64 -
Main Power -
+489.60% jump height on self unresistable
+246.00% jump speed on self unresistable
+320.20% run speed on self unresistable
Once toggled, you get a new bar above your first one, with the Stealth power.
Stealth -
+4000.00% stealth radius on self unresistable
So yeah, 40 Foot. Unlike Stealth, you don't slow down, the speed and jump are the same as before. It's an interesting power, I got it, I like it.. meh.. not going to be for everyone. I had the points, and more for other stuff later.
Like someone else pointed out, Mech Armor will be a Tier 9 VIP reward, not buyable, and the other set, the leather and chain? Will be given to everyone for free when I23 comes out. Also no need to buy. -
I remember it was more than that, the Helmets, a Badge, something about some costume pieces, and a "Pet". But thank you for the date. That means Wednesday. If anyone else knows anything more, that would be great, but thank you for helping me already.
I've looked all over the forums, and been unable to find info on the special rewards people would get, if they kept an active subscription between ??? and April Something. It's completely skipped my mind, I'm just trying to find the information on it again.
I've looked through the news archives as well as News, Announcements and such on the forums, even tried looking through Player help cause someone else had talked about it, a bit ago. Can anyone help link me or fill me in? Thank you. -
Quote:60 MILLION DOLLARS for the Custom Powerset????!?!?!?!?!?!
That is the final straw in the coffin!!!
Stop being so greedy!! Another big mmo that I won't name, but will elude to even though you all know exactly who I am talking about and I am clearly demonstrating acknowledgement of the rule that I am failing to bypass... *takes breath* could offer this power for FAR LESS MONEY!
SHAME... SHAME on YOU Paragon StustustuStudios!!
P.S. Nice job! A well done obvious joke is far better than an obvious attempt to be tricksy.
While this is a Joke, I'd like to point out 750,000 points, is only a little over 8000 dollars, considering you get 9,600 for $100. Don't forget bulk bonus points. -
Quote:I'm aware, and accepting of that now, I'm just defending myself, for the people who are calling me Crazy over said numbers from Beta. 5x is fine, whatever, too tired to keep fighting it, I'll just accept it, since I can't change it. 5x is better than nothing.That's fine... but it ultimately doesn't matter what values like this were set at on beta while they were TESTING the game. Just because they chose to test something with ridiculous numbers doesn't mean they are required to keep those ridiculous numbers on the live servers.
Quote:Um. With Reward Tokens? I don't think so.
That is what I recall as well. As to the "crazy" comment, well ...
Now, I did see a bundle in the Paragon Market for a larger amount, but not in the Paragon Rewards window.
Yes, I "bought" some with Reward Tokens for testing, so I know it was only x5.
Back on Beta, when I first found out about the Super Packs, I spent 4 tokens, and got 100 Packs. Sorry, but it was x25. Talking to an NC Rep, they said they did this for testing only, that it was never ment to be 25 on Live, but that people could quickly get them for Beta testing. I remember it clearly, as does my roommate who was also testing beta, and using them. It WAS 25, sorry, not 5.
Edit: It's very possible it was in the earlier beta builds it was 25x, I haven't been on for the last 3 builds. -
Ok... So on the Beta, you could get x25 Super Packs for 1 Token. It goes live today, and now it's get x5 for 1 token. Why was this done? I don't get it. I thought x25 for 1 token was fair and just. Considering it's a gamble when you get them, anyway. I know for a fact now, I will be unable to get the Elemental costume set properly.
I am so sorry for your loss. I myself did not personally know SK, but I'm sure at some point we did meet. My thoughts go out to you and your loved ones, and all those whose lives she's touched. I don't know what else to say, accept I'm sorry this happened...
I'm kind of sad to see Statesmen die. But if he does, what defense do we really have against Tyrant? I'm not sure if Primal Earth Lord Recluse is strong enough to take him, cause, well, Praetorian Recluse died by Tyrants hands... I always thought some where in my mind, States and Recluse would kinda do the good guy/bad guy temp team-up for "the greater threat" and have some epic battle with Tyrant.
I checked my points 5 minutes ago, and yep, I got them, thanks Z! Oh, by the way Gideon, you wont see a Token till the end of the month, or last day of your billing cycle, Z said this in the original post.
My billing date is the 3rd, On the 3rd I called up billing, and got this originally figured out with GM Tim over the phone, as well as contacted Zwillinger. Both Tim and Zwill figured this out, and that is why the post exists here.
They figured out it would be on the 11th. Today is the 11th, I still did not get my 550 Points... (400 normal + the 150 from being Tier 9). I grow tired of this... I payed for an entire years worth back in June, knowing that freedom was coming out. I want my points as well, I pay good money for them. -
Well there is an official post up about this now, if you want here is the link for it.
This explains it better than I could. -
Quote:It's a bug, and I only found out about it, because I called up about it. The GM saw my billing date was October 3rd, and didn't know why this happened, he contacted Zwill, as did I on the subject, and they both came up with, yep, it messed up due to the head start. I found this news form the e-mails and info given to me, so I shared it with people here so they could know and tell others.The first part of your post is repeating what I said. The second part, regarding headstarter's billing dates changed, is news to me (my billing date in my NCsoft account is still the same).
