26 -
Agreed - I have played this game for a few years now and I still do not feel like I know where I am going because the options get overwhelming. So many of the veteran players seem to have it all worked out and are jumping two feet ahead of me becuase I do not know the what/were off the top of my head. I tend to solo as a result.
I love Dr. Who! I made La Nun because The Nun was taken - would that be ok?
@Kaie -
I have learned two things recently: Justice SuperTeamers are nice and SuperTeams are fun. (I usually run solo or with the occasional PUG) I have been running my first Corrupter ever, and have been having fun while trying to find balance in a new archetype. I don't talk much because I am shy and a bad multi tasker. To make up for it I thought I should stop in here and do a little over sharing by way of expressing my appreciation.
I look forward to Friday and thank those who formed and maintain this group. -
Thank you for letting me know - I can live with it if it must be but I cannot keep up with all the changes that must or should not be.
I have taken two different characters in for re-costuming at Icon in Steel Canyon, with Lady Liberty & Battle Maiden only to loose my head. The characters drop the face and hair options they currently have and I am charged for it. It reverts to face one, medium hair. My characters are not using anything that is not a basic option and to fix it I have to pay the tailor. Very annoying.
Just wondering where everyone is meeting up tonight?
Quote:Baker, Pertwee, Tennant - but I will watch any of them. Cannot wait - a few weeks till the Dr is back in the US. Hopefully Beta will finish installing for me by then!Tom Baker was the Best Dr Who.An Then Pertew think i spelt it wrong lol. An Which Dev didn't Flip the switch to let us all in :-(.
Thank you for the info - looks like Union will have to be my Saturday afternoon hotspot.
As someone with less than two years in the game, who does not RP and who prefers to play in silence I wanted to say thank you to those who have shared their memories here. Even for me this game has a sense of community and those of you who share your memories in threads like this one highlight that without even trying. I like this game and not just because of the game play.
Thank you for sharing. -
Quote:If could work out that would be great. I am @KaieYou're welcome to join us whenever we're on and there's room, Laile. If you could let me know what your global name is, I'll add you. We plan on playing sporadically, especially after we're out of Praetoria. I'll tell you if I see you on and you can join as your leisure.
Can anyone tell me when Union is busiest? I have tried and like playing on the server but am having trouble figuring the peak play times. Please note the times with time zones so I can convert to my local.
Thank you ~ -
Oh - I wish I had been able to see this thread before. I really like playing the controller / plant power set. My first and only level 50 is a plant/arrow combination. If you get a supergroup going please post. I would love to bring along another plant manipulator and play with others in the same power set.
Happy B-Day to me - maybe I will finally get a toon to 50!
Quote:Very well said indeed.GG, I know you think you're being helpful, but you're clearly an extrovert. Introverts can actually empathise with extroverts because the culture forces your point of view on us, so we have no choice but to do so. But you clearly simply do not understand what introversion is.
It's not a defect, it's not a deficiency. It's simply a difference. We are not inherently inept at dealing with people (many introverts that are are so largely due to lack of practice), we are not incapable of dealing with people (I work a help desk. I get paid to deal with people, and am surpassingly good at it, if my performance reviews of the past five years can be believed), we simply are drained by doing so.
Extroverts are recharged by going out and mingling with people; interacting with groups, friends and strangers all get an extrovert pumped and relaxed, making them able to continue on with whatever tasks they need to expend their mental energy on. Introverts are the reverse; dealing with people drains us, and we have to recharge by withdrawing. That difference doesn't cripple us - it's just a difference.
Just like some people train for marathons for fun, play sports for fun, or engage in any other tiring activity for fun, an introvert can interact with people for fun as well (I do it all the time). But just like no one can run a marathon constantly, an introvert cannot interact with others constantly.
With as much as modern American society enforces the idea that extroversion is the only norm and introverts are somehow broken, we are often forced into that interaction even when our reserves are already drained. Forcing us into that is a lot like forcing an exhausted marathon runner to run another mile - you're not helping any one, and are very likely to be doing active harm.
