Son of the Regen Lounge: Sit a spell!




I wouldn't mind giving it a go, since I doubt I'll buy it at retail. Of course I saw a site that had sceenshots of the CoV powersets and to be honest it really doesn't look all that different. Many of the powersets are just exact copies of the CoH powers. The devs didn't learn a damn thing about powers like Unstoppable, MoG, etc. They are all still there.

It's looking more and more like CoV is simply going to be CoH with villian clothing options and a few particle effects.

I'll email support and see what happens. If I get in I get in. If



Yup. I think we just need Havok/Thornkiller and the Confessor and then we could have it out I2 style.

[/ QUOTE ]

I tried being a peacemaker in those debates. What was I thinking?



Yup. I think we just need Havok/Thornkiller and the Confessor and then we could have it out I2 style.

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I tried being a peacemaker in those debates. What was I thinking?

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I wondered where those scars came from.



I wondered where those scars came from.

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TigerBaby: /em pulls the rocking chairs up close by the fire for the old-timers and settles by their feets

Tell me a story about the olden days? ::tiggerblink::

TigerBaby: 50 MA/regen Scrapper, Pinnacle
Proud member of Twilight, Inc.
1500+ hours and still going!
(>� �&lt /<| ->
> X </ |>|__/<|
(TT)(TT) ^_V_/



Well Tigerbaby, there once were days when scrappers rejoiced in the Zen of Scrapping, a time when we could stand up to the most evil villians of the city and come out victorious, there were once days where heroes roamed the streets of Paragon City. It was a golden age discovery and righteousness where the wicked were thwarted and the stalwart rewarded. It's a time lost to history now, one many of us will look back on fondly as we enter this new age where villiany strikes fear into the heart of the most seasoned "hero", where our powers fail us and our will is pushed to it's limits. Thoose foolish enough to continue the fight hope for better days to once again come our way but are held in check by the vision of the city's greatest champion.

These are dark days indeed, and the looming threat of the Isle of Rogues continues it's steady march toward our once fair city. Take strength in what is left of your powers for you shall need every scrap of it you can muster to survive the tides of change. I can not promise you victory or offer you comfort, only the knowledge that they too will be met with resistance at every turn by the great vision that has befallen us.



Tell me a story about the olden days?

[/ QUOTE ]

Bad story first.

Bad story: 14 days after launch, an assault rifle/devices blaster became the first person to hit the level cap, which back then was 40. The person then posted a detailed recounting of how he achieved this, and it then became widely known and hotly debated that caltrops, when slotted properly and vigorously, could be made to stack so often that it reduced an enemie's movement rate to zero. The tactic being, stick a group of enemies in a caltrops patch, get it going infinite, and hang back behind a corner while the mobs just died. Interesting strategy, turned into abusive levelling tool. A week or so later the first super group took on the original hamidon (well, not really as he was fought twice in beta), and after beating him demanded (jokingly) to be put in the comic as recognition for their accomplishment, prompting one of the earliest flame wars the forums ever dealt with post-launch.

Good Story:

Back then, not as many folks had figured out the real powergaming tricks. So builds were all over the place. Powers were being taken and tried out. Respecs didn't exist, so people stuck with their choices. There was so much back and forth on what power did what, that a real feeling of community popped up within each of the archetypes. Arguments happened, sure, as they always do. But people were far more curious about finding out how good something like Tactics or Aid Self really was that they didn't really care about "herding."

Those first couple of months were a fun scramble. And most of the real sniping and arguing had to do with people who hit the level cap too fast and found out that the late game was woefully incomplete.

Blazing new trails and discovering what the powers did kept many of us from arguing about this or that.



I wouldn't mind giving it a go, since I doubt I'll buy it at retail. Of course I saw a site that had sceenshots of the CoV powersets and to be honest it really doesn't look all that different. Many of the powersets are just exact copies of the CoH powers. The devs didn't learn a damn thing about powers like Unstoppable, MoG, etc. They are all still there.

It's looking more and more like CoV is simply going to be CoH with villian clothing options and a few particle effects.

I'll email support and see what happens. If I get in I get in. If

[/ QUOTE ]

dude, it's not. trust me, if you don't get beta, buy the game for at least the first month. It may look the same at first but... well, I caN't Divulge Any more

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



I want to thank everyone for keeping this post light hearted and fun. No ridiculous mutant arguments yet!

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.




Those first couple of months were a fun scramble. And most of the real sniping and arguing had to do with people who hit the level cap too fast and found out that the late game was woefully incomplete.

Blazing new trails and discovering what the powers did kept many of us from arguing about this or that.

[/ QUOTE ]

that's why we're all jumping ship to CoV. Those first 6 months are gonna be a blast again!

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



I want to thank everyone for keeping this post light hearted and fun. No ridiculous mutant arguments yet!

[/ QUOTE ]

Light hearted and fun? I was completely seriours about everything I said.

And for the record there are no "ridiculous mutant arguments", only "ridiculous mutants".



dude, it's not. trust me, if you don't get beta, buy the game for at least the first month. It may look the same at first but... well, I caN't Divulge Any more

[/ QUOTE ]

*shrug* I never wanted to play the villian, and really the only interest I have in CoV is getting the chance to punch "Statesman", if there even is such a mission.

I don't want to endorse CoV until they put some real thought and effort into improving CoH and not just slapping bandaids on it. The fact that CoV gets all the cool ideas talked about on these forums, all the cool upgrades, all the neat new fetures while all our heroes get is nerf after nerf is bad enough. I'm certainly not going to "approve" all of that by actually purchasing CoV.

