non-taunted foe.

    So, I find it very unimpressive against people without taunt effects and weaker than extra aoe damage compared to allies with taunt effects, what use does it serve? (I personally always use Taunt on Tankers anyways because it's the only way to hold aggro off Brutes and Scrappers with taunt auras.)

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Also, in the future you could always shoot a short global or email to me in-game and I could find a way to see what you want to send.
    Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. That option did occur to me but seemed presumptuous.
  8. Sarrate

    RE: Gauntlet

    Originally Posted by FallenHero View Post
    She probably would have seen your post but I just PM'd her for you.

    Assuming I'm not a complete dofus, she got my PM.
    Yeah, I assume (s)he would have seen it, too, but thanks.

    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    Be thankful you can post to the forums at all. The original plan for Freedom was to only have Read-Only access to the forums with no posting privileges for non-VIP accounts.

    However, there is a purchase that can be made to get a monthly license to post in all sections of the forums. It has other things attached to it as well, but the full forum access is the one that is overlooked the most.
    Oh absolutely. I think the current setup is a good compromise... but that doesn't make it any less annoying sometimes.

    I did not realize there was a license that could provide the benefit of forum access... interesting!
  9. Sarrate

    RE: Gauntlet

    I feel really guilty about writing this post. It's a reply to Arcanaville from another thread... but I have no alternative to, at the very least, getting the message to her. My account is premium, so I can't reply in that forum and I can't write PMs. I attempted to write an in game email, but it turns out that the character limit there was way too low for what I was trying to convey (it complained at me to remove ~2100 characters when the entire message was ~2700).

    So, yeah, really sorry about this. (I cannot describe how annoying the limited forum access is.)


    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Because it would imply gauntlet does nothing.
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    Against a single target, it does nothing.
    Which would be relevant in the context of the statement "Brutes hold aggro against a single target as well as Tankers do." Against the more general statement, its lack of relevance without extremely strong evidence to support it makes the assertion lack foundation, which is the definition of a weak statement.
    I believe the aoe portion of Gauntlet is overrated. All it does is generate an AoE taunt pulse that deals no damage, has a variable radius, and can miss. While this is extra AoE threat a Brute does not have, it is insignificant next to the extra damage output a Brute deals.


    Threat = DMG * (TauntDurationRemaining*1000) * ThreatMod * AI Preferences * RangeMod * Debuffs

    I'll assume that AI Preferences, RangeMod, and Debuffs will be static, which reduces the fomula to:

    Threat = DMG * (TauntDurationRemaining*1000) * ThreatMod

    We also know that a taunt effect applied that deals no damage functions as if it did one damage. That further simplifies the equation to:

    Threat = (TauntDurationRemaining*1000) * ThreatMod

    So a Tanker, with a ThreadMod of 4, would deal 4*TauntDurationRemaining with Gauntlet's aoe. That would be anywhere from 54,000 (13.5*1000*4) to 320,000 (80*1000*4, slotted Taunt) threat per application. If the player attacked once every 1.25 sec, that would be 43,200 to 256,000 threat per second. Over the course of 10 seconds, that would be 432,000 to 2,560,000 threat (note the high end would never be met since TauntDurationRemaining would be decreasing each second).

    That sounds like a lot... except that is is the equivalent to dealing 8 extra damage. I'm serious.

    Threat = 8 * (13.5*1000) * 4 = 432,000
    Threat = 8 * (80*1000) * 4 = 2,560,000

    Assuming a modest 60% Fury, that equates to roughly a 51.4% dmg edge over Tankers (no Bruising, aoe is the key here, and Bruising would boost Brute damage equally anyways). That's guaranteed to generate more than 8 damage for this example. Further, Gauntlet is limited by the number of activations performed - more power activations, more Gauntlet threat. Brute's aoe threat is dependent upon their damage, which can be increased far more significantly than activations/sec.

    So, yeah.... Gauntlet sucks. I have never, never seen Gauntlet effect my threat. I can never remember it once turning a mob away from a Brute or Scrapper due to it.

