Son of the Regen Lounge: Sit a spell!




All I have to say is I'm beginning to understand why a lot of vet players are leaving melee AT's to join the blaster club. The trend I've been seeing has been that the devs have been paying far more attention to 'balancing' the scrapper secondaries (and tanker primaries) but scant has been done to the actual attack sets of either. This seems to indicate that they seem to feel that damage mitigation is more of a threat to balance between AT's than offence is. Seeing as how melee AT's rely more heavily on damage mitigation than other AT's, I get the gut feeling that their ultimate goal is to dumb down scrappers to be more in line with blasters defensively than the other way around. Therefore I feel safer from the nerf bat playing squishy blasters now as it is more unlikely that their data mining is going to show my debt collecting blaster mowing through spawn upon spawn of +3 and +4's solo without taking a ton of trips to the hospital doing it. I know one thing. I'll be avoiding stalkers and brutes like the plague when I get CoV. There's no damn way I'm going to go through the nerf roller coaster to 50 like I did with my scrapper all over again. Any AT that relies heavily on protective toggles and self buffs always seems to get the devs attention when they start saying that norty 'balance' word.



Revive is a lackluster power. Weakest of the self rez powers and as with all of them requires you to be defeated to even be useful. Personally I would rather take something that helps prevent that defeat then take a power I can only use if defeated.

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At least Revive isn't the level 32/38 power.


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No, Revive is our level 35 power. I just find it funny that we wait 35 levels to get a power that can almost be simulated with an inspiration. I actually like some useless powers in a build, that way I can fit in power pools easier.

Currently roleplaying, badgehunting, and laughing at the PvPers of CoX. lol, PvP.

Truedusk - Human Rogue



My guesstimate from the Test Server Forum thread for I6... along with a few modifications since then...

Dull Pain will get the nerf bat and be un-perma-able even with Perma-Hasten, AM, Speed Boost, and Adrenaline Boost. The boost from DP will be reduced to +10% max health, without the healing aspect, and your heal rate will act as though you have 110% max health with DP active rather than 100% (meaning that each heal tick will take the same amount of time whether you have DP active or not).

Integration will move to Resilience's spot in the power tree. Justification will be that high mez protection plus healing is too powerful for a level 16 power.

Resilience will move down to Instant Healing's slot. Dmg Res & Mez protection too powerful to take down any lower.

Instant Healing will move to Integration's old spot and also be reduced to 400% base due to 800% base being too powerful for a level 16 power.

Empathy > Regeneration/Recovery Auras now supercede all comparable /Regen effects (even when the auras have a lesser effect than the comparable /Regen effects). This change makes Empaths more valuable.

As for bugs... I see them goofing up somehow which results in Fast Healing & Quick Recovery REDUCING their respective attribute regen rates (in the same manner as recharge enhancements do) and not being corrected for at least 1 Issue. Reason for that would be the bug isn't game stopping.

Virtue: multiple characters.

CoH/V: Woot! Maybe Fun is to be had once again.

Ack! RUN! Regen is glowing mean & green!

If it reduces you, it's a nerf.
If it buffs the mobs, it's challenge.
They are not the same.



Okay okay, you're all going to go all ZOMGLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLZZZZ!!!!!!!!fordfocus1!! on me for this, but i like revive. Sure it's the worst rez power... but it's still way better than awakens.



Okay okay, you're all going to go all ZOMGLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLZZZZ!!!!!!!!fordfocus1!! on me for this, but i like revive. Sure it's the worst rez power... but it's still way better than awakens.

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I'll admit it's better, but with Resilience I'm not so sure I would say it's WAY better. More like...very slightly kinda better but jeez aren't there about 12 powers you would prefer maybe 15 better.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Instant Healing- upon activation, a giant blue hand slaps an oversized band-aid over your head instantly healing 15% of your overall health. Due to the nature of having a life sized band-aid stuck to your face, you take a penalty to accuracy and suffer a minor DoT due to suffocation.

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hee! ...and upon removal of said band-aid, you get a jolt of untyped damage relative to the duration of the heal

TigerBaby nearly didn't take DP as a sub for the IH I knew was getting the tender attentions of the nerfbat, because I figured it was only a matter of time before it got hit, too. I'm wondering if the reason it has not (so far) is because Dull Pain is a power shared across ATs and cannot readily be adjusted for its individual applications?

