No more Galaxy City




I didn't realize it until today, but Galaxy City is being scrapped for Issue 21 in favor of making it the new tutorial zone.

Keep in mind that I wholeheartedly support pretty much all of Issue 21, but if you're an old timer like me, losing Gemini Park, even for nostalgic value, is a pretty high price to pay.

Way, way back in the day(tm), Gemini Park was the De Facto meeting place for Virtue's heroes. We made friendships there, we forged alliances there, and, if you ask me, we played out some of the greatest moments ever to come out of this game there, regardless of what the Devs might add on in the future.

I was a fairly regular fixture there for years until, I admit, things pulled me away, but I always took comfort in the knowledge that Gemini Park was always there, and there would be a non-zero chance that someone I knew would be hanging out there just on a whim; even when I went there and there was nobody to talk to, I'd take a moment to clear it of -47 level Vazh because I felt I sorta owed it to the park.

When the game ended, or I was done with it, I had always thought I would log out there that last time.

And I get that Galaxy City probably doesn't warrant the support-- I understand that server resources could probably go towards something bigger and better. I don't begrudge the devs for closing what was, after all, a slightly less popular version of Atlas Park in favor of telling what looks to be a pretty awesome tutorial mission.

Likewise, I look forward to I21 for a number of reasons, and hope it opens up new avenues to the future of the game.

But, in my heart of hearts, I'm really going to miss Gemini Park.

//Also, it completely screws up my chance to get this ever made. Jerks.

Now, more than ever, Paragon City needs heroes. Do your part to save it.



Aw man, I debuted so many alts in that park. And hit on so many people, many of them presumably women.

I'm going to put my lowbie frenzy on hold for a bit and run around the zone snapping screenshots.



It's small consolation, I know, but there will be an 'Echo of Galaxy' available through Ouroboros after i21 goes live, and the level restriction for Ouro will also be lowered to 14, so really the zone isn't going away it's just not going to be a normal place you can visit anymore without time travel.

I for one am hoping that the devs will give us some hand-wave explanation about scientists studying the temporal energies of Ouroboros and using that data to enable time travel via base teleporters so we can keep the Galaxy City beacons in our SG base to teleport us to Echo of Galaxy so it'll still be easily accessible. Either way, don't despair too much. I'm sure the truly hardcore RPers who love the place will still us the Echo, and when the game is done, or you're finished with it, you can still log out in Gemini Park for the last time.



Maybe they could rework the warwalls so that Gemini becomes part of Perez Park?

Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos your reality

Evilly Yours, Fey Bot/Trap MM



I quite like that Gemini Park is getting nuked into orbit. Change is good.



It's a patch of grass its not that cool.

Johnny Turbo | Phanto
THE CHALLENGERS: Challenge Accepted
HONORARY MEMBER: (Said I couldn't officially join because I'm too good at PvP)



Well, despite not really using Galaxy as much for a starting point, I have done a little RP there. I'm going to be sad to see the zone go, but at the same time, I'm just as interested to see what the tutorial would be like.

(Where are we going to have our Golden Age Festival now? :<)



((Very nice tribute to Gemini Park, Ascendant. I have many, many great memories of the rp that was found there. I still remember the first time I went to Gemini and saw literally hundreds of superheroes gathered there in groups. I can truly say that if the Gemini Park scene had never happened, I doubt that I would have played past the end of 2004.

I'll miss it (and have, in fact, missed Gemini since the advent of City of Villains killed it as THE rp hotspot) and hope that there will be some way to access one of the most beautiful areas in the game.))



I only ever really popped in and out of the 'park back in those days, but it would be nice if the park, or at least Maggies' rock (that seemed to be the centre of a lot of things) would still be identifiable in the new zone, even if it's only folks that are doing the tutorial.




What was once lost can someday be regained.



I've noticed that since Pocket D became the new RP hotspot, RP seems to be more segregated and supergroup-focused now. The only real public RP is the ((ALL RP ANYTHING GOES)) Pocket D crowd...



I remember the great Gemini Park days, but it's been a long time since then. Maybe, right before the issue goes live, we have one last free-for-all RP there.

Meanwhile, I'm not sure what I'll do about one of my characters. Her home is in Galaxy City..

Live arcs: 517377 and 517381
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Intel Core2Duo 2.4 Ghz 4 GB RAM**NVIDIA Geforce 9600 GT set to 1280 x 1024**Windows Vista 32 bit



Originally Posted by Ellis View Post
I remember the great Gemini Park days, but it's been a long time since then. Maybe, right before the issue goes live, we have one last free-for-all RP there.

Meanwhile, I'm not sure what I'll do about one of my characters. Her home is in Galaxy City..
She could move, or get wiped out in the Coming Storm, or the area she lives in could not be hit by meteors so she still lives there. Moving's probably your best bet, though.



Wow, yeah. Ascendant you are right.

