server down?????

Ad Astra



Originally Posted by Traegus View Post
same problem here, i can log in fine (no patch applied or downloaded) but the servers all say unavailable when i try to connect....... some genius didn't fully test this patch to the servers.
Or they DID test it and it works just fine.
It does seem there was some problem with the patch server. The patch itself was fine.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by CrashPositron View Post
How to fix the 'No response from server' problem:
(This is for XP, Vista and 7 are similar, but call the CMD box something else)
Exit COX
Using Windows Explorer or hard disk browse, go to where your COX program is installed (like C:\Program Files\City of Heroes)
In the City of Heroes folder, find two files: one ends in PRV and one ends in CHECKSUM
Delete them
At Start, click Run. IN the box, type CMD
The Command Prompt black screen appears. In the command window, type :
IPCONFIG /FLUSHDNS <--- notice the space before /

After it runs, type EXIT in the command window and the black screen goes away.
Restart COX
It will checksum and then fix the broken files
It will verify
And then you can log in
For Mac Users go to terminal and type in dscacheutil -flushcache, this will flush the cache.
to force check sum, go to COH and rt click then select show package contents. follow the rest of the information.

"Everyone does something nerdy. My husband just happens to lead teams of them on missions."