So, it will only be nerfed when all the sets that include DP are perceived as being 'balanced'? Maybe? ::shrugs:: It's a theory...
...need more coffee, me.

TigerBaby: 50 MA/regen Scrapper, Pinnacle
Proud member of Twilight, Inc.
1500+ hours and still going!
(>� �&lt /<| ->
> X </ |>|__/<|
(TT)(TT) ^_V_/




A toast! To the */regens - long may they glow goofy green!

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Subsequent patch note:

Regen scrappers are having too much fun enjoying their bright green glow. It's now a dull sickly greenish glow that gives a -100% Res & Def debuff to all players within 100 yards. Everytime a Regen scrapper activates a power that gives the green glow (the entire secondary), the scrapper is defeated and given 2x debt.

This change prevents Regen scrappers from having too much fun.

Virtue: multiple characters.

CoH/V: Woot! Maybe Fun is to be had once again.

Ack! RUN! Regen is glowing mean & green!

If it reduces you, it's a nerf.
If it buffs the mobs, it's challenge.
They are not the same.



Dull Pain is going to get it good. Non-perma even with hasten. The % might even be lowered to make it less than the tanker version. It won't matter that scrappers have less HPs for DP to operate on. Reason has no place here.

QR and Stamina take a 50% chop.

Resilience is made +4% DEF toxic and a toggle with 0.5eps. Regener's were complaining about not having enough toggles for PvP toggle-drop defense.

Scrapper HP overall was found to be too high, making them too good at tanking AVs in teams with defenders. Tanks cried, "Der stealin errr jubs!!". HPs lowered to that of current blasters. You really are blappers with status protection now.

Some people are still using MoG. Revised MoG to crash your END before and after MoG activation. Since there is no viable way to actually predict when you will activate MoG before pressing the power activation button, we have decided to crash regener's END every 7 seconds during the time MoG is up but has not been activated. Just to be safe. Enjoy suckas.



You'll probably jump on me with your ford focuses again for this one, but...

I don't think regen Is going to get nerfed. It's not overpowered, and for the first time in ages, no one's complaining about how vastly superior it is. Whether you want to admit it or not, most power changes come because of whiners, especially lately. Things like lower debt, containment, lower end DA, and vigilance are all because of whiners. And how many people do you know whining that DP in regen is overpowered? I would hastily assume none. Past that, how many people are whining that stamina is overpowered? Actually, a lot of people (cough cough THE ENTIRE DEFENDER FORUM cough) are complaining it's required for all builds.

I think we're going to see more end reduction before we see any change to stamina. As for DP... just stop talking about it, and the no one will notice how good it is!



even with resiliance, i'm typically disoriented by awakens(though not for long) and still have no end and almost no health... revive has a chance of being used as a battle rez, and doesn't wast inspiration stlots, or the time to get more awakens. As for those 12-15 powers i'd want to go get... I can actually think of 8 powers I'd have an easy time dropping... but they're my best choices.



Moment of Glory lasts longer than a moment, so will have the same duration as Build Up.

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A moment is actually defined at 90 seconds



You know I'm really tempted to start a new regenner and purposely skip everything past Int. Just to see how well that works. Take tough and weave, maybe aid self and such and just see if I turn out better off or not. As is my 50 has only reslience and IH and IH has only one recharge and I seem to get by.



and for the first time in ages, no one's complaining about how vastly superior it is.

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That's because everyone else got slapped with a little bit of cosmic justice in I5, too. Once they get over their little boo-boos, they'll be back to state that Regen can single-handedly solo the Hamidon while eating a Taco Bell burrito at the same time.

All without dying, or contracting flesh-eating bacteria.



You know I'm really tempted to start a new regenner and purposely skip everything past Int.

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works fine on my lvl 31 DM/Reg so far.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



and for the first time in ages, no one's complaining about how vastly superior it is.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's because everyone else got slapped with a little bit of cosmic justice in I5, too. Once they get over their little boo-boos, they'll be back to state that Regen can single-handedly solo the Hamidon while eating a Taco Bell burrito at the same time.

All without dying, or contracting flesh-eating bacteria.

