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My sincerest and deepest apologies to her family. My prayers and thoughts of healing go out to them.
Time once again (with less lead-in) for the Old Timers Gather, a place to hang out and just relax and RP w/o the mess and fuss of Incoming Doooooom!
When? August 20, 2011 @ 5:00pm Pacific time
Where? Gemnii Park
Who? Anyone is invited to come; doesn't matter how long you've played or what your level is. All are welcome!
What to wear? No themes this time (summer wear, if you must insist) -
Not me. I'm quite happy with Virtue being the non-official RP server and have no intention of moving.
A few thoughts:
1) The new way to select power options sounds pretty boss; makes things simpler by far
2) Tutorials; I enjoyed them, myself. It takes no more than 15 minutes of your time to gain a quick level to give you that extra punch into whatever zone you were surfacing into. Never mind that the experience gain wasn't accurate.
3) Like Kai, I'm hoping that the devs come up with staves as a powerset so I'm kinda disappointed that didn't happen this time around. Can't wait to see 'Doctor Who' mock-ups when the Time Manipulation stuff comes out. *eyerolls* -
If you read the history, Statesman was responsible for what is now known as "Boomtown" by tossing a Rikti ship or two in its direction. The history doesn't specifically say that (that I could find), but any whose origins are dated from the time of Boomtown's decimation have reason to dislike, even hate, Statesman. Since none of my characters originated from Boomtown, I have no personal complaints against him. My SG leader, on the other hand, does.
Here's a quote from the history: "From the moment the first invader stepped through a portal, the heroes in Paragon City sprang into action. Statesman led the charge, quite literally, hurling his body into one of the largest attack craft. A minute later the massive flying fortress exploded from within and fell crashing to the ground. The seemingly unharmed Statesman flashed across the sky and into another ship, with similarly devastating results. It was only after the third such assault that he became aware of the tremendous collateral damage these falling behemoths were causing when they crashed to the streets below. Aware of this problem, he changed tactics, using his incredible strength to actually push the giant ships out over the river before demolishing them."
Here's the link
You'd think that a hero of Statesman's stature and knowledge would be a bit more intelligent in such things, no? The quote doesn't directly point at Baumton ("Boomtown") as being the recipient of those ships crashing, but we can infer that evidence seems to indicate that it was Baumton and the Rikti War Zone.
Personally, I don't think it will be Statesman who will die, but rather, Manticore, followed by Sister Psyche who may commit suicide at her loss (depending on how close her and Manti are depicted). -
Thought I'd bump this up to jog folks' memories to remember about this thang.
Hope to see you there! -
Xanatos: Date far off because this weekend is my tabletop game and I like to give people lots of warning
Ascendant: Bring KF(C) (C is for Chikkin!); he always makes my head hurt amusingly. -
*cue dark, angsty music*
Hey all, since Galaxy City is going to be nuked soon, I thought it would be a good time to bring back the Old Timer's Gathering meet-ups again.
Who: Everyone!
When: July 16th, 2011
Where: Gemnii Park (you know the spot), Galaxy City
Time: 5:00 pm Pacific time
Why: Why not
Theme: Dress amusingly dark (has visions of Ascendant wearing pink and black outfit)
*turns off angsty music and cues up music from Monty Python and the Holy Grail with Leonard the Wonder Llama!* -
Everybody has different memories and thoughts about Gemnii Park; some are fond and well-remembered. Others are not-so-happy and still others are going to be down right snarky.
You take from it whatever you want; for me, the memories are mostly warm and fuzzy and it's always nice to meet up with those I hung out with a while back. Many fond memories of interacting with Ascendant, Cap, Kelenar, and of course, Maggie (Ireland Love).
I look forward to meeting any and all heroes (and villains) and wish you all the best of luck! -
To our friends in the Great White North: Happy Canada Day, eh?
*sings "O Canada"* -
A variety of things; usually hero-oriented, like John Williams "Superman" theme, Star Wars, a lotta instrumental stuff from soundtracks.
Fryguy beat me to it. It's a Nemesis plot!
