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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
    I just got all my defense powers zoning from Pocket D to PO and then Pocket D to Sharkshead. Maybe it's Pocket D specific this time?
    The de-toggle bug was gone?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Croesis View Post
    As far as I'm aware there is no difference between AE and normal missions when it comes to the XP system. That system cannot differentiate between AE or normal NPC's objects etc.. and so rewards XP accordingly. Thus enabling double xp will enable it in any way you can get it including AE.

    I assume that recoding the XP system to be able to differentiate between them would take a helluva lot of effort and could throw up some serious bugs.
    How about disabling AE for DXP events? Its only a few days every once of a while people can cope without the AE farms that long.
  3. Had to post for no other reason than to bring this back to the forefront on the new boards
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    While I would LOVE an undo button, actually I would say take it a bit further. Make the base editing require a save.

    My major pet peeve is having to ensure correct pathing at all times. Well, I'm a designer and when designing in CAD I often move bits I want to keep off to the side so I can just pull them back into the new position. This cannot be done in the base editor right now. I understand you don't want the base inaccessable by isolating the entrance but if the base editing was overhauled to allow for almost offline editing then it would negate the need for correct pathing at all times. You can make an error-ridden MA arc but you just can't PLAY it. Same deal.

    It's really frustrating to have to have a lot more room or dismantle a big area to ensure the pathing is correct. If we could just move control top left and energy top right (for example) while we muck with the rest of it, it would be outstanding.

    Then just connect it all together and save before it goes 'live'. No one in the base would be inconvenienced by rooms moving or items disappearing.

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    Yes .. a much better idea than undo is "save changes" IMHO
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    AE buildings out of Atlas, Galaxy and King's Row, yesterday.

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    This ^3
  6. Cyberberus

    Kheldian Guides

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    I'd like to see an issue 13 PB/WS guide. I've heard there were some major changes (positive too!) and I'm thinking about knocking the dust off my 32PB. If there's already one out there please disregard. Thanks.

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    I agree.

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    Agreed ... I just started a PB and a WS recently and the info seems to be a bit out of date ... for instance I just followed a link to a February 12 2008 Patch note that says bonus quantum damage is no longer irresistable ?!? Ok .. so what is is resisted as? Is this resistance enhanceable?
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Quantum damage was changed from Nictus damage (unresistable) to Negative Energy damage (very much resistable) a good while ago. I'll see if I can dig up the Patch Notes for it and edit with a link.

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    Thanx .. like I said .. I'm new to khelds, I have alt-itis maximus so I just recently got one to 50 and opened them up.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    This isn't a smart-azz question.

    I am trying to figure out what makes them so super-uber that they require a "kryptonite" npc (aka quantum and voids) with "I win" button weapons ... especially at the lower levels.

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    The most accurate answer is: they don't. Which is why the (current) devs made Q damage resistable (it was unresistable originally).

    The original/middle years dev team had some strange ideas. Kheldians were introduced in I3 when people were running around with perma-tier 9s and solo herding/killing whole maps with 8-man spawns even w/out tier 9s (no aggro caps or mob-stacking prevention). In spite of this, the devs said they didn't want khelds to be "tank-mages" and designed the ATs with multiple overlapping weaknesses, both internal and external.

    IMO it was a bloody obvious case of overkill. The current dev team must agree, because now we have resistible Q damage, Inherent applying in forms, and break-free-dwarf. The only thing I'm still wishing for is human Auto powers applied in forms.

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    Q-damage is resistable? (new to khelds obviously) where/what is that listed under?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    It is for mentoring anyone while YOU are in SGMode, and both parties are active. It doesn't matter if the sk is of the same group or not.

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    Active is important ... standing in your base (afaik) won't do it, you need to be doing *something* ... moving every few secs (both) is plenty
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I am with Fire Away. I would like to have a dev at least come in here even if it is with the evil word "hording" but that at least tells us that a Dev is looking in on this.

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    Having a dev acknowledge they even remember there *are* SG bases would bring a sigh of relief from many IMO
  11. I'd love to have a recipe storage device .... a nice aux item for the control computer.

    However IMO it ain't gonna happen, the devs seem wedded to the idea that making storage easier will encourage "hoarding" rather than understanding that a SG of any real size *needs* storage to accommodate members needs as they level and re-enhance. I rarely have any use for recipes I get since they are current level and most people are +level (or so it seems) with inventions. A recipe storage device would allow people lower level use those.
  12. Not that a dev will even read this but I'd sure like to see this feature
  13. Interesting responses .. thanx to all.

    I guess I'm missing some subtle thing or another.
  14. That would be nice ... I never saw the pic but it would be nice to be able to do.

    Of course I'd like TP units to have a LED banner scrolling the destinations of the attached beacons but I'm just greedy that way.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Plus, when you add in */wp's regen debuff resistance, */wp is actually better at regeneration than */regen is.

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    Which is the best argument I've ever heard for doing something about that...

