server down?????

Ad Astra



Saturday early playing time. Was their an announcement about this?? I didn't see it anywhere



I couldn't get in either, and when I restarted the program, I'm patching now.

Wonder if they're fixing the event issues or what.



there was an announcement in game

That's all I saw.



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
there was an announcement in game

That's all I saw.
Yup. Saw it as well. i suspect a hotfix being pushed live to correct the Winter Realm issue. Many (most?) characters attempting to enter the realm through the Mysterious Gift are finding themselves shunted to the appropriate starting zone instead.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Symar View Post
I couldn't get in either, and when I restarted the program, I'm patching now.

Wonder if they're fixing the event issues or what.
When thew patch goes on, it still doesn't allow access.

"Pride is all well and good but a sausage is a sausage"

For Lent I gave up...



They announced a 2 hour (maximum) down time begining at 1PM Eastern Time. While they gave no details the general consensus was this is to fix the problems everyone is experiencing with the Winter Lord portion of the event content. I plan to check back in about 20 minutes. They always say 2 hours JUST to be safe but if that's all they are fixing I'm sure it will take much less time.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by TameDragon View Post
It said 2 hours but may not take that long, that was when it went down at 6pm GMT, its now 6:40pm GMT, id try at 7 tbh
I didn't see the announcement, I had just spent an age making a new Character, arrived in the tutorial and was forcibly logged out.

I would also check your watch.. my clock says 7.47am on Sunday Morning :-)

"Pride is all well and good but a sausage is a sausage"

For Lent I gave up...



Yeah I had just logged in and was forcibly shut out, had me wondering, especially when I checked the boards to find nothing about it until this post. You would think someone could at least post a quick something about the downed servers when this happens or before it happens.



Yeah in game messages are fine if you are not in the middle of hashing through IO for a build....back and forth between slotting and market. I didn't see it. Sure maybe should have paid more attention. Haven't even begun any winter lord stuff....probably wont either, didn't really enjoy it much last year and it has nothing i want, need, nor make my char advantageous in anyway during normal game time play.
I hope I dont lose any of the things i was in the middle of purchasing and slotting nor the alt billions I put in my email (yes now its an issue) to use this afternoon to build my incarnate.



Time Zones...How do they work

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



freedom is up

The status page lies



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
freedom is up

The status page lies
As is Union

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.

Union: @ominousvoice2059



I am getting a download patch



Originally Posted by necropsie View Post
Yeah in game messages are fine if you are not in the middle of hashing through IO for a build....back and forth between slotting and market. I didn't see it. Sure maybe should have paid more attention. Haven't even begun any winter lord stuff....probably wont either, didn't really enjoy it much last year and it has nothing i want, need, nor make my char advantageous in anyway during normal game time play.
I hope I dont lose any of the things i was in the middle of purchasing and slotting nor the alt billions I put in my email (yes now its an issue) to use this afternoon to build my incarnate.
Just curious - for a Hot Fix, what alternative means of notice would you think is possible besides the big red letters that showed up in the chat box at more than one interval before the servers went down at 1?

I'm hoping you didn't lose stuff as well, but your post makes it sound like you think it was unreasonable for Paragon to take ther servers down with just in game messages as announcement.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



No response from this server. Try a different server, or try playing this one later.

Anyone else getting this message right now? Server status shows they are all up and running.



My mains had all it's stuff in the auction house, so I'm seeing it as a lunch break from my working day at the auction house.



Originally Posted by Avenkros View Post
No response from this server. Try a different server, or try playing this one later.

Anyone else getting this message right now? Server status shows they are all up and running.
I did at first, but got a download patch afterward



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
I did at first, but got a download patch afterward
Not getting any inkling of notification for a patch.. when loading the client.. or after closing it...



right now I am stuck in the download at 321B with no movement for 5 minutes. I so needed to relax today and it looks like I am out of luck today... Between RL & COH this day is going south - ok, wine corked.

Laile - @Kaie
Yes, the glass is half full, there is always another perspective and no they are not following you.



I think the devs need to roll back that patch; now people can't get online.



I am on fine.