Actually, I blame Po...no, I won't say it lest the ghosts of Heroes Past rise up to curse me! -
I'm sorry to see such a long-standing SG come to an end. For whatever reason it ended, it did and it's their decision. I wish all the members well in their endeavors. *salutes*
*nods at Roy* Which is why I haven't been terribly disappointed. I realize that December/January are busy busy times for folks. So here's hoping after a bit of a break, folks will be ready for OTG.
Greetings all,
I thought I'd put this out as I've had a couple of inquiries about OTG and the meetings.
The last couple of times I've set up OTG, there's either been a low turnout or nonexistent turnout and I will be the first to say that it may very well be my fault for not showing myself for just plain old absent-mindedness. For that, I'm sorry.
However, I'm thinking, it might be time to scale back our gatherings back to once a month on the second Saturdays, until things pick up again. Also, maybe I should set the times for earlier in the day, say for 4:00 Pacific time or so? That way, we start early and can run as late as we'd like.
If anyone has any ideas, feel free to post them here or send a PM here or in-game. In the meanwhile, I'll see you on February 12th! -
Lady C;
Give me a date and time and lemme know. I think we can work something out. :-)
On the 8th, I was out at GP. Hung out for an hour with no one showing. Now, this could be for any number of reasons; Chalet is still open, it's down time after the Christmas holidays, my own lack of attendance as Fearless Leader (and for that I can only sincerely apologize), etc., etc.
For those that have been showing, particularly the East Coast, should I move the time to something a bit earlier? Any and all suggestions are welcome. :-) -
Greetings one and all,
Well it's the New Year and it's about that time to once again to gather 'round and swap stories and generally RP to our heart's content. You don't have to be an "Old Timer"; all are welcome. Just have a sense of fun and you'll do fine.
What: Old Timer's Gathering
When: January 8, 2011
Time: 6:30pm (ish) Pacific Time
Where: Gemnii Park
Look forward to seeing folks there! -
And I must apologize for not attending; I'd hung out yesterday afternoon with friends and indulged in some holiday cheer. Not a lot, but enough for concern (I don't usually do any drinking). As I ride a motorcycle, I thought it best to hand over my keys to my host and spend the night. Unfortunately, they don't have CoH so I was unable to attend.
So my friends, I'm sincerely sorry for not showing. I hope you all had a good time. -
OK update on where.
I realize there will be people doing the shiny stuff with the missions and ski slopes and whatnot, so let's meet at the bottom of the ski run. There's a bar there that will serve just about any hot drink you can imagine (I also imagine that folks will be there long before I arrive, and that's cool!)
Ladies, don't forget your snow bunny suits and dress festive!
In the meanwhile, I hope to see you all there! -
This is way short, IMHO.
So we had the Halloween event, which was followed by constant Rikti invasions. Those wouldn't be so bad, but we can get all that any time of the year. But the ski chalet? We get access to that once per year.
Now we find out that the Winter Event is only two weeks long? Have the Devs suddenly turned green and grown green body hair and become Grinches?
The Winter Event is the one thing I really look forward to as the majority of the missions and whatnot take place in a different area, except for Lord Winter and it's not all that bad. So please Devs, consider extending the Winter Event an extra week or two and next year, start it sooner.
Thanks! -
Thank you Fey and Sheckster. As the Chalet will not be open until the 17th (*grumbles at the Devs*) I recommend the lowest instance available. If there are 4 instances, take #4, etc.
When it opens on Friday, I'll do a quick scout. Keep your eyes peeled here for announcements!
Flea, yer a lush! :-) -
Greetings all,
What: Old Timer's Gathering
When: Saturday, December 18, 2010 @ 07:30pm Pacific Time
Where: Gemnii Park OR Chalet. (If the chalet is opened, we'll meet on the lower deck, below all the gathered folk)
The time was changed for a couple of reasons; (1) Folks had been showing up later in the evening than usual and (2) With the holidays coming, I've got RL stuff happening, so I'll be getting in later.
We'll gather round, chat, RP, and all that good stuff!
Feel free to dress as holiday-like as you want. All encouraged. :-)
Looking forward to seeing you all there! -
Does this include MM pets? I found that quite annoying last year.