No more Galaxy City




Fort Trident seems like a hole in the wall. Plus it's limited access. (It's not only Heroes, it's HEROES. No vigilantes or rogues allowed)

The reason Pocket D remains the popular place is because it's place where villain and hero characters can meet and RP in the same zone. Sure, there's other places this can occur. But they have drawbacks.

RWZ would be great, but trial gathering/chatter would be disruptive.

Cimemmememememeora would work, except the fact, well, it is STUPID.

That leaves...

Bloody Bay, Sirens, Warburg, and Recluse's Victory?

Could people RP there? Sure, those zones are as dead as a cadaver now a days. Would be -perfect- except for two minor details.

1. If they become popular, non-RPrs will show up and *gasp* PVP and "ruin things".

2. If people started RPing and a conflict occurred, offended party A could attack party B and then all hell breaks loose, because almost no one's willing to accept a defeat IC in this game.

And god forgive we play Heroes and Villains that have plans that run counter to each other, and thus, fighting emerges.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Loitering in a park was better than being a barfly though.
It may be because I missed Gemini Park's glory days, but I find it's easier to start up RP in the D. "Hey there, come here often?" to a stranger in a bar seems natural, but the same line in a park makes me feel like some sort of creep.

Character index



I don't know what I'm going to do. All my characters live in an apartment building in GC. My solo SG is named Gemini Suites, and I'm not about to give up the hard work I've put into getting that prestige to waste by renaming it.



Originally Posted by QuarriosSoul View Post
Of which there are already three?
Yes, but GC looks to be even more AWESOME!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
2. If people started RPing and a conflict occurred, offended party A could attack party B and then all hell breaks loose, because almost no one's willing to accept a defeat IC in this game.
And gawd forbid if anyone kept Pocket D to the no fight rule. Were heroes and villains can come to party without worry of losing an eye.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Zandock View Post
I don't know what I'm going to do. All my characters live in an apartment building in GC. My solo SG is named Gemini Suites, and I'm not about to give up the hard work I've put into getting that prestige to waste by renaming it.
Say its in the destroyed zone and now it's a pile of wreck, but you refuse to leave your now ruined home, and you RP that you live there but the water is bad, when you can get it, the air conditioner is out. But on the bright side, your rent is cheaper.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
There is City Hall, Fort Trident, Portal Corp, AE's Studio B for a more casual setting, Vanguard HQ, the Freedom Corp building until Galaxy gets nuked, and many other small gem locations hidden throughout zones. I'd love to see more RP in any of these locations, too, but I doubt anyone's gonna wanna leave their /e walllean and ERP waiting in Pocket D.
Typical bio consists of:
((Any Rp, Walk up encouraged, tells encouraged, Futa, Looking for sub))
[insert bio about how "she" smells like flowers, is not human, has mental powers of some kind, and also list all of her measurements. Oh and a theme song. Always remember the theme song.]

Typical RP consists of:
Bad emoting. (two male virgins trying to be sexy...nuff said...)
Hardcore walk toggling.
An eventual trip to the base teleporter.

Oddly enough the ERP crowd isn't the type that annoys me the most. The thing that bothers me is that everyone -not- ERPing in Pocket D is roleplaying the -exact- same character. Regardless of their backstory/character description/etc they will all be "smart alecs" who seem to have lifted their sense of humour straight from a badly written version of family guy. Even the demi-gods, paladins, robots, and whatever else all seem to be "chasing the joke".

I would love to meet some RPers who don't live vicariously through their characters.

Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
It may be because I missed Gemini Park's glory days, but I find it's easier to start up RP in the D. "Hey there, come here often?" to a stranger in a bar seems natural, but the same line in a park makes me feel like some sort of creep.
If you're roleplaying a normal person sure. But if you're roleplaying a superhero/supervillain/etc it should be easy to strike up a situational conversation.

I much preferred Gemini Park because you'd actually find characters there that didn't look like they'd jumped straight out of a Cyberpunk RP.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Typical bio consists of:
((Any Rp, Walk up encouraged, tells encouraged, Futa, Looking for sub))
[insert bio about how "she" smells like flowers, is not human, has mental powers of some kind, and also list all of her measurements. Oh and a theme song. Always remember the theme song.]

Typical RP consists of:
Bad emoting. (two male virgins trying to be sexy...nuff said...)
Hardcore walk toggling.
An eventual trip to the base teleporter.

