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  1. Looks like i16 hits today after all the patching the Live Version number is 1600.20090902.4T2 witch happens to be the same version the test server running...
  2. changed my mind not worth the flame war
  3. my point was just that some times people dont take into account that there is ways around powers like placate, and taunt ect before they hit the forums
    and just might be worth while to ask who ever hit you threw your placate if that have a power that blocks it or Res it what ever the case maybe

    people like Angry_Citizen seam to be on the ball here thow -def bug thing sounds vary real
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    just short little story from last night... was on my blaster in SC and a claws/* stalker pops up focus me then placates me, witch of course dont slow me down do to the anti-placate effect on Assault...
    so guess what i'm saying here is it possible that people here complaining that placate is not working could it be people there hitting with it in pvp have assault or anouther power that stops it?

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    also, assault doesn't negate the placate (untargettable, not hidden) effect, it simply cuts the duration of it down. it's placate/taunt resistance, not immunity. even if they were running assault, they still, under the old Placate rules, wouldn't be able to target you immediately after you use it.

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    ok hun well never claimed it made you immune to placate and in all honesty i've never lost my target when placated while running assault so it must cut the duration WAY down.
    thow i'm sure tactics and target drone help prevent from people from fading out after i'm hit
  5. just short little story from last night... was on my blaster in SC and a claws/* stalker pops up focus me then placates me, witch of course dont slow me down do to the anti-placate effect on Assault...
    so guess what i'm saying here is it possible that people here complaining that placate is not working could it be people there hitting with it in pvp have assault or anouther power that stops it?
  6. Skirt Textures or details what ever you wont to call it are not working for me eaither (stripe 3) in my case
  7. nope sorry flash arrow dont stack
    mainly this is to stop people from firing 5 flash arrows into a group before attacking witch would more then effectivly ruin there acc
    Trick arrows seams to have been balenced with comboing there powers in mind rather then having one or two mass debuff powers
    Flash+Oil slick+power to ignite oil+disruption arrow+poison gas arrows+acid arrow on boss or lt in the group normaly this seams to be enuff for a fight but glue and ice arrow to help slow things down well seam to work for me anyway with both my 37 TA/Archer Def and 35 Thug/TA MM
  8. sorry about that
    people like birdbird personly attacking me cuz i dont agree with them makes me go abit on the defencive side and typing gets really bad
  9. you make some vaild points but wont change the fact it will go live as it is and some where down the line after people start hitting 50 they will datamine and it will get hit the next issue, something i would like to avoid myself dont know about you but playing a char to 50 and then having the guts riped out is not fun... to each there own and dont say i didn't tell you so when i8 rolls around

    and well whats his name birdbird are what ever your name was are is when unstopable crashs whats happens? ummmm... HP/end drop witch means no dull pain for you tell you get alittle end back, and umm most people the smart people put 3/recharge/heals in there powers i was not about to go fully slot up chars just do i could tell you how mutch they heal when i was looking for recharge times
    and you are saying i dont know how powers work.
    survivability yep was bace of solo and on a team if your smart you have a thermal or kin corp with you witch is not hard to find... go back to ap i'm sure they miss you there
  10. you like the word "strugglin." huh /snicker
    do have a afew questions for you have you tried */elec past lvl25? or any other brute */* set past 25ish when the game actully picks up?

    KB/Imm protection glade elec got it 3 cheers for */elec =p

    short-term survivability, is about the same as fire/dark/invuln if you ever played these and got to a desent lvl with them you would know you dont have to heal every group

    long-term while heals are nice and good in a pinch and will help in the longer run then more then elec but look at EA and SR both are still vary workable with no heal, and if you wont a heal there is always aid self

    self heal hp+ yep dull pain is vary helpful i will admit that but fire/dark dont have this on there heal and yet do fine

    5-6% res more then other sets dont know where you get your numbers unless you where looking at s/l only if thats teh case your strugglin. but lets run them really quick (assume you do at least 3 so++ for everything recharge res ect) all %'s came form teh hero builder witch are pritty close if not dead on

    Elec - 41% s/l/f/c/p 30%n.eng 90%eng 0%toxic Almost full mez protection (no fear/repel/confuse) last power is basicly unstopable with EMP hold at the end

    invuln - 50% s/l 20.6%c/f/e/n/t 0%psi 2%bace def (yes unyeilding takes up alot alittle over 1% for the next 9 witch dont def vs psi) also almost full mez protection (no slow/fear/confuse/tp/end drain) has dull pain (40%hp boost and recharge of 183.22 witch is along time when fighting a +3-5 CoT ghost with its psi attacks) unstopable drain life and end when it crashs no paoe hold at the end