    [edit: Gauntlet's best case 10s threat generation of 2,560,000 is the equivalent of ~47.4 damage against a target with 13.5s duration (ie: a target the Brute hasn't Taunted).]
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
    It's actually a bit less than a 20% (base) damage boost on account of the fact that you can't quite achieve 100% uptime with Bruising, right?
    Aside from the first attack you make against an enemy, I'm pretty sure that a new application of bruising replaces the old one, so you can keep it up afterwards.
    Actually, I'm pretty sure it doesn't. Most of the effects that grant the foe a debuff it uses on itself don't work that way. New applications are simply lost until the prior one expires.
    When Bruising was first introduced in Beta, it wouldn't reapply until it fell off. This was a significant performance loss, since:

    1) Using the t1 attack too early would leave it on recharge when Bruising fell off, leading to low uptime.
    2) Holding off using the t1 attack could potentially cause issues with an attack chain (some t1 attacks are better than others, and this would effect lowbie/non-IOed Tankers especially).
    3) If you missed, there would be downtime as well.

    It was later changed to refresh the duration if reapplied early. I tested it after the change was made and confirmed it.

    Whether or not it still does, I don't know. I haven't tried testing it in a while.

    Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
    One thing you didn't point out: in a team situation, Bruising buffs everyone's damage by 20%, not just the tanker's. I'm not sure what that means in the grand scheme, but it's interesting.
    True, but only for one Tanker at a time.

    Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
    You and I both know the playerbase would riot if brute was nerfed heavily enough to make Brutes look "less like tanks" at the caps. Besides, it would introduce another problem: if Brute resistance caps were reduced, they'd have to gain damage, because their peak damage is measurably behind Scrappers or Stalkers (as it presently should be).
    Brutes are still more survivable than Scrappers, though. They have extra hp (~12% more survivability there) as well as higher caps (at 85%, that would amount to taking 60% the damage of a Scrapper at their 75% cap).

    No matter how you look at it, Brutes has way more perks than other ATs.

    * They have the second highest base hp and hp caps in the game.
    * They have the highest res caps in the game.
    * They have the same threat mod and taunt durations as a Tanker.
    * Taunt, not Confront.
    * They have taunt built into all their auras and attacks. (No aoe gauntlet on single target attacks, but that effect is extremely weak.)
    * Non-trivial damage output.
    * Fury effects powers that can't crit (ie: damage auras).

    Their high damage cap is a pro (a lot of breathing room for +dmg effects), but also has a con (very low base damage), so it's a bit of a wash.

    They're, essentially, the perfect AT to benefit from the power creep going on - not just in Incarnate abilities, but also the prior change to make single target buffs aoe.

    Note: I didn't say Brute are the most powerful AT, it could be argued that buffers/debuffers are that, I said they benefit most from the power creep.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
    I'm actually pretty inclined to say that maybe Tanker BASE damage is what should go up here (to 0.9).
    -It would be giving Tankers higher damage out of the gate which is something I don't think should happen.
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
    Obviously, any increase in Tanker damage has to be minor; but if you boosted their base scalar to .9 instead of .8 and then gave them the 500% damage cap Scrappers/Stalkers get, they'd be competitive while still being reasonably behind.
    500% cap with a .9 modifier, I wouldn't complain.
    Wait, what?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    That's actually false. Both debuffs and damage can saturate. Ask any debuffer what happens when damage exceeds a certain critical level: they end up deploying debuffs on corpses. And while damage doesn't saturate in the same way, it quickly reaches a diminishing returns area due to the discrete nature of damage. You cannot decrease the time to defeat a spawn by a fraction of one attack.

    At the point where damage and debuffs reach diminishing returns levels, the optimum strategy is to split the team into two groups. This requires two separate aggro control sources to do effectively.
    In absolute terms you're right, debuffs and damage can saturate - at least in some circumstances such as AoE steamrolling through content. Having said that, they saturate much slower than tanking does. How many damage dealers does it take to be able to wipe out a spawn so fast that an extra damage dealer doesn't help? Come to think of it, when things get pushed to that extreme, "tanking" itself becomes less useful and you just need someone to eat the spawns' initial alpha.

    As for splitting the group, I don't personally see that as an especially useful tactic in general. Progressing through a mission is fairly linear and doesn't really encourage going in two separate directions. What is useful to me is steamrolling where the majority of the team sticks together and blows away spawn after spawn. You only 'need' one tank for that - they can leave the current spawn early and setup the next one while the group mops up and catches up.

    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Moreover, while damage is always useful, its also something everyone actually always has. It is *far* more likely for a team to lack enough aggro control to function effectively than to lack enough damage to function effectively.
    Saying "everyone has damage" is like saying "everyone has endurance." Yes, they "have" it. But your statement leaves me cold, because multiple sources of high damage is massively more important than multiple sources of tanking ability in accomplishing the majority of goals the game throws at you.
    I'm with Oedipus on this.

