Son of the Regen Lounge: Sit a spell!




The most unreasonable nerf they've ever made was to debt in I5(yeah, I know allmost everyone disagrees, but you're wrong.)

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Why was it unreasonable? I'm not in disagreement, I just wonder why.

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We level too quick, and can't afford enhancers. Thus indirectly nerfing our power level without having to actually have the stones to do it like men (and women)!

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I6 Regen nerf:

DP turns into - Steroids. We can use it once, but your head enlarges thus making you easier to hit.

QR turns into - Breathalyzer. Being a regenner, your new inherent ability is asthma. You must visit an enhncement vendor for recharges.

Resistance turns into - Depends. You are now protected solely against poo creatures. Yay.




i have a feeling that cov regen and coh regen will play really differently. i'm already formulating builds that would look simply assinine in CoH that may or may not be effective in CoV.

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Playing differently because they have different powersets is logical and OK.

Nerfing CoH regen to make sure its "balanced" with CoV regen would be not OK and illogical ... which of course increases its chances of happening.

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Actually, if you're the company, you want the CoV classes (sorry, archetypes) to be a little bit better than the CoH ones, in order to draw people to buy it. Not enough so people complain, but a little better, cooler, etc.

For example, they appear to have real pet classes. Presumably this will put them 1 up over Controllers.

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Hehe ... I said that long ago .... Villains will be better at launch to get people with CoH to buy it because "the villains have better powers/ATs" ... when CoV sales level out/decline look out .. the "balance vision" will once again rear its head and The Nerf-Bat of Doom™ will start swinging.



I generally agree that the devs are reasonable and decent people. But with Regen they have just lost perspective.

Expect more nerfs.

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Nonsense, mi'lord. You SHALL lead us into the Regen promisedland!

So it is written, so it shall be! Fnargh!

Oh, and I fully expect QR to be knocked to just above Stamina. It makes sense, given the changes.




<eases into his old chair in the corner of the Regen Lounge>

<still comfy>

Now then. Seems we are looking forward to I6? It goes without saying that Regen will be nerfed in I6. Dull Pain and QR, as already noted, are the most prominent targets.

Replacing QR with a click power, around 30% +End Recovery, 50% Enhanceable, 60 Second duration, 1000 second recharge should be good for starters.

Dull Pain (Regen version only) is re-named and changed to a 15% HP Buff, no healing (beyond the % HP modifier), 60 second duration 1000 second recharge.

Reconstruction will have it's recharge modified to bring it in-line with all other 60 sec/1000 sec Regen powers.

Not the best guesses but I've been gone for a while. It'll take me a few to get back into the swing of things.



The most unreasonable nerf they've ever made was to debt in I5(yeah, I know allmost everyone disagrees, but you're wrong.)

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Why was it unreasonable? I'm not in disagreement, I just wonder why.

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I'm not really complaining, just saying it was silly and completely unnecesarry. If you *were* in permadebt:
1) I don't believe you
2) No, stop lying
3) I really don't believe you
4) If you were, it's because you suck.



damn dude, I'd heared you got wow'd and stuff. good to see you again.

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Thanks SF I did go to WoW for a while. Right after I5 hit I found myself saying "...turning CoH into just anyother MMO..." and I realized that, well, I've never played another MMO so I decided to put up or shut up. Dropped CoH for a while and took up the call in Azeroth.

WoW is an excellent game, very proffesional, very well put together. There is a reason CoH is floating around 100K subscribers and WoW is over 4 mill.

That said, the sword and sworcery genre never suited me, and I was only doing WoW to see what other MMO's are really like. I must say, if WoW was super hero based I would never have considered coming back.

Still not sure how long I'll stay. Really just reactivated my account to see if I get a CoV invite. Then see how long it takes for them to get Incarnates out.



Gosh. We're only missing like 2 or 3 folks, and then we could have one of them old, old, OLD school scrapper/tanker debates.

I find myself far more serene than the last time I played this game. Heh.

So, Nozy, what kind of toon was your main in WoW?

Mine was a rogue. Though by the time I left the game behind, my warrior and my mage were finally getting up to the higher levels too.



Gosh. We're only missing like 2 or 3 folks, and then we could have one of them old, old, OLD school scrapper/tanker debates.

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Well, except the old tankers/scrappers don't exist anymore. Heck I barely recognize the Regen powerset anymore.

So, Nozy, what kind of toon was your main in WoW?

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Warrior of course. Though he was a DW Fury build which was a bit Rogue-ish by nature. Played him into the mid 40's. I played around with a Mage, Warlock, and Priest as well....all very fun and all very capable.



No no no. We have it all wrong. We are looking in the wrong places for the upcoming Nerfs. Statesman keeps his really vile ideas in the cookie jar and not the fridge.

