Kheldian Guides
Anywhere to find a guide about beign a PB with no other forms.
I decided to play my toon without the other shapes, NOVA and TANK...
I know, I know, no flaming, just tell me where is that guide, kk thx bye
Anywhere to find a guide about beign a PB with no other forms.
I decided to play my toon without the other shapes, NOVA and TANK...
I know, I know, no flaming, just tell me where is that guide, kk thx bye
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I'm trying to find one too. If you find anything, post it! I am working on it via a separate thread so maybe I can get some ideas that way.
My human-only Warshade is working out fairly well so far, despite all the "DOOOOOM!!!" the guide/FAQ writers would have you believe. ;-)
I'm not going to flame you, just congratulate you. Tired of hearing "single-form is teh gimp!" and "Orbiting Death sucks"--I've found both to be quite untrue. ;-P
CURRENT MAINS: Akero (V) | Polly Spark (V) | Project MALWARE (V) | Barium Bunny (VIP)
ACTIVE INCARNATES: Polly's Revenge (V) | Stygian Kitten (V) | Archon Abrasax (V) | Alpha Antares (V)
Felines | Wolves | Avians | Bovines | Griffons | Centaurs | Insects | Robots
What, you really think HUMANS are going to save the world? LOL!
I'm not going to flame you, just congratulate you. Tired of hearing "single-form is teh gimp!" and "Orbiting Death sucks"--I've found both to be quite untrue. ;-P
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man i used one of the guides to my warshade build i found on the boards... i wasn't thinking! I RUINED MY WARSHADE! i have possibly the worst human form build you could ever imagine!! it's not even worth posting what my build is. Freakin rediculous! i've used up every respec possible, so if we get one for i5, i'm DEFINATLY going to 6slot orbiting death back if i have enough slots. i suppose that is what i get for folowing boards huh? from now on, i'm Createing builds on my OWN and only glancing at the opinions on the boards. i can't believe i fell for my current WS build =D. i've been in the 1.1 million debt cap for 3 months untill a week ago. i accually HAVE to work to get out!! =) speaking of which. i REFUSE to die now that i5 is out! i'm taking it easy!
i suggest creating your toon for Fun... is more important that UBER/superiorness. i hope u all have the same opinion?
Anywhere to find a guide about beign a PB with no other forms.
I decided to play my toon without the other shapes, NOVA and TANK...
I know, I know, no flaming, just tell me where is that guide, kk thx bye
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I'm trying to find one too. If you find anything, post it! I am working on it via a separate thread so maybe I can get some ideas that way.
My human-only Warshade is working out fairly well so far, despite all the "DOOOOOM!!!" the guide/FAQ writers would have you believe. ;-)
I'm not going to flame you, just congratulate you. Tired of hearing "single-form is teh gimp!" and "Orbiting Death sucks"--I've found both to be quite untrue. ;-P
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Orbiting Death DOES suck, though! (Until you get Stamina, that is)
Orbiting Death DOES suck, though! (Until you get Stamina, that is)
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It's not THAT bad, and it's quite handy. After learning micro-toggle-management with my Claws/DA, OD on a Kheld is a piece of cake.
CURRENT MAINS: Akero (V) | Polly Spark (V) | Project MALWARE (V) | Barium Bunny (VIP)
ACTIVE INCARNATES: Polly's Revenge (V) | Stygian Kitten (V) | Archon Abrasax (V) | Alpha Antares (V)
Felines | Wolves | Avians | Bovines | Griffons | Centaurs | Insects | Robots
What, you really think HUMANS are going to save the world? LOL!
Orbiting Death is a good attack. It does pretty good damage when slotted well, thing is though. It generates way too much aggro in large teams.
Orbiting Death is a good attack. It does pretty good damage when slotted well, thing is though. It generates way too much aggro in large teams.
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Yeah, so does Dark Armor/Death Shroud...ouch. I agree, Orbiting Death is best used solo and on small, tight teams (2-3 people).
I've duo'd with another Warshade who has a more offense-oriented build (as opposed to my "controllerish"/defense build). Since I have my shields slotted better I go in with shields and OD, take the initial few rounds of pounding and he wastes them with his attacks. Works fairly well, even against Voids/Quantums.
So yes, beware the aggro of Orbiting Death to be sure.
CURRENT MAINS: Akero (V) | Polly Spark (V) | Project MALWARE (V) | Barium Bunny (VIP)
ACTIVE INCARNATES: Polly's Revenge (V) | Stygian Kitten (V) | Archon Abrasax (V) | Alpha Antares (V)
Felines | Wolves | Avians | Bovines | Griffons | Centaurs | Insects | Robots
What, you really think HUMANS are going to save the world? LOL!
Is there a PvP guide to warshades anywhere? i'd LOVE to look at what people have come up with if there is.
Marker for me. Kheldian guides updated here. (Wait till you see the ** section headers to know when CJ has done the update.) Not much changed for Kheldians anyway...