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    In that situation fighting one AV, how many Blasters do you need? How many Scrappers? A debuffing defender is often incrementally better than a blaster or scrapper in that situation specifically, even if we focus purely on offense.
    It's not how many you "need," it's how many are useful. While a debuffing Defender is usually better than a Blaster or Scrapper against AVs, all three are better than a second or third Tanker (accounting for unique fight mechanics).
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    That implies that the problem with tankers is that they are not force multipliers, or lack team utility. But how do you justify saying that tankers, with their aggro control tools, lack team utility while blasters and scrappers, without even that team role, don't have the same or worse problem?
    Here's the problem I have with Tanker's utility:

    *) Tanking, as a role, saturates quickly. You don't 'need' as many of them as you do other roles. For example, if you're fighting an AV, you may need 1, possibly two tanks (depending on mechanics like sequestering). After that, additional tanking provides no extra utility. Debuffs are always useful; damage is always useful, control can saturate, but is still useful for redudancy. Tanking... not so much. Heck, the one debuff Tankers provides doesn't even stack from different casters.

    *) Tankers are well behind Brutes in terms of threat generation to the point that they cannot outthreat them if the Brute wants aggro. Even if Tankers are better at surviving damage than Brutes, they have to have aggro to do that in the first place. (I don't have issues with a Brute trying to hold aggro out-threating a Tanker who doesn't.)

    *) Survival as a primary is most useful either when leveling up (having mature defenses before Brutes/Scrappers) or in single teams that aren't power gamed (ie: stacking Colds & Rads for the STF). The more high end you go, the more irrelevvant base defenses become due to buffs (now AoE and league sizes), debuffs, IOs, and Incarnate abilities.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't think Tankers are terrible. Their perks just tend to "cap out" sooner / become irrelevent and they don't have anything to fall back on.

    I thought Blasters and Stalkers needed more help than Tankers, but I think it's safe to cross off Stalkers now.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    Yeah. Arwen Darkblade has stolen aggro from Major Decoy. Not in a way that using taunt wouldn't get it right back, but I needed to use taunt, despite attacking constantly. Granted, I didn't have Rage active, and a Super Strength tank without Rage active is very low on the spectrum of tanker damage, but the point remains that a scrapper was stealing aggro.
    Note that I left out a lot of aspects of the threat equation in my above post. Not all taunt auras, even ones with the same duration, are equal. Debuffs are actually threat multipliers in and of themselves. This is why AAO is superior to Invincibility, even though their durations are identical.

    Fun fact: Damage and resistance debuffs are actually 8 debuffs each, one for each damage type. This is why AAO is one of the best taunt auras in the game.

    (No, Bruising doesn't count since the mob applies the debuff to itself.)

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    I think a safer bet than further monkeying with Brute (or anyone else's) damage or mitigation levels would be to try and ensure that a Tanker was far and away the king of aggro, along the lines of the math Sarrate mentioned earlier in the thread. Yes, a Brute can stand in for a Tanker, and perhaps too well, but at least let a Tanker clearly be in command of aggro when they are present. Some people play the meatshield not because it's the "right" ratio of damage to toughness, but because they really enjoy doing that. Let them do it it with authority when they take on that mantle.
    Another possibility occured to me that wouldn't involve messing with taunt durations: increasing the Tanker threat mod from 4 to 6 or 7 (50-75% threat increase). Of course, that still leads us down the path of threat inflation...
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    Tankers hold aggro like no other
    If you're just talking about threat, then you're mistaken. Brutes hold the crown for threat generation, and depending on circumstances, Scrappers can win, too.

                       Brute    Scrapper       Tanker
    Threat Mod           4           3           4
    *Modified Dmg Mod    2.5125      2.358       1.56
    Taunt/Confront      41          23.1        41
    Long Aura Duration  16.875      16.875      16.875
    Aura Duration       13.5        13.5        13.5
    * Modified Dmg Mod is DmgMod * Enhancements * Bonus
      Brute Bonus    == 1.4 for 70% Fury; (this actually gets added into enhancements and not multiplied afterwords.)
      Scrapper Bonus == 1.075 for crits
      Tanker         == No bonus since Bruising would help Brutes/Scrappers, too
    Threat Build Chart
    Brute    Taunt (slotted): 803.5
    Tanker   Taunt (slotted): 498.9
    Brute    Taunt          : 412.0
    Scrapper Taunt (slotted): 318.6
    Tanker   Taunt          : 255.8
    Brute    Long Aura      : 169.6
    Scrapper Taunt          : 163.4
    Brute    Aura           : 135.7
    Scrapper Long Aura      : 119.4
    Tanker   Long Aura      : 105.3
    Scrapper Aura           :  95.5
    Tanker   Aura           :  84.2
    Threat Build == Threat Mod * Modified Dmg Mod * Taunt Effect Duration
    Note: Scrappers beat Tankers w/o Taunt, and they only lose there because Confront is inferior to Taunt. Brutes always win against Tankers. In fact, Brutes with a standard 13.5s aura win out against Tankers with longer auras (16.875s). Tankers are not the threat kings people mistake them for.

