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  1. DarkBoxer

    Witches hat.

    To answer your question, it's part of a final mission in the Croatoa Task Force, where you have to defeat Mary Macomber, the leader of the Cabal of Witches, ten times. When you recieve the Ten Times the Victor Badge, the Witch's Hat will be available for you to use in Icon. It is earnt like the Cape and the Aura.
    There is currently no way to get this badge or this costume item in City of Villains. And it is only available on the character with which you get the badge on. You cannot start a new character with a Witch Hat. Only alter your current one.

    However, I would like to point a couple of things out to you.
    First, this was the wrong forum to ask your question. There is a "Players' Questions" forum for that purpose.
    Second, you could utilize the search feature. I'm not sure if there are posts going that far back, but surely there has to be something somewhere in the Player Guides.
  2. DarkBoxer

    Kheldian Guides

    I've updated my Complete Kheldian Power List to information prevalent in Issue 6.

    The Complete Kheldian Power List (Ver 2.0)
  3. Now that I've seen that another person has been looking for the information that I most recently sought after, I've decided to share the information that I've found on the Power Sets for the Kheldians.
    Before you read this, I would like to thank the many people who helped, directly and indirectly, to the completion of this information. Ankh_Agressor, Verxion, Wufbam, TheJason, SherkSilver, thank you for your own research that helped me give this information to our fellow players.

    Now Updated for Issue 6


    Luminous Blast:

    Gleaming Bolt - (Level 1) A very quick, but low damage bolt of Kheldian energy that can reduce a target’s defense. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Fast

    Glinting Eye - (Level 1) You can emit a beam of Kheldian energy from your eyes, dealing moderate Energy damage and reducing a target’s defense. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast

    Gleaming Blast - (Level 2) A much more powerful, yet slower version of Gleaming Bolt. Gleaming Blast sends a focused blast of Kheldian energy at a foe that can knock him back and reduce his defense. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate

    Bright Nova - (Level 6) Kheldians are masters of energy and matter. A Peacebringer can transform into a flying energy beast known as a Bright Nova. When you choose this power, you will have access to four very powerful ranged attacks that can only be used while in this form. You will not be able to use any other powers while in Bright Nova Form. Bright Nova can fly, has increased Accuracy, and improved Endurance Recovery, but has no defense. Recharge: Fast
    •Bright Nova Bolt - A very quick, but low damage bolt of Kheldian energy that can reduce a target’s defense. This power is only available while in Bright Nova Form. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Fast
    •Bright Nova Blast - A much more powerful, yet slower version of Bright Nova Bolt. Bright Nova Blast sends a focused blast of Kheldian energy at a foe that can knock him back and reduce his defense. This power is only available while in Bright Nova Form. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate
    •Bright Nova Scatter - Bright Nova Scatter sends bolts of Kheldian light energy to multiple targets at once within a cone area in front of the caster. Bright Nova Scatter deals moderate energy damage to each affected target and reduces their defense. This power is only available while in Bright Nova Form. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow
    •Bright Nova Detonation - You hurl a large blast of Kheldian light energy that violently explodes on impact, damaging all foes near the target, reducing their defense. Some affected targets may get knocked back. This power is only available while in Bright Nova Form. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow

    Radiant Strike - (Level 6) The Radiant Strike is a slow melee attack, but makes up for it with Heavy damage. Radiant Strike releases Kheldian light on impact, which can knock back foes, bring down fliers, and reduce a target’s Defense. Damage: Heavy, Recharge: Moderate

    Proton Scatter - (Level 8) Proton Scatter sends bolts of Kheldian light energy to multiple targets at once within a cone area in front of the caster. Proton Scatter deals moderate energy damage to each affected target and reduces their defense. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow

    Build Up - (Level 12) Greatly increases the amount of damage you deal for a few seconds, as well as slightly increasing your Accuracy. Recharge: Slow

    Luminous Detonation - (Level 12) You hurl a large blast of Kheldian light energy that violently explodes on impact, damaging all foes near the target, reducing their defense. Some affected targets may get knocked back. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow

    Incandescent Strike - (Level 18) Incandescent Strike is an absolutely devastating melee attack that focuses all of the Kheldian's energy and strength into a single massive blow. This slow, but incredibly devastating attack can knock out most opponents, leaving them held. Incandescent Strike can also bring down fliers, knock down foes, and reduce their defense. Damage: Extreme, Recharge: Long

    Pulsar - (Level 18) Generates a brilliant pulse of Kheldian light around you that stuns nearby foes. Affected foes are disoriented and unable to defend themselves. Recharge: Very Long

    Glowing Touch - (Level 26) Heals a single-targeted ally at moderate range. You cannot use this power to heal yourself. Recharge: Fast

    Solar Flare - (Level 26) You channel the might of your Kheldian energy into the very Earth itself. The ground erupts and cracks with Luminous energy, blasting all nearby foes, knocking them back and reducing their defense. Damage: High, Recharge: Slow

    Photon Seekers - (Level 32) You manifest three Spheres of light energy drones from your very Kheldian essence. These drones will follow you until they detect an enemy target. The Photon Seekers will then zero in on their targets and detonate on impact. The explosion is small but devastating and may affect multiple foes if they are near the target. Recharge: Long

    Dawn Strike - (Level 32) You can explode in a tremendous blast of Kheldian energy, sending nearby foes flying and reducing their defense. Dawn Strike deals massive damage to all nearby foes, although the damage does vary. Activating this power leaves you drained of Endurance and unable to recover any Endurance for a while. Damage: Extreme, Recharge: Very Long

    Luminous Aura:

    Incandescence - (Level 1) Kheldians have a natural mild resistance to Energy and Negative Energy Damage. This is an Auto power that is always on, and cost no Endurance.

    Shining Shield - (Level 2) When you toggle on your Shining Shield, you create an energy barrier that grants you high resistance to Smashing and Lethal Damage. Recharge: Fast

    Essence Boost - (Level 4) You can activate this power to increase your maximum Hit Points for a short time. Essence Boost also grants you resistance to Toxic Damage. Recharge: Very Long

    Thermal Shield - (Level 10) When you toggle on Thermal Shield, you emit tendrils of Kheldian energy that gives you resistance to Fire and Cold Damage. Recharge: Fast

    Quantum Shield - (Level 14) When you toggle on Quantum Shield, you become highly resistant to Energy and Negative damage. Recharge: Fast

    Group Energy Flight - (Level 16) You can endow your nearby teammates with Flight. Be mindful! Your friends will fall if you run out of Endurance or if they travel too far away from you. Group Fly travel speed is slower than Fly. Flying heroes suffer from reduced Accuracy.

    White Dwarf - (Level 20) Kheldians are masters of energy and matter. A Peacebringer can transform into a massive unstoppable energy beast known as a White Dwarf. When you choose this power, you will have access to four other powers that can only be used while in this form. You will not be able to use any other powers while in White Dwarf form. White Dwarf has awesome resistance to all damage except Psionics, as well as controlling effects. White Dwarf form also has improved Endurance Recovery, but is limited to melee attacks. Recharge: Fast
    •White Dwarf Strike - The White Dwarf Strike is a moderate melee attack that releases Energy on impact, which can Knock Down foes, and slows a targets attack and movement speed. This power is only available while in White Dwarf Form. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast
    •White Dwarf Smite - White Dwarf Smite is a powerful melee attack that can often Disorient or Knock Down opponents. White Dwarf Smite can also bring down fliers, and slows a targets attack and movement speed. This power is only available while in White Dwarf Form. Damage: Heavy, Recharge: Moderate
    •White Dwarf Flare - You channel the might of your Kheldian energy into the very Earth itself. The ground erupts and cracks with luminous energy, blasting all nearby foes, knocking them back and reducing their defense. This power is only available while in White Dwarf Form. Damage: High, Recharge: Slow
    •White Dwarf Sublimation - Through perfect control of your body and energy, you can concentrate for a few moments and heal yourself. This power is only available while in White Dwarf Form. Recharge: Long
    •White Dwarf Step - White Dwarfs can Teleport long distances. White Dwarf Step has no recharge time, and can be reactivated without pause, as long as you have Endurance. This power is only available while in White Dwarf Form.
    •White Dwarf Antagonize - This power attracts the attention of a foe and all those around him. Use this to pull villains off an ally in trouble. Antagonize has a very high success rate that can be improved with Accuracy Enhancements. This power is only available while in White Dwarf Form.

