No more Galaxy City




Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
This is Xanatos' theme song:

I'm not even joking. I remember his origin story I wrote way back when I was 15. Xanatos was kidnapped by a villain and a group of heroes came to rescue him while this song played. ("In the lyrics could be heard...") I actually interspersed the lyrics with the prose. At the time I thought it was seriously epic, looking back now it was so unintentionally tragic.

Of course I never explained where the music was coming from.
Weird. I was about that age when I first wrote the character that would become Zephyr, and I never even thought about a theme song for him. I guess I can't call myself a role-player after all

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, hits them over the head, and rifles through their pockets for loose grammar.



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
We used to discuss all aspects of rp on these boards -- dialogue, background-building, interactive storytelling. As much as I miss Gemini Park, I also miss those first couple of years on the Virtue boards. And this isn't an attempt to point out what is wrong with the boards these days. I'm just saying that they used to be more interesting and useful. You could actually keep up with various characters' stories here. You could learn the ins and outs of rp and we built what was very close to a shared universe. Not so much these days.
Aye we did. I think with COH going F2P we could get a lot of that back.



Originally Posted by ZephyrWind View Post
Weird. I was about that age when I first wrote the character that would become Zephyr, and I never even thought about a theme song for him. I guess I can't call myself a role-player after all
I never thought of a theme song for my main untill I saw them on everyone's bios.

And wow, its fun to see everyone making characters they thought up years before CoH bringing them to life.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I never thought of a theme song for my main untill I saw them on everyone's bios.

And wow, its fun to see everyone making characters they thought up years before CoH bringing them to life.
Oh no. I made Xanatos when I was 15. This was in 2001 back on the COH pre-game boards.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Aye we did. I think with COH going F2P we could get a lot of that back.
How is F2P going to alter the boards? You have to be VIP to post here.

Any opinions expressed above are merely the poster's own and do not necessarily coincide with the goals or beliefs of the Secret Ruling Forum Cabal.



I'm another old-timer who's going to miss Galaxy City, but I was never a part of the Gemini Park crowd - nor do I spend much time at the D. It's probably related to being a stay-at-home anti-social type in RL, who doesn't go to bars and clubs. That said, I've always felt that my characters had better things to do during their unplayed downtime.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



I will miss Galaxy City also. Met some cool people there.

The biggest problem with open RP is too many different styles, people not taking new people in, and basically it splintering into a bunch of SGs and private stuff.

Why talk about RP here, when you can do it on your SG website and not incur the wrath of those who "know the right way to RP" and claim you RP wrong?

Why RP with strangers in an open space, be it pocket d, studio 55(which is a pretty empty place), studio b in the AE buildings, or even prometheus park, when you can play it safe with people you know?

I remember Killer Whale showing me the ins and outs of getting into RP in Gemini, and even then, most people just ignored my characters, even when I would try to interject.

I do spend a ton of time in Pocket D, and I see every type of RP there, from well thought out good stuff, to flippant, I am here to relax stuff, to ERP. Yes there can be a bunch of jerks there, but you can fnd areas where they aren't.

If we really want an open RP place again, then choose a spot and just do it. Hang out there, let others know.

Whining and complaining wont do anything to further the RP scene.

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



I hang out and end up talking to random okay people in RP all the time at the D....not saying everyone's great, but its far from dead or closed. Helpful tip, standing in the back, on a railing, or against the windows and waiting for someone to come talk to you isn't going to get you anywhere, frankly, you probably aren't that interesting at a quick glance



Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post
I will miss Galaxy City also. Met some cool people there.

The biggest problem with open RP is too many different styles, people not taking new people in, and basically it splintering into a bunch of SGs and private stuff.

Why talk about RP here, when you can do it on your SG website and not incur the wrath of those who "know the right way to RP" and claim you RP wrong?

Why RP with strangers in an open space, be it pocket d, studio 55(which is a pretty empty place), studio b in the AE buildings, or even prometheus park, when you can play it safe with people you know?

I remember Killer Whale showing me the ins and outs of getting into RP in Gemini, and even then, most people just ignored my characters, even when I would try to interject.

I do spend a ton of time in Pocket D, and I see every type of RP there, from well thought out good stuff, to flippant, I am here to relax stuff, to ERP. Yes there can be a bunch of jerks there, but you can fnd areas where they aren't.

If we really want an open RP place again, then choose a spot and just do it. Hang out there, let others know.

Whining and complaining wont do anything to further the RP scene.
((I never had a problem rp'ing in Gemini, and I didn't join an rp sg until way after the Park rp was dead. I rp'd in different circles with different people. I will admit that some alts didn't seem to click with *anybody* though. And even though I'm looking at it through the rosey lense of nostalgia, I had some good times there. I moved from Gemini to the D without too much problem until I started playing characters who just wouldn't go to a bar.))

Originally Posted by Kai View Post
I hang out and end up talking to random okay people in RP all the time at the D....not saying everyone's great, but its far from dead or closed. Helpful tip, standing in the back, on a railing, or against the windows and waiting for someone to come talk to you isn't going to get you anywhere, frankly, you probably aren't that interesting at a quick glance
((And I've started rp'ing there on occasion also. The D isn't as bad as some people make it out to be. I think the ERP jokes on the boards have given it a somewhat undeserved reputation. RP can be found there and it's nice to put your character into a larger context than just the people and characters you usually hang out with. For those who do no appreciate Virtue's Pocket D, go there on another server and see how lonely you feel.

