Other Refugees from other servers?




I logged into my main server this evening (Infinity) and went to the Pocket D Ski Chalet. Nobody was there. I went in a time or two I left, and came back once or twice and at one point found three people moving through. I logged into Virtue and it was packed. Infinity used to be a pretty good server. It didn't have the traffic of Virtue or Freedom but for a time, it seemed to be the 3rd server to get two yellow dots when things were really busy. So it never was TOO packed to get on, but still always had enough people. Even recently you didn't need to sit around in RWZ for long before a trail or TF started up. Lately, however, things just seem dead. I know people have said that about any given server (except Virtue and/or Freedom) but I have been there since day one of Infinity and am now starting to see that.

I've been playing since day 1 of general release. Infinity was my 1st home and it has the first toon I ever made (Vis Viva of course). I really liked it. I used to hang out with the gang from SiRadio.fm when that was the "home server" for the Unmasked show. Heck, I even DJ'ed and ran Unmasked for a couple of months. I have toons on Virtue (I even have a lvl 20 "Vis Viva") but if I make a new home on Virtue I would have to move key members of the "Vis Viva" family including Vis Viva himself. Like I said I made him on day 1 so I have to keep him on whatever my "home" server is.

So anyone else "move" here recently? Any other refugees who have made the jump? Anyone else thinking about moving? What went into the decision?

Professionally certified pessimism expert

Statesman is someone who shouldn't rap ever, even if he's trying to help people out. -IolitePhoenix

Check out my Infinity toons at the Vis Viva family web page.



I've played on Virtue since 2004, but I know that a lot of the people I currently play with played mainly on Infinity until this year.



Hi Vis.


Heroid talking about us. When the RP population on Infinity go to what seemed like just four or five of us left , a lot of us picked up and moved to here. We even rebuilt Hero Heights. I'll send you a tell. Feel free to bug me any time.



I know your name and I remember your character. Welcome.



Hi I am also in the process of a server move from Infinity, and I agree it has been very quite there but I have friends and a base that I love and will miss. I just hope for a server merge one day and I will get back my base.

Krovus - Templar - Arcadia

Infinity & Virtue



I refuged here from the cold, icy, desolate, venomous server we call "Victory."



came from triumph



I am originally from Liberty, then to Freedom, now here on Virtue.

But seeing as RP seems to be dead outside of the D and the few 1337 RPers I am strongly considering going back to Freedom so I can just play the game.

No relation to Arachnos!

Part Pack: Now the majority of players know how we, PvPers, have felt for years now. Don't want to be so "civil" now that you have been completly ignored, do you?



Originally Posted by Arbiter_Shade View Post
I am originally from Liberty, then to Freedom, now here on Virtue.

But seeing as RP seems to be dead outside of the D and the few 1337 RPers I am strongly considering going back to Freedom so I can just play the game.

You clearly haven't been looking in the right places.



Originally Posted by Lady-Arcane View Post
You clearly haven't been looking in the right places.
Well it has been about two years now trying almost every resource I can and haven't found anything yet. The only reason I stuck around this long is because my wife loved Virtue. Now we both have hardly any motivation to log on anymore.

No relation to Arachnos!

Part Pack: Now the majority of players know how we, PvPers, have felt for years now. Don't want to be so "civil" now that you have been completly ignored, do you?



Originally Posted by Arbiter_Shade View Post
Well it has been about two years now trying almost every resource I can and haven't found anything yet. The only reason I stuck around this long is because my wife loved Virtue. Now we both have hardly any motivation to log on anymore.

Wow...What times do you (or did you) log-on? I'm on 7pm - 12am EST and find more RP, drive-by etc...than I can shake a stick at....weird.



EST? Usually 11:00 PM to about 3:00 AM. But where I am that is 9:00 PM to about 1:00 AM. But I also play during the day a lot, I am a cook/chef/what ever I happen to be at the moment as I bounce from job to job trying to find something more permanent, because of my work I can't really play prime time nights. When I do get on and look for teams I can never find anything either because of the fact that I prefer red side or when I am on blue side it is usually to late. I have been looking for an RPSG or VG for two years now and all I find are dead groups OR the annoyingly ego-centric groups that the leader created so they could have their own fan club and a world that revolves around their character.

No relation to Arachnos!

Part Pack: Now the majority of players know how we, PvPers, have felt for years now. Don't want to be so "civil" now that you have been completly ignored, do you?



Originally Posted by Arbiter_Shade View Post
EST? Usually 11:00 PM to about 3:00 AM. But where I am that is 9:00 PM to about 1:00 AM. But I also play during the day a lot, I am a cook/chef/what ever I happen to be at the moment as I bounce from job to job trying to find something more permanent, because of my work I can't really play prime time nights. When I do get on and look for teams I can never find anything either because of the fact that I prefer red side or when I am on blue side it is usually to late. I have been looking for an RPSG or VG for two years now and all I find are dead groups OR the annoyingly ego-centric groups that the leader created so they could have their own fan club and a world that revolves around their character.

Well, if your into a "mystical" theme, look up "The Guardians of Magic"...very casual, very friendly, not a leader fanclub.

Send a message to @CeeGee, thats the founder.



Came back to Infinity after not playing for a few years. There are two guys, besides myself, in my old SG that log on maybe once a week. Everyone else I've talked to has been pretty uppity and rude, if there is anyone on the server to talk to. I'm not a hard-core RP'er, though I do like to act 'In character', and add rp-flavor, such as backgrounds, to my characters. Thinking about moving here as well. Would this be a decent home, or if not, could someone recommend a server for a comic-nerd that likes to pretend he's a super-hero a few times a week?

Just because I am a fanboy doesn't mean I have to settle for crap or lower my expectations.



I played mainly on virtue. I had a few toons on freedom, but I moved them over when I started playing again this winter. Unfortunately, Freedom didn't seem to understand the concept of "fun" while playing, so whenever I would do an event there it would end up with me just being ticked off by it.

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