Son of the Regen Lounge: Sit a spell!




and even Parry became useless as it didn't matter what hit you (even Hami!) you could regen faster than they could dish out damage.

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How did you do this? In I4, my claws/regen scrapper could not survive one hit from the AV, even with dull pain. Hence regen rate meant nothing if my HP were not enough to survive the max punch.

Then again, I didn't mess around with tough and weave. Now I did, on test server, respec such that the monsters on the northern islands of Perrigrine could not kill me in one hit (if one at a time), but even with 6 SO ++ damages, I could not damage them fast enough to kill them, so I still could not solo a monster.

"Hey! You knocked generic cola all over your precious D20 books!"

ED: Now I know how Nancy Kerrigan felt: "Why...?!? Why...?!?"



Well we're boogered. Looks like Regen is still the best secondary. Expect more nerfs in I6.

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ROFL. It's too bad we are getting nerfed.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I need some positive assurance here. Does anyone really believe that they are going to leave QR alone?

The facts:

1. Rest recharge reduced to less than a 1/3 of its original recharge

2. Vigilance

3. Endurance reductions all over the place.


I think they're setting up either a massive positive change that would make Stamina truly optional. In such a world, QR might be seen as overpowered.


they are setting up "teh ubar nerf" of Stamina and QR and if we don't like it we can go [censored by me] ourselves.


all of the above plus a nerf to Dull Pain for questioning their intentions.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Wait, wait, Regen Nerfed? In Issue6? Come on now, they'll skip Issue 6 and then hit us in 7. Why? I don't know, probably because we weren't Nerfed or changed or adjusted in I2.

I forsee

Stamina should not have been "required" for most every build to feel "successful." We are therefore reducing the enhancable portion by 50%.
Regen/Quick Recovery:
Combined with Stamina this power ensured the Regen would never run out of End. With the removal of IH as a toggle there is no need for such End Recovery. Instead QR's End Recovery will be unenhancable but will come with resistance to End Drain and -End Regen powers.
Dull Pain:
It was never our intention to let this power be permable. We own you! Now it will have a recharge of 10 minutes just like every other Regen power.

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Oh and put Stone in the simulator. Stone has won many many more times than Regen!



Besides, if they do leave us alone here in COH land, they will just start in on regen over in COV.

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they already did. It doesn't have Quick Recovery.

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Thats a bad sign for us for I#6 pre-CoV/CoV-merge



i have a feeling that cov regen and coh regen will play really differently. i'm already formulating builds that would look simply assinine in CoH that may or may not be effective in CoV.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



i have a feeling that cov regen and coh regen will play really differently. i'm already formulating builds that would look simply assinine in CoH that may or may not be effective in CoV.

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Playing differently because they have different powersets is logical and OK.

Nerfing CoH regen to make sure its "balanced" with CoV regen would be not OK and illogical ... which of course increases its chances of happening.



i don't think i have to tell you that your suspicions are well-founded my friend . but i'll give you some positive reassurance if you want it. i honestly don't think qr is out of balance. i just think that some of our old favorite uses of it have disappeared. the loss of those uses counters our new-found endurance in my eyes. i see that as balanced. if they make a move at this point to reduce qr then they'll be effectively doing a number of things in my eyes:

1) if they reduce qr but not also all scrapper primary and secondary power endurance costs then they'll effectively be saying that they left part of their regen adjustments on the table in i5. at this point they'd have to come out with some good explanations and admit to error there i think.
2) they'll be going against the spirit of the set to some extent. after all, they created the spirit of low downtime in regen. if it wasn't on purpose then it was one honking big accident.
3) if endurance is reduced across the board then i could see a justifiable reduction in long as when the dust settles we net the same relative amount of endurance (compared to power cost) as we do now.
4) i don't think qr's buff # was originally intended primarily for ih as a toggle. even though ih now being a click leaves us with surplus endurance. i think that the new ih is making us feel guilty for having extra endurance. but on the other hand, we lost not only potency in the set in i5 (understandable) but also flexibility with ih being in a more static form now (not as understandable, to me at least). i think we are paying for our qr just fine.
5) there are much bigger balance fish to fry at this point than powers in regen. sr's effectiveness is still very much questionable, at least in our eyes. they have to address this fully. they are, slowly. in the midst of large balance issues like that, if they somehow justify a reduction in qr but don't at the same time make some of the other adjustments that we know they really do need to make to buff other secondaries then it'll at least make for a strange set of priorities.