    ...I really need to get around to writing that threat guide.

    [edit: The [ code ] tags still don't use unisized fonts? Gah!]

    Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
    I would be incredibly disappointed if unresistable, unavoidable damage was added with tanker's in mind, rather than mistakenly ignoring the effect on tankers when targeting things not supposed to have the level of survivablility. Brutes; sure. Scrappers; yeah. Blasters;definitely. Tankers? Heck no. They're supposed to take damage better than other classes. They trade their AT damage scale for their AT resistance/Defense mods. The only way I'd buy that there should be Damage that ignores their resistance is if a trial is added where the only way to kill specific, required enemies is by using a Temp power that does the same damage no matter what AT uses it.
    I say it's more likely aimed at Tankers because of how their survivability ramps up. Think about it this way, a Blaster has 1204.8 hp base, Tankers have 1874. That's a survivability advandate of ~55.5% just on raw hitpoints. HP capped, a Blaster has a meager 1606.4 and a Tanker has 3534, a survivability edge of ~120%.

    It gets even worse when you start throwing reistance in the mix. Suppose a Blaster with base hp and 25% resistance, an effective hp pool of 1606.4. A Tanker with base hp would have 33.33% resistance, and an effective hp pool of 2811.2. That's a survivability bonus of 75%. Pull that same stunt at capped hp and the difference jumps to 148%.

    These are pretty low numbers, compare the extreme, hp & res capped Blaster vs the same on a Tanker. The Blaster would have an effective hp pool of 6425.6 while the Tanker sports an effective hp pool of 35,340, or an additional 450% survivability.

    If you're a designer trying to make a dangerous attack, what number do you use? If it's just dangerous to a Blaster, it will tickle a Tanker. Make it dangerous to a Tanker, it could insta-gib a Blaster.

    Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
    Doesn't the WP aura last like 3s, and it was found that a tanker couldn't Taunt (ranged taunt) an enemy off? I can't remember what was going on with that, or if I got that right, I don't know if you remember the details on that or not.
    RttC is actually 1.25s.

    Threat mechanics are incredibly complex and haven't been fully explained (because of their complexity), but range does play a role - the farther away you are, the less threat you generate. Also, taunt effects, while they generate threat in and of themselves, are mainly threat multipliers. It's far more effective to Taunt something then hit it with a damaging attack than it is to just spam Taunt. It is also easier to hold aggro than it is to steal it. We've been told that stealing aggro requires building up double the threat the current target has.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
    Seriously, make tankers the Ultimate survivable characters in Trial content (I.E allowing them to resist unresistable damage, and now that I think of it avoid autohit damage), and remove Scrapper's and Brute's ability to taunt outside Taunt itself, Confront, and pressence powers.
    Personally, I think that unresisitible damage was added to actually hurt characters that could get near/hit their resistance caps. By allowing Tankers to resist unresistible damage, it would dilute the effect for the AT it was most likely targetted at.

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    That doesn't seem to follow, to me. If it's a multiplier (which matches my understanding), they could make the Tanker have the larger multiplier. I don't understand it to be a fixed multiplier shared among ATs.
    Just to be clear, the multiplier is based off the taunt effect's duration, so in order to make Tanker's have threat parity with Brutes and some Scrappers, Tanker taunt effects would need to be on the order of 50-66% longer than they are now to account for it. In other words:

    Standard taunt auras: 13.5s -> 20.25s / 22.41s
    Long taunt auras: 16.875 -> 25.31s / 28s
    Taunt: 41s -> 61.5s / 68s

    That's unslotted duration, mind you.

    Given how much extra threat taunting characters swim in compared to tauntless characters, I think it would make more sense to lower Brute/Scrapper taunt mods rather than increase Tankers. Seriously, taunt auras that lasted 8-9s should still be plenty of extra threat to offtank / stop runners.