    .... after all, the power *is* Regeneration, shouldn't the resistance to shutting it down be better than one that simply has a regeneration component?
  16. This isn't a smart-azz question.

    I am trying to figure out what makes them so super-uber that they require a "kryptonite" npc (aka quantum and voids) with "I win" button weapons ... especially at the lower levels.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    I love being a PB and WS. My PB is at 42, and my WS is at 47. The only problem with the PBs, and its a huge problem, is knockback. Several times I've sent tells to peeps trying to get in teams only to be told they don't want knockback (can't blame them). Can't use solar flare or radiant strike in teams or the next thing you see is the baddies flying over the horizon, and your team yelling at you.

    If the devs would fix the PB knockback by changing it to knockdown, PBs would rock in every way.

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    Okay yes i do agree with this. IMO this is what many people mean by it is more solo friendly lol.

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    Double Ditto.

    Changing knockback to knockdown would rock
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Hi WhiteHotFlash.

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    If Peacebringers want to teleport, they can take Dwarf. If Warshades want to fly, they can take Nova.

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    PB's don't want teleport for teleport, they want it for tp friend.

    Now.... why is it that a warshade can go into the Stealth pool when they already can get....... From Umbral Aura:

    Shadow Cloak and Nebulous Form

    Interesting.... no?

    I sure would love to get hover for my shade. (and AS)


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    Air superiority for both
    Hover for shades to complement TP
    Recall Friend for PB

    IMHO they should create 2 new power pools, one for WS and one for PB containing the useful "minor" PP powers that we are currently block from to keep PBs from getting TP and WS from getting fly.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    I was thinking about your idea of linking worktables to salvage bins and I had an idea that may allow the auxillary device to work the way you want and not mess with the current way bins are set up.

    Lets say the device can only draw salvage from bins in the same room as it is in. Or it can have (say 4) bins attached to it that it can draw from.

    This would let people use the worktable without sorting thru the attached bins, and other bins could still be used for personal storage in other locations.

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    That's a great idea IMHO. An aux device to attach to an invention table that draws from "local" aka racks in the same workroom would be a nice QoL feature IMO
  20. [ QUOTE ]

    Don't be too hard on the OP for that. In a multi-player SG it's hard to force people to be that considerate. If the SG is large enough, sorting can be a full time job.

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    No worries but thanx for the words ... I've been around long enough not to insulted or even bothered by people that jump down others throats for daring to suggest something other than that clamored for by the "forum majority"
  21. "I Hate This Key Deluxe" $12

    Takes care of windows key, caps lock, power keys etc

    Free trial download but I never ever regretted the $12
  22. Of course the people asking for inherent Stamina and/or Health are (IMHO) missing the fact that if EVERYONE gets it automagically then the devs will just have to rebalance everything to account for the extra end everyone now has
  23. [ QUOTE ]

    The part of your idea I was addressing was this:

    [ QUOTE ]
    It could be an auxiliary device that attaches to an "advanced invention table" so you can pull items from racks (dunno if thats even possible)

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    A device that can draw salvage from any rack defeats the purpose of the security measures. Even if the device checked a players permissions many SG's have leaders with more than one alt in the SG and those characters aren't always the same rank as the main character.

    The bins that SG leaders use in those cases are placed in locations where regular SG members don't go or can't get to unless they have access to the base architect. This allows the leaders to leave the bins permissions open so they can move items between their alts without involving a third party.

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    Well ... I guess it seemed obvious (to me) that if you didn't want that function you wouldn't install it ... just like if you need the security of per rack permissions you wouldn't use the expando-rax, which IMO *if* they held a little more would make sense since it would be a swap of space vs security
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    /unsigned every time this comes up.

    Many SG's allow leaders to use storage bins for personal use. You have no right to access those private bins.

    This idea would allow players to circumvent any security measure the leaders put in place to prevent them from accessing their private storage.

    For example, with pathing restrictions turned off we can now easily build walled off sections inside of bases that cannot be entered without access to base architect permissions.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I didn't say ANYTHING about REPLACING the current racks .. this is a improved setup ... like a supercomputer is a uber mainframe.

    And I also did say *it would be nice* if this advanced system held a little more .. you will note I didn't ask for uber storage either.
  25. While I know that the rack system with settable permissions work for many groups I think that there might be more like mine that find it cumbersome, especially when trying to craft items finding what you need across up to 18 racks is a real PITA.

    What I would like to see is a (crafted?) "Salvage Inventory System".

    It could be an auxiliary device that attaches to an "advanced invention table" so you can pull items from racks (dunno if thats even possible) or (and I like this better) a "big box" system (no so big a box that you need the huge workroom for it though please) that replaces 3 racks and allows auxiliary devices to expand it to the 9 storage item limit for a room. That would keep the item per room limit but turn up to 18 racks into a max of 2 racks in 2 rooms to search when you need stuff.

    Of course allowing some more storage with this advanced system ... say 100 items for the main and 35-50 per auxiliary device would be nice but thats another wish to be discussed later