1) Hasten has been removed from the game entirely. We feel that this will allow players more freedom to experience all the powers in their given sets.

2) Secondary Power Sets will now only be allowed slotting up to 3 enhancements. This will free up slots for the Main Power Sets and Power Pools.

The latest on Statesman and what he said - See, I told the Regeners that I was not going to nerf DP or QR! This was heard as he ran frothing at the mouth with a very evil laugh from the Scrapper AT Development Meeting.



Gosh. We're only missing like 2 or 3 folks, and then we could have one of them old, old, OLD school scrapper/tanker debates.

I find myself far more serene than the last time I played this game. Heh.

So, Nozy, what kind of toon was your main in WoW?

Mine was a rogue. Though by the time I left the game behind, my warrior and my mage were finally getting up to the higher levels too.

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Yup. I think we just need Havok/Thornkiller and the Confessor and then we could have it out I2 style.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I think the worst part about this is how regen is being nerfed based on a power that Heroes don't get. In case you don't know, all of the CoV scrapper analogs get a little power called Hide in spot 1 of their secondary. Unlimited regen combined with the power to dump aggro and remain undetected IS overpowered. However, [censored] are WE (who do not get that ability) supposed to do?

Apparently, the answer is faceplant, and like it



I'm sure that stealth is just like cloaking device to a Devices Blaster. And they will have suppression, so once you attack you are seen. I really think that power will be stupid. I'd rather have quick recovery. If I want stealth it's called the stealth pool



Dull Pain will be recduced in effectiveness and possibly have its recharge time increased enough to give it "two minutes up, a minute down" status.

Quick Recovery will be reduced to the current level of effectiveness of Stamina.

Endurance costs will be reduced slightly across the board and Stamina will be reduced to half of its current effectiveness.

Hasten will sneak through I6 untouched and be hit with Statesman's new weapon (as he moves from being Zeus to Odin), Nerf Mjolnir, in I7.



Well, except the old tankers/scrappers don't exist anymore.

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True. The 2 characters of mine I've played the least since returning were my scrapper and tanker.

Warrior of course.

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Warriors in WoW could be sooooooo much fun. After years of playing the class in EQ, it felt so liberating to actually have buttons to push that did something useful.

I never got around to playing with a warlock much. My mage's engineering occupation became almost an obsession near the end there.



I never got around to playing with a warlock much. My mage's engineering occupation became almost an obsession near the end there.

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LOL my priest was a tailor, I know what you mean.

The warlock was a lot of fun, though a bit boring after a while. It was fun as a diversion from my warrior though.

My warrior was absolutely a blast. CoH tanks would absolutely rock if they worked more mechanically the way WoW warriors do. The rage mechanic, stances, etc. It is totally the way to go and allows for a lot of variation/customizing of your hero.

Haven't been privy to the CoV beta yet but I would bet dollars to donuts that Brutes are going to end up a lot like WoW warriors. (of course I may be giving the CoH devs too much credit there)

True. The 2 characters of mine I've played the least since returning were my scrapper and tanker.

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I logged them on to do a quick respec. Haven't spent much time on them though. The main thing going against the scrapper is the fact that he is 50 already. So he basically has nothing to do. The tanker just plain isn't any fun. So I figured why bother.

Think I might start a blaster, Archery/Devices looks fun.



LOL looks like all the CoV beta invites went out. Guess I was blacklisted for being a Regen scrapper, or maybe it was because I found the bug in Jack's Regen scrapper video. In anycase I never received my invite despite being here since, well, since CoH has had a website.

See you guys when Incarnates are announced.



I didn't get mine either Nozy. I think it's cus they had my old email. Alas. Alexa told me to email to get it sorted out.



My friend's account has been turned off since before the invites started going out and they got one. I'd definitally mail support.



Or take a look at this post, it might help as well.

Alexa 10/1/05



Nah, if I did that I wouldn't have anything to [censored] about.



IV didn't get hers either. You can come hang out in the tank forum with us. It's like a damn ghost town.. stupid beta invites!



IV didn't get hers either. You can come hang out in the tank forum with us. It's like a damn ghost town.. stupid beta invites!

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LOL kinda like when I log in. It's nice and all not having any lag, but when it's just me and the civies things seem rather drab.



I was in the same boat as you all. Didn't get an invite, even though I subscribed for the full first year, and was in the beta of the original CoH. I think it was just bad timing on my part as I didn't reup my account after the first year ran out so I missed the CoV invites by just a smidge.

But ... I just got the e-mail last night. So maybe you'll get one in the next week or so Nozy.

Since getting it, it's been a pain trying to download the files though.