    Btw, Gauntlet is pretty crumby. AoE Gauntlet produces less AoE threat than single target Gauntlet with harder hitting AoEs, especially since the AoEs apply taunt, anyways.

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    In any case, it seems to me that the issue (when there is one) is not one of Brutes simply stealing aggro from Tankers. If a Brute steals aggro and dies, then the Tanker can still step in. The issue is that the Brute can steal aggro and usually survive it, which means the Tanker didn't need to be there to start with.
    Yep; in other games, even if a character could purposefully outthreat the tank, they didn't want to because it meant they died. (Note that is just an observation on other games, not a comment about CoX.)
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Coincidentally, the same thing happened to me.

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Actually, 13.3dps (modifier). In this simplified analysis, the brute must deal 13.3dps more than the tanker *and* 1.33x tanker damage on top of that with AoEs large enough to encompass most of the targets the tanker is affecting nearby the tanker. That's actually not trivial. The breakeven point when comparing identical AoE attacks is about 40dps or so (for the tanker, or 67 dps for the brute), and that's not easy to generate with just large area of effect attacks. I don't think that is within the reach of most tanker secondaries or brute primaries short of very high recharge builds.
    I'm not following where you got the 13.3dps and 1.33x numbers. Could you please explain?

    (I wish I had more time to respond to people, but I'm kinda pressed atm.)
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
    So can the scrapper, the defender, the dominator, the corruptor, the mastermind and-

    This is about how tanks don't have a unique role, right?
    No, there is a difference between not having a unique role and having that role stolen from them.

    For example, the buff/debuff role isn't unique; there are three. Evne so, a Defender on a team isn't prevented from performing that role by a Corruptor.

    The same cannot be said for tanking; there is a much smaller niche for tanking. Once someone is tanking, you don't need someone else performing it. A Tanker who wants to tank and is doing everything they can (solid build, good attack chain, utilizing Taunt) can have their threat surpassed by a Brute.

    That is the problem. Tankers are designed to hold aggro and take less damage than anyone when punched in the face. They can't be punched in the face without holding aggro.

    This is a terrible example, but I can't get it out of my head:
    * Imagine Defender buffs/debuffs are stronger than Corruptors. (Easy, they are.)
    * Imagine that Defender buffs/debuffs don't stack with one another. (ie: One Lingering Radiation for all Defenders.)
    * Imagine that Corruptor buffs/debuffs do stack with on another.
    * Further, Corruptor buffs/debuffs take precedence.

    Defenders have better mods than a Corruptor at buffs/debuffs (likewise with Tankers and Brute mitigation).
    Despite those mods, Corruptors stack better than Defenders because their debuffs stack (likewise, Brute damage stacks better than Tankers)
    Defenders who enjoy buffing/debuffing can be left unable to perform that role (likewise with Tankers and Brute threat).

    It's a contrived example, but it captures the essence of a Tanker's inability to hold aggro.

    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    Maybe Tankers taunt should be increased, I mean why not, what harm could that do? Decreasing Widow, Scrapper or Brutes taunt = Harm so I am not advocating that but increasing Tankers I could live with, although autowinlike. It's only really with AVs I could end up thinking I should of brought my scrapper let alone brute.
    You have to be careful with this "only buff" mentality, it's not sustainable.

    The reason I'm not worried about the "HARM" effect of lowering Brute/Scrapper taunt durations (note that auras/Gauntlet/Gaunlet-lite and Taunt/Confront use different tables) is that the only thing they really compete with is each other. A 7.5s taunt effect is generating a 7,500x multiplier in addition to threat for just applying that taunt. Further, since the equation uses (Longest)TauntRemaining, someone using Taunt is already overriding the duration of auras/Gauntlet/Gauntlet-lite.

    Also, if you want a Tanker to generate an equal amount of threat to a Brute, their taunt durations would need to be X% longer than they are now:

    Brute as 60% Fury: 51.44%
    Brute at 80% Fury: 70.67%
    Brute & Tanker Damage Capped: 81.64%

    That range would place Tanker Taunt in the 62 to 74 sec duration base (current is 41s). On the other hand, that would place Brute Taunt in the 27 to 22.6 sec range. For comparison, Scrapper Confront is 21.3 sec, and I know you've tanked on a Scrapper (ThreatMod 3 instead of 4) with that.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    I don't see why this would be a problem if Tankers got comparable damage potential to Brutes in the same way.
    When an AT is causing balance issues, you don't propagate those same problems to another AT.