Oddly enough the ERP crowd isn't the type that annoys me the most. The thing that bothers me is that everyone -not- ERPing in Pocket D is roleplaying the -exact- same character. Regardless of their backstory/character description/etc they will all be "smart alecs" who seem to have lifted their sense of humour straight from a badly written version of family guy. Even the demi-gods, paladins, robots, and whatever else all seem to be "chasing the joke".

I would love to meet some RPers who don't live vicariously through their characters.

If you're roleplaying a normal person sure. But if you're roleplaying a superhero/supervillain/etc it should be easy to strike up a situational conversation.

I much preferred Gemini Park because you'd actually find characters there that didn't look like they'd jumped straight out of a Cyberpunk RP.
Now I'm not one of the Pocket D regulars (though I go there time to time), but I'm curious as to what you mean by bad emoting.

/em giggles "insert dialogue here"

Are you looking for something more long winded?

I'm just curious, because not everyone can think of almost maximum allowable text in one message (not even thinking of going over it), without possibly taking some time to think about the right wording.

Then it has people waiting around, wondering if you went AFK. Not to mention trying to think of the right thing to say when it's something short, when you get hit by something that sends you for a loop, or has you thinking 'What would my character say to this?!' (note I RPed regularly with someone who always want to think of the right thing to say, at times this would mean waiting around a bit longer for a didnt bother me...but it bothered others).

Also, in the D with all the chatting going on, I think people have decided to just make it quick. And instead of taking it to team, they want the audience.

And I know people who would go to the D, except when they get there it's lots of chat going by quickly, they miss what they're going for.

This has happened of course at big SG gatherings with coalitions involved showing up. So it's not a knock on the D, as that lots of people equals a lot of chatter, which can have chat going by quickly for some.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



When I was talking about bad emoting I was mostly referencing the ERP crowd.



Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
Fort Trident seems like a hole in the wall. Plus it's limited access. (It's not only Heroes, it's HEROES. No vigilantes or rogues allowed)
What's wrong with that? Why does all RP have to include heroes and villains being together?



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
What's wrong with that? Why does all RP have to include heroes and villains being together?
I don't believe it does, but server activity and trends tend to show places where it can happen are favored.



Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
That leaves...

Bloody Bay, Sirens, Warburg, and Recluse's Victory?

Could people RP there? Sure, those zones are as dead as a cadaver now a days. Would be -perfect- except for two minor details.

1. If they become popular, non-RPrs will show up and *gasp* PVP and "ruin things".

2. If people started RPing and a conflict occurred, offended party A could attack party B and then all hell breaks loose, because almost no one's willing to accept a defeat IC in this game.

And god forgive we play Heroes and Villains that have plans that run counter to each other, and thus, fighting emerges.
Stalkers kept jabbing me in the butt when I stopped to type.



I think we should celebrate the fact we have a good RP gather place in Pocket D. I like we have a place we call all gather peacefully, And if we have characters that want to fight, there is arena right near by. And space monkey fighting.. .. and so on.

Those who are complaining about the place, in my opinion, you are being way too picky. It is a big place, plenty of space to RP (whatever flavor it might be). More importantly, it is a central place for RPers to gather. This fact should be important, as a lot of other games out there just do not have this. Also, it is not level restricted.

While yes, there are plenty of other places to RP at, and I know have done so many a time, the value of having pocket D as a central RP place so you know where to go to start looking for like minded RPers is priceless. We would be far too segregated otherwise and would make it hard to be an active population culture type in the server as it is now.

I am not one of those people that hides away in a Super Group Base only plays with short list of friends. Being out there, with random people with random RPing is where it is at and always have been. Its the only way RP community can continue and grow.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Typical bio consists of:
((Any Rp, Walk up encouraged, tells encouraged, Futa, Looking for sub))
[insert bio about how "she" smells like flowers, is not human, has mental powers of some kind, and also list all of her measurements. Oh and a theme song. Always remember the theme song.]

Typical RP consists of:
Bad emoting. (two male virgins trying to be sexy...nuff said...)
Hardcore walk toggling.
An eventual trip to the base teleporter.

Oddly enough the ERP crowd isn't the type that annoys me the most. The thing that bothers me is that everyone -not- ERPing in Pocket D is roleplaying the -exact- same character. Regardless of their backstory/character description/etc they will all be "smart alecs" who seem to have lifted their sense of humour straight from a badly written version of family guy. Even the demi-gods, paladins, robots, and whatever else all seem to be "chasing the joke".