when the devs signed the dotted line on regen in i5, i heard in my ears that they considered the overall potency of the set--including qr--as balanced. unless they do something at this point to drastically change the endurance game and so then force a qr change...then they will have some explaining to do.

heheh, it's funny. i know what you're thinking. this kind of reasoning could have been used in every other issue before. but what's different now...states came out and said they acknowledge the regen situation they've created, and they are now actively engaged in minimizing changes spread out over time.



1) if they reduce qr but not also all scrapper primary and secondary power endurance costs then they'll effectively be saying that they left part of their regen adjustments on the table in i5. at this point they'd have to come out with some good explanations and admit to error there i think.

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Why? they've nerfed, said things were fine then nerfed again, and again, and again, all with no explanation


2) they'll be going against the spirit of the set to some extent. after all, they created the spirit of low downtime in regen. if it wasn't on purpose then it was one honking big accident.

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Against the spirit of the set? See: Moment of Glory, see: repeated nerfs to regen powers, see: -regen attacks that are waaaaay overpowered, see: reduced effectiveness of powers with no reduction of End cost, to name a few.


5) there are much bigger balance fish to fry at this point than powers in regen. sr's effectiveness is still very much questionable, at least in our eyes. they have to address this fully. they are, slowly. in the midst of large balance issues like that, if they somehow justify a reduction in qr but don't at the same time make some of the other adjustments that we know they really do need to make to buff other secondaries then it'll at least make for a strange set of priorities.

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Regen has been nerfed over and over with lame "unparalleled", "no one should be able to solo an AV" and other excuses while other AT builds since I#2 and currently can still solo AVs and outperform scrappers as a whole and regen in particular ... yet its regen that still gets the bat, the "strange set of priorities" has been in place a long time.



I agree. They will always find a way to nerf regen.

stateman's nerf bat has auto-hit when it comes to regens.

They need to add a scatter effect and take away it's stealth so we can run when we see it coming.

Oh wait, they supressed our superspeed, damn....can'!!!



i know. every time you took the brunt of the bat, i took it too. every time. we've got 2 choices--throw in the towel or keep scrapping. it's been anything but easy, but you already know what my choice is. for a scrapper, there is only one real choice.



pffft. severe case of battered player syndrome is what that is. how many times will you take a kick in the nuts before you walk away from it? The only answer should be once. Staying for abuse ain't being a scrapper. That's being a whupped puppy.



pffft. severe case of battered player syndrome is what that is. how many times will you take a kick in the nuts before you walk away from it? The only answer should be once. Staying for abuse ain't being a scrapper. That's being a whupped puppy.

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Jealous!!!! You are just Jealous!!!!

Just kidding

Well everyone is COH is then a whipped puppy because everyone has been kicked since I5. yet, aren't we are still here to take another beating?



You know what, I think Ive finally figured out how they will nerf regen. Its so perfect its frightening.

Using new cutting edge programming, players will actually recieve an electric shock through their keyboard every time they activate a power in the regeneration line.

This will reinforce the "risk vs reward" model.

As an added balance feature, every time you activate MoG a Cryptic employee will go to your house and punch you in the face.

This will help to keep player immersion at a high level durring play.

Thank you for your time






meh. shock won't happen often.

oooooh, and if they send that cryptic employee...


no evil plans here! ^_^



i have a feeling that cov regen and coh regen will play really differently. i'm already formulating builds that would look simply assinine in CoH that may or may not be effective in CoV.