    Reform Essence - (Level 22) Through perfect control of your body and energy, you can concentrate for a few moments and heal yourself. Recharge: Long

    Conserve Energy - (Level 24) You can focus for a moment to Conserve your Energy. After activating this power, you expend less Endurance on all other powers for a while. Recharge: Very long

    Quantum Flight - (Level 28) You shift your quantum matrix and become more energy than matter. No longer bound by the laws of normal physics, you become intangible to other entities and can fly at high speeds. You cannot maintain your intangible nature for long. After about 45 seconds, all your powers will start to cost more and more Endurance until you deactivate Quantum Flight. Quantum Flight grants some stealth as well as faster than normal Flight speed, but at a higher Endurance Cost. You cannot affect other targets while Quantum Flight is active.

    Restore Essence - (Level 35) Should you fall in battle, you can Restore your Essence and bring yourself from the brink of death. You will be restored with half your Hit Points and no Endurance. Recharge: Very Long

    Light Form - (Level 38) When you activate Light Form, you become pure Kheldian Light Energy, and extremely resistant to most damage. You are also partially protected from some Disorient, Immobilization, Hold, and Sleep effects. Endurance recovery is also increased. While in Light Form, you cannot shape shift into Bright Nova or White Dwarf form. Light Form costs little Endurance to activate, but when it wears off you are left exhausted, and drained of almost all Health and Endurance. Recharge: Very Long

    Inherent Powers:

    Energy Flight - (Level 1) Fly allows you to travel large distances quickly. Energy Flight is not a good power to use in combat since your accuracy is reduced while this power is active. Your Fly speed increases with your level.

    Cosmic Balance - (Level 1) Kheldians naturally thrive off the energy and essence of their Teamates. Peacebringers metamorphic nature allows them to bring balance to their Team. Your Damage Resistance will increases for each nearby Scrapper or Blaster Teammate. Your Damage will increase for each nearby Tanker or Defender Teammate. Finally each nearby Controller Teammate will grant you limited Protection from Sleep, Hold and Disorient effects. You cannot put Enhancements in this power.

    Combat Flight - (Level 10) For hovering and aerial combat. This power is much slower than Energy Flight, but provides some defense, offers good air control, costs little Endurance, and has none of the penalties associated with Energy Flight. Switch to this mode when fighting flying foes.


    Umbral Blast:

    Shadow Bolt - (Level 1) A very quick, but low damage attack that can lower your target's attack and movement speed. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Fast

    Ebon Eye - (Level 1) You can emit a beam of dark energy from your eyes, dealing moderate Negative Energy damage and slow your target's attack and movement speed. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast

    Gravimetric Snare - (Level 2) You can hurl Gravimetric fibers to snare your foe. Gravimetric Snare can Immobilize a single target and crush him. The Targets attack rate and movement speed is also slowed, even if he resists the immobilization effect. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow

    Dark Nova - (Level 6) Kheldians are master of energy and matter. A Warshade can transform into a flying energy beast known as a Dark Nova. When you choose this power, you will have access to four very powerful ranged attacks that can only be used while in this form. You will not be able to use any other powers while in Dark nova form. Dark Nova can fly, has increased Accuracy, and improved Endurance Recovery but has no defense. Recharge: Fast
    •Dark Nova Bolt - A very quick, but low damage attack. Lowers your target's attack and movement speed. This power is only available while in Dark Nova Form. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Fast
    •Dark Nova Blast - A much more powerful, yet slower version of Dark Nova Bolt. Dark Nova Blast sends focused Negative Nictus energy at a foe. This attack can knock down foes and will leave the targets attack and movement speed slowed. This power is only available while in Dark Nova Form. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate
    •Dark Nova Emanation - Dark Nova Emanation sends bolts of Nictus dark energy to multiple targets at once within a cone area in front of the caster. Dark Nova Emanation deals only minor negative energy damage to each affected but knocks them back, leaves them disoriented and reduces their attack and movement speed. This power is only available while in Dark Nova Form. Damage: Minor. Recharge: Slow
    •Dark Nova Detonation - You hurl a blast of Dark Matter that violently explodes on impact, Damaging all foes near the target. All affected targets attack and movement speed are both slowed. Some foes may be knocked down. This power is only available while in Dark Nova Form. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow

    Shadow Blast - (Level 6) A much more powerful, yet slower version of Shadow Bolt. Shadow Blast sends focused Negative Nictus energy at a foe. This attack can knock down foes and will leave the targets attack and movement speed slowed. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate

    Starless Step - (Level 8) You can Teleport a single foe though a dark matter wormhole directly next to yourself. A successful hit must be made in order to Teleport the target, and some powerful foes cannot be Teleported. This power can be interrupted.