I know that I haven't been around much lately, but, back when I was around all the time, Gemini Park was my introduction to Roleplaying. I know that it has been mostly empty for a long time now, but, I remember when it was crowded. I remember Maggie's rock, and I also recall the place just down the creek where Dauntless used to always hang out.

I recall local chat that flowed by at a rate to challenge the speed readers among us....=)

I'll miss it, but, it wasn't being as used as it was, and I want to see what they have done with the new tutorial zone as well.

Shae Firewarder



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
I quite like that Gemini Park is getting nuked into orbit. Change is good.
Can't wait for the new stuff. When we started, Gemini was still around and we went a few times but always found it awkward to RP there. It just never seemed that cool. I guess I prefer action RP a lot more.

-=Crey Threat Profile=- : : THE CHALLENGERS on Virtueverse

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Everybody has different memories and thoughts about Gemnii Park; some are fond and well-remembered. Others are not-so-happy and still others are going to be down right snarky.

You take from it whatever you want; for me, the memories are mostly warm and fuzzy and it's always nice to meet up with those I hung out with a while back. Many fond memories of interacting with Ascendant, Cap, Kelenar, and of course, Maggie (Ireland Love).

I look forward to meeting any and all heroes (and villains) and wish you all the best of luck!



No more Galaxy City?

Use it to your advantage RPers!

You have a seer? Someone who can see into the future?

This is your chance!

Been thinking of a new alt? How about a hero who sits around GC with a sign that says "The End Is Near" when on their not saving the day?

EMBRACE THIS KNOWLEDGE! Then head to to City Hall and try to get them to realize this is going to happen. Only for them to think you're a nut and send you to someone to talk to!

Then be vindicated when it does happen!

Or let your words go on deaf ears and try to stop it and be heartbroken when all your efforts FAIL!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Ascendant View Post
I didn't realize it until today, but Galaxy City is being scrapped for Issue 21 in favor of making it the new tutorial zone.

Keep in mind that I wholeheartedly support pretty much all of Issue 21, but if you're an old timer like me, losing Gemini Park, even for nostalgic value, is a pretty high price to pay.

Way, way back in the day(tm), Gemini Park was the De Facto meeting place for Virtue's heroes. We made friendships there, we forged alliances there, and, if you ask me, we played out some of the greatest moments ever to come out of this game there, regardless of what the Devs might add on in the future.

I was a fairly regular fixture there for years until, I admit, things pulled me away, but I always took comfort in the knowledge that Gemini Park was always there, and there would be a non-zero chance that someone I knew would be hanging out there just on a whim; even when I went there and there was nobody to talk to, I'd take a moment to clear it of -47 level Vazh because I felt I sorta owed it to the park.

When the game ended, or I was done with it, I had always thought I would log out there that last time.

And I get that Galaxy City probably doesn't warrant the support-- I understand that server resources could probably go towards something bigger and better. I don't begrudge the devs for closing what was, after all, a slightly less popular version of Atlas Park in favor of telling what looks to be a pretty awesome tutorial mission.

Likewise, I look forward to I21 for a number of reasons, and hope it opens up new avenues to the future of the game.

But, in my heart of hearts, I'm really going to miss Gemini Park.

//Also, it completely screws up my chance to get this ever made. Jerks.
by the power of ouro!! The entire zone is intact and can be visited any time.

Issue 24 PPM Calculator // The Great Makeover: The Vindicators



Imp's nest! D:



Originally Posted by Arkyaeon View Post
by the power of ouro!! The entire zone is intact and can be visited any time.
They should just make it so anyone can enter tutorial!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by The Havoks View Post
Can't wait for the new stuff. When we started, Gemini was still around and we went a few times but always found it awkward to RP there. It just never seemed that cool. I guess I prefer action RP a lot more.
Loitering in a park was better than being a barfly though. (Pocket D has got to be the worst setting in the game.) I just wish the RP community had somewhere COOL to RP. Like a JLA watchtowers/Hall of Doom equivalent.

I agree though, RPing in missions is much cooler. But with everyone just repeating trials these days that seems to have stagnated too.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Loitering in a park was better than being a barfly though. (Pocket D has got to be the worst setting in the game.) I just wish the RP community had somewhere COOL to RP. Like a JLA watchtowers/Hall of Doom equivalent.

I agree though, RPing in missions is much cooler. But with everyone just repeating trials these days that seems to have stagnated too.
There is City Hall, Fort Trident, Portal Corp, AE's Studio B for a more casual setting, Vanguard HQ, the Freedom Corp building until Galaxy gets nuked, and many other small gem locations hidden throughout zones. I'd love to see more RP in any of these locations, too, but I doubt anyone's gonna wanna leave their /e walllean and ERP waiting in Pocket D.



Originally Posted by Arkyaeon View Post
Why? I don't want a 50 being up in my tutorial....

Now as a new hazard zone -- sure...
Because going to a destroyed part of the city would be awesome!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Because going to a destroyed part of the city would be awesome!
Of which there are already three?