    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Again, I don't see this as a problem as long as the enemy is not on the squishies. A Tanker using Taunt still trumps a Brute that isn't, right? Well, if Brutes chose to pull aggro into themselves in that way, that's their call. They do put it to use for Fury, after all.
    A Tanker who uses Taunt and a Brute does not, yet. If the Brute Taunts, then no.

    The problem is the Brute can take over the Tanker's role and there isn't anything the Tanker can do about it.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BunnyAnomaly View Post
    We're getting all rather sidetracked with the Taunt discussion (although I'm very curious about how it is meant to work), but I feel I need to question how this formula is derived.

    Firstly, how was this formula discovered? Was it given on the forums at some stage by a Dev?
    I don't consider it a sidetrack, I think it's critical to understand that the "Tankers are best at holding aggro" statement is a myth. If it were true, there would be less of a balance problem.

    Having said that, this formula is based off information that Castle posted on the forums after doing some code diving with Ghost Widow. Having said that, he was also keen on making sure we understood that the equation is a simplification of what is really happening. The formula you see above doesn't exist in that form in the code.

    Originally Posted by BunnyAnomaly View Post
    Secondly, it falls apart for all aggro generation that doesn't deal damage.

    Hit anything with a taunt or debuff/control at the start of a fight that deals no damage and the formula says Threat = 0, because Damage is 0. However this is clearly untrue.

    I read later in the thread the inelegant explanation that Taunts "effectively deal 1 damage". I call it inelegant because it doesn't fit the formula which puts the whole thing into jeopardy. What sort of aggro does a debuff generate? Because they certainly do give threat, but the formula doesn't explain it at all.
    Be that as it may, Taunt = 1 damage is how it works.

    Debuffs are also a threat multiplier, but that starts getting into the murky water I mentioned above. (I tried to figure it out once, even asked Castle about it, but there was no simple answer for it.) I will say, however, that the more attribute you debuff, the stronger the threat modifier.

    That's why damage and resistance debuffs are such potent multipliers - they each debuff 8 attributes (smash, lethal, energy, neg energy, fire, cold, tox, psi). You really notice it when trying to out tank Shield characters, or why, say, a Dark Defender can tick off mobs so well at low levels. :P
  21. I had a nice reply typed out earlier and the forum going down ate it... Grr, okay, let's try this again.

    Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
    You mean in a perfect situation.
    (trimmed for breivity, no other reason)

    It doesn't take the perfect situation for it to happen. To be clear, I'm not saying it happens all the time.

    When Brutes were first released, I don't think the imblance was a big deal. Even GR, in and of itself, wouldn't have been a big deal. There have been a lot of little changes over time that have made Brutes more and more problematic, and I can only see it getting worse. Let me explain:

    When IOs were first released, there were a lot of options available - defense included, but there were significant restrictions that prevented mass defense stacking. Over time, multiple changes were made to defensive set bonuses (positional / typed cross over, grouped type bonuses, stronger typed bonuses), more set bonuses were added, etc. This paved the way for more and more people to stack +def. At first, this was a boon for Tankers, who had bigger defense mods. Due to the non-linear nature of mitigation stacking, they could reap the rewards well. As things progressed, it got to the point where more and more people could soft cap - even sets with no inherent defense to begin with. The Tanker's larger defensive mods started going to waste.

    Then came Incranate Abilities. First was Cardiac with its resistance enhancement, but Resilience (I think?) is coming and it's even stronger. There is also Destinty to consider, for example Barrier's persistent +def/+res.

    Also with Incarnates came Leagues. This brought more buff/debuff potential to bear. It was, however, limited as I doubt buffers would spend time buffing the entire league. Since then, buffs were changed to be AoE. This means that it doesn't even take as much effort by the buffer to apply it to people outside their team. Just stand in a large group, and there is a strong chance buffers will focus their attention there. (I know I tended to on my Kin. And do note that it was a huge QOL change for buffers. I'm not saying that it wasn't justified, just the consequences of it.)

    These little changes, by themselves, aren't bad. It's their cumulative effect. Brute Invuln, for example, never used to be able to hit the Scrapper res cap, let alone the Tanker one. These changes are pushing them closer and closer to being able to hardcap s/l permanently. Does everyone build that way? No. Is everyone IOed/"purpled" out? No. I'm not daft.

    We're only halfway through the Incarnate system, though. I don't see this trend reversing.