    Sunless Mire - (Level 12) Sunless Mire can drain the essence of all nearby foes, thus increasing your own strength. Each affected foe will lose some Hit Points and add to your Damage and Accuracy. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Very Long

    Dark Matter Detonation - (Level 12) You hurl a blast of Dark Matter that violently explodes on impact, Damaging all foes near the target. All affected targets attack and movement speed are both slowed. Some foes may be knocked down. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow

    Gravity Well - (Level 18) Mastery over the forces of the gravity and dark matter allows you to capture a single foe and crush him in a Gravity Well. The target is Held helpless, while he is crushed by the massive gravimetric forces. The target’s attack rate and movement speed is also slowed, even if he resists the Hold effect. Damage: Superior(DoT), Recharge: Slow

    Essence Drain - (Level 18) You tap the primal forces of your Nictus power to create an Essence Draining conduit between a foe and yourself. This will transfer Hit Points from your enemy to you. Foes drained in this manner have their attack and movement speed reduced. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow

    Gravitic Emanation - (Level 26) Gravitic Emanation sends bolts of Nictus dark energy to multiple targets at once within a cone area in front of the caster. Gravitic Emanation deals only minor negative energy damage to each affected but knocks them back, leaves them disoriented and reduces their attack and movement speed. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Slow

    Unchain Essence - (Level 26) The Warshade can release the energy of a defeated foe and cause a massive Negative Energy explosion that can devastate any remaining foes. This power can only be activated by targeting a defeated foe. Damage: Extreme, Recharge: Very Long

    Dark Extraction - (Level 32) Defeated foes are ripe for the picking. A Warshade can extract the essence from a defeated villain and infuse it with Nictus energy. The extracted energy is an echo of the target’s life force, and although it is not sentient, the infused Nictus energy does give it a rudimentary spark of life. Eventually, the extracted entity will fade away into nothingness. Recharge: Very Long

    Quasar - (Level 32) You can explode in a tremendous blast of negative energy, sending nearby foes flying. The Quasar deals massive damage to all nearby foes, although the damage does vary. Affected foes will be knocked down and their attack and movement speed will be slowed. Activating this power leaves you drained of Endurance, and unable to recover any Endurance for a while. Damage: Extreme, Recharge: Very Long

    Umbral Aura:

    Absorption - (Level 1) Kheldians have a natural mild resistant to Energy and Negative Energy Damage. This is an Auto Power that is always on and costs no Endurance.

    Gravity Shield - (Level 2) When you toggle on Gravity Shield, you become highly resistant to smashing and lethal damage, deflecting away such physical attacks. Recharge: Fast

    Orbiting Death - (Level 4) You surround yourself with Orbiting particles and dark matter that will continually damage any nearby foes with negative energy. Damage: Minor(DoT), Recharge: Fast

    Penumbral Shield - (Level 10) When you toggle on Penumbral Shield, you become highly resistant to Fire, Cold, and Toxic Damage. Recharge: Fast

    Shadow Cloak - (Level 14) You surround yourself with shadowy particles that bend the light around you, making you difficult to spot at a distance. You can be seen only at close range, or if you attack a target. Even if seen, the Shadow Cloak grants you a bonus to Defense. Unlike some stealth powers, Shadow Cloak has no movement penalty. Recharge: Slow

    Twilight Shield - (Level 16) When You toggle on Twilight Shield, You become highly resistant to Energy and Negative Energy damage. Recharge: Fast