I know you mean well, but seriously: stop it. You're not helping. -
I have tried getting on the channels recommended as active on the first post but am having no luck. Any other suggestions?? TY
right now I am stuck in the download at 321B with no movement for 5 minutes. I so needed to relax today and it looks like I am out of luck today...
Between RL & COH this day is going south - ok, wine corked.
Have fun everyone!
Something I did not see in the wonderful bounty of helpful answers above, (assuming my eyes are functioning properly) the Midnighter badge. Go ahead and see the contact in Steel Canyon, who's name completely escapes me (Montague something) but he is at the University and is assigned to you when you cross over to hero side. Once you complete the arc you get into the Midnighter Club, with a shortcut to other campuses, a vendor and future access to another land. Also, if you run the arcs in Faultline you will get the Ouro portal, great for travel and access to more content. For more information do a google for the Paragon Wiki, a true lifesaver full of such information that I have found it invaluable. (a special thanks to those who work to keep it up to date)
I have been playing for a year now and have no level 50's. I am puttering through, playing alts, missions and working on my bases as the whim takes me. I love the fact that this game gives me options! That is my bit of fun... -
The Day Job hawker in the central square where Preator White is lists them all in his conversation with you. If I were at home I could pull them up and post them but I am stuck at work...wanna play not work!
interesting - if I had time and was properly obsessed I would count up the number of post that boil down to "do not tell me how to play my character", this being the essence of my buzzkill.
Most players know that there are expectations placed on the different archetypes, I learned a lot about that from these very forums. However, since there is so much variation in the builds it makes more sense to think that the person behind any given character knows how to best play their character.
My buzzkill - when anyone starts telling anyone else how to play their character. Teams are more dynamic when there filled with individuals. -
I am still at newbie in my own mind having been a COH addict for almost 4 months. In that time though I have seen a drop in the number of people creating teams in general but an increas in AE team requests. I suspect there was a post holiday slow down as everyone got back to regular routines and then there is the deep breath as everyone waits for DM & GR. These days I know the chances of getting a team depend on what level I am and what arch I am playing a lot more than it did at first.
That said I still find decent teams two or three nights a week in the early evening EST and am still finding plenty to keep me coming back. Scan the channels, broadcast on the channels and things tend to work out for the best. -
As someone who has only been playing a few months I highly recommend the Guide to Guides section under player help http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=122411 I cannot tell you how much the information therein has helped me understand all the things you do not learn in the tutorial. Major thanks to all the guide writers and the ones who assembled it in one place!
Simply put: I have been playing for 3 months, a little to a lot everyday. I have too many alts to mention and my characters range from level 2 to 35 at this point. There is always something to do or someone to run with. Personally, I am on Freedom server but have tried several others as well. I suggest server hoping while you still can (free transfers) so you can find the server that fits your schedule & style of play. So is it worth paying up - yes! I have not regretted buying in or buying the booster packs or the second account so my family can joing in when they like. I enjoy this game!
I am jealous - I got invited to my first ITF last week, toon Magis Flame. Did not have a clue what to do so pulled up the wiki, studied the storyline, found out about the costume pieces, wanted them and got all excited. I went happily into the first part of the TF and my computer shut itself off...just shut down and would not come back up cleanly so I could not get back in. The worst part was not being able to tell the team members why I disapeared, the next worst was knowing I missed out on getting the costume pieces. Cannot wait to try again and glad you had a successfull experience.
Quote:Well I got my first IFT on last night, good times! We had 3 Brutes (including me), 1 defender, 1 scrapper, 1 SoA, and I think a dom?
EDIT: It was a Kin, not a dom. thanks again, Kinuck!
1st mission I faceplanted because I couldn't keep up running through the cave and wound up trying to take out the mobs with the scrapper (we laid in the sand until the team finished with the saving of the girlz) it was a 'speed' ITF.
2nd mission went better. Kill all the cysts. We kicked some cyst butt.
Onto Killing Romulus.....why does he rez so much? I didn't have time to ask anyone else on the team as pounding his lights out was the main goal. So for future ITF's I may wind up on, what makes this dude rez? -
Cannot wait - recently read about tanker Tuesdays and since my oldest toon, still less than 2 months, is a Tank I cannot wait to give it a try.
Tank - Magis Flame