I would love to meet some RPers who don't live vicariously through their characters.
Glad I'm not the only one who has made this observation. =3

In defense of the D,however, I have met some great people/characters there, and even found a great VG to join, finally. Of course, this is pretty seldom, but I still find myself going back once in a while because the odds of making a friend there are still better than in random iTrial PUGs and speed TFs.

I know PD is a popular RP hub because it allows both sides to mingle, but I think it's also the fact that it is not a mission hub, outside of special events. Some have mentioned other co-op zones as potential RP hubs, but they will never work well due to the latter. A good RP location requires very few barriers to entry and a lack of mission/quest content in the immediate area to keep general traffic and chatter low. As a result, PD remains the only "attractive" RP environment, despite the other more interesting locations we have. The people who -do- RP in other, more public places tend to do so privately to avoid the haters, so it's never really clear when RP is even happening.

On the forums I always read the claims from people who RP at any time, with any one, any where, and on any team. My in-game experience tells me that is a rare occurrence.

"There's villainy ... and then there's supervillainy. The difference is performance."



Originally Posted by _Toxa_ View Post
Glad I'm not the only one who has made this observation. =3

In defense of the D,however, I have met some great people/characters there, and even found a great VG to join, finally. Of course, this is pretty seldom, but I still find myself going back once in a while because the odds of making a friend there are still better than in random iTrial PUGs and speed TFs.

I know PD is a popular RP hub because it allows both sides to mingle, but I think it's also the fact that it is not a mission hub, outside of special events. Some have mentioned other co-op zones as potential RP hubs, but they will never work well due to the latter. A good RP location requires very few barriers to entry and a lack of mission/quest content in the immediate area to keep general traffic and chatter low. As a result, PD remains the only "attractive" RP environment, despite the other more interesting locations we have. The people who -do- RP in other, more public places tend to do so privately to avoid the haters, so it's never really clear when RP is even happening.

On the forums I always read the claims from people who RP at any time, with any one, any where, and on any team. My in-game experience tells me that is a rare occurrence.
I'd say it is rare, as forum goers are rare, and it's not every virtue forum goer who does it.

Have I RPed on PuGs? Yes. Is it common? No. More of a mood set for me. Had some fun times when I do do it though.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



While the loss of Gemini will be keenly felt by old time members of the RP community, I LOVE the fact that Paragon is changing in some significant way. I only wish the devs had tied this into some kind of massive PVP/Heroes vs. Villains war. How cool would it be if the stuff we did in the game had actual, physical consequences on our game world?

Monstrus - Defenders of Paragon
Blitzkrieg - Gods of the Golden Age
Frankenstein Monster



I was one of the first in the park. I missed the vote and exodus from under Atlas, and Pez clued me in on the migration. Like Ascendent, I had planned on logging out there for the last time.

What happened in that park is why I'm still here after seven years. And it's probably more the fact that the game reminds me of good memories, than me making any new ones.

I'll miss the park, and I have nothing but affection for all the park regulars who have posted here. Thanks for letting me be a part of your stories.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I was one of the first in the park. I missed the vote and exodus from under Atlas, and Pez clued me in on the migration. Like Ascendent, I had planned on logging out there for the last time.

What happened in that park is why I'm still here after seven years. And it's probably more the fact that the game reminds me of good memories, than me making any new ones.

I'll miss the park, and I have nothing but affection for all the park regulars who have posted here. Thanks for letting me be a part of your stories.
Well, if you ask me, there are still plenty of stories waiting to be told, we just won't be telling them in the same place .

Now, more than ever, Paragon City needs heroes. Do your part to save it.



Originally Posted by Encharger View Post
Stalkers kept jabbing me in the butt when I stopped to type.
That doesn't happen anymore. You can go there for hours and not see anyone.

Plus, stalker butt jabbing is considerably less fatal now.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
(the D sucks and everyone in it sucks)

I would love to meet some RPers who don't live vicariously through their characters.

If you're roleplaying a normal person sure. But if you're roleplaying a superhero/supervillain/etc it should be easy to strike up a situational conversation.

I much preferred Gemini Park because you'd actually find characters there that didn't look like they'd jumped straight out of a Cyberpunk RP.
When I want to RP Silver Gale as a hero who stops bad guys and saves the world, I play the actual game. I run missions with SGmates and exchange witty banter with the NPCs.