    Black Dwarf - (Level 20) Kheldians are masters of energy and matter. A Warshade can transform into a massive unstoppable essence draining beast known as a Black Dwarf. When you choose this power, you will have access to four other powers that can only be used while in this form. You will not be able to use any other powers while in Black Dwarf form. Black Dwarf has awesome resistance to all damage except Psionics, as well as controlling effects. Black Dwarf also has improved Endurance Recovery, but is limited to melee attacks. Recharge: Fast
    •Black Dwarf Strike - The Black Dwarf Strike is a moderate melee attack that releases Nictus Dark Energy on impact, which can Knock Down foes, and slows a targets attack and movement speed. This power is only available while in Black Dwarf Form. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast.
    •Black Dwarf Smite - Black Dwarf Smite is powerful melee attack that can often Disorient or Knock Down opponents. Black Dwarf Smite can also bring down fliers, and slows a targets attack and movement speed. This power is only available while in Black Dwarf Form. Damage: Heavy, Recharge: Moderate.
    •Black Dwarf Drain - You tap the primal forces of your Nictus power to create an Essence Draining conduit between a foe and yourself. This will transfer Hit Points from your enemy to yourself. Foes drained in this manner have their attack and movement speed reduced. This power is only available while in Black Dwarf Form. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow.
    •Black Dwarf Mire - Black Dwarf Mire can drain the essence of all nearby foes, thus increasing your own strength. Each affected foe will lose some Hit Points and add to your Damage and Accuracy. This power is only available while in Black Dwarf Form. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Long
    •Black Dwarf Step - Black Dwarfs can Teleport long distances. Black Dwarf Step has no recharge time, and can be reactivated without pause, as long as you have Endurance. This power is only available while in Black Dwarf Form.
    •Black Dwarf Antagonize - This power attracts the attention of a foe and all those around him. Use this to pull villains off an ally in trouble. Antagonize has a very high success rate that can be improved with Accuracy Enhancements. This power is only available while in Black Dwarf Form.

    Stygian Circle - (Level 22) You can tap into your Nictus power to drain the remaining essence of all nearby defeated foes to heal yourself. The more defeated foes affected, the more You will be healed. Additionally, the more powerful the defeated foe you drain, for instance Bosses, the more health you will recover. Recharge: Slow

    Nebulous Form - (Level 24) You can Phase Shift to become out of sync with normal space. Although you do not become completely Invisible, you are translucent and hard to see. You are intangible, and cannot affect or be affected by those in normal space. Even Gravity has a weak hold on you. You can jump great distances while in Nebulous Form. Cannot be used with Rest.

    Inky Aspect - (Level 28) Inky Aspect allows you to sacrifice some of your own Hit Points to keep enemies near you Disoriented and unable to use any powers. Endurance cost for this is minimal, but the power can be dangerous to use. Recharge: Moderate

    Stygian Return - (Level 35) Should you fall in battle, your Stygian Return can drain the life forces of all foes around you to bring yourself back from the brink of death. The more foes nearby, the more life is restored to you. There must be at least one foe nearby to fuel the transfer and revive yourself. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Very Long

    Eclipse - (Level 38) The Dark Nictus powers allow you to tap the essence of your foe's soul and transfer it to yourself. This will drain the Endurance of all nearby enemies and add to your own as well as increase your Damage Resistance to all damage types except Psionics. The more foes affected, the more Endurance and Damage Resistance you will gain. Affected foes are unable to recover Endurance for a while. Recharge: Very Long

    Inherent Powers:

    Shadow Step - (Level 1) You can Teleport long distances. Shadow Step has no recharge time, and can be reactivated without pause, as long as you have Endurance.

    Dark Sustenance - (Level 1) Kheldians naturally thrive off the energy and essence of their Teammates. Warshades absorbing nature allows them to draw on the power of their Teammates' power to increase their own. Your Damage Resistance will increase for each nearby Tanker or Defender Teammates. Your Damage will increase for each nearby Scrapper or Blaster Teammate. Finally, each nearby Controller Teammate will grant you limited Protection from Sleep, Hold and Disorient effects. You cannot put Enhancements in this power.

    Shadow Recall - (Level 10) You can Teleport one of your teammates to yourself. The target must be a teammate and can be selected from the Team Window. You can also rescue a fallen teammate who may be in a hostile location, as long as he is on the same map. Range is not infinite, but extremely long and can be enhanced. This power can be interrupted.