But I'm still not happy that Gemini is going to be destroyed, though I understand why it's happening and agree with the devs reasons -- Galaxy is a dead zone these days.))



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
And this isn't an attempt to point out what is wrong with the boards these days.
Oooh oooh oooh you tempt me with lines like this Heroid.

Horrible, horrible, temptation.



I hate the D. I never liked the atmosphere in there.

When Pocket D put the Park out of its misery, I missed it. I kept the RP alive within my supergroup, and within my coalition.

My coalition got strained, grew apart, and fell silent. I hit some hard times, and by the time I'd come back, my supergroup had devolved down to near nothing. I tried to revive it, but I have a two-year-old Smershette, a dwindling amount of "primetime" playtime, and...

That's it. I'm still here. My wife and I aren't going anywhere. I miss the Park. Missing it can't bring it back.

But I'll try to make it to the wake.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



As someone with less than two years in the game, who does not RP and who prefers to play in silence I wanted to say thank you to those who have shared their memories here. Even for me this game has a sense of community and those of you who share your memories in threads like this one highlight that without even trying. I like this game and not just because of the game play.
Thank you for sharing.

Laile - @Kaie
Yes, the glass is half full, there is always another perspective and no they are not following you.



Right that does it. RP events incoming. Give me a couple days to write something up.



pocket d should blow up in I22

Johnny Turbo | Phanto
THE CHALLENGERS: Challenge Accepted
HONORARY MEMBER: (Said I couldn't officially join because I'm too good at PvP)



Originally Posted by Kai View Post
you probably aren't that interesting at a quick glance
Apparently I was. And that has made all the difference.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by JohnnyTurbo View Post
pocket d should blow up in I22

Someone should turn on the warburg free for all status in Pocket D without any warning/alert, and see how long it takes the place to devolve into chaos.

(Actually, that's a HORRIBLE idea, but damn if it also wouldn't be hilarious)



So what happens to the guy you go to with the respec tokens?

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



He's staying behind, but as an ax-crazy hobo who eats respecing heroes.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



I'll miss the place. It's where Heph and the Cobalt Claymore first met so many of the people who became important in their lives. It's also where Heph first realized that Dr. Vahzilok kidnaps more hikers than any other type of outdoor enthusiast.

Back Yard Boom - Emo Catgirl - Cobalt Claymore - Hephaestus 1

Avatar by Scarf_Girl!



Originally Posted by Haetron View Post

Someone should turn on the warburg free for all status in Pocket D without any warning/alert, and see how long it takes the place to devolve into chaos.

(Actually, that's a HORRIBLE idea, but damn if it also wouldn't be hilarious)
You'd see DJ Zero going postal.

Seriously, I remember Gemini Park quite fondly as well. Lot of good times there. It'll be missed, but it's nice to see the devs finally progressing things a little. We've had the same static story since the Rikti War Zone became a co-op area, about time they push it forward.

But is this the Coming Storm that Lord Nem... errr, Mender Silos talked about?

"Your voice holds the key to your society
Expose the ones that want to **** it up for you and me
No more of settling for what they feed
The time has come to put the pressure up against the greed"
- Senser, "Resistance Now"



Originally Posted by Shining_Glory View Post
How is F2P going to alter the boards? You have to be VIP to post here.
The F2P people may not be able to discuss their RP-ing here, but their play (and the additional RP opportunities that creates) may well help to fuel the discussions of those here on the boards that interact with them.




Originally Posted by Starforce View Post
The F2P people may not be able to discuss their RP-ing here, but their play (and the additional RP opportunities that creates) may well help to fuel the discussions of those here on the boards that interact with them.


Having been here off and on since the beginning, I can't say I see any evidence for that. What happens off the boards tends to stay off the boards. The F2P folks won't be able to post their stories, ideas, etc. here, which would be the sort of thing that tends to spark more of the same in turn.

I'd like to see a resurgence in the sort of stuff discussed earlier, and I'd be just as happy if what you predict comes to pass. But I very much doubt it will.

Any opinions expressed above are merely the poster's own and do not necessarily coincide with the goals or beliefs of the Secret Ruling Forum Cabal.



Well....unless they do some big advertising push, most of the people coming in will either be old guard players who will come in and seek out their old friends and groups (or try to restart them) or new people who are friends of someone who never managed to convince them to give this particular game a try, and will seek out the person who convinced them to play and their friends. I don't think either is going to do much for the random RP scene in the short term, maybe in the long term as a side effect of higher population.



Originally Posted by Soundwave_NA View Post
Seriously, I remember Gemini Park quite fondly as well. Lot of good times there. It'll be missed, but it's nice to see the devs finally progressing things a little. We've had the same static story since the Rikti War Zone became a co-op area, about time they push it forward.
An "Echo of Galaxy City" will be available through Ouroboros for badge purposes. Sounds like it could make a very good RP gathering spot for people perpetually stuck in the past.

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