[/ QUOTE ]

I did that last night while in a different zone! Hamidon sent me a tell saying he was going to go cry on the CoV forums about us Regen Scrappers... damn Hamidon...



You know I'm really tempted to start a new regenner and purposely skip everything past Int.

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works fine on my lvl 31 DM/Reg so far.

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Same for my Kat/Regen, MA/Regen, and Spines/Regen. The PvP builds are a little different though.

Currently roleplaying, badgehunting, and laughing at the PvPers of CoX. lol, PvP.

Truedusk - Human Rogue



You know I'm really tempted to start a new regenner and purposely skip everything past Int.

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works fine on my lvl 31 DM/Reg so far.

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Funny DM/Regen is the build I was thinking of. Either that or MA/Regen, I just don't like the MA animations. Might just wait for new scrapper primaries I have so many level 30+ characters right now its about time I got a second to 50.



You'll probably jump on me with your ford focuses again for this one, but...

I don't think regen Is going to get nerfed. It's not overpowered, and for the first time in ages, no one's complaining about how vastly superior it is. Whether you want to admit it or not, most power changes come because of whiners, especially lately. Things like lower debt, containment, lower end DA, and vigilance are all because of whiners. And how many people do you know whining that DP in regen is overpowered? I would hastily assume none. Past that, how many people are whining that stamina is overpowered? Actually, a lot of people (cough cough THE ENTIRE DEFENDER FORUM cough) are complaining it's required for all builds.

I think we're going to see more end reduction before we see any change to stamina. As for DP... just stop talking about it, and the no one will notice how good it is!

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Two words: Ice Armor.

Heroes of Justice: Geratron - 50 FA/FM Tanker
Villains of Infinity: Psychotron - 50 FM/FA Brute, Operative Gerald - 50 Arachnos Widow
Rogues of Exalted: Peanut Butter Fairy - 50 FM/FA Brute



You'll probably jump on me with your ford focuses again for this one, but...

I don't think regen Is going to get nerfed. It's not overpowered, and for the first time in ages, no one's complaining about how vastly superior it is. Whether you want to admit it or not, most power changes come because of whiners, especially lately. Things like lower debt, containment, lower end DA, and vigilance are all because of whiners. And how many people do you know whining that DP in regen is overpowered? I would hastily assume none. Past that, how many people are whining that stamina is overpowered? Actually, a lot of people (cough cough THE ENTIRE DEFENDER FORUM cough) are complaining it's required for all builds.

I think we're going to see more end reduction before we see any change to stamina. As for DP... just stop talking about it, and the no one will notice how good it is!

[/ QUOTE ]

There was a very long post in the AT forum about how Scrapper DP should be eliminated. Do not underestimate the pettiness of nerf-herders. They're scruffy looking.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



You know I'm really tempted to start a new regenner and purposely skip everything past Int. Just to see how well that works. Take tough and weave, maybe aid self and such and just see if I turn out better off or not. As is my 50 has only reslience and IH and IH has only one recharge and I seem to get by.

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Working on a Spines/Regen with that plan. I might take Resilience, though because I'm running out of stuff I want.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



You know, all this talk about Regen makes me want to make one. Maybe a spines/regen Then I can pop on the boards every once in a while and talk about how I just soloed a +5 AV with nothing but faster healing and brawl on auto while I went out to eat at Denny's.



hence i specifically said 'most' not 'all'



You know, all this talk about Regen makes me want to make one. Maybe a spines/regen Then I can pop on the boards every once in a while and talk about how I just soloed a +5 AV with nothing but faster healing and brawl on auto while I went out to eat at Denny's.

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Gimp. Don't you know Regens kill AVs with our green minty coolness. No attacks needed.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



You know, all this talk about Regen makes me want to make one. Maybe a spines/regen Then I can pop on the boards every once in a while and talk about how I just soloed a +5 AV with nothing but faster healing and brawl on auto while I went out to eat at Denny's.

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Gimp. Don't you know Regens kill AVs with our green minty coolness. No attacks needed.

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didn't you know green is a damage type? It's only resisted by psychic skulls empire!



This change makes Empaths more valuable.

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Heh. I'd almost go for this. Simply because if I have to quit a team because the lazy 'pure healer' empath says "I'm bored" or "I feel so useless" ONE MORE TIME...