    Fire - 35.3% s/l/e/n 20.6%cold 78.5%fire 0%toxic/psi Mez protecction (missing KB and imm pro in burn with is not bad per say also no fear/repel/confuse/tp/slow/end drain) Healing flames 30.54 recharge for 25% heal and 15% toxic res 30.54 set also along time when fighting a +3-5 critter Rise of the phoenix probly the best looking power i think but wonder why they have rez

    dark - 35.3%s/l/c/f 23.5%eng/toxic 58.8%psi 47.1%n.eng 5.1%def to all but psi mez protection (no kb/tp/confuse/repel/slow) dark regen is a nice power but one of thow things that dont work unless bad guys are around 30% per bad guy thow recharge of 15.27 can see it as helpful
    Soul Transfer hehe bad guys near you to rez

    stone - (dont knwo this one as well as the others) 8.8%s/l 29.4%c/f 0%t/e/n/p def 19.6%s/l/e/n/p 0%c/f/t earth's embrace 183.22 recharge 40% heal 40% boost to hps 15% toxic mez protection (no fear/slow/confuse/tp) and a number of -spd -fly -jump powers Granite armor now this is uber but has -recharge -dmg -spd -fly -jump but is uber def/res

    not going to do Eng thow i should sents it dont have a self heal and is all def baced and thows that play def baced chars know when they get hit they get hit and hard

    over all there res are way over what every one else has in almost every respec while turn no heal dose hurt it just mean elec will be for into med pool like fire/da into leaping and stone into tp

    last post i'll do on this to menny little kids getting there feather ruffled over something that is not even out yet

    and for teh record never did the perma MoG ;P
  11. been around sents CoH beta myself, if you look at my sig you'll see i've done both 2, just gets abit old rebuilding every issue and can see elec going down that road... while you make a good point that should wait and see who knows grounded may be turned into a toggle
    you have to admit 41% res to s/l/c/f/psi 30%ish res to n.enf, 90%ish vs eng pluse full set of mez protection but for repel (and would like to test that myself might just be unlisted like it is on unyeilding) is abit mutch when compaired to the other Res baced sets brutes have even if you add in that they can heal on average in every 120sec are so (i know some are short are some are longer)
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Its just you i Guess but seriously your asking a nerf now? yes, i may have mistake in my state about the Invul..i would admit that...but isnt to premature to ask nerfs Ryt now? When even the patch for the change, or suggested changes, isnt available for the test? So let people test the build with the changes...including the Devs....if the set is really has no holes as you percieve... the devs will adjust it accdg...just ask the regen scrappers who have been hit with one adjustment after the other after each patch

    btw as other have said Fire heal is being looked at...but then again this not the thread for that, because this an "Official Thread for Brutes: Electric Shields" okey i said my peace

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    time for you to get off your high horse
    why am I asking to look into it now? probly cuz its TEST and looking into balence is one of the things that will or should happen there sorry your so closed minded you cant see that
    I just dont wont to log in one night and find anouther one of my char riped apart agein by a nurf (ie regen and invuln from i2 to i5)
    about Fire Heal is sad that you missed the point i was making (was about balence NOT that its broken)
    My elec/elec will be 22 tonight so will have hard SO numbers to post up soon
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    now tell me the heal on fire is why elecs numbers are So mutch bigger

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    because fire has been around since launch and the devs take forever to fix broken things?

    howabout you lay off the nerf talk if your only point is that other sets could use a little love too. no one disputes that fire needs help and has needed it for a long time now. it is not a reason to try and rain on other people's parade.

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    probly just me but rather see it get hit now before it goes live then have it get hit a patch are 2 after it goes live
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Wow...someone is actually asking to nerf this early....all i can say in the most polite way possible is....before you demand something please look and test the set...and tell me if there arent holes...but if your to...what's the word...okey not a tester...let me tell you... 1. it has no self heal...2. it has toxic resistant...3. compared to Invul it doesnt cap lethal and smashing 4. it has no repel like Invul

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    1- true force into med pool and you have to buy insp oooo so hard
    2- no toxic res now thats true the toxic spider would be a pain but thats about it
    3- just huh? there is a res cap on all sets ;p (and you claim i'm not a tester and you dont even know small facts like that)
    4- no repel? it just might be unlisted like on invuln, anyone try it?

    and yes the holes in elec seam lesser then other

    take a quick look at fire (and mean quick)
    Fire - no res to KB shields/slow/repel
    Imm protection off Burn
    35.3% L/S/E/N
    74.1% fire
    18.6% cold
    15% Toxic (and that off the heal)
    0% Psi

    also true they have a weak heal

    so not only can fire get knocked about slowed to a crawl and immed the 1st ice anything they run acrossed will rip you apart specaily in pvp
    (with 3 ++ res SO in the shields and 1 in temp protection sents nobudy takes it)

    now tell me the heal on fire is why elecs numbers are So mutch bigger
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Unless something has recently changed, Invul does have Repel resistance. Test it sometime, you'll see.
    The KB protection is not Repel protection. Otherwise everyone with Acrobatics would be able to resist it... and we all know that's not the case.