I've noticed alot of the Warshade builds are either human only, human/Dwarf or tri-form, anyone make a Human/Nova WS? I've been lightly toying with one to companion my initial PB toon due to be rolled up possibly tomarrow, monday for sure.
When in danger, or in doubt; Run in circles, scream and shout.
Not entirely sure what the rules are here, but I humbly submit Everything I wish I'd known about Kheldians. I don't have a problem with date-stamping it. The last rev was 1/2/06
If you haven't already, post a link in the Guide to Guides thread in the Guides forum. Cuppa farms that thread for new guides and then puts them in the appropriate place. I'm afraid your guide may go unnoticed even if you post in this thread.
Any way we could get a list of objective guides, instead of a list of personal bias pieces that use the word "gimp" when referring to anything they don't personally like more than they use the word "the"?
Any way we could get a list of objective guides, instead of a list of personal bias pieces that use the word "gimp" when referring to anything they don't personally like more than they use the word "the"?
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Each Guide is player authored. It is hard not to be subjective. Many of the guides list the powers and what they do. That portion of those guides is the objective part. Everything else is subjective.
I am very happy to read the subjective guides since they often say WHY they feel that way. That allows me to judge whether I will feel that way as well. The Kheld guides are good but I would like to see some that address I6. Though I have been playing COV since Oct 31 like many others and can understand why there are no I6 guides yet.
Now that I am very close to getting my preferred villian stable to 40, I am working my heroes to 50 so I can finally start a kheld. I am extremely eager, hehe.
I've just added a Warshade tri-form guide. It's ED-compliant and focuses more on combat style than on builds, power analysis or slotting techniques.
Also, I think you might be interested to meet Samantha and Path Integral. [guide is written in roleplay style]
The Dancing Warshade - A Guide to Tri-form Combat
I've updated my Complete Kheldian Power List to information prevalent in Issue 6.
The Complete Kheldian Power List (Ver 2.0)
IF u get a lvl 50 villains what do you get......
a billion dollars, but when the level 40-50 comes out for cov, probably just the satisfaction of having a 50 villain
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade
Issue 6 compliant

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
This is My Human/Nova build I call "Nova Vampire" It's my first attempt really, it does really really well in every team size I have been in.
Guide to my Nova Vampire build.

this linki no work anymore
My human-only PB guide can be found here:
Reflections of a Human-only Peacebringer
However, it's a work in progress, and only goes to level 20 (because I just got her to 21 the other day). It will get updated gradually as I continue to work her.
It is up to date however (I6 compatible, etc).
Updated August 4, 2009
Official Guide Post Editor for the update was TheAedile
Links updated for new forum by Maynia
This thread is for posting Guide or FAQ links for Kheldians. Please create your guides in the "Player Guides" forum (since posts in that section do not roll off) and link the thread here. Also, do not post your guide in this thread - only the link to your guide. For non-Kheldian guides, check the master list of all Guides in the Guide to Guides.
Failing any clear identifier from the poster, I will go by the original post date vs. Issue releases (I6: 10/28/05, I7:6/6/06, I8 :11/28/06, etc)
After discussing it with the Kheldian Community on the Forums, it was decided that all Peacebringer/Warshade specific pre-ED guides would be removed as they were more of a hindrance to new players rather than a boon.
Guides appearing here were gleaned from links posted in one of the "Guide to Guides" threads (the Kheldian GtG or the GtG threads in the "Player Guides" forum). We cannot sift through the hundreds of individual threads to find a posting, so be sure to 1) place your guide in the "Player Guides" forum, nowhere else and 2) post a link to it in a "Guide to Guides" thread!
Kheldian Inspiration Macros (Microcosm) [I12]
Plasma's Ultimate Guide to Kheldians (Plasma) [I8]
Kheldian Backstory guide 1.0 (Memphis_Bill) [I6]
The Complete Kheldian Power List Ver 2.0 (DarkBoxer) [I6]
Just Hit 50 and Ready to Roll a Kheldian? (Tamerlane) [I5]
The Processor PB (Human-only PB) (Santa_Laws) [I11]
All Human PeaceBringer (Energy_Aura) [I11]
The Pocket Guide to Binds for the PeaceBringer (Generic_Justice) [I7]
The Newbie's guide to the Triform PeaceBringer (Papaschtroumpf) [I7]
The Solo Artist's Guide to Tri-Form Warshades (TheAedile) [I9]
A Warshade’s Guide to PVP (Combat) [I9]
Guide To Warshades And Human Form (_Brev_) [I8]
Guide to Human/Dark Dwarf Warshade (CDN_Guardian) [I8]
Iscariot's Guide to the Triform Warshade v2.0 (Justaris) [I8]
Warshade Human +Regen/+Damage Build (BloodPython) [I7]
The Dancing Warshade - A Guide to Tri-form Combat (Bunny_Man) [I6]