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  1. I am originally from Union, moved to Virtue when the US/EU servers merged and haven't looked back since. Whenever i want to find a trial or even just a random mish team i find one quickly and its great. Loving my new home server.
  2. TameDragon

    Base power

    are you still vip or premuim now?
  3. TameDragon

    Badge bug?

    This wiki page should help:


    Shows you what you need to craft for each badge
  4. yay, sorted thanks Z and team. Updated my email as requested
  5. Do we know if this is going to be fixed soon? I know Z said beginning of the week but I'd like to have even an estimated ETA unless they're gona make us wait til after tues maint.... I really miss my game and missing out on all the cool stuff

    I'm guessing we won't be getting any time back either due to the account lockout even though it isn't our fault
  6. yup my user id is 14 characters long too....

    I hope NC sort this asap, i really wanted to spend some cash on the shop for things but looks like i wont be able to for a while
  7. nope i get it too but i've mapped my powers out so all i have to do is hit some keys on my numpad for my main attacks etc when it dissapears. Hope someone out there has a solution
  8. i did the forum bug fix....and also now like you guys cannot get into the game. Was meant to be running a few trials and mishes with friends tonight *sigh*
  9. thanks for the fix

    *EDIT* Forums login now fine....game login now broken :'(
  10. Bought steampunk early this morning after resubbing..... about 10 hours later still waiting for it to appear ingame.....and waiting for support for 9 hours....

    It applied to my account i did check that, just hope they sort it soon. Partner got it fine :/
  11. For those that knew me under either my old global @Nightshade or my old/new one @TameDragon i wish to let you know that as of 19th April my sub will run out. After not logging in for a week or 3 and then coming on earlier today and trying out one of the new trials i came to the conclusion that i was bored and didn't have the love for this game that i used to. So for now I am taking a break and you never know I may come back in a month or so once i get the love back.

    If theres anyone who wants to keep in contact with me via MSN or w/e, please PM me on these boards before 19th April so i have the time to answer.

    And no, you can't have my stuff

    Stay safe Paragon.

  12. 1 a week per char, but there are badges for doing multiple runs.

    Info here: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Weekly_Strike_Force
  13. TameDragon

    Odd sound effect

    Originally Posted by NeoSporin View Post
    Yep, that's it. I don't hear the sound when I use burn and don't have Secondary Mutation active. But I do hear it when I do have Secondary Mutation active.

    Thanks TameDragon!
    It was annoying as hell trying to figure it out tbh when I first heard it, it was my partner who spotted the blue from secondary mutation appearing so we ended up testing the theory.

    Good to know it's sorted
  14. TameDragon

    Odd sound effect

    I have this on my fire tank...turns out its secondary mutation, if you watch, the blue from it appears when you activate burn. Tried it without having secondary mutation on and no sounds were forthcoming.

    Hope this helps somewhat
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Occult View Post
    Start from the beginning or it makes NO sense!!!
    Oh i did, took me less than 2 days to read. Was epic
  16. TameDragon

    Dear Mods/Devs

    Originally Posted by Haggard4Life View Post
    Hmm... I wonder how the AE keeps track of which @Nightshade is which and if whatever that is can be used to solve this problem?
    I have no idea but I'm guessing either way I'll be losing out on part of my identity. (Nightshade is partly to do with my partner and it wouldn't feel right changing it to something diff )
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    tsk tsk

    Awesome comic! So, since you're mentioning it, take the opportunity to introduce new readers to it by linking to the comic site.
    Thanks for the new webcomic fave.... was getting short on reading material
  18. happened to me a few times with scanner mishes in PI. not sure if its a bug or WAI.
  19. If i understand this right you want more than 3 builds per char? O_o
  20. TameDragon

    Dear Mods/Devs

    I know for a fact theres a @Nightshade on us servers due to the fact theres AE arcs which ain't mine active. I really don't want to have to go back to my old global and having EU plastered on my global wouldn't seem right to me.

    *sigh* looks like i may have to change it to @Nyteshade....if it isn't taken
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    ProTip: Do not use the CoH wiki hosted at Wikia, it has a history of malware. Always use http://www.paragonwiki.com or http://wiki.cohtitan.com.

    Wikia baaaaaaad.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
    Access to two dead servers with high ping? Best. Feature. Ever. Well, I am happy for the Europeans if they can come over to Virtue and Freedom and actually see a population for once.
    Way to go, offend the whole EU population why don't you?

    As for the server list merge....YAY! Finally have other place to move my alts to
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    But what are chips then?
    Chips in england are america's fries
    Crisps are chips
  24. i would rather they merge the 2 server lists into 1 before they make a "universal" server.

    Its about time us EU players got more than 4 servers to choose from (2 of which are not in english) -.-