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    now that you mention it, cant say i've ever been thrown around by the power repel. might be a something they forgot to add to the txt of unyeilding
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Right, but you still have to take grounded, same as acro. Sure, now you can take any travel power you want, but it still took just as many powers to get to it. It's a loss. if the immob/kb had been in one of the 3 main shields or even Lightning Reflexes, then the set would be cooking.

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    is not like grounded is a toggle thow it dont cost you nothen to use and can't be knocked off
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    I don't see Repel or Confuse resist in there. IIRC Invuln has both of those as well.

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    good poke kinda no res to confuse or repel on invuln eaither... thow no fear res eaither but all far from deadly holes others have outside maybe pvp

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    Invul has Repel resistance in Unyielding.

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    go look dont say repel thow suppose knockback is the same thing witch would mean Elec has it also
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    The holes are toxic, healing, and the fact that you still need an extra power to get immob/kb. Notice the sets that also need to take a power for immob/kb (fire and dark) get a heal.

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    ooo your right no toxic my bad... but imm and KB are getting put on grounded (the auto power)
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't see Repel or Confuse resist in there. IIRC Invuln has both of those as well.

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    good poke kinda no res to confuse or repel on invuln eaither... thow no fear res eaither but all far from deadly holes others have outside maybe pvp
  20. ok 1st dont wont to sound like i think elec armor need to be nurfed before it even comes...
    am abit confused how ever
    Charged Armor - Res to Smahing Lethal & Eng
    Conductive Shield - Res to Fire, Cold, Eng, and N.Eng
    Static Shield - Res to Sleep, Hold, Stun, End Drain, recovry debuffs, Teleport, and PSI
    Grounded - Res to Imm, Knockback, Eng, And N.Eng
    lighting reflexes - spd+ recharge+, and Res to Slow

    now your saying whats your point? well unless there Resist number are really low witch they dont sound if the baces are really 26.25% witch will enh out to about 41% to everything but n.neg with would total out at 30% make them have 9%ish less S/L then invuln (full sloted autos and toggles) and 22% more to every thing else and 42% more psi (invuln also)
    guess my point is that it looks like elec armor is master res to all

    i could be totaly off on this but dont seam right there is no holes in it like other sets have
  21. the little i got to play my claws/invln on test,
    Swipe, 2 hit animation and seams to do the upper side of the minor damage, will probly take it on live instead of strike
    Strike, the boxing/jab (witch ever you wont to call it animation) was not bad but i'm not a fan
    Slash, Strike old animation and probly best animation on claws. WAY WAY WAY better then it was
    Spin, didn't try it
    Follow up, same as it was before was kinda funny useing follow up then strike like pokeing them in the gut 2 times
    focus,eviscerate,shockwave are all the same

    over all my attack chains felt alot smoother nicly done
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Couple things:

    One, everyone needs to calm down and stop the personal attacks. We're all here trying to make this a better game, so resulting to name calling or bullying is actually contrary to our goal.

    Two, I like to think we are special here at Cryptic.

    Three, everyone needs to remember the absolute cap on Stealth is lower than the absolute cap on Perception if the players are even level. This means that a TEAM using non-Temp powers but with a good overlap of other powers will be able to see a Stalker before that Stalker gets into Melee Range. Additionally, while Tactics is a Toggle power which can be left on indefinitely for a +Perception boost, Grant Invisibility is a click buff which has a finite duration. So, a group of Stalkers + Support needs to stop and rebuff every few minutes to remain at the Stealth Cap, while a group using overlapped Tactics can remain on the move constantly.

    I'm also aware that TP Foe is a big issue in PvP. In our internal testing, my Stone/Stone Brute used it to great affect on opposing targets.

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    so in other words we have to group in order to stop one person? where is the balence in that
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Quick question:

    Is Caltrops + (Trip Mine * 3) a "One Shot" or is it 4 attacks?

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    well lets compair AS and Trip Mines really quick...

    AS- 15 sec recharge with a 4 sec activation, dose not seam to supress travel powers, can be used in the air, it travels with you and can get anyone if you can get close enuff witch is not hard with hide+stealth combo

    Trip Mines - 10.18 recharge (with 3 50++ recharge SO) 4 sec activation time, takes 4-5 and on average to kill some one so thats 56.72sec (if you only put down 4) that anyone even a stalker could sneak up on you while your putting them down, cant be used in the air, only 2 ways for it to work for you 1: TP people onto them if they get close enuff 2: get lucky some poor person jumps on them

    now i'm NOT saying AS should be nurfed just saying bad power to compair it to

    Personaly rather not see AS change but the whole stealth stacking thing to go away

    yes know i cant spell ;p