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    The other difference is that Tanker inherent taunt is AoE on single target attacks: its not on Brute attacks. Tankers were designed to affect more targets with inherent taunting.
    That's how they're designed, or more acurately, that's what may be intended. In practice, however, that's not how things work out. The AoE effect of Gauntlet is extremely weak. Let me explain:

    Threat = ThreatMultiplier * Damage * (TauntRemaining * 1000) * ((Debuffs and AI Preferences here))

    Let's drop debuffs and AI Preferences, since they're the same for both ATs. So the variables we're left with are:

    Threat = ThreatMultiplier * Damage * (TauntRemaining * 1000) * (...)

    Where am I going with this? Taunt effects, in and of themselves, are 1 damage attacks. So, if I have 40s of taunt on a target, a gauntlet effect would be worth 160,000 threat. Suppose a Tanker attacks every 1s for 10s. That'd be a total of 1,600,000 threat from Gauntlet. (Technically, it would be less, since every second would reduce the TauntRemaining, but I'm being really simple here.) With equivalent TauntRemaining, it would take just 10 damage to equal Gauntlet's AoE threat.

    As you say, a Brute only has Gauntlet-lite... but I sure as hell bet their AoEs deal more than an additional 10 dmg over a Tanker every 10s.

    Anecdotally, I can't remember ever seeing Gauntlet sway a mob against an AT with taunts. Taunt? Yes. Taunt + Damage? Yes. Gauntlet? Never.
    Against an AT without taunt effects? It doesn't matter because they're trivially easy to hold aggro over.

    Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
    I don't really see the problem with Brutes having a higher overall threat generation, Tankers are better at gathering AoE aggro and Brutes are better at generating higher overall threat per target.

    There has to be space for each of them coexist in this dynamic, for the simple fact of how intrinsic aggro is to Fury.

    I also do not see Brutes taunt-spamming, and while they might generate more threat on a single target in an extended fight, like an AV for example, I've had no problem playing hot potato with the AVs on BAF with Tanker & Brute leaguemates.

    Does the Tanker have to use Taunt in that situation? Yes most likely.

    Do I think all Tankers should always have Taunt? I think you can live without it, but its an exceptionally useful and powerful tool, that I would never skip.

    However if someone really wants to be great at aggro control, and they refuse to take taunt, they'll have a hard time getting sympathy from me.
    Getting back to you, Deus, as you can see, your assumption is faulty. Tankers do not have the advantage in AoE threat. Tankers are at a threat disadvantage compared to Brutes. Honestly, the one thing that Tankers have over Brutes is an AoE -range debuff rather than single target.

    Before I continue, don't misunderstand me, I don't think a Tanker having "iwin" threat is ideal. I like the idea of having to put some effort into threat. Likewise, I don't think Tankers should be the only AT that can stand up to an AV. That essentially destroys the game's entire heritage. I don't have an issue with a Brute putting more effort into tanking (like Taunting mobs, etc) and pulling aggro over a Tanker who is just scrapper-locked. That's fine.

    No, my frustration is multi-faceted:

    *) Brutes can deal more damage than a Tanker. Cool, they're supposed to be between a Scrapper and Tank.
    *) Brutes can tank. No biggie.
    *) Brutes stack better than a Tanker. Damage rarely goes out of style and Bruising doesn't stack. Ookay.
    *) Brutes can hit Tanker survivability numbers. (Some easier than others, be it builds, teams, etc.) This is progressively getting easier. Err...
    *) Brutes generate more threat than a Tanker. Wait, what?

    So, Tankers have higher defense mods, otherwise they really don't have anything going for them over a Brute.

    Do you see where I'm going with this? I can't help but feel like something has to give. What's worse is I can't say that Tankers are underpowered. They're very tough and forgivable when solo, so Tankers don't have to deal with much debt. They don't have any finicky prerequisites to deal damage like squishies (Defenders/Controllers/Corruptors) do. They don't have to deal with status effects. They have a (non-stacking...) force multiplier. They really aren't bad... but they're (one of) the easiest to render redundant, especially at end game.

    (For the record: I have been turned down from Incarnate trials because they didn't want/need another Tanker. BAF no less...)
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    The irony here is, according to Sarrate anyway, that lack of damage (and Brutes even existing for that matter) is the source of both problems.
    It's not that simple. There are several ways to look at it, such as:
    • Tankers don't deal enough damage to equal Brutes in threat generation.
      Problem: The only way to make them equal by damage balancing is to make Tankers deal as much damage as Brutes.