That said if I get the chance to play it for free via the beta I'd do that just to see what it is all about, but no, my only long term interest at this point is the Incarnate. If that is good I might stick around, if it blows I think I'll be done with CoH for good.



I want to thank everyone for keeping this post light hearted and fun. No ridiculous mutant arguments yet!

[/ QUOTE ]

Mutants are lame!!



What I am hoping is that all the things going into COV like the graphics, bases, etc will make it to COH. As it is my fiancee and I are only going to keep one COH account up and get only one COV account. There is no reason to have 2 of each if it is basically going to be the same.



What I am hoping is that all the things going into COV like the graphics, bases, etc will make it to COH. As it is my fiancee and I are only going to keep one COH account up and get only one COV account. There is no reason to have 2 of each if it is basically going to be the same.

[/ QUOTE ]

you could be arch-rivals! that would be so cool.



What I am hoping is that all the things going into COV like the graphics, bases, etc will make it to COH. As it is my fiancee and I are only going to keep one COH account up and get only one COV account. There is no reason to have 2 of each if it is basically going to be the same.

[/ QUOTE ]

you could be arch-rivals! that would be so cool.

[/ QUOTE ]

Already have that planned with our SG. just in case your COV account can't be active when your COH account is running. I am making the arch villian of my SG mate's scrapper. My friend is making a arch-villian of my fiancee's tank. And my other SG mate is making an arch-villian of my scrapper. Etc, Etc, Etc. So I can be on my hero, and my friend can play my arch villian and we can battle. And Vice Versa.

Also going to make a villian character that is the daughter of my scrapper, Alida Madyson, and Fret Ryans, my fiancee's tank. She is going to be energy melee/Regen.



dude, it's not. trust me, if you don't get beta, buy the game for at least the first month. It may look the same at first but... well, I caN't Divulge Any more

[/ QUOTE ]

*shrug* I never wanted to play the villian, and really the only interest I have in CoV is getting the chance to punch "Statesman", if there even is such a mission.

I don't want to endorse CoV until they put some real thought and effort into improving CoH and not just slapping bandaids on it. The fact that CoV gets all the cool ideas talked about on these forums, all the cool upgrades, all the neat new fetures while all our heroes get is nerf after nerf is bad enough. I'm certainly not going to "approve" all of that by actually purchasing CoV.

That said if I get the chance to play it for free via the beta I'd do that just to see what it is all about, but no, my only long term interest at this point is the Incarnate. If that is good I might stick around, if it blows I think I'll be done with CoH for good.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, lots of stuff from CoV will be migrating to CoH... Like replacing QR with stealth



dude, it's not. trust me, if you don't get beta, buy the game for at least the first month. It may look the same at first but... well, I caN't Divulge Any more

[/ QUOTE ]

*shrug* I never wanted to play the villian, and really the only interest I have in CoV is getting the chance to punch "Statesman", if there even is such a mission.

I don't want to endorse CoV until they put some real thought and effort into improving CoH and not just slapping bandaids on it. The fact that CoV gets all the cool ideas talked about on these forums, all the cool upgrades, all the neat new fetures while all our heroes get is nerf after nerf is bad enough. I'm certainly not going to "approve" all of that by actually purchasing CoV.

That said if I get the chance to play it for free via the beta I'd do that just to see what it is all about, but no, my only long term interest at this point is the Incarnate. If that is good I might stick around, if it blows I think I'll be done with CoH for good.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, lots of stuff from CoV will be migrating to CoH... Like replacing QR with stealth

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm actually betting on some version of Conserve Power or Consume:

Remember kids, Statesman sez:

"Temporary uberness is A-OK"

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



The most unreasonable nerf they've ever made was to debt in I5(yeah, I know allmost everyone disagrees, but you're wrong.)

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Why was it unreasonable? I'm not in disagreement, I just wonder why.

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We level too quick, and can't afford enhancers. Thus indirectly nerfing our power level without having to actually have the stones to do it like men (and women)!

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Not to mention how hard it is to get debt badges now! Dang ol' stealth badge nerf.



Not to mention how hard it is to get debt badges now! Dang ol' stealth badge nerf.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's alright. They released three new "epic" level debt badges with I5 and my Regen scrapper received two of them within seconds of logging in. Pretty sure I'm not far from the third one either.

Oh yeah.....I was waaaayyy uber.



Do you have to ask? I mean come 'on, that is the best avatar EVER!



why do so many people have avatars consisting of CoV characters beating up CoH heroes?

[/ QUOTE ]

Beating Statesman up = Regenner's dream

What we need is for Geko to get himself an ingame avatar. I would buy eight copies of CoV and run a self TF if someone would just tell me that Geko was the final mob.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Even Defenders are starting to fear Geko's name now after the vigilance thing. Can't wait to see what he does to them and us even more.



Even Defenders are starting to fear Geko's name now after the vigilance thing. Can't wait to see what he does to them and us even more.

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Even so, Vigiliance wasn't a nerf. The power wasn't what you guys were hoping for, sure... but it didn't change your core abilities and how you operated. Regen? We've been slapped down so hard that we're not even a shadow of what we used to be...

Heck, someones saying that MoG has been nerfed. I swear, regen's taunt aura is 10x than any other AT/power set in the game when it comes to the nerf bat.