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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Also devs should redo Doms' PPP, end of story.

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    I completely agree with this. They should look at brutes, stalkers, masterminds and corruptors also.
  2. Please tell me they didn't change the animation for eviscerate. Most of the time I don't even care if it hits as long as it does the flipping
  3. So if i'm reading this right, defense still sucks at PvP?
  4. Fast leveling??? If all you care about is exp/hour, nothing is better than PvP zone missions on relentless. The only thing that is as good or even close is bridging, but that is becoming alot more difficult now. Both of my brutes can solo a pvp mission in under 10 minutes on relentless. My EM/EA got it down to 6 minutes tops (stone is a little slower)
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Also - after much pushing and shoving - we were told that there will NOT be data mining for TF badges. So if you did a TF before I5 - when I5 goes live you will not get a badge for it auto-magically.

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    So if i'm reading this right, i'm going to lose all my TF badges once i5 hits?