    • Tanker's don't generate long enough taunt durations.
      Problem: I don't think constantly raising the performance ceiling is sustainable. Further, I think taunt effects generate an absurd amount of threat as it is. This would exasperate the problem.

    • Brutes (and to a lesser extent, Scrappers) have taunt durations that are too long.
      This is my personal view. I am, obviously, biased.

    There are more options than just those, too. An AT's ThreadModifier is another variable that could be tweaked up or down. A combination of the two is another possibility.

    I don't think that Brutes simply existing is a problem, but their design (intended or unintended) to have massive performance ceilings in a game with the strongest buff/debuffs I've ever seen which actually allows them to realize their potential, is.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    They already are. They have the best survivability of all the ATs, no matter how close the second place is, and they already pull and hold aggro better than anyone by far. Nobody wants the 'aggro crown'. Nobody takes the Presence pool for any reason other than the Fear powers. They already ARE the best person to do the job and nobody else even WANTS the job. The hours suck, the pay is poor and Scrappers and Brutes keep stealing your food out of the break room fridge.
    Brutes generate more threat than Tankers do. Tankers can hold aggro over them if they Taunt and the Brute does not. If neither Taunts, the Brute wins. If both Taunt, the Brute wins.

    Threat = ThreatMultiplier * Damage * (TauntRemaining * 1000) * ((Debuffs and AI Preferences here))

    Brutes and Tankers have the same ThreatMultiplier (4) and taunt durations (for both Gauntlet/Gauntlet-lite and Taunt) which leaves damage as the only difference, of which Brutes are superior.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I know they count as something, but I don't specifically remember the dev statement that they count as 1 dmg attacks in the aggro formula. And believe me: its theoretically possible to yank aggro from something that is just taunting if you dump enough damage into it. *I* yanked aggro once from a tanker taunting Hamidon. Whatever I did, even after I stopped attacking for a whole minute while phase shifted, as soon as I popped out Hamidon opened fire on me and me alone for a few more shots.
    Silly question, but was the Tanker using Taunt or Provoke? (I was on a raid where the Tanker was using Provoke. Not fun.) Also, what AT/powersets were you playing at the time?

    I know that it's theoretically possible, but even unslotted Taunt is worth over 41,000 threat (41s * 1,000 * X for the range debuff, though that wasn't present in your above example).

    The only time I ever have aggro issues is when dealing with other ATs with taunt effects (Brutes, some Scrappers).

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Aggro is strange, because there's weirdness in the AI that I think still hasn't seen the light of day yet. Back when I was testing taunt and aggro, I discovered that if you actually try the obvious experiment: have a tanker taunt the target and another character try to yank aggro away by hitting the target with as much damage as possible (without killing it) the target will often run away completely. I hypothesized at the time that what was happening was the AI wanted to attack the shooter, the aggro mechanics were "forcing" it to attack the taunter, and when the AI couldn't attack who it wanted to attack for a long enough period of time a timer went off and the AI assumed that it was somehow incapacitated or neutralized (because it couldn't attack who it wanted to attack) and that triggered a flee response.
    True, there are still several things with regards to threat that have never been explained, such as how threat decays.

    The other, very strange, thing is that Taunt MAG doesn't really seem to behave as expected, either, considering Lord Recluse has MAG 100 Taunt protection and 1,000% Taunt resistance, but Tankers can still tank him with Taunt.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    You can guarantee that by actually hitting the boss with an attack. If you don't, then even with unlimited aggro caps and taunt, aggro can still be stolen from you. Taunt amplifies the hate generated by damage. Taunt without damage doesn't do anything unless you happen to be the only thing around to attack.

    In either event, increasing the aggro limit just to allow tankers to control two full spawns seems to be addressing a problem that doesn't demand attention. No other archetype is specifically designed to single-handedly handle an entire add-in spawn.
    Just to be sure, are you talking about Taunt doing nothing but adding a threat modifier in the aggro capped case or general case. In the former, you are right, by itself it won't push any other mobs off the 17 aggro limit. If you're talking about the general case, then you're mistaken. Taunt (and other 0 damage taunt effects like Invincibility) count as an (1 dmg) attack themselves.**

    It's why an Invuln character can do nothing but stand next to a mob and ensure that a Blaster won't be attacked. Old school Hamidon tanks spamming Taunt preventing the hold team from getting obliterated.

    (I assume you know this, but I can't be certain based off how your post is worded.)

    ** I can try to dig up the quote from CoD's Dev Digest later, if necessary.