So... what... PP will award on October 11, November 11, December 11, and January 11 for _EVERYONE_ who was in headstart? That's pretty...stupid... -
Quote:Aggelakis, no. Because of the VIP head start, it messed up for everyone who took place in the VIP head start, this is info I was given by a GM. In the FAQ it states you'd get it on the first billing cycle day in October, but for many, that was before the 11th. It was because of the VIP head start, that everyone who took part in it, had their point billing date changed. Again, this is info I was given because I called up about it, and they FOUND it to be an issue and a Bug, not intended.Paragon Reward Tokens are given at the end of your subscription month (like veteran rewards used to).
Paragon Points are given on your billing date except for this month, anyone with billing dates before October 11th will get them on October 11th (November will change to normal).
VIP server transfer tokens are granted on the first of the month. All subscribers active on the first already got theirs.
The GM Stated this will be fixed in February but unfortunately not before then, and not in November. -
:3 Heh, I originally picked this Icon so that when someone said something that made little to no sense, I'd just post up *points to picture, "That's my face right now.." *
Also, tell anyone you know that has a VIP subscription and may not know this information, the sooner it is spread out to others, the better off people will be so they don't worry, or begin to question/send in tickets/call billing the way I had to. By posting this info, I'm looking to save people time. -
Alright, so I thought I would fill people in on this, since I've noticed none of the Devs have posted up about this. If your account was active for the VIP Head Start, and it is still active, expect your points and token on the 11th. It seems there has been a mess-up with this. My subscription date is on the 3rd of each month, yet yesterday I didn't get my points or token, so I spoke to the billing department over this fact. They saw my renewal date is in fact the 3rd, but that the points were shown as being awarded on the 13th of each month. Oddly this is when the VIP head-start, started, September 13th. They've sent me an e-mail confirming this was because of the head-start, and said I would get my token and Points October 11th (28 days later). Saying this is in fact a mistake, and seems to effect all accounts, whom took part in the VIP Head-Start. They say this SHOULD be fixed in Feb.
Again, I thought I would fill people in, so you're not left wondering, why you didn't get your points before the 11th, or, why you got them on the 11th if your renewal date was later than the 11th. -
So I got an e-mail back from a GM Stating ( You're thinking of the VIP head start, you must have been logged on, to get these rewards!) Funny, they've never done it that way before,You got it, on or off, however, I was on during the head start, on several of my characters, and they never got an increase to the tailor tokens. The number remained the same... Pre I21 head start, my scrapper had 32, Signed on during VIP head start, had 32, still have 32. So yeah.
Quote:I'm thinking this may have happened. Also Lothic, I didn't mean you didn't get me, I just ment Globe seemed to actually know the source of what I was talking about is all.Clearly -something's- not working as they intended. Maybe the new email system messed up the old token delivery script.
But Considering I have, now, 10 Costume Slots opened on like, 7 of my chars, I'd have expected 10 Tokens... Considering they say one, for each unlocked, and it counts as unlocking, according to the store, to buy 6 7 8 9 and 10. So yar.. here's hoping we get them.. as even with 50% off costumes, they're still a touch on the expensive side. And I'm saving my money to do other thing-a-ma-jigs. -
Quote:Well, considering today I went to a Tailor, and used what I had, the extras were never shown, or unlocked. And if that script had come into play, then I'd have easily been given more than 2 or 3 I collected, when the VIP head Start came out, I'd have been given 5, and if it had been done when Freedom Was launched (This Tuesday), I think I'd have been given 10 in fact one some characters, since I've bought, and unlocked, the buy-able 5 extra.Because there was already a developed script for the last, 13 issues for granting tailor tokens as part of an issue release? One that had nothing to do with the Vet Rewards System or Account Rewards? It was tested, stable, and it worked.
The original poster might not be sure, but I am. I have several characters that didn't get tailor tokens beyond my vet rewards.
I can verify that I didn't get the costume tokens on my newer characters, and they DID break a LOT of costumes (most heads are apparently broken).
That would be a new way of doing things. There is a developed, stable, and tested script that apparently wasn't run when they patched to Issue 21. It checked each character for how many costume slots it had open then gave that many tokens to the character.
But I think something did mess up here, given the fact, that I've spoken to a bunch of people now in Pocket D and in help, who said no, they never got them either, what was promised by the post you showed. -
Quote:Well if they did that, then I got none of them on Tuesday, cause that's when they were supposed to be handed out, once freedom was a go, and Tuesday was the official freedom launch date.I know they at least -used- to just give them to us like you said. All I'm suggesting, because I don't know for sure, is that now that we have the email-based system for getting awards they could have switched it so that the freebie ones we're talking about come via that method now too.
Quote:Yes... so do I... I think people are misunderstanding... In the past, even after claiming the ones from Vet Rewards, or even now Via E-mail from the Paragon Rewards, they Still Gave Out, Free ones, that instantly applied to each character, that you didn't have to claim.... I've claimed all the ones given to me, for being a vet, we were SUPPOSED to get more, this was said IN a U-Stream and on the old Beta Forums, that once freedom Launched, we'd have more given to us applied to each character.Edited response..
I got all my free tailor change tokens from claiming them as accountwide vet reward items on my email
Seriously, I'm not sure how more clear I can be about this.