When Silver Gale is at the D she's Megan Knight, looking for interesting people to chat to, and keeping one ear open for gossip from the Isles and Praetoria. Peter Parker as opposed to Spider-Man. Or Bruce Wayne at a charity event. Playing a character in their off-time in addition to during missions allows me to get a better handle on their personality overall.

Sure, there may be an element of wish-fulfilment to it. In RL I'm not very good in social situations, clubs are loud and alcohol is expensive. But if I can use CoH to vicariously experience flying, casting spells and saving the world, why can't I use it to vicariously experience being a successful social butterfly? Wish fulfilment in RP isn't bad as long as it doesn't become your most important goal.

(And for me, it's not. I don't mind my character occasionally looking foolish, or occasionally losing a fight. They're just more interesting situations to have my character react to.)

I think your main problem with the D is just that it's not Gemini Park.

(Also? My personal pet peeve that the D seems to be full of is a bio empty but for "RP to find out more". They may be an ERPer or overly serious or a drama llama, and you'll never know until you've committed to talking to them! Yeah, no.)

Character index



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Typical bio consists of:
((Any Rp, Walk up encouraged, tells encouraged, Futa, Looking for sub))
[insert bio about how "she" smells like flowers, is not human, has mental powers of some kind, and also list all of her measurements. Oh and a theme song. Always remember the theme song.]

Typical RP consists of:
Bad emoting. (two male virgins trying to be sexy...nuff said...)
Hardcore walk toggling.
An eventual trip to the base teleporter.

Oddly enough the ERP crowd isn't the type that annoys me the most. The thing that bothers me is that everyone -not- ERPing in Pocket D is roleplaying the -exact- same character. Regardless of their backstory/character description/etc they will all be "smart alecs" who seem to have lifted their sense of humour straight from a badly written version of family guy. Even the demi-gods, paladins, robots, and whatever else all seem to be "chasing the joke".

I would love to meet some RPers who don't live vicariously through their characters.

If you're roleplaying a normal person sure. But if you're roleplaying a superhero/supervillain/etc it should be easy to strike up a situational conversation.

I much preferred Gemini Park because you'd actually find characters there that didn't look like they'd jumped straight out of a Cyberpunk RP.

God that is so funny because it is true! What is with the theme songs? Do they have wandering minstrels that follow them around?

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
I think your main problem with the D is just that it's not Gemini Park.
My main problem with pocket D is the things I wrote in my post.



Originally Posted by Grae Knight View Post
God that is so funny because it is true! What is with the theme songs? Do they have wandering minstrels that follow them around?
I actually like knowing the theme songs, when they use them as what the character is actually about, and not just some favorite song.

"I RP myself as a god" just doesnt seem to go with a song about how easily your broken.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



This is Xanatos' theme song:

I'm not even joking. I remember his origin story I wrote way back when I was 15. Xanatos was kidnapped by a villain and a group of heroes came to rescue him while this song played. ("In the lyrics could be heard...") I actually interspersed the lyrics with the prose. At the time I thought it was seriously epic, looking back now it was so unintentionally tragic.

Of course I never explained where the music was coming from.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
This is Xanatos' theme song:

I'm not even joking. I remember his origin story I wrote way back when I was 15. Xanatos was kidnapped by a villain and a group of heroes came to rescue him while this song played. ("In the lyrics could be heard...") I actually interspersed the lyrics with the prose. At the time I thought it was seriously epic, looking back now it was so unintentionally tragic.

Of course I never explained where the music was coming from.
((I remember back in the day when almost everyone had a theme song for their characters. HEROID's theme was "Waiting for Superman" by the Flaming Lips. It was always part of the fun for me to imagine that song playing in the background as Roy Kirby angsted and malaproped his way through life. It might be silly, but hey, it's the superhero genre -- no matter how serious the story might be, there's an inherent element of silliness (even with --no, especially with -- Batman). In fact it used to be common that every couple of months someone would start a "what's your character's theme song" thread.

We used to discuss all aspects of rp on these boards -- dialogue, background-building, interactive storytelling. As much as I miss Gemini Park, I also miss those first couple of years on the Virtue boards. And this isn't an attempt to point out what is wrong with the boards these days. I'm just saying that they used to be more interesting and useful. You could actually keep up with various characters' stories here. You could learn the ins and outs of rp and we built what was very close to a shared universe. Not so much these days.))