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Playing differently because they have different powersets is logical and OK.

Nerfing CoH regen to make sure its "balanced" with CoV regen would be not OK and illogical ... which of course increases its chances of happening.

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Actually, if you're the company, you want the CoV classes (sorry, archetypes) to be a little bit better than the CoH ones, in order to draw people to buy it. Not enough so people complain, but a little better, cooler, etc.

For example, they appear to have real pet classes. Presumably this will put them 1 up over Controllers.

"Hey! You knocked generic cola all over your precious D20 books!"

ED: Now I know how Nancy Kerrigan felt: "Why...?!? Why...?!?"



I need some positive assurance here. Does anyone really believe that they are going to leave QR alone?

The facts:

1. Rest recharge reduced to less than a 1/3 of its original recharge

2. Vigilance

3. Endurance reductions all over the place.


I think they're setting up either a massive positive change that would make Stamina truly optional. In such a world, QR might be seen as overpowered.


they are setting up "teh ubar nerf" of Stamina and QR and if we don't like it we can go [censored by me] ourselves.


all of the above plus a nerf to Dull Pain for questioning their intentions.

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The last option of course! Since when have our Devs ever done anything half-arsed? They either go no-[censored] or full-[censored].

Virtue: multiple characters.

CoH/V: Woot! Maybe Fun is to be had once again.

Ack! RUN! Regen is glowing mean & green!

If it reduces you, it's a nerf.
If it buffs the mobs, it's challenge.
They are not the same.



Constant whining is one thing to devs, but when the whiners haver a point... it's something else.

Regen really needs DP and QR to function in a team of any size(with the exception of playing with a good kinetics,) So nerfing them would be an act of pure evil. And, whether you like it or not, the devs aren't evil. The most unreasonable nerf they've ever made was to debt in I5(yeah, I know allmost everyone disagrees, but you're wrong.)

The only reasonable nerfs for DP and QR weould be to make DP perma with 6 slots instead of four, and put QR down with stamina for end recovery.



Constant whining is one thing to devs, but when the whiners haver a point... it's something else.

Regen really needs DP and QR to function in a team of any size(with the exception of playing with a good kinetics,) So nerfing them would be an act of pure evil. And, whether you like it or not, the devs aren't evil. The most unreasonable nerf they've ever made was to debt in I5(yeah, I know allmost everyone disagrees, but you're wrong.)

The only reasonable nerfs for DP and QR weould be to make DP perma with 6 slots instead of four, and put QR down with stamina for end recovery.

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I generally agree that the devs are reasonable and decent people. But with Regen they have just lost perspective.

Expect more nerfs.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Dull Pain is the abvious target too, so is QR actually. Thought it could be as simple as dropping the unenhancable part of Int. I'm still not sure what the need to drop it in I5 was. I really can't believe that 50% was that big a deal.

Has anyone run any numbers compairing the sets recently?



I do, but not too badly.

FH - Not worth nerfing.
Recon - It's already long recharge... maybe lessen heal, but I doubt it. Perhaps reduce enhanceable heal?(they love doing that )
QR - Probably move it down to stamina level... still good, though.
DP - Longer recharge, still perma w/ hasten and 6 recharge, though. Possibly drop from 40% to 30-35% increase, but no lower than that.
Integration - They nerf it every time(sigh...) maybe another 50% unenhanceable drop? It's not a fantastic power healing-wise anymore anyway, so they may be finished nerfing it.
Resiliance - What is there to nerf??
IH - I think they like this now. I wouldn't be surprised by a shorter recharge, actually.
Revive - Pfa. Nothing to nerf here.
MoG - That's tricky... Maybe shorter duration, maybe nothing. I'm guessing nothing.



The most unreasonable nerf they've ever made was to debt in I5(yeah, I know allmost everyone disagrees, but you're wrong.)

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Why was it unreasonable? I'm not in disagreement, I just wonder why.